Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

40,000 barks, of various kinds, arranged
close to each other in regular rows, with
passages between them, to allow other
vessels to pass.
In this manner they
form a kind of floating city, the inhabit-
ants of which have no other dwellings,
and are prohibited by law from settling
on shore. As this is the only emporium
in the empire for foreign commerce, which
is carried on not only by Europeans and
Americans, but also to a great extent by
the Chinese themselves, with almost all
the ports of India and the eastern Archi-
pelago, the number of vessels frequently
seen in the river, at once, is said to exceed
5000. An American paper, issued twice
a month, called the Canton Register, has
lately been established at Canton. The
following table gives the amount of im-
ports from Canton into the ports of the
U. States, also the exports of domestic
and foreign goods from the U. States to
Canton, from 1821 to 1827.
Year. Imports. Dom. Exp.
1821 $3,111,951 $388,535
1822 5,242,536 429,230
1823 6,511,425 288,375
5,618,502 330,466
7,573,115 160,059
7,422,186 242,451



1826 1827

his ravages in the south of England. The valiant Edmund marched against him with an army, and, although he was several times overcome, through the treachery of Edric, his brother-in-law, he still maintained himself against Canute, so that the English and Danish nobles, weary of the long-continued contest, sought to bring about a division of England between the two princes. A solemn treaty secured to Canute the north of England, and to Edmund the south. But only a month after this contract, Edmund was assassinated by two chamberlains, hired by Edric; and Canute became master of all England. At a general assembly of the states, he induced false witnesses to affirm that Edmund had appointed him heir to his crown, to the prejudice of his two minor children. After the assembly had confirmed this settlement, Canute sent the two young princes to the king of Sweden, with the request that he would put them to death. The latter, however, sent them For. Exp: to Hungary, where they met with the $3,902,025 kindest reception. Canute, who had be5,506,138 gun his reign with barbarity and crime, 4,347,686 afterwards became humane, and finally 4,970,705 pious, and even superstitious. He com5,410,456 menced a more equitable administration, 2,324,193 by punishing the English natives, who had betrayed their king, and by causing Edric to be hanged, and thrown into the Thames. He restored the Saxon customs at a general assembly, and ensured to the Danes and Englishmen equal rights and CANUTE I, king of England and Den- equal protection of person and property, mark, ascended the throne of both king- so that the horror which had been excited doms A. D. 1015. He was called the by his tyranny was changed into respect Great, on account of his power, as Alfred and gratitude. His power was confirmed had been for his virtue. The barbarities by his marriage with Emma, Ethelred's committed by the Danes in England ex- widow. He now made two expeditions cited Ethelred II, the 12th king of Sax- to the continent, one to conquer Sweden, on descent, to a bloody vengeance. In and the other to reduce Norway. 1002, he caused all the Danes, women the most powerful prince of his age was and children, to be massacred on the same at length brought to feel the vanity of day. The sister of Sweyn, then king of earthly greatness. He erected churches Denmark, he caused to be beheaded in and monasteries, and even performed a his presence. Sweyn landed in England, pilgrimage to Rome, where he obtained and laid waste the country with fire and important privileges for the schools of sword. Ethelred had escaped to Nor- England. It was this spirit of piety that mandy. Sweyn died 1014, before he had animated him, when, to confound his flattime to confirm the Danish power in the terers, he seated himself upon the strand, island. This was accomplished, however, and commanded the waves to retire. As by his son and successor, Canute. He they advanced, and bathed his feet, Cabegan his reign by devastating all the nute arose, and said, that He only was eastern coast of his new kingdom, and almighty, whom the ocean obeyed when causing the English, who were given to he proclaimed, "Thus far shalt thou go, his father as hostages, after he had cut and no farther." His last expedition was off their noses and hands, to be drowned against Malcolm, king of Scotland. He at Sandwich. He then received rein- died four years after, A. D. 1036, at forcements from Denmark, and extended Shaftsbury. By his will, he left Norway

3,617,183 290,862 3,573,543 The climate of Canton is healthy, warm in summer, but pretty cold in winter. Provisions, including various luxuries, are abundant.



to his eldest son, Sweyn; to the second, Harold, England; to the third, Hardicanute, Denmark.

