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lowing the example and command of our blessed Saviour, and proving it to be an ordinance only for believers to attend to, and challenging the world to prove to the contrary but what this is the right and scriptural way to be buried with Christ in baptism. We sang the 446th Hymn in the Selection

Dear Lord, and will thy pard'ning love
Embrace a wretch so vile?

Wilt thou my load of guilt remove,
And bless me with thy smile?

Mr. J. Davis, of Somerset-street chapel, offered up an earnest prayer for the blessing of Almighty God to be there realized and felt amongst the people.


The candidates were then baptized, Mr. Huntley addressing those present between each immersion, bringing forward some beautiful similes to bear on the subject. There were five females and six males; then followed a most touching scene. poor man, a captain of a barge, that had wanted to come before the church, but who could not make up his mind to do so, was present, dressed in his best clothes. He felt the love of Christ so precious in his soul that he could hold out no longer, but took off his coat; said the Lord told him he must be baptized; he went into the water, and there, before the whole multitude, related his experience: that he had been for thirty-five years a drunkard, a swearer, a Sabbath-breaker; but by going into Ebenezer Chapel the Lord met with him, and broke his heart, through Mr. Huntley's preaching, some two or three years ago. He said, "I do love my blessed Jesus, and He has told me to be baptized, and I wish to be; and I hope that many of you present may be brought to love Him too." There was a solemn silence whilst he related his experience. Mr. Huntley then, on his confession of his sins, and repentance toward God, like Philip of old, baptized him in the name of the Holy Trinity; and he came up out of the water, and walked all through the streets to his home, and like the Eunuch, praising and blessing his Saviour.

The Rev. W. Huntley, of Limpley Stoke, the honoured father of our dear pastor, preached in the morning from 2nd Epistle Timothy, 1st chapter, 12th verse, showing that Christians ought not to be ashamed of the ordinance, proving it to be ordained by God the Father from heaven. In the afternoon our pastor received the candidates into the church by giving them the right hand of fellowship, and some good and wholesome advice as to their future walk and conduct. Eight more from other churches were added to the number, making 20 additions to the church that day. Surely, we have room to rejoice that God is in our midst, and that to bless us. In the evening he preached from Galatians iv. 18. There was a good congregation present, and we had a refreshing season.

On the following Monday, Sept. 2nd, nearly 200 sat down to a good tea, to celebrate the seventh anniversary of Mr. Hunt

ley's pastorate over us, and also to welcome in our dear brothers and sisters. The chapel was very tastefully decorated for the occasion with beautiful flowers, and a motto, bordered with flowers and evergreen, bearing the words, "God bless his faithful servant, our beloved pastor." After tea there was a public meeting, when addresses were delivered by our beloved pastor, and the Revs. D. Wassel and J. Davis, of Somersetstreet chapel; Mr. G. Cox, Mr. S. Littleton, and Mr. Luckman; every one present seemed highly delighted. Thus terminated a happy, cheerful, and I trust profitable meeting.

I am happy to state that our Sunday school is still in a prosperous condition; we have over two hundred scholars, and I am pleased to say that four of the candidates that were baptized on Sunday are teachers in the school. We took the children out in a field on August 5th, where they thoroughly enjoyed themselves over their tea, and after with racing for toys, &c.-Yours in Jesus, W. W. WHEATLEY, Superintendent of Ebenezer Sunday-school.



DEAR BRETHREN,-We deeply regret being compelled to appeal to you on the present occasion for pecuniary assistance, and do so with great reluctance; our only reason for it is, because our position as regards our place of worship, and our standing as a denomination in this large and populous city is at stake.

Those of you who are in the habit of reading the colonial correspondence published from time to time in the EARTHEN VESSEL are doubtless aware that the Church in Sydney has erected a chapel for the worship of God.

This circumstance was for many years felt by us to be very much needed. First, that it might secure for the denomination a position among the many professing churches with which the city abounds; and that it might prove a spiritual home for our brethren from other parts of the world on their arrival here, instead of being obliged to wander about seeking for a faithful ministry among other denominations.

