Imatges de pàgina

"money for that purpose,") is any very greatful fleet, and by an army amply supplied

nuisance, proceeds to give (as I trust) a most unjust and certainly a very novel explanation of the principles of the British Constitution, upon the subject of which I may perhaps at afuture day trouble you with some comments. In the mean time, aitho'l must confess rotten boroughs are not in the smallest degree objectionable, and sinecure places and pensions on his plan indispensably necessar,y yet as the theory of his system can only be realized on the ruin of the British Constitution as established at the Revolution, I can by no means become a convert to his political speculations, and take my leave of him with a recommendation that when he shall next be inclined at the expence of sincerity to wield his pen in defence of a system the effects of which he so feelingly deplores, he should be a little more cautious than to place the means of his detection almost line and line with his own statements.


PUBLIC PAPER. DENMARK-Proclamation issued on the 16th of August, at Zealand, by Admiral Gambier and Lord Cathcart, commanders in chief of his Majesty's forces by sea and by land, employed in the expedition.

Whereas the present Treaties of Peace,. and the changes of Government and of Territory, acceded to by so many Powers, have so far increased the influence of France on the continent of Europe, as to render it impossible for Denmark, though it desires. to be neutral, to preserve its neutrality, and absolutely necessary for those who continue to resist the French aggression, to take measures to prevent the arms of Neutral Powers from being turned against them. In this view, the King cannot regard the present position of Denmark with indifference, and his Majesty has sent negociators, with ample powers, to his Danish Majesty, to request, in the most amicable manner, such explanations as the times require, and a concurrence in such measures, as can alone give security against the farther mischiefs which the French medidate through the acquisition of the Danish Navy.-The King, our royal and most gracious master, has therefore judged it expedient, to desire the temporary deposit of the Danish ships of the line, in one of his Majesty's ports.The deposit seems to be so just,, and so indispensibly necessary, under the relative circumstances of the Neutral and Bellige rent Powers, that his Majesty has further deemed it a duty to himself, and to his people, to support this demand by a power.

with every preparation necessary for the most active and determined enterprise.-We come, therefore, to your shores, inhabitants of Zealand! not as enemies, but in self-defence, to prevent those, who have so long disturbed the peace of Europe, from compelling the force of your Navy to be turned against us,We ask deposit, we have not looked to capture; so far from it, the most solemn pledge has been offered to your Government, and is hereby renewed in the name, and at the express command of the King, our master, that if our demand is amicably acceded to, every ship belonging to Denmark, shall, at the conclusion of a General Peace, be restored to her, in the same condition and state of equipment, as when received under the protection of the British flag.It is in the power of your government, by, a word, to sheath our swords, 'most reluctantly drawn against you; but if, on the other hand, the machinations of of France render you deaf to the voice of reason and the call of friendship, the innocent blood that will be spilt, and the horrors of a besieged and a bombarded capital, 1 must fall on your own beads, and on those of your cruel advisers.-His Majesty's seamen and soldiers when on shore, will treat Zealand, as long as your conduct to them permits it, on the footing of a province of the most friendly power in alliance with Great Britain, whose territory has the misfortune to be the theatre of war.-The persons of all those who remain at home, and who do not take an hostile part, will be held sacred.-Property will be respected and preserved, and the most severe discipline will be enforced.-Every article of supply furnished, or brought to market, will be paid for at a fair and settled price; but as immediate and constant supplies, especially of provision, forage, fuel, and transports, are necessary to all armies, it is well known that requisitions are unavoidable, and must be enforced.-Much convenience will arise to the inhabitants, and ' much confusion and loss to them will be prevented, if persons in authority are found in the several districts to whom requisitions may be addressed, and through whom claims for payment may be settled and liquidated.--If such persons are appointed, and discharge their duty, without meddling in matters which do not concern them, they shall be respected, and all requisitions shall be addressed to them,, through the proper channels, and departments of the navy and army; but as forbearance on, the part of the inha bitants is essential to the principle of these

