Imatges de pàgina


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Thos. Pelham Holles, D. of Newcastle
Hon. Henry Bilson Legge; Sir Geo
Lyttelton, succ. Nov., 1755-
John Carteret, E. Granville.

John Leveson Gower, E. Gower, d. 1754;
Chas. Spencer, D. of Marlborough,
succ. Jan., 1755; Granville Leveson
Gower, E. Gower, succ. Dec., 1755-
Phil. Yorke, E. of Hardwicke.
Robt. Darcy, E. of Holdernesse.
Sir Thos. Robinson, till Nov. 15, 1755;
Henry Fox, succ. Nov. 15, 1755-
Geo. Anson, Ld. Anson.

Lionel Cranfield Sackville, D. of Dorset;
Wm. Cavendish, M. of Hartington,
succ. 1755.

Wm. Pitt; Henry Vane, E. of Darlington and Thos. Hay, Visc. Duppün, jointly, succ. 1755.

Henry Fox, till Nov. 15, 1755; William Wildman Barrington, Visc. from Nov., 1755.

VII. WILLIAM PITT, November, 1756.

First Lord of Treasury
Chancellor of Exchequer

Lord President

Lord Privy Seal
Lord Chancellor

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Secretary of State (Northern Dept.)
Secretary of State (Southern Dept.)
First Lord of Admiralty
Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland
Paymaster-General of Forces

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Wm. Cavendish, D. of Devonshire.
Hon. Henry Bilson Legge.

John Carteret, E. Granville.

Granville Leveson Gower, E. Gower.

Great Seal in Commission.

Robt. Darcy, E. of Holdernesse.
Wm. Pitt.

Richard Grenville, E. Temple.

John Russell, D. of Bedford.

Thos. Hay, Visc. Dupplin and Thos.
Potter, jointly.


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Abbeville, 158.


Abercromby, General, 456;


Ticonderoga, 458; is repulsed, 459.

Aberdeen, 102, 246, 260, 261.

Aberlady, 251.

Amerdingen, 52.

America, North, 187, 265, 308; clashing
of French and English interests in,
377, 432-434, 435-436, 444, 454, 457-

Abingdon, Earl of (Montagu Bertie), 223. | America, South, 338.
Acadia. See Nova Scotia.
Adderstone, 250.

Addison, Joseph, 68, 131; Irish secre-
tary, 139; and Sacheverell, 164;
patronised by Godolphin, 177; and
George I., 237; secretary of state,
279; retires, 281, 289, 298; defends
the peerage bill, 292; quarrels with
Steele, 293; influence of, on litera-
ture, 479, 482, 487, 489, 492, 493.
Administrations, lists of, app. ii., 517-522.
Adriatic, the, 19, 112.
Africa, trade to, 94.

African Company, 100, 101, 108.
Agueda river, 64.
Aire, 158, n. I.

Aislabie, John, chancellor of the ex-
chequer, 289, 293; and South Sea
stock, 294, 297; resigns, 300; his
trial, 301, 302.

Aix-la-Chapelle, treaty of (1748), 416,
417-418, 431, 432.

Alberoni, Cardinal, adverse to the pre-
tender, 271; favours George I., 273;
and the Quadruple alliance, 280, 281;
and the battle of Cape Passaro, 282;
attempts invasion of England, 283;
its failure, 284; dismissed, 285, 321.
Albuquerque, capture of, 85.
Albuquerque, Duke of, Viceroy of
Mexico, 14.
Aldborough, 435.
Alicante, 109, 121.

Almanza, 110; battle of, 110, 111, 112,
120, 130, 156.
Almenara, battle of, 156.
Almonde, Admiral Van, 14, 19.
Alps, the, 155, 264.

Alsace, designs of Leopold I. on, 11, 58,
75, 80; campaign in, 115; projected
invasion of, 155; Austrians threaten,

Altea, Spain, 20.
Alt-Ranstädt, treaty of, 113, 114.

Amherst, General Jeffery, commander-
in-chief of British forces in North
America, 456, 467, 472-473.
Amsterdam, its trade, 26; feeling in, 78,
79, 194.

Andalusians, the, 13, 22.
Anderlecht, 116.

Anglesey, Earl of (John Annesley), 69;
a leader of the Hanover tories, 214,
219, 223.

Anjou, Duke of. See Philip V.
Anne, Empress of Russia, death o1, 366.
Anne of Austria, 121.

Anne, princess royal, afterwards of
Orange, 355.