Soon after the settlement of Mr. J. B. M'Cure, as pastor of the church, a piece of land was purchased at the cost of £700, which was collected among the friends. The chapel was built at a cost of £1,400, £460 of which, through the exertions of some of our friends, and the liberality of others, has been paid. You are also aware that our pastor has travelled through the colonies, preaching the word of life wherever opportunities have offered. Our only hope of success is with the brethren in our Fatherland; for we stand here numerically

weak, poor in worldly circumstances, and isolated from all other denominations by the soul-saving doctrines we hold, and by God's help will never relinquish; consequently we have no favourable ground to work upon, and are compelled, rather than sell our house of prayer to another sect, to appeal to you. Feeling assured that you will not stand by and see the only place of worship (with one exception) in this vast colony belonging to our denomination sacrificed for the sake of a few hundred pounds, our pastor has received invitations to visit England from Mr. James Wells, of the Surrey Tabernacle, and other Baptist ministers, promising him their influence and support in this work. Therefore we have reluctantly consented to part with him for a season, and desire to commend him to your Christian hospitality and kind consideration, and to commit him and the object of his mission, and all the Lord's family, whether at home or abroad, to the care and keeping of our ever gracious Jehovah, and humbly trust that He will dispose all our hearts in this matter, so that whatever is done shall be for the glory and honour of his own dear name.

We have requested Mr. J. Wells to act as treasurer for us, to whom we respectfully request that all donations and collections may be sent in order that they might be forwarded to the treasurer in Sydney, Mr. Joseph Dickson, and duly acknowledged in the various publications.

(Signed on behalf of the Church),



SYDNEY.-My dear brother, it is arranged for me to leave Sydney for England, on behalf of our chapel debt, for it is impossible for the money to be obtained here. In New South Wales there is no denominational sympathy, our church is the only Particular and Strict Baptist church, except one at Ryde. And now that we have been visited by one of the most disastrous floods attended with loss of life, and destruction of property ever known in the colony, by which thousands are rendered homeless, and hundreds of houses swept away we have therefore no hope in New South Wales. Will you have the kindness to publish the appeal drawn up and signed by our deacons on behalf of the church, in your VESSEL, and if it would not be giving you too much trouble to forward copies of the appeal to the Gospel Herald, Zion's Trumpet, Gospel Standard, and Gospel Magazine, you will by that act of kindness, very much help me in the object of my mission to England. I would write to those magazines myself, and forward a copy of the appeal to each, but I cannot, to be in time for this mail. It will be giving you a deal of trouble, but then you don't mind trouble, for Zion's sake. And I can assure you, that whatever you do to help me in this matter, it will be for the cause of God and

truth, in this far off part of the world. And if I am enabled to return to Sydney, through the liberality of English Christians with the means that will enable us to pay the money that will deliver us from the bondage of debt, the Australian saints will indeed "shout aloud for joy." Oh what a triumph it will be, the Lord grant that we may realise it for his name's sake. I have arranged to leave by the "Great Britain," which will leave Melbourne on or about the 21st of August. Directly I come I must commence my work, for no time must be lost, it is very important that I should return to Sydney as soon as possible. Excuse my not writing you more now for the mail is just leaving. I remain, my dear brother, yours in the Lord,


EUSTON ROAD. - Rehoboth Baptist chapel, 296, Euston road. The opening services in connection with this new cause of truth were held on Sunday and Monday, September 15th and 16th. A devotional meeting was held on Sunday morning at eleven, in which ministerial brethren, Messer, Austin, Archer, Gander, and Waite, each took part, a good number of friends came to bid us God speed. At night, Mr. William Waite, the minister of the place, preached a good Gospel sermon from I Cor. ix, "For necessity is laid upon me, yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel." We have heard well of the sermon; it was powerful with the unction of the Holy One. May this young servant of Jesus Christ go on and prosper. On Monday evening a public meeting was held. About forty sat down to tea, which gave every satisfaction, and for once we were favoured to get a cup of tea without hearing anything said against other churches, or other ministers; we heard no back-biting, for which we were thankful. When the public meeting commenced, the place was densely crowded. Mr. W. Waite took the chair, supported by C. W. Banks, Timothy Baugh, D. Gander, A. W. Kaye, and E. J. Silverton. After singing and prayer, the chairman briefly stated the object of their meeting, and said they had not opened in opposition to any course, but entirely with a desire to preach the Gospel of Christ for the good of souls, and the glory of God. After singing one verse he called on A. W. Kaye, who expressed himself as anxious to be useful in the Gospel; and in real eloquence poured forth a Christian exhortation and address. The chairman next introduced Mr. E. J. Silverton, who said many good things and gave some plain honest reasons why no apology was needed for opening a new place of worship in London, concluding by recommending all to go where they could hear best and get most good; after whom came Mr. Timothy Baugh, of Islington, who gave a well ordered, thoughtful, studious and powerfully eloquent speech, containing wise counsel and practical advice for both minis

