Epitaph in the Parish Church of Epsom, in Surry. יהוה Glory to God alone. Sacred to the Memory Of the Rev. JOHN PARKHURST, M. A. Of this Parish, And descended from the PARKHURSTS of Catesby in Northamptonshire. His Life was distinguished, Not by any Honours in the Church, but by deep and laborious Researches Into the Treasures of divine Learning, The Fruits of which are preserved in two invaluable Lexicons, Wherein the original Text of the Reader! If Thou art thankful to God that such a Man lived, Pray for the Christian World, That neither the Pride of false Learning, nor the Growth of Unbelief May so far prevail as to render his pious Labours He lived in Christian Charity, CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. PAGE The Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity................ A Letter to the common People, in Answer to popular Arguments against the Trinity..........147 A Preservative against the Publications of Modern ............193 Seasonable Cautions against Errors in Doctrine; in a Letter to a young Gentleman at Oxford......243 A short Way to Truth: or the Christian Doctrine of a Trinity in Unity. Illustrated and confirmed from an Analogy in the Natural Creation 301 THE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE OF A TRINITY, PROVED BY Above an Hundred short and clear Arguments, EXPRESSED IN THE TERMS OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURE, COMPARED AFTER A MANNER ENTIRELY NEW, AND DIGESTED UNDER THE FOUR FOLLOWING TITLES, 1. The Divinity of CHRIST. 3. The PLURALITY of Persons. 2. The Divinity of the HOLY GHOST. | 4. The Trinity in Unity. WITH A Few Reflections, occasionally interspersed, upon some of the Arian Writers, particularly Dr. S. Clarke. TO WHICH IS NOW ADDED, A LETTER TO THE COMMON PEOPLE; IN ANSWER TO SOME POPULAR ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE TRINITY. Thou shalt answer for me, O Lord my God. Ps. xxxviii. 15. Not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Cor. ii. 13. |