Anne, Queen, her accession, 1, 93, 94,
177; her prepossessions and appear-
ance, 2; declaration as to crown of
Spain, 22; devotion to her husband,
27, 28; dislikes Sunderland, 29, 46;
supports the bill against occasional
conformity, 32; under tory influence,
34; disapproves the second occasional
conformity bill, 36, 37; and the
whigs, 67; and the high churchmen,
69; and the Duchess of Marlborough,
70; succession to, 95; in parliament,
106, 107; her obstinacy, 123; over-
come, 124; appoints two tory bish-
ops, 125; and Mrs. Masham, 126, 127;
grants audiences to Harley, 131;
writes to Joseph I., 131; supports
Harley, 132; accepts Harley's resig-
nation, 133; supports the Bank of
England, 137; refuses Somers office,
138; complains of Sunderland, 139;
orders tents for Protestant refugees,
141; act of grace of, 143; bribes
Somers, 160 and n. 1; resists ap-
pointment of Orford, 161; rupture of
with the Duchess of Marlborough,
162, 163; at the trial of Sacheverell,
167, 168; on divine right, 168 and


n. 1; makes Shrewsbury chamberlain, | Arniston, 184.

170; dismisses Sunderland, 171; and Arran, Earl of, chancellor of Oxford,
Godolphin, 172; Harley's advice to, 249.

174; change of feeling as to the pre- Arras, 158.

tenders, 175; dismisses the Duchess" Articles of the Navy," 419.


Atholl, Marquis of, afterwards Duke of
(John Murray), 38, 105, 134, 246, 247,

of Marlborough from office, 179; Asfeldt, General d', Spanish general, 120.
grant of allowances by, 192; opposes Ashby v. White. See Aylesbury.
dissolution of union with Scotland, Asiento, the, 187, 194, 205, 210, 216,
202; prejudice as to Prior, 204; ac- 219, 220; new treaty, 273, 293, 294
knowledgment of her title by the 338, 359, 362, 376, 418.
treaty of Utrecht, 205; illness of, 211; Aston, Salop, 169.
asks Ormonde to mediate between Athlone, Earl of (Godert de Ginkel), 8,
ministers, 216; dislikes Bolingbroke,
217; shields him and Lady Masham
from inquiry, 219; dismisses Oxford,
219; her last illness, 220; her death,
221, 274, 331; and character, 222;
Marlborough and, 224; her will, 225;
sat in council, 231; the pretender
and, 135, 232; intercedes for Hugue.
nots, 264, 339; corruption under, 341;
authorities on, app. i., 503-509.
Annesley, Arthur, 29.
Anson, Commodore (later Vice-Admiral),

his services, 366, 382, 415, 451; on
Admiral Boscawen, 441; on Admiral
Byng, 443, and Admiral Hawke, 455.
Anspach, 228.

Antwerp, 15, 76, 81.

Aragon disaffected to Philip V., 21, 65,
85, 87, 90, 110, 120; cortes of, 149,

Aranjuez, treaty of, 389.
Architects of the eighteenth century,
Arcot, 431.
Ardoch, 257.

Arenberg, Duke of, 374.
Argyll, second Duke of (John Campbell),
a whig, 95, 100; hostile to Marl-
borough, 179; at Barcelona, 189; in
the lords, 200, 214, 215; appears at
Anne's last council, 220; commander-
in-chief in Scotland, 229, 247; selects
whig officers, 243; advances against
Scottish rebels, 251; commands at
Sheriff Muir, 255-258; pursues the
rebels, 260-261; recalled, 262; dis-
missed, 270, 271; influences Prince
George, 271; protests against stand-
ing army, 290; appointed lord
steward, 298; not involved in the
South Sea Company, 299; his
brother Lord Ilay, 320; opposes
Walpole, 347.

Armagh, Archbishopric of, 318.
Army, discarding the, by Ormonde, 211;
by Marlborough, 243; vote for the,
290; and the excise bill, 345; dis-
missal of officers of, 347, 348.
"Army ofobservation, the," 450, 452-456.

Atterbury, Dr. Francis, afterwards
Bishop of Rochester, chaplain to
Queen Anne, 169; a violent tory,
174; Bishop of Rochester, 208; a
suspected Jacobite, 220; a friend of
Bolingbroke, 222; does homage to
George I., 232; opposes the sep-
tennial bill, 268; in correspondence
with the pretender, 289; in con-
spiracy, 305; his eminence, 306;
banished, 307, 309, 330, 336.
Aubach, General, 76.
Augsburg, 52.

Augusta, Princess of Saxe-Gotha. See
Wales, Princess of.

