Imatges de pàgina

pected Safety of all the Wounded. He fpeaks in the higheft Terms of Mr. Paddon and the Whole of his Party, many of whom were knocked overboard, and Twice beat into the Boat, but returned to the Charge with unabated Courage. I truft I fhall stand excused by your Lordship for fo minute a Defeription, produced by my Admiration of that Courage which, Hand to Hand, gave Victory to a Handful of brave Fellows over Four Times their Number; and of that Skill which formed, conducted, and effected fo daring an Enterprise.

Le Cerbère, commanded by a Lieutenant de Vaiffeau, and towed out under a very heavy Fire, is given up as a Prize by the Squadron to mark their Admiration, and will not, I know, be the only Reward of fuch Bravery; they will receive that Protection your Lordship fo liberally accords to all the young Men in the Service who happily diftinguish themselves under your Command.

I enclofe Lieutenant Coghlan's Letter, and have the Honor, &c.



Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent, K. B.


&c. &c. &c.

His Majefly's Cutter, Viper,
Tuesday Morning, Eight

o' Clock.

DEAR SIR, HAVE fucceeded in bringing out the Gun Brig Le Cerbère, of Three Guns Twenty-four Pounders and Four Six Pounders, and Eighty-feven Men, commanded by a Lieutenant de Vaiffeau. Pray forgive me when 1 fay from under the Batteries of Port Louis, and after a most desperate Refiftance being made, firft by her, and afterwards by the Batteries at both Sides, and a Fire from fome small Veffels which lay round her; but nothing that I


could expect from a Veffel lying in that inactive Situation, was equal to the few brave Men belonging. to your Ship, whom I fo juftly confided in, affitted by Six men from the Cutter, and Mr. Paddon, Midshipman, who, I am forry to fay was wounded in feveral Places, though I hope not mortally. I am forry to ftate the Lofs of one Man belonging to the Cutter, who was fhot through the Head, and Four of your brave Men, with myself, wounded in different Parts of the Body: the principal one I received was with a Pike which penetrated my Left Thigh. Mr. Pattefhall in the Cutter's fmall Boat, affifted with Two Midshipmen from the Amethyst in one of their Boats. The Lofs of the Enemy is not yet afcertained owing to the Confufion.

I remain, &c.

J. COGHLAN. N. B. There are Five Killed and Twenty-one Wounded; fome very badly.

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A Return of Killed and Wounded in a Ten Oared Cutter belonging to His Majesty's Ship Impetueux, under the Command of Lieutenant Jeremiah Coghlan, on the Night of the 29th July, in boarding the National Gun Brig Le Cerbère, commanded by Lieutenant de Vaiffeau Ménage.

Viper Cutter.-One Seaman, killed; Lieutenant Jeremiah Coghlan, Mr. Silas H. Paddon, Midship, man, Two Seamen, wounded.

Impetueux.-Four Seamen, wounded..
Total. One killed, Eight wounded.







Downing-Street, September 6, 18c0. DISPATCH, of which the following is a Copy, has been this Day received at the Office of the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Lieutenant General Sir James Pulteney, Bart. dated on board His Majefty's Ship Renown, at Sea, 27th August 1800.



HAVE the Honor to inform you, that the Fleet, on board of which the Troops under my Command were embarked, arrived before the Harbour of Ferrol, on the 25th Inftant.

I determined immediately to make a landing, with a View, if practicable, to attempt the Town of Ferrol, being certain, if I found either the Strength of the Place or the Force of the Enemy too great to justify an Attack, that in the landing there was no confiderable Risk.

The Disembarkation was effected, without Op. pofition, in a fmall Bay near Cape Prior; the Referve, followed by the other Troops as they landed, immediately afcended a Ridge of Hills adjoining to



the Bay; juft as they had gained the Summit the Rifle Corps fell in with a Party of the Enemy which they drove back. I have to regret that LieutenantColonel Stewart, who commanded this Corps, was wounded on the Occafion. At Day-break the following Morning a confiderable Body of the Enemy was driven back by Major-General the Earl of Cavan's Brigade, supported by fome other Troops, fo that we remained in complete Poffeffion of the Heights which overlook the Town and Harbour of Ferrol; but from the Nature of the Ground, which is fteep and rocky, unfortunately this Service could not be performed without Lofs: the 1ft Battalion of the 52d Regiment had the principal Share in this Action. The Enemy loft about One Hundred Men killed aad wounded, and Thirty or Forty Prifoners.

I had now an Opportunity of obferving minutely the Situation of the Place, and of forming, from the Reports of Prifoners, an Idea of the Strength of the Enemy; when, comparing the Difficulties which prefented themselves, and the Risk attendant on Failure on one Hand, with the Profpect of Succefs and the Advantages to be derived from it on the other, I came to the Determination of reimbarking the Troops, in order to proceed without Delay on my further Destination." The Embarkation was effected the fame Evening in perfect Order, and without Lofs of any kind.

The Spirit and Alacrity fhewn by the Troops merit every commendation; and if Circumftances had admitted of their being led againft the Enemy, I should have had every Reason to expect Success.

I am under the greatest Obligations to the Admiral Sir John Borlafe Warren and the Officers of the Navy, for the judicious Arrangements made for the Landing and Reimbarkation of the Troops, and the Activity with which they were put in Execution.

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The immediate Direction of this Service was intrufted to Sir Edward Pellew, who performed it in a Manner highly creditable to himself, and advantageous to the Service.

I have the Honor to be, &c.


Return of Killed and Wounded of the Troops landed
at Ellaya de Dominos, Augut 25, 1800, under the
Command of Lieutenant General Sir James Pulteney,
Bart. off Ferrol, Augut 27, 180c
Royals 2d Battalion.

Rank and File, killed;

1 Rank and File, wounded.

23d Regiment -3 Rank and File, wounded. 27th Ditto, 2d Battalion. 2 Rank and File, wounded.

52d Ditto, ft Ditto -9 Rank and File, killed; aptain, Serjeant, 1 Drummer, 37 Rank and File, wounded.

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52d Ditto, 2d Ditto.-2 Rank and File, killed; 3 Rank and File, wounded.

54th Ditto, 2d Ditto.. 1 Rank and File, wounded. 63d Ditto.-4 Rank and File, killed; 2 Rank and File, wounded.

Rifle Corps.


Lieutenant-Colonel, 2 Captains, i Subaltern, 8 Rank and File, wounded. 79th Regiment.-2 Serjeants, 2 Rank and File, wounded.

Total. 16 Rank and File, killed; 1 Lieutenant-Colonel, 3 Captains, 1 Subaltern, 3 Serjeants, Drummer, 59 Rank and File, wounded.

Names of Officers dead of their Wounds, and wounded. Captain Torrens, of the rft Battalion 52d Regiment, dead of his Wounds. Honorable Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, of the 67th Regiment, Captain Hamilton, of the 27th Regiment, Captain Trevers, of the 79th Regiment, Lieutenant

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