Imatges de pàgina


Commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

Purity of Heart.

Where was our Lord presented as on this day, and in what substance


was he presented?

What ordinance in our Church accords with this custom in the Jewish Church?

For what purpose did he come in the flesh? (Titus ii. 14.)

What sacrifice did the Virgin Mary offer when she came to the temple? (Luke ii. 24.)

For what purpose were these sacrifices offered? (Lev. xii. 8.)

Who did these burnt-offerings and sin-offerings typify? (Heb. x. 5-7.)

For what do we pray in the Collect?

What is our state by nature? (Psalm li. 5.) What does our Lord say proceeds from the heart of man? (Matt. xv. 19-20.)

Can we purify our own hearts? (Prov. xx. 9.)

To whom did David pray for purity of heart? (Psalın li. 10.)

With what state of heart should we pray? (2 Tim. ii. 22.)

What blessing is promised to the pure in heart? (Matt. v. 8.)

The Traitor Judas.

What is Judas called in the Collect, and what blessings do we pray for?

What was the character of Judas? (John xii, 6; vi. 70.)

Who is said to have put it into the heart of Judas to betray Christ? (John xiii. 2.)

By what sin was he tempted to betray him? (Matt. xxvi. 15.)

What warning did our Lord give to Judas? (Matt. xxvi. 24-5.)

What sign did Judas give to those that went to take Christ? (Matt. xxvi. 48-9.)

Did the money which Judas obtained by his sin make him prosperous or happy? (Matt. xxvii. 3-5. Acts i. 18.)

What had been foretold of Judas in the Psalms? (Acts i. 20.)

Who was appointed to fill the office from which Judas by transgression fell, and how was he chosen? (Acts i. 24-6.)

Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary.

What prophecy foretold that our Lord would be born of a Virgin? (Isaiah vii. 14.)

Who was the mother of Jesus, and what did the angel declare respecting her? (Luke i. 2831.)

Shew that we may all be still

favoured and blessed.

more highly

(Luke xi. 27-8.)

Do we need the intercession of the Virgin Mary? (John xiv. 13. 1 Tim. ii. 5.)

Which of the commandments would forbid us bowing down to images of the Virgin Mary ?

What two instances have we recorded in Scripture which tend to discourage any hope that the Virgin's Mary's intercession would be available on our behalf? (John ii. 3-4. Matt. xii. 46-50.)

What does the Church teach respecting this subject in Article xxii.?

The Evangelists.

By what name is St. Mark spoken of in the Collect?

What book of the New Testament did he write?

For what purpose did God inspire him to write it? (Collect.)

At first, the name Evangelist was applied to all who preached the Gospel to what four persons was the name afterwards given?

Which of these were apostles as well as evangelists? (Mark iii. 14-19.)

Name the whole of the books in the New Testament which two of the evangelists wrote.

In the Collect, for what end do we pray for the grace of God?

In the Epistle, why are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, said to have been appointed by God? (Eph. iv. 12-13.)


Heavenly Wisdom.

What blessing flows to us from knowing God truly? (Collect.)

Prove that Christ is the way (Eph. ii. 13-18): that he is the truth (John i. 17): and that he is the life (Gal. ii. 20; John xiv. 6).

Shew that Christ is the source of all heavenly wisdom. (Col. ii. 3.)

In the Epistle for the day, what are they instructed to do who lack heavenly wisdom? (James i. 5.)

In the Collect, what do we pray perfectly to know?

How should this prayer be offered? (James i. 6.)

What should a wise man shew out of a good conversation? (James iii. 13.)

Prove that heavenly wisdom leads to happiness. (Prov. iii. 17.)

Shew that we should seek heavenly wisdom from the Holy Scriptures. (2 Tim. iii. 15.)

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