arrangements, it is necessary that all man-
ner of civil persons should remain at their
respective habitations, and any peasants, or
other persons, found in armis, singly or in
small troops, or who may be guilty of any
act of violence, must expect to be treated
with rigour. The Government of his Da-
nish Majesty having hitherto refused to
treat this matter in an amicable way, part
of the army has been disembarked, and the
whole force has assumed a warlike atti-
tude; but it is as yet not too late for the
voice of reason and moderation to be heard.
-Given in the Sound, under our hands and
seals, this 16th day of August, 1807.
(Signed as above.)


DENMARK. Proclamation of the Danish Government against England; duted Gluckstadt, August 16, 1807.

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Gentlemen, the Deputies of the Legislative Body; Gentlemen, the Members of We, Christian the seventh, by the grace the Tribunate, and of my Council of State. of God, king of Denmark, Norway, of the -Since your last meeting, new wars, new Wends and Goths, duke of Schleswig, Hol- triumphs, and new treaties of peace, have stein, Slonnau, and Dietmarschen, also of changed the aspect of the political relations Oldenburgh, &c. &c. do herewith make of Europe.-The House of Brandeburg, known; That whereas by the English which was the first to combine against our Envoy, Jackson, it was declared to us, on independence, is indebted, for still being the 13th of this month, that hostilities against permitted to reign, to the sincere friendship Denmark would be commenced;~~ and with which the powerful Emperor of the whereas at the same time he demanded pass- North has inspired me.-A French Prince ports for himself and his suite, consequently, shall reign, on the Elbe. He will know the war between England and Denmark how to make the interests of his new submay be considered as actually broken out; jects form the first and most sacred of his therefore, we herewith call on all our faith duties.-The House of Saxony has recoverful subjects to take up arms, whenever it ed the independence, which it lost fifty shall be desired, to frustrate the insidious de- years ago. The people of the dukedom of signs of the enemy, and repel hostile attack. Warsaw, and of the town of Dantzic, are -We further herewith ordain, that all Eng- again in possession of their country, and lish ships, as well as all English property, have obtained their rights. All the nations and all English goods, shall be seized by the concur in rejoicing, that the pernicious inmagistrates, and otherwise, particularly by fluence, which England exerciset over the the officers of the customs wheresoever they continent, is for ever destroyed.-France is may be found. It is further our will, that united by the laws of the confederacy of the all English subjects, until, pursuant to our Rhine, with the people of Germany, and by further orders, they can be sent out of the our federative system with the people of country, shall, without exception, be ar- Spain, Holland, Switzerland, and Italy. rested as enemies of our kingdom and Our new relations with Russia are founded our country; which measure is strictly upon the reciprocal respect of two great nato be carried into execution by all magis- tions.In every thing I have done, I have trates, as well as by all subordinate officers, only had the happiness of my people in view duly to be instructed by them for that pur- that has always been in my eyes far dearpose. And it is a matter of course, that all er to me than my own renown. I wish for English ships and boats which approach ou peace by sea. No irritation shall ever have coasts shall be considered and treated a any influence on any decisions with respect enemies. It is also four will, that all suspi-to that object, I cannot be irritated against cious foreigners shall be watched with the greatest attention; and that all magistrates, as well as all subordinate officers, shall use their utmost efforts, as soon as possible, to discover all spies. Lastly, we find it necessary to ordain, that, immediately after pub

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a nation which is the sport and the victim of the parties that devour it, and which is misled, as well with respect to its qwn affairs as to those of its neighbours.But, whatever may be the termination which providence has decreed the maritime war shall have, niy

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abolished, and all citizens are equal with respect to the law.II. Of the Government. The Archducal Crown is hereditary in the Kings of Saxony, who are to appoint a Viceroy or President of the Ministerial Council. The property of the Ducal Crown consists, 1. In an annual revenue of seven millions of Polish guelders, one half arising from the royal lands or demesnes, the other half from the treasury; 2d, In the Royal Palace of Warsaw, and the Saxon Palace.-III. Of the Ministers of the Council of State.-The ministry consists of six members, viz. The Ministers of Justice, of Foreign Affairs, of Religion, of War, of Finances, and of Police. There is also a Secretary of State. The Council of State is formed out of the ministry for the purpose of preparing plans of laws, &c. all of which the King has the power of rejecting.

