Of all that other gods have done 9 The nations all whom thou hast made To bow them low before thee, Lord, 10 For great thou art, and wonders great Remainest God alone. II Teach me, O Lord, thy way most right; I in thy truth will bide; To fear thy name my heart unite; 12 Thee will I praise, O Lord my God, Thee honour and adore 30 40 With my whole heart, and blaze abroad 13 For great thy mercy is toward me, 14 O God, the proud against me rise, To seek my life, and in their eyes No fear of thee have set. 15 But thou, Lord, art the God most mild, Readiest thy grace to shew, Slow to be angry, and art styled Most merciful, most true. 16 Oh turn to me thy face at length, Unto thy servant give thy strength, 17 Some sign of good to me afford, And be ashamed, because thou, Lord, PSALM LXXXVII. I AMONG the holy mountains high His temple there is placed. 2 Sion's fair gates the Lord loves more 50 60 Than all the dwellings fair Of Jacob's land, though there be store, 3 City of God, most glorious things I mention Egypt, where proud kings 4 I mention Babel to my friends, And Tyre, with Ethiop's utmost ends: 5 But twice that praise shall in our ear This and this man was born in her; 6 The Lord shall write it in a scroll, When he the nations doth enroll, 7 Both they who sing and they who dance In thee fresh brooks and soft streams glance, ΙΟ 20 PSALM LXXXVIII. I LORD GOD, that dost me save and keep, And all night long before thee weep, 2 Into thy presence let my prayer, And to my cries, that ceaseless are, 3 For, cloyed with woes and trouble store, My life, at death's uncheerful door, 4 Reckoned I am with them that pass I am a 1man but weak, alas! 5 From life discharged and parted quite Among the dead to sleep, And like the slain in bloody fight 10 1 Heb.: A man without manly strength. 20 2 The Hebrew bears both. Whom thou rememberest no more, Them, from thy hand delivered o'er, Where thickest darkness hovers round, 7 Thy wrath, from which no shelter saves, 2 Thou break'st upon me all thy waves, 2 And all thy waves break me. 8 Thou dost my friends from me estrange, Me to them odious, for they change, 9 Through sorrow and affliction great Io Wilt thou do wonders on the dead? And praise thee from their loathsome bed II Shall they thy loving-kindness tell 12 In darkness can thy mighty hand Of dark oblivion? 13 But I to thee, O Lord, do cry And up to thee my prayer doth hie 14 Why wilt thou, Lord, my soul forsake And hide thy face from me, 3 Heb. Pra 15 That am already bruised, and shake toncussione. With terror sent from thee; While I thy terrors undergo, Astonished with thine ire? 16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow; 17 All day they round about me go; 30 40 50 60 Like waves they me pursue. 18 Lover and friend thou hast removed, They fly me now whom I have loved, 70 PSALM I. Done into verse 1653. BLEST is the man who hath not walked astray And in his law he studies day and night. 10 PSALM II. Done August 8, 1653.—Terzetti. WHY do the Gentiles tumult, and the nations "Let us break off," say they, "by strength of hand, Their bonds, and cast from us, no more to wear, Their twisted cords." He who in Heaven doth dwell Shall laugh; the Lord shall scoff them, then severe Speak to them in his wrath, and in his fell And fierce ire trouble them. "But I," saith he, "Anointed have my King (though ye rebel) On Sion my holy hill." A firm decree ΙΟ I will declare the Lord to me hath said, The Heathen, and, as thy conquest to be swayed, Earth's utmost bounds: them shalt thou bring full low If once his wrath take fire, like fuel sere. 20 PSALM III. August 9, 1653. When he fled from Absalom. LORD, how many are my foes! How many those That in arms against me rise! That of my life distrustfully thus say, The exalter of my head I count : Unto Jehovah; he full soon replied, For my sustain Was the Lord. Of many millions The populous rout I fear not, though, encamping round about, They pitch against me their pavilions. Rise, Lord; save me, my God! for thou Hast smote ere now On the check-bone all my foes, Of men abhorred ΙΟ 20 Hast broke the teeth. This help was from the Lord; |