Imatges de pàgina


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whofe Hearts nevertheless are very far from being right with God, and who have little Acquaintance with the Defign and End of the Gofpel: For Chriftianity confifts not in any particular Forms of Worship (though they are neceffary as Means of Grace) but in an increafing Knowledge of CHRIST, and a growing Refemblance to Him. "Grow, "fays St Peter, in Grace, and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour JESUS. CHRIST," 2 Pet. iii. 18. I am forry to fay there are too many, who have fuch fu-. perficial Notions of Religion, as to think, that if they do not fwear, kill, commit Adultery, or other grofs and notorious Sins, that they are fufficiently good, and qualified, for the Kingdom of Heaven-little confidering the Extent, and fpiritual Meaning of the Commandments, as explained by. our Saviour in his Sermon on the Mount.. See Matt. v. 21, and the following Verses.

Now, that thefe Formalifts and fuperficial Obfervers of the Gospel (and those likewife, whom you have Reafon to hope are really a wakened) may be enabled to form fome Judgment of their true State, you may occafionally ask them, or give them in Writing, thefe, or other Questions to the like Effect. Have you ever accustomed yourself to watch over the general Current of your Thoughts?

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Have you not been, may you not yet be miftaken in judging of your State before


GOD, by other Measures, than his most holy Word ?-Inftead of examining yourself fimply by this Rule, do you not judge by the Opinion you may fondly entertain of yourfelf, or others may entertain of you?

Did you ever come to GOD with Humility, and earnest Prayer, befeeching Him to preserve you from Error, and to guide you into the Way of Truth?

As the Scriptures declare you, and all the human race, to be guilty before God; and as your own Confcience tells you fo, did you ever confider the fad Confequence of fuch a State, that "the Wages of Sin is Death,' 23. and that the Sentence to be pronounced against all impenitent Sinners, will be, "Depart from me, ye curfed, into ever"lafting Fire, prepared for the Devil andb his Angels," Matt. xxv. 41.

What have you to plead againfts the Execution of fo juft a Sentence

Do you feel Guilt, and finful Affections and Defires, as your greateft Burden? Do you not find by frequent Experience, that the Evil which you would avoid, you are tempted to commit, and that the Good. which you purpofe to do, you often omit

Do you not, in Regard to the princi pal Affections of your Soul, find how apti you are to fear the World more, than Goo to love the Creature in Preference to the Creator; and to feek the Praife.iof the

C 21 DQ DO 5 World

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World by Compliances, or Neglects, which difpleafe GOD?

Do you find any Marks in yourself of being different in your Defires, Affections, Hopes and Fears, from what you were formerly, when forgetful of GoD, and unconcerned about Religion?

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As a guilty and helpless Sinner, did you ever inquire in good Earnest "What you "muft do to be faved?" Acts xvi. 31.

Are you careful, that the Notions which you entertain of God, and the Hopes, which you form of the Manner of Acceptance with Him, are fuch as agree with the Truths of God's Word?

Do you confider, the meritorious Death of CHRIST, as the Ground of Juftification and do you acknowledge the great Importance and abfolute Neceffity of" Repentance to"wards GoD, and of Faith in our Lord "JESUS CHRIST," (evidenced by Works) in Order to your Juftification and eternal Salvation

Is it your Belief, that without the shedding of the Blood of CHRIST, there is no Remiffion of Sin? Heb. ix. 22. not even of the deaft Sin? And do you believe, that if you watch, pray, and feriously attend the appointed Means of Grace, the Blood of CHRIST will cleanfe you from all Sin? 1 Fobni. 74


..Have you prayed to your heavenly Fa

* A&ts xx. 25.


ther to give you the Aid of his Holy Spirit? Luke xi. 13. and have you experienced his facred Influence on your Heart and Life?

Do you find the Love of God and your Neighbour increafing in your Heart? And do you think charitably of thofe who differ from you in Sentiments, and Worship?

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The Whole of this important Examination is in a great Meafure contained in the Questions on the following Text:-"Are you conformed to this World, or not?— "Are you transformed by the renewing of your Minds, or not?-Have you proved (or tried and known by your own Experience) that the Will of God is good, ac"ceptable, and perfect," Rom, xii. 2. and do you take it as take it as a Rule for the Conduct of your Life?

This is coming to the Point: This is the Touch-ftone, and will fhew what it is to have the Power, as well as the Form of Godliness, 2 Tim. iii. 5. what it is to delight in and to do the Will of GOD; Pfal. cxix. 16. to rejoice in CHRIST JESUS, Phil. iii. 3. and to worship GoD in Spirit and in Truth, John iv. 24. In fhort, it will fhew the Difference between a nominal and a real Chriftian..

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7. You will, I doubt not, take Notice of the moft notorious Sinners, and of fuch as have little or no Senfe of Religion; contriving the moft likely Method of convinc ing them of their Sins. In order to this, furnish yourself with a Catalogue of Vices; C 3 and

and under each Vice fet down the principal of thofe Texts of Scripture, which exprefsly forbid the Commiffion of it, and denounce Punishment against it.Collect likewife a few Texts of Scripture under each of the following Heads, and keep them fresh in your Memory:-Man's fallen State -Recovery by CHRIST-Conviction of Sin

The Danger of a careless Sinner-Neceffity of a renovating Change, or Converfion.The Impoffibility of enjoying Heaven without Holinefs-The great Duty of Humility and Love to our Fellow CreaturesThe Neceffity of God's Bleffing on the Means. Much Prudence is required in à Minifter's Difcharge of this very important Part of his Duty. Pray daily and earnestly for Get's Bleffing on every fuch Attempt; without which Success cannot reasonably be expected.

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8. Suffer me to caution you, that you be not impofed on by fome felf-fufficient Talkers about Religion, whofe chief Proficiency ge nerally confifts in a Knowledge of particular Notions and Phrafes. I have had too much Reason to fufpect this Sort of People. Receive them at the first Interview very civilly, but when they talk of Juftification, enforce Sanctification, as infeparable from it, and fee what Evidence they give of it. Incul cate the relative Duties, and particularly Diligence in their Calling, and recommend Christian

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