Imatges de pàgina
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Christian Candour and Charity, as effential to Salvation. Inquire of their Neigbours, as prudently as poffible, whether they are good Hufbands, or Wives, Parents, or Children, Mafters or Servants: And at any future Meeting (if they are deficient in thefe Refpects) point out to them fome of the Paffages in Scripture relating to Pharifees and Hypocrites, and fuch Texts as lay the greatest Strefs on Chriftian Humility, relative Duties, and univerfal Obedience.

9. When you fpeak to Children, and Daylabourers, (whofe Capacity is generally weak) fpeak cheerfully, and in a very plain Manner, avoiding all hard Words in Converfation, as well as in your Sermons; as for Inftance, ufe the Word ftrengthen, not invigorate harden, not obdurate watchful, not vigilant forfake, not relinquish, &c. Enliven what you fay to them by short and Atriking Stories.-Put familiar Questions to them, the Answers to which require little more than Yes, or No: As for Instance, Do you pray in fecret? Has GoD com manded you to pray through a Mediator? Who is the Mediator? Has he promifed to hear Prayer? Does the Soul die as well as the Body? Does God reward the Good, and punish the Bad They may understand your Questions, but not be able to answer much more than Yes, or No; or may have an Awe on them before you, which C4 might

might prevent their speaking their Sentiments, being at a Lofs for Words to exprefs them. This Method will moft probably be of fome Ufe. Thofe, who do not like to be asked fuch Questions, fhew how inuch they need them: The more ferious will be pleased with you.

10. When Convictions of Sin appear, and Marks of true Conversion to God, let me defire you to inquire after Wrongs done even Years ago, and urge Reftitution to be made, or the Promise of it when able. Reftitution will be the Effect of Renovation, or Converfion, if it be true. And it will be very ftriking and engaging, even in the Eyes of worldly Men,

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11. Encourage the Parishioners to come to you at the Parfonage House on fuch Days, and Hours, as you fhall fix, if they have any particular Circumstances relating to their Souls, or religious Impreffions made on their Minds, or any Doubts, or Scruples, concerning which they defire your Judgment and Affiftance, Invite, and urge them to be free with you on such Occafions, as what will afford you? Plea fure, inftead of giving you Trouble. Ap point Labourers and Servants to come to you on a Sunday, before or after Church, rather, than at any other Time, as they will then be moft at Leifure.

HINTS relating to Secret and Family Prayer.


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ET me intreat you earneftly to recommend Family as well as fecret Prayer, giving proper Directions about the Manner of performing it, and removing fuch Objections, as may be raised against it.

2. It feems to me of great Importance, that they should be advised to turn their Morning Prayers into Queftions in an Evening, to fee bow far they have endeavoured to be what they have prayed to be-and ef pecially at the End of the Week, that they may fee whether they grow in Grace, and amend their Lives. As for Inftance, af ter the Ufe of the LORD's Prayer, they may afk themselves, Do I hallow GOD's holy Name? Do I defire his Kingdom of Grace may come here, and his Kingdom of Glory bereafter? Do I defire his Will may be done in me, and by me; and do I act accordingly? Pleafe likewife to exhort them thus to turn the Scriptures into Questions, by Way of Self-examination, and then into Prayers, that what they read may be deeply impreffed on their Hearts. Do I prefs towards the Mark for the Prize of the high Calling in CHRIST JESUS? Philiü. x3. I earnestly pray, that I may. Is the fame, Mind in me, which was in CHRIST JESUS?, Phil. ii. 5. GOD grant it may!

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3. As I have given to the Master or Miftrefs of every House in my Parish a Book of Family and fecret Devotion, I must de-. fire you to remind them, at proper Times, (as fuits your Conveniency) of the great Duty of Prayer, and to examine how far they have complied with it: Urge Children and Servants, who belong to praying Families, to value such a Privilege, to join seriously in the Family Devotion, and to be careful to reflect on what they hear at fuch Seasons, and to improve it: For without Prayer Religion will dwindle into Nothing. Witnefs, the truly deplorable State of many Families and private Perfons, who call themselves Chriftians, yet (how inconfiftent !) live without any Prayer, as if there was no God in the World.

HINTS to affist the Parishioners in reading, and understanding the Scriptures.


1. You may remark, that though there are feveral excellent Books, which may be very useful, and very entertaining,. there is no Book which can reveal what the BIBLE has done? Where is the Book which can fhew us a Saviour, who has redeemed us from Sin, Death, and Hell, and can guide us like that, through this World to the next?.

2. There

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2. There is a wide Difference between: reading the Scriptures, Chapter after Chap ter, and believing in a Kind of general Wayy that it is the Word of God, and feriously. weighing its Contents; fubmitting in every Point, how contrary foever to our corrupt Inclinations.Let me intreat you there fore to recommend the frequent, and feri ous reading of the Scripture; efpecially on a Sunday Evening; and to point out to Families occafionally fuitable Paffages to be particularly obferved: by which they may examine themselves, and then turn them into Prayer: As for Inftance, "Do I feek the Kingdom of GOD, and his Righteouf

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"nefs, as my first, and principal Concerm "And do I believe, that all neceffary Things "will be added unto me, as there promised.

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by JESUS CHRIST ?Grant, I beseech

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thee, O LORD, that I may be enabled "first (and above every other Confideration) "to feek thy Kingdom, and thy Righteouf "nefs; and that all neceffary Things may be "added unto me, as thy Son hath promifed "to thofe who seek thee, and depend on thee," 33. Whatfoever Things I would "men fhould do unto me, do I even fo unto “ them?—I earnestly pray, that this may be "my conftant Rule of Action: Enable me: "by thy Grace, to do to others, as I would they should do to me," Matt. vii. 12. 3. You would do well to advise those in particular, who are at Work early and late,


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