CANZONA; a kind of lyric poem, of Provençal origin. It is found in the Italian poetry of the 13th century. At first, it was quite irregular, but was confined by Petrarch to more fixed and regular forms. Hence it is called canzone Petrarchesca: it is also called canzone Toscana, because it originated in Tuscany. It is divided into several stanzas, in which the nature and disposition of the verses, which are of 11 and 7 syllables, and the place of the rhymes, are uniform. The canzona usually concludes with a stanza which is shorter than the others, and is called ripresa, congedo, comiato (signifying disinission or taking leave). With Petrarch, this is rarely wanting; in the elder poets, it is often omitted. It generally contains the poet's apostrophe to his song, bidding it farewell, &c. There are different kinds of canzonas, and different names are given to the different parts. The canzona Anacreontica is divided into small stanzas, consisting of short verses, with a regular disposition of the rhymes through all the stanzas. In the selection In the selection of his verse, however, and of the disposition of the rhymes which he will observe in the poem, the poet may follow his pleasure. Not only light, pleasing songs of love, gayety and mirth, but poems on solemn and lofty subjects, and of an elevated dithyrambic strain, are included under this name. The latter subjects, however, are better adapted to the canzona Pindarica, which was first introduced into Italian poetry, in the 16th century, by Luigi Alamanni, and owes its perfection chiefly to Chiabrera. It is distinguished from that of Petrarch by a bolder flight, loftier ideas, greater freedom in the choice and disposition of the verses, and by the form of the stanzas, which is borrowed from the Greek chorus. The Pindaric canzonas are divided into strophe, antistrophe and epode, and are also called canzoni alla Greca. Those divisions are sometimes called ballata, contraballata and stanza; or volta, rivolta and stanza; almost all of which signify the same as the Greek divisions: the Greek names are the most common. There is also the canzona a ballo, an old Italian poem, originally intended to be sung at a dance (ballo). It is called, also, ballata. It is not employed by the Italian poets later than the 16th century.

CANZONET, CANZONETTA (poetry and music); in Italian poetry, a canzona (q. v.), consisting of short verses, much in use


with the poets of the 15th century. Rinuccini, and, after him, Chiabrera, have used it in modern times, and given it more grace. Canzonets are generally ex pressive of tender feelings.-In music, canzonet signifies a short song, in one two or three parts; but, in England, it is more generally applied to the two latter

CAOUTCHOUC. This substance, improperly termed elastic gum, and more commonly, from its application to remove pencil-marks from paper, India rubber, is obtained from the milky juice of several plants, which are natives of the torrid zone. The chief of these are the hævea Guianensis, the jatropha elastica, and urceola elastica. Caoutchouc is brought principally from South America. This juice, obtained from incisions, is applied, in successive layers, over a mould of clay, and dried by exposure to the sun, and to the smoke from burning fuel. When perfectly dry, the mould is broken, leaving the caoutchouc in the form of a hollow ball. In its solid state, caoutchouc is of a close texture, distinctly fibrous, of a light-brown color, or sometimes nearly white. Its elasticity is such that it can be stretched to a great extent; and, on removing the stretching force, it recovers its original dimensions. Its softness and pliancy are increased by heat. Boiling water renders it so soft, that two slips, newly cut and pressed closely together, may be firmly united. By a greater heat, it is fused, and may, in that state, be applied, as proposed by Mr. Aitkin, to the surface of steel instruments, which it will cover with a transparent film, that effectually preserves them from rust. is insoluble in alcohol and in water. Sulphuric ether, when purified by washing in water, dissolves it; and, by evaporation, the caoutchouc may be recovered unchanged. Oil of turpentine softens it, and forms with it a sort of paste, that may be spread as a varnish, but is very long in drying. The fluid now commonly used to dissolve it is the purified naphtha from coal tar, which is, at the same time, a cheap and effectual solvent, and which does not change its properties. This solution is employed to give a thin covering of caoutchouc to cloth, which is thus rendered impervious to moisture. Caoutchouc is also readily soluble in cajeput oil.-Caoutchouc, from its softness, elasticity, and impermeability to water, is applied to the formation of catheters, bougies, and tubes for conveying gases. These are formed by twisting a slip of it round a rod, and causing the edges to adhere by pressure, when softened by maceration in




