Imatges de pàgina

way of righteousness, than, af'ter they have kno'wn it,' to turn from the ho'ly command'ment deliv'ered un'to them. 22 But it is hap'pened un'to them' according to the true prov'erb, The dog is turned to his o'wn vomit again'; and the sow that was wash'ed to her wal'lowing in the mi're.



CHAP. III. This second epis'tle, belov'ed, I now wri'te un'to you; in 'bo'th' which I stir up your pu're mi'nds by way of remem'brance; That ye may be mindful of the word's which were spo'ken befo're by the ho'ly prophets, and of the command'ment of us' the apostles of the Lo'rd and Sa'viour: 3 Kno'wing this first', that there shall come in the last days scof'fers, walking after their o'wn lust's, And sa'ying, Whe're is the promise of his coming? fo'r since the fa'thers fell asle'ep, a'll things contin'ue as they were' from the begin'ning of the creation. 5 Fo'r this' they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word' of Go'd the heav'ens were of old, and the earth' stan'ding out' of the water and in the wa'ter: 6 Whereby' the world that then' was, be'ing overflo'wed with wa'ter, per'ished: 7 But the heav'ens and the earth' which are now', by the sa'me word are kept in store, reserv'ed un'to fi're against the day of judgment and perdit'ion of ungodly men. 8 But, belov'ed, be not ignorant of this on'e thing, that on'e da'y 'is' with the Lo'rd as a thou'sand years, and a thou'sand years as on'e da'y. 9 The Lo'rd is not slack' concer'ning his prom'ise, as some men count slack'ness; but is longsuf'fering to us'-ward, not willing that an'y should per'ish, but that a'll should come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lo'rd will come as a thie'f in the night'; in the which' the heav'ens shall pass awa'y with a grea't noi'se, and the el'ements shall melt' with fer'vent heat, the earth' also, and the works that are therein', shall be burnt up'. Se'eing' then that' a'll these things shall be dissolv'ed, what man'ner of per'sons' o'ught ye' to be in 'a'll' ho'ly conversa'tion and god'liness; 12 Looking for and ha'sting un'to the com'ing of the day of Go'd, wherein' the heav'ens, be'ing on fi're, shall be dissolv'ed, and the el'ements shall melt with fer'vent he'at? 13 Nevertheless' we, according to his prom'ise, look' for new' heav'ens and a new' earth', wherein' dwell'eth right'eousness. 14 Wherefore, beloved, se'eing that ye look for such things, be diligent, that ye may be found' of him' in pe'ace, without' spot', aud

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bla'meless: 15 And account' that' the long-suf'fering of our Lo'rd 'is' salva'tion; e'ven as our beloved broth'er Pa'ul also, according to the wis'dom giv'en un'to him, hath writ'ten un'to you; 16 As also in a'll 'his' epis'tles, speaking in them of the'se things: in which are som'e things hard to be understood', which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest', as they do' a'lso the oth'er scrip'tures, un'to their o'wn destruc'tion. 17 Ye' therefore, belov'ed, se'eing ye know these things' befo're, bewa're lest ye' also, being led awa'y with the error of the wick’ed, fa'll from your own sted'fastness. 18 But gro'w in gra'ce, and ‘in' the knowledge of our Lo'rd and Saviour Jesus Chri'st. To him be' glo'ry, bo'th now and for ev'er. A'men'.




1 THAT which was' from the begin'ning, which we have heard', which we have se'en with our ey'es, which we have look'ed upon', and our hands have han'dled, of the Word' of life; 2 (For the life was man'ifested, and we have se'ẹn 'it,' and bea'r wit'ness, and she'w un'to you that eternal life which was with the Father, and was man'ifested un'to us';) 3 That' which we have se'en and heard' decla're we un'to you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship 'is' with the Father, and with his Son' Je'sus Chri'st. 4 And the'se things wri'te we un'to you, that our joy' may be full'. 5 This' then is the message which we have heard' of him', and decla're un'to you, that Go'd is light', and in him' is no darkness at all. 6 If we sa'y that we have fellowship with him', and walk in da'rkness, we li'e, and do' not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light', as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with anoth'er, and the blood' of Je'sus Chri'st his Son' clean'seth us from a'll sin'. If we say that we have no' sin', we dece'ive ourselves, and the truth is not in' us. 9 If we confess' our sins, he is

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faithful and just' to forgive us our sins, and to cleans'e us from all unright'eousness. 10 If we say that we have not' sinned, we make him' a li'ar, and his word' is not in' us.


CHAP. II. My lit'tle children, the'se things wri'te I un'to you, that ye sin' not. And if an'y man sin', we have an advocate with the Father, Je'sus Chri'st the right'eous: 2 And he is the propitia'tion for our sin's; and not for our's o'nly, but also for the sin's of' the whole world'. 3 And hereby we do know that we kno'w him, if we ke'ep his command'ments. 4 He that sa'ith, I know him, and ke'epeth not' his command'ments, is a liar, and the tru‍th is not' in him. 5 But whoso ke'epeth his word', in him' ver'ily is the love of Go'd per'fected: hereby kno'w we that we are in' him. 6 He that saith he abi'deth in him', o'ught himself' a'lso so to walk, e'ven as he' walked. 7 Brethren, I wri'te no new' command'ment un'to you, but an o'ld command'ment which ye had' from the begin'ning. The old command'ment is the word' which ye have heard' from the begin'ning. 8 Again', a new command'ment I wri'te un'to you, which thing is tru'e in him' and in you; because the darkness is past', and the true light now' shi'neth. 9 He that saith he is in the light', and ha'teth his broth'er, is in darkness e'ven until' now. 10 He that lov'eth his broth'er abi'deth in the light, and there is none occa'sion of stum'bling in hịm : 11 But he that ha'teth his broth'er is in da'rkness, and wa'lketh in darkness, and kno'weth not whith'er he go'eth, beca'use that darkness hath bli'nded his eyes. 12 I write un'to you, little children, because your sin's are forgiv'en you for his na'me's sake. 13 I write un'to you, fa'thers, because ye have known him' that is' from the begin'ning. I write un'to you, youn'g men, because ye have overcom'e the wick'ed one. I write un'to yo'u, little children, beca'use ye have known the Father. 14 I have writ'ten un'to yo'u, fa'thers, because ye have known him' that is from the begin'ning. I have writ'ten un'to you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of Go'd abi'deth in you, and ye have overcom'e the wick'ed one. 15 Love not the world', neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world', the love of the Father is not' in him. 16 Fo'r a'll that is in the world', the lust of the flesh', and the lust of the ey'es, and the pri'de of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world'. 17 And the world

