Imatges de pàgina

Neftorius, ought to be much efteemed, and when named, to be ftiled Saints; and to have their Reliques reverenced: That Matrimony is not a Sacrament, that it may be diffolved for the bad conditions of the Parties: That Ufury is Lawful, and there is no Sin in it.

Alfo the Book of Timothy the Patriarch, where, in three Chapters, The most Holy Sacrament of the Altar is blafphemed; it being impiously afferted in them, That the true Body of our Lord Chrift is not there, but only the Figure thereof.

Alfo the Letter which they pretend came down from Heaven, called the Letter of the Lord's day, wherein the Roman Church is accused of having fallen from the Faith, and having violated the Domingo, or Lord's-day Letter.

Alfo the Book called Maclamatas; wherein the distinction of two Perfons in Christ, and the accedental Union of the Incarnation are pretended to be proved at large, and are confirmed with feveral falfe and Blafphemous Similitudes.

Alfo the Book intituled Uguarda, or the Rofe ; wherein it is faid, That there are two Perfons in Christ; that the Union of the Incarnation was Accidental; that our Lady brought forth with Pain; and the Sons of Jofeph, which he had by his other Wife, being in company, went for a Midwife to her, with other Blafphemies.

Also the Book intituled Camiz; wherein it is faid, That the Divine Word, and the Son of the Virgin are not the fame; and that our Lady brought forth with Pain.


Alfo the Book intituled Mexra; wherein it is faid, That our Lord Chrift is only the Image of the Word; that the Substance of God dwelt in Christ as in a Temple; that Christ is next to the Divinity; that Chrift was made the Companion of God.

Alfo the Book of Orders; wherein it is faid, That the Form, and not the Matter, is neceffary to Orders; and the Forms therein are likewise Erroneous; that there are only two Orders, Diaconate and Priesthood; that Altars of Wood, and not of Stone, are to be Confecrated; there are alfo Prayers in it for those that are converted from any other Sect to Neftorianifm, in form of an Abfolution from the Excommunication they had incurred for not having followed Neftorius, and of a reconciliation to the Church.

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Alfo the Book of Homilies; wherein it is faid, That the Holy Eucharift is only the Image of Christ, and is diftinguished from him, as an Image is from a true Man; and that the Body of our Lord Jefus Chrift is not there, nor no where else but in Heaven: That. the whole Trinity was Incarnate; that Christ is only the Temple of the Divinity, and God only by Representation; that the Soul of Chrift defcended not into Hell, but was carried to the Paradife of Eden; that whofoever affirms the contrary, errs, and that we therefore err in our Creed: There are therein likewife fome Letters of fome Heretical Synods, in which it is faid, That the Patriarch of Babylon is not fubject to the Roman Bishop; with an Oath to M


be taken to the faid Patriarch, as the Head of the Church, wherein People Swear to obey him, and him only, and not the Bishop of Rome.

Alfo a Book intituled, An Expofition of the Gospels; wherein it is every where pretended to be proved, That there are two Perfons in Christ, and that Chrift as a pure Creature, was obliged to adore God, and ftood in need of Prayer; that he was the Temple of the most Holy Trinity; that Chrift's Soul when he died, defcended not into Hell, but was carried to the Paradife of Eden; which was the place he promifed to the Thief on the Crofs: That our Lady, the Virgin, deferved to be reproved for having vainly imagined, that she was Mother to one that was to be a great King; looking upon Chrift as no other than a pure Man; and prefuming that he was to have a Temporal Empire, as well as the rest of the Jews: That the Evangelifts did not Record all Christ's Actions in Truth as they were, they not having been present at feveral of them; which was the reason why they differed from one another fo much: That the Wife Men that came from the Eaft, received no favour from God, for the Journey they took; neither did they believe in Chrift; that Chrift was the adopted Son of God, it being as impoffible that he fhould be God's Natural Son, as it is that Juft Men fhould be fo; that he received new Grace in Baptifm, which he had not before; that he is only the Image of the Word; and the pure Temple of the Holy Spirit; that


the Holy Eucharift is only the Image of the Body of Chrift, which is only in Heaven at the right hand of the Father, and not here on Earth: That Christ, as pure Man, did not know when the day of Judgment was to be: That when St. Thomas put his Hand into Chrift's Side, and faid, My Lord, and my God! he did not fpeak to Chrift; for that he that was raised was not God; but it was only an Exclamation made to God upon his beholding fuch a Miracle: That the Autho rity that Christ gave to St. Peter over the Church, was the fame that he gave to other Priests; fo that his Succeffors have no more Power or Jurifdiction than other Bishops: That our Lady, the Virgin, is not the Mother of God: That the firft Epiftle of St. John, and that of St. James, are not the Writings of thofe Holy Apostles, but of fome other Perfons of the fame Name, and therefore are not Canonical.


Alfo the Book of Hormisda Raban, who is ftiled a Saint; wherein it is faid, That Neftorius was a Saint, and Martyr, and fuffered for the Truth; and that St. Cyril, who perfecuted him, was the Priest and Minifter of the Devil, and is now in Hell: That Images are filthy and abominable Idols, and ought not to be adored; and that St. Cyril, as a Heretick invented and introduced them: There are alfo many falfe Miracles Recorded in this Book, which are faid to have been wrought by Hormifda in confirmation of the Neftorian Doctrine; with an Account of what he suffered from the Catholicks, for being obftinate in his Herefy.

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Alfo the Book of Lots, into which they put that they call the Ring of Solomon, with a great many more Superftitions, for the choice of good Days to Marry upon, and for several other uses; wherein are contained many Blafphemies, and Heathenish Obfervances; as also all other Books of Lots, and for chufing of Days, the Synod prohibits under the fame Cenfure.

Alfo the Book written after the manner of Flos Sanctorum; wherein are contained the Lives of a great many Neftorian Hereticks, who are there called Saints; and not only that entire Book, but also any of the Lives contained therein, which may be current feparately; namely, thofe of Abraham, ftiled the Great, of George Abbot Cardeg, whom they call a Martyr; Jacob, Abban, Saurixo, Johanan, Gauri, Raban, Sabacat, Ocama, Daniel, Barcaula, Raban Nuna, Jacob, Rabai the Great, Dadixo, Jomarufia, Schalita,

† flas Sandozum.] Let their Legends be as fabulous as they will, I am fure they cannot be worse than thofe of the Church of Rome; namely, her Flos San&orum, which is certainly the dulJeft Romance that ever faw the Sun.

Melchior Canus, the Bishop of Canaries, in his 11th. Book de Loeis Theologicis, gives this juft Character of them: Dolenter hoc dico potiùs, quàm contumeliofè, multò à Laertio feverius vitas Philofophorum fcriptas, quam à Chriftianis vitas Sanctorum; longéque incorruptiùs & integrins Suetonium res Cafarum

expofuiffe, quàm expofuerint Catholici; non res dico Imperatorum, fed Martyrum, Virginum, & Confefforum. Ili enim in probis, aut Philofophis, aut Principibus, nec vitia, nec fufpiciones vitiorum tacent, in improbis etiam colores virtutum produnt. Noftri autem plerique vel affectibus inferviunt, vel de induftriâ quoque ità multa confingunt, ut eorum me nimirum non folum pudeat, fed etiam tadeat. In illo enim Miraculorum monftra fæpiùs quàm vera miracula legas: hanc auream fc, legendac borne fcripfit fervei oris,plumbei cordis,animi certè parùm feveri & prudentis.

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