IV. Of the General Diet. This body is divided into two chambers, viz. the senate and the représentatives. The Diet is to assemble every second year, for 14 days, when a royal act of convocation calls the members together.V. Of the Senate. This chamber has 18-members, consisting of six Bi

people will always find me the same, and I shall always find them worthy of me.Frenchmen, your conduct in these times towards your Emperor, who was now more than 500 miles distant from you, has increa sed my respect, and the idea I had formed of your character I have felt myself proud to be the first amongst you The proofs of attachment which you have given me, while, during ten months of absence and danger, I was ever present to your thoughts, have constantly awakened in me the liveliest sensations. All my solicitudes-all that related even to the safety of my person, was only interesting to me, on account of the part you took in them, and the important influence which they might produce on your future destiny. You are a good ana a great people. I have contrived various means for simplifying and perfecting our institutions. The nation has experienced the happiest effects from the establishment of the Legion of Honour. I have distributed various imperial titles, in order to give a new lustre to the most distinguished of my subjects, to honour extraordinary services by extraordi nary rewards, and at once to prevent the re-shops, six Palatines, and six Castellans, all turn of all fendal titles, which are incompa-appointed by the King, who has also the tible with our constitution. The accounts of my ministers of finance, and of the public treasury, will make known to you the prosperous state of our finances. My people will see the contributions upon real property considerably diminished.My minister of the interior will give you an ac..count of the public works which are begun or finished but those which may still be expected, are much more considerable, since it is my determination that in all parts of my empire, even in the smallest hamlet, the comforts of the citizens, and the value of the lands shall be increased, by the developement of that universal system of inprovement which I have formed-Gentle men, Deputies to the Legislative Body, your assistance in the accomplishment of that great object will be necessary to me, and I have a right to reckon upon that assis tance with confidence.

NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE DUCHY OF WARSAW-The New Constitution of the Duchy of Warsaw has been published in the Moniteur. It consists of 89 Arti cles, divided into 12 Sections, of which the following are the heads:

Section The Roman Catholic religion is the religion of the state, but all other religions are free. The Duchy is divided into six bishopricks, over which one archbi shop and five, bishops preside.. Slavery is

power of encreasing the number of senators
to thirty, if he shalt think fitVI. Of
the Chamber of Representatives. These
consist of 60 deputies, chosen by the district.
diets of the nobles, and 40 elected by the
towns. The members retain their seats for
nine years, but at the end of every three
years, one-third of the body is renewed.-
VII. This section contains regulations for
the meetings of the district, diets, &c.-
VIII. Of the Division of the Territory.
The Duchy is divided into six departments,
to each of which there is a prefect, under
prefect, mayors, and a departmental council
of from 16 to 24 members. IX. Of the
Laws." The Napoleon Code shall be the
civil law of the Duchy of Warsaw." Each
department has a civil and a criminal court.
The council of state is the last court of ap-
peal. The judges are appointed by the
King-X. Of the Armed Force.-The
standing army consists of 30,000 men. The
King can call a part of this force into Saxony,
but must replace them by an equal number
of Saxons.XI. General Regulations-
All who have not places for life may be dis-
missed at the pleasure of the King, the de-
puties only excepted. None but citizens of
the Dukedom can be appointed to public si-
tuations. All the acts of the government
must be drawn up in the Polish language.
All the civic and military orders formerly
subsisting in Poland, are to remain un

changed, but the King is their head.-XII. The present imposts remain until the 1st of January, 1809. No change can be made in the organization of the troops, until regulations be made on that subject by the Diet We Napoleon, by the grace of God and the Constitution, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and Protector of the Rhenish Confederacy, have approved, and hereby do ap prove of the above constitutional act, which has been submitted to us for carrying into effect the 5th Article of the Treaty of Tilsit, and which we consider as calculated to fulfil our engagements to the people of Warsaw and Great Poland, by reconciling their free dom and privileges with the tranquillity of the neighbouring states Given in the Royal Palace of Dresden, this 22d day of July, 1807. (Signed) NAPOLEON.