warm water. It is also used for overshoes; and its solution in oils forms a flexible varnish. It was not until about the year 1736 that this very extraordinary natural production was made known in Europe. It is obtained by making incisions through the bark of the tree, chiefly in wet weather. From the wounds thus formed the juice flows abundantly. It is of a milky-white color, and is conducted by a tube or leaf, supported by clay, into a vessel placed to receive it. Some writers assert that, on mere exposure to the air, it gradually hardens, and others, that it goes through a certain process for this purpose, which the Indians of South America keep a profound secret. It is usually brought to Europe in the form of pear-shaped bottles, which are formed by spreading the juice over a mould of clay, exposing it to a dense smoke, or to a fire, till it becomes so dry as not to stick to the fingers, when, by certain instruments of iron or wood, it is ornamented on the outside with various figures. This done, the clay in the inside is moistened with water, and picked out. India rubber is remarkable for the flexibility and elasticity which it acquires on attaining a solid state, and also for the numerous useful purposes to which it is capable of being applied. By the Indians, it is sometimes formed into boots, which are impenetrable by water, and which, when smoked, have the appearance of leather. Bottles are made of it, to the necks of which are fastened hollow reeds, through which the liquor contained in them can be squirted at pleasure. One of these, filled with water, is always presented to each of the guests at their entertainments. Flambeaux are likewise formed of this substance, which give a very brilliant light; and it is said that a torch of it, an inch and a half in diameter, and two feet long, will burn 12 hours. The inhabitants of Quito also prepare a species of cloth with the hardened juice of this tree.

CAP; the cover of the end or head of any thing. The word is very often used in the mechanical arts.-In ship-building, cap is a square piece of timber placed over the head or upper end of a mast, in which is a round hole to receive the top or top-gallant-masts, which are thus kept steady and firm.-Cap of a block; a semicircular projection from the sides and round the end of a block above the pins.Cap-merchant; the purser of a ship.-To cap verses is an exercise of the memory among school-boys; the one repeating a verse, and the second proceeding where

he left off, and so on with the rest.—Caps were not worn by the Romans for many ages. When either the rain or sun was troublesome, the lappet of the gown was thrown over the head; and hence all the ancient statues appear bareheaded, excepting, sometimes, a wreath or the like. The same usage prevailed among the Greeks, to whom, at least during the heroic age, caps were unknown. The sort of caps or covers of the head in use among the Romans, on divers occasions, were the pitra, pileus, cucullus, galerus and palliolum, which are often confounded by ancient as well as modern writers. The general use of caps and hats is referred to the year 1449. The first seen in Europe were used at the entry of Charles VII into Rouen. From that time, they began to take the place of chaperons, or hoods. When the cap was of velvet, they called it mortier; when of wool, simply bonnet. None but kings, princes and knights were allowed to use the mortier. The cap was the head-dress of the clergy and graduates. Pasquin says that it was anciently a part of the hood worn by the people of the robe; the skirts whereof, being cut off, as an incumbrance, left the round cap an easy, commodious cover for the head; which cap, being afterwards assumed by the people, those of the gown changed it for a square one, first invented by a Frenchman, called Patrouillet. He adds, that the giving of the cap to the students in the university was to denote that they had acquired full liberty, and were no longer subject to the rod of their superiors, in imitation of the ancient Romans, who gave a pileus, or cap, to their slaves, in the ceremony of making them free: whence the proverb vocare servos ad pileum: hence, also, on medals, the cap is the symbol of Liberty, who is represented holding a cap in the right hand, by the point. Of the derivation of this word, and its use in almost all European languages, Adelung gives an interesting account in his German dictionary.

CAPE. Of the immense number of capes, which have received names from navigators, the limits of the present work will permit us to enumerate only a few.

Cape Ann; a cape on the coast of Massachusetts, in the township of Gloucester, forming the northern limit of Massachusetts bay; lat. 42° 35′ N.; lon. 70° 37′ W.

Cape Breton; an island of North Amer ica, belonging to Great Britain; situated in the gulf of St. Lawrence; separated from Nova Scotia by the strait of Fronsac, about 3 miles wide. This island is about 110


mies in length, and from 20 to 84 in breadth, full of mountains and lakes, and intersected by a great number of creeks and bays. The soil is fertile, and abounds in timber. In the mountains are coalmines; in the valleys, excellent pasture; and the coast abounds in fish. The chief towns are Louisburg, Sydney and Arichat. Population, 30,000. Lat. 45° 34′ to 47° 5' N.; lon. 59° to 61° 20′ W.

