Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

tu' me fy
typ'i fy
tep' e fy
trag' e dy
tal' iş mang
am' ber grïs
a cous' ties

băr ri cade'


y tone

ba nä' nå

ban dan' a


bär' be cue
can'ni bal

cel' an dine
ehlo' ro form
chant' i cleer
ehrys' a lis
ehrys' o lite
Cy re' ne
dal' li ance
de scen' sion
dis sen' sion
dis per' sive
dis cûr' sive
eu' eha rist

ex em' plar

ab o rig'i nēs

ad mis' si ble
ad mit' ta ble*
mis tak' a ble

ad vēr' tişe ment
bac ca lau' re ate
bac eha na' li an
cat e ehet' ic al
da guerre' o type
da guerre' i an
ir rev' er ence
per se vēr' ance
Ec cle şi as' teş
e van gel' ic al
e ques' tri an

ehi rop' o dist
ex ag' ġer ate
hi'e rareh Ꭹ
hy dro pho' bi å
hy per crit' ic al
hyp o crit' ic al
idi o syn' cra sy
mel lif er ous
in tel' li gi ble
i ras' ci ble

Lil i pu' tian
man tua-māk er
mil len' ni um
vi cis' si tude

mus co va' do

* See Exercise 281, page 86. Note that adjectives formed from English words by suffixing able or ible, as readable from read, commonly prefer the form able. Those from Latin end in able or ible, according as they end in abilis or ibilis in that language.

Why, in the plural of cherry (cherries), is y changed into i, and not in chimneys? See Rules XII and XIII, pages 69 and 70.

[blocks in formation]

rac coon' rey' nard

whim' sey cup' board+ clap' board schişm scrive' ner souve nir

sôr' ghum

tis' sue (-shu) tou' can traipse

tran scribe' tres' tle twad' dle

i' ron y
im promp❜ tu


i' şin glass
kan ga roo'
ka' ty did

log' a rithms
mag a zine'
hy' gi ene
man'i kin
me dall' ion
man dil' ion

o paque' ness
piqu' an cy
ple' ia des

pleu' ri sy
pol' li wig
pol' y chord

rem i nis' cence sep a ra' tion

su per sed' ure thor' ōugh wort u biq'ui ty lo quaç' i ty ver i sim'i lar whooping-cough ab er ra' tion a ceph' a lous a'er a ted al to geth' er an ni ver' sa ry av oir du pois' bel lig' er ent as sas' sin ate brag ga do' ci o

* What is the general Rule for the insertion of the hyphen in compound words? See note, page 75. What, for accenting them? See page 80.

Why, in forming effaceable from efface, is not the final e in the latter dropped? See Exercise 224, and the second note on page 68.

On the sound of p, in the words cupboard and clapboard, see page 9.

cac' tus cap' stan cor' al crev'ice de tach' un latch'

diphthong dough' nut


pa vil' ion
no nill' ion

punc til' ious
pel'i can
re ligʻious
ren' dez vous

(ren' de vo

re' qui em

eight' een

de ten' tion

flae' çid

ex ten' sion

gâir' ish

salt'-cel lar

[blocks in formation]

ef fer ves' cence

el ee mos' y na ry

e mol' li ent
ex hil' a rate
fal' er
för ti fy ing

hyp o ehon' dri ac
math e ma ti' cian
mis' cel la ny

o rang'-ou tang'
par a pher naʼli å
pla' gi a rişm
port man' teau (to)
sperm a ce' ti

tax'i der mist

[blocks in formation]

* Cancellation, if formed from cancel, by adding the suffix ation, might pass for an exception to Rule VIII, page 63, and be set down among the list of exceptions, like crystalline, metallic, etc., as in Exercise 210. But, in reality, none of this class of words form exceptions to the rule, if we consider that in the languages whence they come to us (Latin, through the French and the Greek), the 7 is doubled already. But for the merely English scholar, they are exceptions, and for convenience, may be so treated.

in no va' tion

re hearse'

rhom' boid

rouge (roozh) schnapps


vit' re ous

vit' ri ol

whif' fle tree

o bei' sance

schot' tish

[ocr errors][merged small]
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ha bil' i ment

starve' ling

[blocks in formation]

as cer tain'
bach'e lor
be lea' guer
bob' o link
bul' le tin

cas' si mere
cat a falque
coch' i neal


col' an der

col on nade'

col' o nize
deç'i mal
děr' e lict
des hå bille'
di' a mond
E gyp' tian

em băr' rass
ex cres' cence
reç' i pe*
frol' ic some
rol' lick ing
guer ril' lå

gy ra' tion

hand'i work

mel' an chol y ob liq'ui ty ob lo quy pe tro' le um pri mo ge' ni al ho mo ge' ne al rec on noi' ter re şist i' ble rhet o ri' cian scin til la' tion tee to' tal er syl lab i ca' tion Chat ta noo' gå sa lu' ta to ry sus cep' ti ble


sil lan' i mous

pol' y the işm
re frig' er a tor
re ju' ve nate
re tal' i ate
pal' li ate
vi tres' ci ble
ac cess' i ble
re miss' i ble
ac qui es' cence
a nal' o gous
as păr a gus
a nom' a lous

cat'e go ry
cor' ri gi ble

cor rupt'i ble

con tour

[blocks in formation]

* For a note on e final, on such words as recipe, see page 39.


ca' liph ehyle ehyme Christ' mas cor tege' (tāzh') dis pâir' eu' ehre* fledge' ling

front' iēr

gnash' ing grand'eur dan' druff

horn' blende

van dyke'

hour' I

flow' er y


Il' i ad

im' be cile

in vei' gle

laç' er ate
lull' a by
mac' ca boy

ma çhïn' ist
man' di ble
me ri' no

năr ra tive

bal za rïne'

ob noxious

om' e let


o pos' sum

păr' a chute

par' a lýze

et y mol' o gy
ex traôr' di na ry
flag el la' tion
her cu' le an
in tel' li gence

men ag'e rie
(men azh' e re)

neu ral' gi å

o po del doc

par e gor' ic per en' ni al per tur ba' tion pol' y syl la ble su per fi' cies tap io cả

waf' fle-i ron

Ab ys sin'i an

par o quet
phar' i see
ret' i cence
rhap' so dy

jäun' dice

[blocks in formation]

sab' a oth

dac' tyl

sas' sa fras

dew' y duc' at en feoff' en nui'

(ong nwe') flam'beau (bo)

sçin' til late

ven' ti late
Scyth' i an
si roc' coşt
stadt' hōld er
Teū ton' ic

am phib' i ous a poc' a lypse ap pa ra' tus ar ehi pel' a go ce lib' a cy ben e fi' ci a ry con stel la' tion de te' ri o rate el' i gi ble gutta-per’chả ir ri ga' tion mam maʼli å měr' ry-an' drew

* On words ending like euchre, see note, page 87.

In re-spelling words from the French, we employ the combination ng (as in ad-de-kong), merely to indicate the nasal sound heard in pronouncing the syllables, an, en, on, etc., in that language.

On the spelling of the plurals of words ending in o, see note, page 73.

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