ter and people, for which from the depths of our heart we thank him, and may his Master long spare him to labour in the Gospel vineyard. After the collection the chairman introduced that hard-working, overburdened servant and slave of the churches, C. W. Banks, who kindly named, and reviewed the previous speeches, and then apparently from out a full heart spoke some deep-toned and loving words of comfort, concluding an earnest, warm-hearted speech by giving some real, experimental and fatherly advice to all the ministers, reminding them that many may be called, while few are chosen. Brother D. Gander, late of Claygate, in a calm, solemn, and concise speech spoke of the labour attending the ministry, and of the blessedness attending the ordinances of God's house, (ie.,) believer's baptism, church fellowship, and the Lord's Supper, &c. A vote of thanks for the ladies presiding over the tea tables, proposed by Mr. T. Baugh, and seconded by Mr. E. J. Silverton, was carried unanimously. These opening and we hope profitable services were concluded by singing and prayer, and the ministers affectionately expressing their desire for the success of the little cause, and the young minister. Yours faithfully ELIHU.

MYDDELTON HALL, UPPER-STREET, ISLINGTON.-Pastor, Mr. T. Baugh. Aug. 11th, public services were held. Two good sermons were preached by the pastor, and one in the afternoon, by Mr. Varley, to a crowded congregation. On Tuesday, Aug. 13th, Mr. James Wells preached in the afternoon to a large number, after which a tea and public meeting were held. A good company sat down to tea, which was served in the most satisfactory manner, the provisions being both excellent and plentiful. The hall was quite full in the evening. The chair was taken by John Reynolds, Esq., who spoke warmly and kindly of his attachment to the cause at Islington, and especially its minister, and commended the church for having chosen him as their pastor. The meeting having been opened with singing and prayer, the chairman called upon Mr. Varley, who made a most excellent speech, full of good and kind remarks for the well being of pastor and people, which were much appreciated. He urged the good influence our own conduct should have, both at home and abroad, over those with whom we came in contact; they should be able to take knowledge of us, that we have been with Jesus. Would, there were more of it; there is too much world in the Church. We fear people may often take knowledge of us that we have been with Satan; and thus, our holy religion, which in our better moments we so much prize, is brought into bad repute. Mr. Silverton spoke well, at the close of which he had the pleasing duty to make the pastor a present of a purse of gold as a small token of affection from the members of the Church and congregation, the pre

sent meeting being one to commemorate his 34th birthday. Mr. Baugh then rose and made a powerful speech; he hesitated whether to let the purse lie on the table, or take it up; but he reckoned, "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." One thing, as regards himself, he said ever since he had been in London he had been misunderstood. We suppose he is not at all surprised at that; he would be very unlike his Master if he was not; and we are very often in a position that we ourselves cannot understand; we wonder if others cannot. The Lord help us all to go straightforward -do the right as far as He has taught us, and leave the results with Him, whether adverse or prosperous. He thanked the friends, one and all, most sincerely, and resumed his seat, when the friends showed their appreciation of his speech in the usual way, which lasted some little time, the chairman said, and put it to the friends, and they said it ought to be published. The Rev. D. Jeavons, and C. Vernon having spoken, the meeting was brought to a close. The choir sang several pieces during the evening, which altogether made it a very cheerful and happy meeting. The collections were very satisfactory. To God be all the praise.

A GOOD DAY AT KINGSTONUPON THAMES.-On Monday, September 2nd, the anniversary of Providence Chapel was commemorated. The weather was fine; the natural sun shining forth in his brilliancy and strength; and many experienced what far surpasses even that invaluable blessing, for I really believe the glorious Sun of Righteousness did indeed shine upon their souls with bright refulgent beams, and healing in His wings. The morning service commenced with that sweet hymn

"Hail, sovereign love, that first began," &c., after which brother Curtis, of Hayes, read 132nd and 133rd Psalms, then followed another blessed hymn :

""Twixt Jesus and the chosen race,"


&c. ; after which our venerable brother Foreman delivered one of his usual sound, solid, and truly scriptural sermons, from Isaiah 62nd chapter, 8th and 9th verses; and many poor labouring souls were enabled to gather in the spiritual sense. excellent hot dinner was provided, and real union and harmony among the friends appeared to reign. The afternoon service commenced, and consisted of more sweet hymns. Brother Benford read and prayed, after which brother Wilkins, of Soho, delivered a most encouraging and savoury sermon from Deuteronomy, 33rd chapter, 27th verse, the recollection of which will not easily be forgotten. About 150 persons sat down to a comfortable tea; their countenances appeared cheerful; and, at least for a short time, the inquiry, so frequent among the saints of God, "Why art thou

cast down," appeared to be lost sight of. The evening service commenced with that very sweet hymn :

