Imatges de pàgina

book was o'pened, which is the book' of life and the dead' were judged out of tho'se things which were writ'ten in the book's, according to their work's. 13 And the se'a gave up the dead' which were in it'; and death' and hell' delivered up the dead' which were in them' and they were judg'ed ev'ery man acco'rding to their work's. 14 And death' and hell' were cast' in'to the lake of fi'rẹ. This' is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found writ'ten in the book' of life was cast' in'to the lake of fi're.


CHAP. XXI.— And I saw a new heav'en and a new earth' for the first' heav'en and the first' earth' were pass'ed away; and there was no more se'a. 2 And I' John sa'w the holy city, new Jerusalem, com'ing down from Go'd out of heav'en, prepa'red as a bri'de adorned for her hus'band. 3 And I heard a grea't voi'ce out of heav'en sa'ying, Behold, the tab'ernacle of Go'd 'is' with men', and he will dwell' with them, and the'y shall be his pe'ople, and Go'd himself' shall be with' them, and be' their Go'd. 4 And Go'd shall wi'pe awa'y a'll te'ars from their eyes; and there shall be no more death', neither sorrow, nor cry'ing, neither shall there be any more pa'jn: for the fo'rmer things are pass'ed away. 5 And he' that sat' upon' the thro'ne said', Behold, I make a'll things new'. And he said un'to me, Write: fo'r the'se words are true and fa'ithful. 6 And he said un'to me, It is done. I am Al'pha and Omega, the beginning and the end': I will give un'to him that is athirst' of the foun'tain of the wa'ter of li'fe fre'ely. 7 He that overcom'eth shall inher'it all things; and I' will be his' Go'd, and he' shall be my son'. 8 But the fearful, and unbelie'ving, and the abominable, and mur'derers, and who'remongers, and so'rcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burn'eth with fi're and brim'stone; which is the second death. And there ca'me un'to me one of the seven a'ngels which had the seven vi'als full of the seven last pla'gues, and talked with me, sa'ying, Come hith'er, I will she'w thee the bri'de, the Lam'b's wife. 10 And he carried me awa'y in the spir'it to a grea't and hi'gh moun'tain, and she'wed me that grea't city, the holy Jeru'salem, descen'ding out of heav'en from Go'd, 1 Having the glory of Go'd and her light was' like un'to a sto'ne most precious, e'ven like a jas'per-stone, cle'ar as crys'tal; 12 And



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had a wall grea't and hi'gh, 'and' had twelve ga'tes, and at the gates twelve a'ngels, and na'mes writ'ten thereon', which are the na'mes' of the twelve tribes of the chil'dren of Israel. 13 On the e'ast, thre'e ga'tes; on the no'rth, three ga'tes; on the south', thre'e ga'tes; and on the west', three ga'tes. 14 And the wa'll of the city had twelve founda'tions, and in' them the na'mes of the twelve apostles of the Lam'b. 15 And he that talked with me had a golden re'ed to measure the cit'y, and the ga'tes thereof', and the wa'll thereof'. 16 And the cit'y li'eth four-squa're, and the length is as large as the breadth'. And he meas'ured the city with the re'ed, twelve thou'sand furlongs: the length', and the breadth', and the height' of it are equal. 17 And he meas'ured the wa'll thereof, an hun'dred 'and' fo'rty 'and' fo'ur cu'bits, acco'rding to the meas'ure of a man', that is, of the angel. 18 And the building of the wa'll of it was 'of' jas'per: and the cit'y 'was' pu're go'ld, like un'to clear glass'. 19 And the founda'tions of the wa'll of the city were' ga'rnished with a'll man'ner of prec'ious sto'nes. The first founda'tion was' jas'per; the second, sapphire; the third', a chal'cedony; the fo'urth, an em'erald; 20 The fifth', sar'donyx; the sixth', sa'rdius; the seventh, chrys'olite; the e'ightth, ber'yl; the ni'nth, a to'paz; the tenth', a chrysop'rasus; the elev'enth, a ja’cinth; the twelfth', an am'ethyst. 21 And the twelv'e ga'tes 'were' twelve pearl's; ev'ery sev'eral ga'te was of on'e pearl': and the street of the city was' pu're go'ld, as it were transpa'rent glass'. 22 And I saw no tem'ple therein' for the Lo'rd Go'd Almight'y and the Lam'b are the tem'ple of it. 23 And the city had no ne'ed of the sun', ne'ither of the mo'on, to shi'ne in it; fo'r the glory of Go'd did light'en it, and the Lam'b is the light thereof'. 24 And the na'tions of them' which are saved shall walk in the light' of it and the kings of the earth' do bring their glo'ry and hon'our in'to it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut' at all by da'y; fo'r there shall be no' night' there. 26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the na'tions in'to it. 27 And there shall in no' wise en'ter in'to it an'y thing that defi'leth, ne'ither whatsoever' work'eth abomination, or maketh' a l'e; but they which are writ'ten in the Lam'b's book of life.