WARSAW.-Proclamation issued by the Ge neral Director; dated Warsaw, July 18, 1807.


employ quietly and patiently the time which
peace affords us to render ourselves perfect
in every thing relative to the service of our
Country.-LUBIENSKI, President.

RUSSIA. Answer to the Note of Count
Marveld, (the Austrian Ambassador.)
"The Emperor Alexander has fully ap-
preciated the motives which have induced
his Majesty the Emperor and King to offer
his mediation and his good offices to the prin
cipal Belligerent powers, for which, on his
part, he is happy in the opportunity of ex-
pressing his gratitude to his Imperial and
Royal Majesty.The frequent and unequi-
vocal proofs which the Emperor of all the
Russias has afforded, of his earnest desire to
see the termination of the calamities which
have so long desolated Europe, might have
convinced his Imperial and Royal Majesty
of the earnestness with which the court of
St. Petersburg would receive every proposal
tending to promote so important an object.
His Imperial Majesty of all the Russias will
always be animated by the same disposition;
and he will be ready to accept the proffered
mediation, whenever it shall be in the pow-

communicate to him the grounds upon which the French government may be inclined to enter into negociation; and that it shall appear these grounds are of such a nature, as may afford a prospect of the attainment of that end, which is the object of all the endeavours of his Imperial Majesty of all the Russias, as is already sufficiently known to the Court of Vienna. (Signed,) Andre de Budberg. Bartenstein, April 16, 1807."


Citizens-You have done every thing which the love of your country, your honour, and the example of your ancestors required of you. You have overcome all difficulties; you have not hesitated to sacri-er of his Majesty the Emperor and King to fice your lives, your fortunes, and the most sacred ties of nature, for the happiness of your Country, and to again obtain the name of Poles. A single word from his Majesty the Emperor of the French has armed you all. His vast genius insures victory. By your firmness all your enterprizes will be crowned with success. Despise all the false reports which the inveterate enemies of your Country circulate. The greatness of soul of Napoleon is your Ægis. Our fate cannot be determined at this moment; an impenetrable veil must conceal it for some time from our eyes. Let us adore the sublime wisdom of him who cominands half of the world, Banish the despair of your hearts. Be penetrated with obedience, and resign yourselves to the confidence you ought to have in his goodness: your happiness depends on it. The least murmur, the least opposition to his will, may destroy all that you have hitherto done. Our new born power cannot exist without this-we can only obtain existence from the amiable Napoleon, a man equally great in politics and war, determines and executes every thing in the profundity of his wisdom, without our being able to penetrate his mo tives; let us place in him unbounded confidence; this is the only means which can secure to us his benevolence; and let us

Parliamentary History



From the Norman Conquest in 1066, to the Year 1803. From which last mentioned period it is continued downwards in the work entitled "Cobbett's Parliamentary "Debates.' *** The Second Volume comprising the Period from the Aocession of Charles the First in 1625, to the Battle of Edge-hill in 1642, is ready for delivery. Published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges Street,. Covent Garden; and (sold also by J. Budd, Pall Mall, and by all the Booksellers and. Newsmen in the United Kingdom.-Of whom may be had Complete Sets of " Cos-BETT'S PARLIAmentary DebaTES,"

Printed by Cox and Baylis, No. 75, Great Queen Street, and published by R. Bagshaw, Brydges Suest, Covent Garden, where former Numbers may be had: sold also by J. Budd, Crown and Mitre, Pall Mail.

