interest or advantage, how promising or great soever, may be able to shake my integrity, which I beg may be always supported by thy providence, and that in the use of honest and lawful means I may improve that talent, which thy infinite wisdom and goodness has committed to my charge. And now, O my God! relying firmly on thy gracious promises, I commend into thy hands myself, and all that thou hast given or blessed me with, my soul and body, and all my relations: keep us from all evil, lead us into all good, carry us safely through the dangers and temptations of this wicked world, to that place of everlasting rest and peace, which thou hast prepared for those that die in the Lord, through the merits of thy beloved son Jesus Christ, my Lord and saviour, in whose words I sum up and recommend the wants of all mankind, together with my own, saying, Our Father, &c. An Evening Prayer for any day in the Week. Lord let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense, and let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice. Psalm cxli. 2. O Lord! thou hatest iniquity with a perfect hatred, yet I am assured, that thou delightest in the ways of mercy; that thou art a tender lover of souls, and not only permittest, but invitest us, miserable creatures, to come unto thee. With humble confidence then, O Lord, I lift up my soul unto thee, beseeching thee, in much mercy, to look upon me, and to ease me of the burden of my corrupt and sinful inclinations. Forgive, I meekly beseech thee, whatever I have done amiss this day, and all my life past, either against thee, my neighbour, or myself; O cleanse me from all my secret and unknown transgressions and, O merciful father, grant that I may seriously consider and reflect upon the foulness and deformity of sin, and what dreadful threatnings thou hast denounced against it; that I may become a true and sincere mourner for my past sins, and, as far as is possible, redeem my mispent time, by employing the remainder of my days in thy service, and to thy glory. Give me, O Lord, a new heart, new affections, and new desires; that I may love thee with more sincerity, and serve thee with faithfulnes than I have ever yet done. greater Teach me, O Lord, so to number my days, that I may apply my heart unto true wisdom. Let me never be separated from thee; but grant that I may be of the number of thy faith ful and obedient servants, who are united to thee by grace and good works in this life, and will hereafter live with thee in endless bliss and happiness. And, Grant that in the days of health and prosperity I may consider my latter end, and remember and provide for that great account, which I must one day give before the judgment-seat of Christ; that when the hour of my departure shall come, I may meet death without fear and amazement; and with a well-grounded hope of thy mercy and goodness, may cheerfully resign up my soul into thy hands; and may be willing and even desirous to leave this world, when thou my God, in thy great wisdom, shall see it fitting. Be gracious, O most merciful God, to the whole race of mankind; pity the deplorable state of those that know thee not, and have never heard of thy name: reform the wicked and impenitent; and let all that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Let every one of my friends and relations, O God, be of the number of those whom thou lovest and delightest in. Defend them from the evils and temptations of this world; and grant them whatever thou seest needful both for their souls and bodies. Be mindful, O Lord, of all that are in any affliction or distress. Relieve and comfort those that suffer for the testimony of a good conscience, or that labour under the torments of a wounded spirit. Let the sorrowful sighing of the afflicted come before thee; and deliver them, in thy good time, out of all their troubles. To these my prayers and intercessions, I desire to add my unfeigned praises for all thy blessings spiritual and temporal. I bless thee more particularly for the mercies of the day past; for preserving me in health and safety; and delivering me from the evils which I have most justly deserved. Give me grace to make a right use and improvement of all thy mercies; and vouchsafe, O Lord, to continue to me thy gracious favour and protection. Be thou pleased of thy great goodness to take me [my dear husband or wife and children] and all that belong to me, this night, under the care of thy good providence. Defend us from all perils and dangers; and after the comfortable refreshments of rest and sleep, raise us up in health and safety, with hearts full of love to thee, and zeal to thy service through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the fullest sense of whose words I pray to be heard; saying, Our Father, &c. A General Thanksgiving. Almighty God, father of all mercies, I thy unworthy servant do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and lovingkindness to me and to all mankind. I bless thee for my creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; and for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear; beseeching thee to give me grace so to follow their good example, that with them I inay be partaker of thy kingdom: but above all, I bless thee for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And I beseech thee, give me that due sense of all thy mercies, that my heart may be unfeignedly thankful, and that I may show forth thy praise, not only with my lips, but in my life, by giving up myself to thy service, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all my days, through Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. Stereotyped by D. Cock and Co. Dean-streat, Soho, London." |