Austria, its army, 7, 8; threatened by
Bavaria, 16, 48; the Dutch and, 83:
house of, 140; and Spain, 186; and
Savoy, 213; commercial treaty of
Vienna with Spain, 324; alliance of
with France, 440, 444.
Austrian generals, 114.
Austrian party in Spain, 21, 120.
Austrians, the, in Spain, 23, 109, 112.
Authorship, standing of, during eigh-
teenth century, 494-495.
Auvergne, Prince d', 153.
Avignon, the pretender goes to, 264,
265, 270.

Aylesbury election, the, 41, 67.
Aylesford, Earl of (Heneage Finch),

Badajoz, 85, 87, 156.

Baden, Louis, Margrave of, imperial
general, 17, 48, 50, 51, 58, 59, 80;
death of, 114.

Baden, Margravate of, 48, 75.
Badenoch, 261.

Baireuth, Margrave of (Christian), 114.
Baireuth, Margrave of (Frederick), 355-
Baireuth, Margravine of (Wilhelmina),
311, 327, 355.
Baireuth, Prince of, 55.
Balearic Isles, 78.


Balmerino, Balmerinoch, Lord (Arthur
Elphinstone), 193 n. 1; trial and
death of, 408, 409.
Baltic, the, and Russia, 145, 285, 311;
and Sweden, 274, 275, 285, 286, 287;
trade in, 308; Russian fleet from,
323; the command of, 326.
Bambridge, Thomas, 343.
Bangor, Bishop of. See Hoadly.
Bank of England, 30; run on, 137;
advances to Godolphin, 155; fall of
stock of, 175, 184; supports govern-
ment, 244, 288; a whig institution,
293; in rivalry with the South Sea
Company, 293, 294, 295, 297, 298;
Walpole's scheme and the, 299; plot
to seize the, 307; chancery funds and
the, 332.

Bara, John, a spy, 132.
Barbary, coast of, 20.
Barbary, state of, 19.

Barcelona, relief of, 81; siege of,


87, 88, 89; court of, 112; city of,
121, 146, 149, 157, 158, 189, 215.
Bar-le-Duc, 225.

Barnard, Sir John, 335, 362.
Barrier, the, 6, 82, 83, 84, 121, 146, 147,
148; negotiations of the treaty for,
149, 150; Barrier treaty condemned
by parliament, 194; Tournay added
to, 205, 237; Townshend's conduct
of the Barrier treaty, 229; Cadogan's
Barrier treaty, 260.

Barrington, Viscount (William Wild-
man Barrington Shute), secretary at
war, 446.

Barrisdale, Macdonald of, a traitor, 408.
Barry, Elizabeth, actress, 3.

Bassée, La, French lines at, 158.
Bath, 249.

Bath and Wells, Bishop of (Richard
Kidder), 21.

Bathurst, Lord (Allen Bathurst), 354.
Bavaria, Elector of (Charles Albert),
supports France against the empire,

Bavaria, Elector of (Max Emanuel), 7;
seizes Ulm, 11; designs on Vienna;
15, 16, 48, 49; at Blenheim, 55, 58;
writes to Marlborough, 84; besieges
Brussels, 119; and the peace negotia-
tions, 203.

Bavaria, Elector of, subsidised, 420.
Bavaria, Electress of, 59.

Bavaria, raided by Marlborough, 52, 57.
Bavarian army, the, 8, 50, 51, 52, 55,
58, 76, 77, 80, 81, 154.
Baxter, Richard, 44.

Bay, Marquis de, Spanish general, 120,

Beaufort, Duke of, 419.


[blocks in formation]

Berlin, 59, 79, 286.

Bernstorff, Baron A. G. von, 229, 230,
231, 272, 274, 275, 297, 309.
Berwick, Duke of (James Fitzjames), in
Portugal, 62, 63, 64, 88; retreats, 89;
occupies Madrid, 91; superseded by
Orleans, 109, 110; in the Nether-
lands, 118, 119; and the Jacobites,
129; at Cambray, 158; baffles Daun,
159; commands against Victor Ama-
deus, 189; his plan of restoration, 211;
and Marlborough, 224, 245, 251; the
pretender and, 236; Bolingbroke and,
241; on the pretender, 246; deserts
the pretender, 262; blames the pre-
tender, 263; his son, 327; his mili-
tary estimates, 329.
erwick, North, 251.
Béthune, 158 n. 1.
Betterton, Thomas, actor, 489, 490.
Binckes, Dr. William, preacher, 5;
made Dean of Lichfield, 35.
Birmingham, riots in, 238.
Biron, Duc de (Charles-Armand de
Gontaut), French general, 117.
Bishops, the, 264, 352, 354.
Black Forest, the, 50, 58.
"Black Friday," 398.