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Did not the keeping of this station breed fear to our greatest enemies, and make our faint friends the more sure and loather to break? Yea, hath not the winning and keeping of this bred throughout Europe an honourable opinion and report of our English nation? Again, what one thing so much pre❝ served and guarded our merchants, their traffic and intercourses. or hath been so great a help for the "well-urtering of our thief commodities; or what, so much as this, hath kept a great part of our seacoasts from spoiling and robbing "LORD KEEPER'S Speech, at opening the Parliament, in the 1st year of Q. Elizabeth's reign.-Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, Vol. I. p. 640.

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SUMMARY OF POLITICS. DANISH WAR.- -The Danes having, not only declared war, but issued orders to their vessels to take and destroy our vessels, it would, I should think, be difficult to give any satisfactory reasons for our not having declared war too. Ships and goods taken from an enemy, previous to a declaration of war, are called "Droits of Admiralty;" and, in this way used, droit seems to mean forfeiture, or prize; but, why the ships and goods, taken under such circumstances, should not go to the captors, as well as ships and goods, taken after a declaration of war, I can see no reason. The real truth is, however, that this "droit of Admiralty," is a prize for the king, who, under an old custom, claims such ships and goods as his own private property, and, accordingly, he claimed an immense sum, which, as my readers will recollect, was taken from the Spaniards, previous to a declaration of war, and which claim did greatly surprise me, because I thought, that, since the nation had taken upon itself to defray, out of its taxes, ail the expences, of every sort, necessary to the support of the king and every branch and member of his family; this being the case, I thought that these droits of Admiralty," like the rent of crown-lands and other revenues formerly belonging to the king, came, of course, into the public exchequer. I am very sorry, that this is not the case; for, if, upon some future occasion, a grasping or prodigal king were to meet with a set of supple slaves for counsellors, be might, for years, carry on a war, in fact, without declaring war; or, at the least, take care to have the prime of the captures, to sack the first haul of doubloons, and leave the straggling ones to the fleet; upon some Juture occasion, and when I say future,, I mean a long while hence, because, as must be evident to every one, the qualities, which I have here supposed possible in a king, beJong neither to our present gracious sovereign, nor to his apparent heir and successor; upon some future occasion, however, the

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case supposed may possibly happen; and, as possibilities of this serious sort should be guarded against, I should, I must confess, like to see these "droits of Admiralty" abolished, leaving all the captures to be divided amongst the captors, unless in cases of açcommodation with the power, upon whom they are made, when, of course, they would be restored to that power. -To return closer to the war with the Danes; I cannot, for my life, perceive any good reason for a delay in answering their declaration of war. What! When we have made a forcible entry into their territory; when we have besieged, and, perhaps, bombarded, their capital, not declare war against them! That is to say, not call it war that we are carrying on! This is so grossly inconsistent, that it is impossible not to suspect, that there is some unfair motive at bottom.Upon the ground of this war, or, rather, of this enterprize to sieze on the Danish fleet and naval arsenals, I thought enough had been said before; but, after a week or two of silence, the Morning Chronicle, that steady adherent of the rump of Whiggism, has come forth with a regular pleading against the measure; and, as I really do not entertain for the writings of Mr. Spankie any portion of that sort of contempt, which he says he entertains for mine, I shall here insert this pleading, and shall state, as well as I can, the reasons why, upon this subject, I differ in opinion with its author" We have, from the first, en"tertained considerable doubts, both of the

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justice and the policy of the attack on "Denmark. It is true, that since the "French revolution, and since the immense

power of France has led her to violate "those principles of the Laws of Nations, "from which she thinks she herself will "never be obliged to seek protection, (be"-cause, like all other laws, the law of na"tions is for the benefit of the weak against "the strong), the law of nations is treated by some as a creature of the imagination, and hot at all binding. This sort of ar

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