Believer's MandateXulon Press, 2005 - 272 pàgines Believers Mandate----Foundations for Abundant Life is about building proper foundation of repentance, Holy Spirit activity, fellowship, developing your prayer life and helping you walk in the authority of Jesus Christ. |
The Foundations | 13 |
Repentance I | 21 |
Repentance II | 29 |
Water Baptism | 61 |
Baptism in the Holy Spirit | 71 |
Why we need the Baptism in the Holy Spirit | 89 |
Is Holy Spirit baptism everything? | 99 |
Commentary on I Corinthians 14 | 109 |
Apostles Doctrine The Fear of the Lord | 159 |
Fellowship | 171 |
The Cup we Bless the Bread we break | 181 |
PrayerPartnering with God | 189 |
Principles of Prayer | 199 |
Pattern for Prayer | 219 |
Pain of Unanswered Prayer | 245 |
Power for PrayerThe Helper | 251 |
Apostles DoctrineThe Cross | 132 |
Apostles Doctrine | 133 |
The Name of Jesus | 143 |
Power for PrayerFasting | 255 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
1st Corinthians 1st John 2nd Corinthians Abraham according Acts Amalek angels anointing answer Apostle baptized believe Bible blessing blood of Jesus body of Christ born bread Christians church commandments Communion confess cross dead death devil disciples earth edify El Elyon El Shaddai Elyon Ephesians evil faith fast Father fear fellowship forgive foundation Genesis George Mueller gifts give glory hath healing hear heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit husband Isaiah Jehovah Jesus Christ kingdom lives look Lord Jesus Luke Matthew means mind Moses mother of Jesus name of Jesus Numbers obey Old Testament Pastor Paul says Pentecost person praise pray in tongues prayer language preach prophecy Proverbs Psalm receive repentance resurrection revelation righteousness Romans salvation Satan saved Scriptures sing sins soul speak in tongues Spirit baptism teach tells thee things thou tithe unbelievers understand unto verse water baptism worship Yahweh