"Blessed are the sons of God,"

&c.; after which brother E. Beazley read and supplicated the Throne of Grace; and our brother Milner delivered a solemn, weighty, and impressive sermon from Job, 36th chapter, 22nd verse; after which the numerous friends present joined heartily in singing:

"Once more before we part,"

&c.; and

"A day's march nearer home." And so it was, really, in the best sense. We feel a thorough union to the friends at Providence. First, because they are estab

lished upon sound Gospel principles. Second, because they are decided for, and will maintain nothing less than the whole truth. Third, because as far as in them lies, they are determined to have that truth spoken to them only by men whose conduct and conversation unite in adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. May the Lord abundantly bless them with much of His Divine grace and cheering presence, earnestly prays A. WEAKLING.

HEYWOOD, NEAR ROCHDALE. A beloved Christian friend, writing of Jireh chapel, in Heywood, where brother R. Powell is labouring, says :-"Jesus is still making good his own word; and meeting with and blessing us at our little place. We have had three baptized and added to our church, on the first of the month, for which we thank our God, and take comfort. Our minister teaches us the things concerning Jesus Christ; and God is with him. I do indeed feel it so, many times. I have heard many ministers, but none under whom my own soul has been so blessed so long; and my earnest desire is that he may be greatly blessed in his work. Oh how my heart is poured out (at times) for showers of blessings on the word spoken, that it may be seen and felt to be the power of God to salvation to poor sinners. Surely, he must answer me, I have his own word for it, oh that my poor trembling faith could hold him to his own word. It is hard work at times, even when we pray, that his kingdom may come and at the same time see Satan's kingdom carrying all before it in the world, and in the church; it damps our very souls, and makes us wonder where it will end. Bless God, I know his kingdom will come; and that I shall see it, because he makes me cry yearningly for it to come to our little place, and in all the world. What a blessing that his cause and our desires are one. I do feel it to be so as I write. The world has nothing to compare with this blessedness. Oh no! their joys are like the apples of Sodom, they turn to ashes in the using. It cannot be so with them that are kept hanging on Jesus; though he seem not to hear them."


"Oh, what wonders love has done!
But how little understood!
God well knows, and God alone,
What produc'd that sweat of blood;
Who can thy deep wonders see,
Wonderful Gethsemane!"

Six poor sinners-hoping they have felt an interest in Him who was baptized first in water, and then in sweat and blood, satisfying justice for their sins, procuring their pardon, securing their call from death to life, promising to sustain and supply with daily strength to walk, talk, fight, conquer, and gladly crown Him their prophet, priest, and king-were baptized by T. Poock in Bethesda Chapel, Ipswich, on Lord's day, Sept. 1, 1867; and although a host witnessed the solemn scene, we never remember such order and apparent feeling as was by the congregation visibly observed. We are not ashamed to own our Jesus, our King and lawgiver, for us, to us, and in and with us; and whoever may depart from Him as such, blessed be His dear name, we can say

"His grace has kept us to this day,
And will not let us go."

WIMBLEDON-ZOAR CHAPEL.-DEAR MR. EDITOR-Through the kindness and mercy of our Covenant God, we were favoured to hold our 7th anniversary on the 3rd of September, on which occasion two excellent discourses were delivered by Mr. James Wells and Mr. Timothy Baugh, through which means we were much comforted and encouraged. Also on the 19th of September, our beloved pastor baptized two believers in the Lord Jesus, which service was attended with special blessings. To God be the praise, that he may still go on to increase our dear pastor in a knowledge of Christ Jesus, whom He so delighteth to extol, is the desire of the writer, M. E.


EAST BERGHOLT. JIREH CHAPEL, NEAR COLCHESTER.-BROTHER BANKS According to invitation through your introduction, I visited the Baptist cause, and gave them a Sabbath. Found a kind-hearted, but poor people, with neat, well-built chapel, for which they have to pay to a building society a monthly subscription-an excellent plan to obtain a freehold chapel. On the Sabbath evening there was an open-air service at Capel, a few miles from Ipswich, when we enjoyed the Master's presence. It was pleasing to behold the villagers sitting under the hedges, singing the praises of God. I found it good to be there. What pleasant work it is, when God gives life in the soul, in the preaching of the everlasting Gospel. But, alas! alas!-in the pretty village of East Bergholt there is a nunnery, which puts a damper on one's spirits. Oh, ye Baptists, arise and serve a little Baptist cause. Subscriptions received by SAMUEL JONES, 40, Watling-street, London.