"Black Hole of Calcutta," 451, 452.
Black Prince, the, 270.

Blackall, Offspring, Bishop of Exeter,

Blackheath, 141.

Blackwell, Sir Lambert, British minister
at Florence, 21.

Blandford, Marquis of (John Churchili),
Marlborough's son, 15.

Blandford, Marquis of, Marlborough | Breslau, treaty of, 371, 427.

Brest, 59.

created, 10.
Blathwayt, William, secretary at war, Bridgewater, Duke of (Scroop Egerton),

Blenheim (Blindheim), battle of, 47, 54,
55, 56, 57, 59, 65, 66, 80, 87, 97, 116,

Blenheim, palace of, 44 n. 4, 65, 223.
Bligh, General, 456.

Blunt, Sir John, South Sea director,

Bolingbroke, Lord. See St. John,

Bologna, 285.

Bolton, Duke of (Charles Powlett), 233,
279, 347.

Bonet, Friedrich, Prussian minister in
London, 131, 230.

Bridgnorth, 169.

Brihuega, capture of, 157.
Brinsden, John, Bolingbroke's secretary,


Bristol, 232, 248, 249, 314.

Bristol, bishops of. See Smalridge,
Robinson, Boulter, Butler.

British Museum, foundation of, 430, 498,


British, the, success of, in India, 431-
432; struggles of, in North America,
432 et sqq.
Brittany, 118.
Brodrick, Alan. See Midleton.
Brodrick, St. John, 316.
Brodrick, Thomas, 294, 299, 301, 302,

Broglie, Marshal, 460-462.
Bromley, William, 29, 139; Speaker,
178, 191, 220, 230.
Brougham, Lord (Henry Brougham),
276 n. 3.

Bonn, taken by Marlborough, 15, 50;
Dutch demand, 150.
Boscawen, Admiral, sails for India, 416;
meets French fleet, 435-436; his North
American fleet, 456-457; blockades
Toulon, 459; destroys De la Clue's
fleet, 460; general successes, 477.
Bothmer, Count H. C. von, Hanoverian
envoy, 178, 190, 194, 224, 225, 230,
231, 245, 272, 278, 309.
Bouchain, 188, 199, 200.
Boufflers, Louis Françoise Duc de,
Marshal of France, 15, 16, 119; at Brunswick-Lüneburg, 50; troops of, 55.
Malplaquet, 154.
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, duchy of, 8.
Bougainville, General, at Quebec, 464- Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Duke of, 326.
Brussels, 77, 116, 118.

Broughton, Murray of, 392; turns in-
former, 408, 409.

Bruges, 8, 15, 116, 118, 119, 150, 199,

Bubb, George. See Dodington.
Buckinghamshire, Duke of (John Shef
field), 4, 67, 69, 128; lord president,
183, 194, 204, 220; introduces the
peerage bill, 293.
Bucklebury, Berks, 176.
Bunge, M., Swedish Minister at Paris,

Boulter, Dr. Hugh, Archbishop of Brutus, 300.
Armagh, 314, 318, 319.
Bourbon army, 112, 115, 120.
Bourbon, Duke of, French minister, 327.
Bourbon, house of, 22, 87, 186, 191, 349.
"Bow Street runners," 429.
Boyle, Henry, afterwards Lord Carleton,
chancellor of the exchequer and
secretary of state, 133, 138, 151, 161,
163, 171; dismissed, 174.
Boyne, battle of the, 28.

Brabant, 8, 9, 80, 81; the states of, 83;
Marlborough master of, 119.
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 490.
Braddock, General, in Virginia, 433;
defeat and death of, 434.
Bradley, James, 423, 480.
Bradstreet, General, success of, in
Canada, 458.
Braemar, 246.

Brampton, 252.

Brandenburg-Anspach, 334.

Brechin, 246.

Bréda, conference of. I'

Breisach, 50.

286, 289, 326, 453.


Buononcini, 355, 489.

Burgundy, Duke of (Louis), grandson of
Louis XIV., 17, 115, 116, 117, 196.
Burke, Edmund, 165, 341.
Burlington, Earl of (Richard Boyle),

Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 3,
9, 25, 30, 32, 41, 45, 49, 70, 141, 165,
182, 193, 223; death of, 238.
Bussy, General, 432, 477.

Bute, Lord, of Leicester House party,
457; on the success of the "army of
observation," 455-456.

Butler, Bishop (of Durham), and Queen
Caroline, 358, 480.

Buys, William, 79, 195, 196.

Bremen, Duchy 249, 272, 280, 283, Byng, Hon. John, Admiral, 359, 399,

447; his lack of enterprise, 413, 441-

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