Cape Cod; a noted cape and peninsula on the coast of Massachusetts, on the south side of Massachusetts bay; lat. of the cape, 42° 5' N.; lon. 70° 14′ W. The peninsula is 65 miles in length, and from 1 to 20 in breadth, and is in the form of a man's arm, bent inward both at the elbow and the wrist. Though mostly sandy and barren, it is nevertheless populous; and the inhabitants derive their subsistence chiefly from the, sea. The cape was discovered in 1602, by Bartholomew Gosnold, who gave it its name from having taken a great quantity of cod-fish near it. Cape Fear; a dangerous cape on the coast of North Carolina, being the southern extremity of Smith's island, at the mouth of Cape Fear river; lat. 33° 32′ N.; lon. 78° 25′ W.

Cape Fear; a river of North Carolina, the largest and most important that flows wholly within that state. The northwest, or principal branch, rises in the northern part of the state, flows southerly, passing by Fayetteville, and above Wilmington. 35 miles from its entrance into the ocean, it is joined by the north-eastern branch. The Cape Fear is navigable for vessels of 300 tons to Wilmington, and for steam-boats to Fayetteville.

Cape François. (See Cape Haytien.) Cape of Good Hope; in the southern part of Africa; lon. 18° 24′ E.; lat. 33° 55' S. Bartholomew Diaz discovered it in 1493. The tempestuous sea which beat against it prevented him from landing; he therefore called it Cabo dos Tormentos (see Camoens); but John II changed it to Cabo da Bona Esperanza. It was first doubled by Vasco de Gama. The Portuguese never formed any permanent settlement here. (See next article.)

Cape of Good Hope; a British colony, near the southern extremity of Africa. The Dutch, who had early fixed upon this point as a watering-place for their ships, first colonized it in the middle of the 17th century. Reducing the Hottentots (q. v.) to slavery, or driving them beyond the mountains, they extended the Cape settlement to nearly its present limits It was captured by the English in



1795, restored at the peace of Amiens, 1802, and again taken in 1806; since which time it has remained in their possession. The colony extends about 230 miles from north to south, and 550 from east to west; from 30° to 34° 30′ S. lat., and from 18° to 28° E. lon. The space included within these limits is about 120,000 square miles, with a population of about one to a square mile. On the west and south, it is washed by the ocean, and, on the north, it is bo1ied by a range of lofty mountains. The principal bays on the coast are Saldanha, Table, Plattenburg, Algoa bays. Cape Aguillas is the most southern point of the old world. In the interior, almost every variety of soil and surface is found. Several ranges of mountains, running nearly parallel to the southern coast, divide the country into successive terraces, between which lie belts of fertile land, or vast barren plains. One of these, called the Great Karroo, is 300 miles long and 100 broad, presenting a scene of complete desolation. In fact, according to Barrow, nearly seven tenths of the colony are destitute of vegetation during a great part of the year. summits of the Nieuweldt Gebirgte, the highest chain of southern Africa, are covered with perpetual snow. The Table mountain is a stupendous mass of naked rock, rising, almost perpendicularly, about 3585 feet in height. The colony is deficient in navigable rivers for vessels of any considerable burthen. The principal streams are the Doorn and the Berg, flowing into the Atlantic; the Breede, Groot, and Great Fish, emptying themselves into the Indian ocean. The last, in part of its course, separates the Cape colony from Caffraria. The spring and autumn are temperate, and the most agreeable part of the year. The heat is excessive in summer, and, on account of the elevation of the surface, many parts experience the extreme of cold in winter. The soil is, of course, various, but its general character is not that of fertility. The cultivation is very imperfect, the inhabitants depending principally on pasturage. Wheat and maize thrive well; the vine flourishes luxuriantly; oranges, lemons and figs are good, but all kinds of nuts have failed. The aloe and myrtle grow to a great size Timber is scarce: the chestnut, wild al mond and plum are indigenous. The domestic animals of civilized man have all been introduced. The sheep are of the broad-tailed kind. Lions, tigers, wolves, hyænas, buffaloes and jackals are numerous in the vicinity of the settle