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CHAP. XXII.—And he she'wed me a pu're riv'er of wa'ter of life, clear as crystal, proce'eding out of the


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thro'ne of Go'd and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the stre'et of it, and on either si'de of the riv'er, was there' the tree of life, which ba're twelve man'ner of' fruits, 'and' yielded her fru'it ev'ery month' and the leaves of the tree were' for the healing of the na'tions. 3 And there shall be no more curs'e: but the thro'ne of Go'd and of the Lam'b shall be in' it; and his' ser'vants shall serv'e him. 4 And they shall se'e his fa'ce; and his na'me ‘shall be' in their foreheads. 5 And there shall be no' night' there; and they ne'ed no can'dle, ne'ither light of the sun'; fo'r the Lord Go'd giv'eth them light': and they shall re'ign for ev'er and ever. 6 And he said' un'to me, These sa'yings are faithful and true. And the Lo'rd Go'd of the holy proph'ets sent his a'ngel to she'w un'to his servants the things which must sho'rtly be don'e. 7 Behoʻld, I' come quickly: bless'ed 'is' he that ke'epeth the sa'yings of the prophecy of this book'. 8 And I' John' sa'w these things, and heard' them. And when I had heard' and se'en, I fell down' to wor'ship befo're the feet of the angel which she'wed me these things. 9 Then sa'ith he un'to me, Se'e thou do it' not': for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy breth'ren the proph'ets, and of them' which ke'ep the sa'yings of this book': wor'ship Go'd. 10 And he sa'ith un'to me, Se'al not the sa'yings of the prophecy of this book'; for the time is at hand'. He that is unjust', let him be unjust' still': and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still' and he that is right'eous, let him be righteous still' and he that is hoʻly, let him be ho'lý still'. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my rewa'rd 'is' with' me, to give ev'ery man acco'rding as his work' shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Ome'ga, the begin'ning and the end', the first' and the last'. 14 Blessed are' they that do' his command'ments, that they may have right' to the tree of life, and may enter in' through the ga'tes in'to the city. 15 Fo'r without'are' dog's, and so'rcerers, and who'remongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever lov'eth and maketh a li'e. 16 I' Je'sus have sent' mine a'ngel to tes'tify un'to you the'se things in the church'es. I am the root and the offspring of Da'vid, and' the bright' and mo'rning star. 17 And the Spir'it and the bri'de say, Com'e. And let him that he'areth say, Com'e. And let him that is athirst' com'e. And whosoev'er will', let' him take the wa'ter of life fre'ely. 18 For I testify un'to

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ev'ery man that he'areth the word's of the prophecy of this book', If an'y man shall ad'd un'to these things, Go'd shall ad'd un'to him the plagues that are writ'ten in this book': 19 And if an'y man shall take awa'y from the word's of the book' of this proph'ecy, Go'd shall take awa'y his part out of the book' of life, and out of the holy city, and from the thin'gs which are written in this book'. 20 He which tes'tifieth the'se things sa'ith, Su'rely I come quickly; A'men'. E'ven so', com'e, Lo'rd Je'sus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Chri'st 'be' with' you all. A'men'.




The figures, when used sin'gly, or put last, are called

[blocks in formation]

When followed by an'y oth'er fig'ure, the first figure increases

[blocks in formation]

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
When followed by two figures, the first figure increases to

200 300


500 600 700 800

10 tens '20 tens 30 tens 40 tens 50 tens 60 tens 70 tens 80 tens 90 tens
1 hun. 2 hun. 3 hun. 4 hun. 5 hun. 6 hun. 7 hun. 8 hun. 9 hun.
123 234 345 456 567 678 789 891 919 111 212 313 414 515 616


The Ancient Ro'mans coun'ted by lines, thus- //
The letter I resem'bling a line represent's 1, IIs 2, IIIs 3, and so
on to 10, marked as abov'e by a line across', like X, which divided.
thus, X, forms two Vs, each V be'ing the half of ten or five.|
Instead of Four let'ters of the same sort placed togeth'er,
One of Less val'ue put first, subtract's that value from the Grea'ter.
Thus-IV, One from five is Four. IX, One from ten is Nine.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


C, the first let'ter of Cen'tum-100, orig'inally formed thus, L, be'ing
halved, , becomes two Ls; L therefore is the half of 100-50.
Instead of XXXX, X put befo're L subtract's 10 from 50=40.
X put befo're C subtract's 10 from 100-90, thus-

[blocks in formation]
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