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pass'eth away, and the lust' thereof' but he that do'eth the will' of Go'd abi'deth for ev'er. 18 Lit'tle children, it is the last time and as ye have heard' that antichrist shall come, e'ven now are there man'y an'tichrists; whereby' we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of' us; fo'r if they had been of' us, they would no doubt" have contin'ued with us: but they went out',' that they might be ma'de manifest that they were not a'll of us. 20 But ye have an unc'tion from the Holy One, and ye know a'll things. 21 I have not writ'ten un'to you beca'use ye know not the truth, but because ye kno'w it, and that no' li'e is of the truth. 22 Who is a liar, but he that deni'eth that Jesus is the Chri'st? He is antichrist, that deni'eth the Father and the Son'. 23 Whosoev'er deni'eth the Son', the same hath not the Father: [but he that acknowledgeth the Son', hath the Father also.]' 24 Let that' therefore abi'de in you which ye have heard' from the begin'ning. If that which ye have heard from the begin'ning shall rema'in in you, ye also shall contin'ue in the Son', and in the Father. 25 And this is the prom'ise that he hath prom'ised us, 'e'ven' eter'nal life. 26 The'se things' have I writ'ten un'to you concerning them that sedu'ce you. 27 But the anoin'ting, which ye have received of him', abi'deth in you; and ye ne'ed not that an'y man te'ach you: but as the same anointing te'acheth you of a'll things, and is tru'th, and is no' li'e, and e'ven as it hath ta'ught you, ye shall abi'de in him. 28 And now, lit'tle children, abi'de in him'; that, when he' shall appe'ar, we' may have con'fidence, and not be ashamed befo're him at his com'ing. 29 If ye kno'w that he' is right'eous, ye kno'w that every one that do'eth right'eousness is bo'rn of him'.


CHAP. III. Behold what' man'ner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the son's of Go'd ther'efore the world kno'weth us' not, beca'use it knew him' not. Belov'ed, now are we the son's of Go'd; and it doth not yet appe'ar what we shall be: but we kno'w that, when he' shall appe'ar, we' shall be li'ke him; fo'r we shall see him as he is'. And every man that hath this ho'pe in him pu'rifieth himself', e'vẹn as he' is purę. 4 Whosoever commit'teth sin' transgress'eth also the la'w fo'r sin' is the transgress'ion of the law. And ye know that he' was man'ifested to take awa'y our


sins; and in him' is no' sin. 6 Whosoev'er abi'deth in him sin'neth not whosoev'er sin'neth hath not seen him, neither known him. 7 Little children, let no' mạn dece'ive you he that do'eth right'eousness is right'cous, e'ven as he is right'eous. He that commit'teth sin' is of the dev'il; for the dev'il sin'neth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Go'd was man'ifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whosoev'er is bo'rn of Go'd doth not commit' sin; fo'r his se'cd rema'ineth in him and he can'not sin, because he is born of Go'd. 10 In this' the children of Go'd are man'ifest, and the children of the dev'il: whosoev'er do'eth not right'eousness is not' of Go'd, ne'ither he' that loveth not his broth'er. 11 For this is the mess'age that ye heard' from the begin'ning, that we should love one anoth'er. 12 Not' as Ca'in, who' was of that wick'ed one, and slew' his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were e'vil, and his broth'er's right'eous. 13 Marvel not, my breth'ren, if the world ha'te you. 14 We know that we have pass'ed from death' un'to life, because we love the breth'ren. He that loveth not 'his' brother abi'deth in death'. 15 Whosoev'er ha'teth his broth'er is a mur'derer and ye kno'w that no' mur'derer hath eter'nal life abi'ding in him. 16 Hereby' perce'ive we the love of Go'd,' because he laid down his life for us and we' o'ught to la'y down our lives for the breth'ren. 17 But w'hoso hath this' world's good', and se'eth his broth'er have nc'ed, and shut'teth up his bow'els of compassion' from him, how dwell'eth the love of Go'd in him'? 18 My little children, let us not' love in word', ne'ither in ton'gue; but in de'ed, and in truth. 19 And hereby we know that we' are of the truth, and shall assu're our hearts befo're him. 20 Fo'r if our hea'rt condem'n us, Go'd is grea'ter than our hea'rt, and kno'weth a'll things. 21 Beloved, if our hea'rt condem'n us not', 'then' have we con'fidence to'ward Go'd. 22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his command'ments, and do' tho'se things that are pleasing in his sight. 23 And this' is his command'ment, That we should belie've on the na'me of his Son Jesus Chri'st, and lov'e one another, as he' gave us command'ment. 24 And he that ke'epeth his commandments dwell'eth in him', and he' in him': and hereby' we kno'w that he abi'deth in us, by the Spir'it which he hath given us.


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