PIMLICO.-The eighth annual meeting commemorating the settlement of Mr. Wise as pastor of the Baptist church meeting in Carmel chapel, Westbourne street, was celebrated on Wednesday, September 18th. Mr. Milner kindly officiated in the afternoon, and preached an excellent sermon. A very comfortable party sat down to tea. In the evening a public meeting was held. Mr. Wise, the pastor presided. From his opening remarks, we gather that Mr. Wise, is a quiet minister of the Gospel. He is entirely opposed to anything of the revival kind: indeed he had not thought of having the usual annual meeting this year; but was, however, persuaded to this by his brethren in office, the deacons. Mr. Wise's speech was one of a minister being happy with his people, and a people happy with their minister. The chapel was nearly filled with people. Spirited addresses were delivered by Messrs. G. Wyard, sen., G. Webb, (of Lincoln's Inn Fields) E. J. Silverton,, J. Chivers, S. Milner, and Grey.

CITY ROAD.-The photograph of the ancient J. A. Jones is now before us; but the old veteran has laid down his sword. "Time, that doth all things else impair" has commanded him to rest until the chariot comes to take him home. Fourscore years and more have rolled over his head; and although he is yet in the body, neither from the press nor from the pulpit hear we anything now from J. A Jones. A young sire-the youthful Griffin, "late of Richmond,"-is announced to preach in Jireh Chapel, in the East Road, every Sunday during October, November, and December. Of Mr. Griffin's ministry, we may give a review either here or in THE GOSPEL GUIDE.

BILLINGBOROUGH, IN LINCOLNSHIRE. -Mr. William Wilson, late of Riseley, has commenced a three months' labour at Bisborough. We hope it will lead to a long and successful pastorate. We have known and esteemed Mr. Wilson many years, and wish him increasing joy in his master's work.

DEATH OF MR. J. HAMBLIN. That solid and upright man of God, J. Hamblin, once of East Lane, of Footscray, and last of Orpington, Kent, has gone to his rest. We cannot give a record of him this month, our pages being over-crowded with matter we are pledged to give; but we hope to erect a literary memorial to the worth and usefulness of so good a man. Mr. John Brett, once the minister of Sudbourne, in Suffolk, now of Hatton, near Hounslow, has just lost his wife. She died most happy in the Lord. Mr. Evans, of Hounslow, improved the event. A letter containing her dying experience, written by her husband, has come to hand, which we hope to give next month.


BANKS, -Our venerable brother Joseph Hamblin, pastor of the church meeting at Bethesda Chapel, Orpington, and formerly of East-street, Walworth, exchanged worlds on Tuesday, August 27th, 1867, aged 71; and was buried at the Baptist chapel burialground, Foots Cray, Kent, on September 3rd, once the scene of his labours. He died in a full and certain hope of a glorious immortality. The respected pastor of Suttonat-Hone, Mr. Neville, officiated. Our brother Whittle and many weeping friends were there, including your humble servant, SAMUEL JONES.

WHAT IS WANTED IN LONDON.-DEAR BROTHER BANKS-It is a common proverb among ministers, that if the Lord has work for a man to do, He will be sure to open a door for him. This I have found true. The Lord has opened several doors for me, and from the tokens of satisfaction I have received, I believe my ministry was acceptable. Last year I travelled 3,500 miles in preaching the Gospel, which infringed upon my hours of business, having been for eighteen years in a very large house. I should be glad to supply Churches in London. I should like a more extensive sphere of labour, where I might be instrumental in gathering in those of the elect that are still hidden in the ruins of the fall. My doctrinal views are entirely of a free-grace character. Dear Brother Banks, we do want in London a more awakening ministry. Many of our churches are in a very drowsy condition; they are slumbering for want of an alarm being sounded in God's holy mountain; and while it is important that God's people should be comforted, it is equally important that sinners should be awakened; or how can we expect additions to our churches? I pray the Lord to bless your endeavours for the furtherance of His Gospel, and that the latter days of your ministry may be the most fruitful; that as you grow older in years you may grow in grace, and in a deeper knowledge and more experimental acquaintance with Him whom to know is life eternal.-Yours in the Gospel, P. D.

[We will give our brother's address to any church requiring an intelligent and earnest minister. There are great efforts making for the benefit of London's large family now; nor is it all in vain ; but if all pastors and preachers, if all deacons and members, if all Christians who hold, and love, and live the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ, could become united in heart and in action for the extension of the Gospel, and for the ingathering of souls, they might be "terrible as an army with banners." Instead of this, however, the jealous jarrings of nearly all sections, weakens, and hinders our progress. We weep over this, and over other evils. But until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high," a wilderness and a desert state will be our lot.ED.]

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