ments. In the more remote parts are the elephant, the rhinoceros, the quagga, the giraffe, &c. The spring-bock is seen in herds of 10,000. Monkeys, armadillos, and other small animals, are numerous. The ostrich is common. Vultures, eagles, kites, and the gigantic condor inhabit the mountains. There are also pelicans, flamingoes, parrots, and many kinds of aquatic birds. Noxious reptiles are not numerous. Fish are plentiful on the coasts. The capital is Cape Town. (q. v.) Scarcely any manufactures have been introduced into the colony, and its commerce is very limited. Some British merchants have settled at Cape Town, and the trade appears to be increasing. The principal export is Cape wine. The imports are in small quantities, and consist of cloths, hardware, furniture, hats, &c. The average amount is about a million of dollars. The value of the colony to Great Britain must not, however, be estimated by its revenue. It is important, principally, as being the connecting link between that kingdom and her possessions in the East. The Dutch settlers, who live in the interior, are called boors, and are in a very degraded condition. Indolent and stupid, every thing about them exhibits the utmost wretchedness in the midst of plenty. (See Barrow's Travels in Southern Africa; Vaillant, Lichtenstein and Campbell's Travels, and the reverend Mr. Latrobe's Visit to South Africa, in 1815 and 1816. Beauvois, the French traveller, has also lately given interesting information on the south of Africa.)

Cape Hatteras; a noted and dangerous cape on the coast of North Carolina; being the projecting point of a long reef of sand, extending from Ocracoke inlet to New inlet; lat. 35° 14′ N.; lon. 75° 30 W.

Cape Haytien (formerly called Cape François, or Le Cap, and, during the reign of Christophe, Cape Henry); a town of Hayti, and the principal city of the republic; lon. 72° 16′ W.; lat. 19° 46′ N. It is situated on the north coast; was founded in 1670; burnt in 1792, by the blacks; was the last town retained by the French in the island, but was surrendered by them to the blacks in 1803; it then became the capital of the black emperor, Henry Christophe. Before it suffered so severely by intestine convulsions, it contained a number of elegant buildings, about 900 houses of stone and brick, and a population of from 8 to 12,000; some say 20,000, 12,000 being slaves. It is situated in a very fertile tract, and has

one of the most secure and convenient harbors in the island. It is built on a cape, at the edge of a large plain, 60 miles long and 12 broad, between the sea and the mountains. Its situation is not fortunate, as it is screened from the land wind by the mountains, and thus left exposed to the unmitigated fervor of the sun's rays. The plain is well watered and highly cultivated. It is cut through by straight roads, 40 feet broad, lined with hedges of lime and lemon trees, leading to plantations which produce as great a quantity of sugar as any spot of the same size in the world.

Cape Horn; a cape on the south coast of Terra del Fuego. It is the southern extremity of South America; lat. 55° 58′ S.; lon. 67° 21′ W. The navigation round cape Horn is very dangerous, on account of frequent tempests; yet, of late, it has been the common course of vessels, being found much preferable to the tedious passage through the straits of Magellan. The shore is inhabited by Indians, of whom little is known. The cape was discovered by Jacob le Maire, a Dutchman, in 1616. It is cold, lofty, and covered with wood.

Cape Lookout; a dangerous cape on the coast of North Carolina; lat. 34° 22/ N.; lon. 76° 37′ W.

Cape Town; capital of the cape of Good Hope; lat. 33° 6' S. lon. 18° 23′ E.: population in 1818, 18,173; of whom 7460 were whites, 1905 free blacks, 810 apprentices, 536 Hottentots, 7462 slaves. It is agreeably situated, rather more than 30 miles from the cape of Good Hope, properly so called, at the head of Table bay, in a valley between the Table and Lion mountains. It is defended by a castle of considerable strength, and contains a court-house, a guard-house, a Calvinistic church, a Lutheran church, a theatre, and 1145 houses, many of which are fine. The tone of society is wholly commercial, the minds of all classes being bent on trade. There was not, in 1818, a public school nor a bookseller's shop in the town. The streets are broad, but illpaved The price of provisions is very reasonable. The town is well supplied with springs of excellent water, sufficient also for the ships which stop at the port. The harbor is tolerably secure from September to May, while the S. E. winds prevail. During the rest of the year, when the wind blows generally from the N. and N. W., ships are obliged to resort to False bay, on the opposite side of the peninsula.-A missionary is supported

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