Imatges de pàgina


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emoramus quoque Patres noftros fanctos veriDoctores S. Cyrillum, &c. And tho' in fome ls the Names of Neftorius, Theodorus, and orus are already left out, yet they do still in in fome, and the Names of Abraham and Jus, two of the Ringleaders of that cursed are in all of them. Wherefore there must re taken to have them also left out. Furthermore, in the beginning of the Prayer rein the Deacon faith, Oportet nos orare & are unum Deum Patrem Dominum omnium ratione digniffimum, qui per Chriftum fecit nobonam fpem, it fhall be faid, Qui per Jefum -ristum filium suum Dominum noftrum fecit nobis am fpem.

Furthermore, where the Priest pouring the ine into the Cup faith, Mifceatur pretiofus anguis in Calice Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti, it shall faid, Mifceatur Vinum in Calice Domini noftri, at no occafion may be given to the Error of lling the Wine before it is confecrated, The recious Blood of Chrift, alluding to the condemed Custom of the Greeks, who as they offer ne Bread and Wine before they are confecrated,

they adore them too, faying they do it for what they are to be; and presently after where the Prieft faith, Expectans expectavi Dominum, Corpus Chrifti & fanguinem ejus pretiofum Super Sanctum altare offeramus, it shall be faid for the fame reafon, Panem Sanctum & Calicem pretiofum offeramus; and immediately after where the Deacon faith, Edent pauperes & faturabuntur, Corpus Chrifti &

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Furthermore, where the Deacon faith, Orando pro fanctis patribus noftris Patriarcha noftro paftore univerfalis totius Ecclefia Catholica, meaning the Schifmatick of Babylon, & Epifcopo hujus Metropolis; it fhall be faid Pro fanctis Patribus noftris, beatiffimo Papa noftro totius Ecclefia Catholicæ paftore, naming him by his Name, & Epifcopo hujus Metropolis, naming him alfo, & Miniftris ipforum; and a little lower where the Deacon praying, faith, præcipuè nos oportet orare pro incolumitate Patrum noftrorum fanctorum, domini Patriarcha totius Ecclefia Catholica paftoris, naming the Patriarch of Babylon by Name, inftead thereof he shall fay, Præcipuè oportet nos orare pro incolumitate patrum noftrorum Domini Papa, naming him alfo, Epifcopi hujus Metropolis, naming him also.

Furthermore, when the Deacon a little before faith, Commemoramus autem beatiffimam Mariam, virginem Matrem Chrifti & falvatoris,it fhall be faid Sanctam Matrem Dei vivi, & falvatoris, & Redemptoris noftri,&c. because the perverle Neftorians do impiously deny the Bleffed Virgin to be the Mother of God, as has been obferved.

Furthermore, when the Deacon a little lower faith, Commemoramus quoque Patres noftros fanctos & veritatis Doctores Dominum & Sanctum Neftorium, &c. all which is Heretical, it being an impious thing facrilegioufly to pray to God to preferve the Doctrine of Neftorius, and of other Hereticks his followers in the Church, all the forementioned having been fuch except St. Ephraim; wherefore instead of them he shall say,


Commemoramus quoque Patres noftros fanctos veritatis Doctores S. Cyrillum, &c. And tho' in fome Miffals the Names of Neftorius, Theodorus, and Diodorus are already left out, yet they do ftill remain in some, and the Names of Abraham and Narciffus, two of the Ringleaders of that curfed Sect are in all of them. Wherefore there must be care taken to have them also left out.

Furthermore, in the beginning of the Prayer wherein the Deacon faith, Oportet nos orare & exaltare unum Deum Patrem Dominum omnium adoratione digniffimum, qui per Chriftum fecit nobis bonam fpem, it fhall be faid, Qui per Jefum Chriftum filium fuum Dominum noftrum fecit nobis bonam fpem.

Furthermore, where the Priest pouring the Wine into the Cup faith, Mifceatur pretiofus Sanguis in Calice Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti, it shall be faid, Mifceatur Vinum in Calice Domini noftri, that no occafion may be given to the Error of calling the Wine before it is confecrated, The Precious Blood of Chrift, alluding to the condemned Custom of the Greeks, who as they offer the Bread and Wine before they are confecrated, fo they adore them too, faying they do it for what they are to be; and presently after where the Prieft faith, Expectans expectavi Dominum, Corpus Chrifti & fanguinem ejus pretiofum Super San&tum altare offeramus, it fhall be faid for the fame reafon, Panem Sanctum & Calicem pretiofum offeramus; and immediately after where the Deacon faith, Edent pauperes & faturabuntur, Corpus Chrifti &


Sanguinem ejus pretiofum fuper fanctum altare offe ramus: He fhall fay for the fame reason, Edent pauperes & faturabuntur, Panem fanctum,& Calicem pretiofum, &c.

Furthermore, where the Priest with a low Voice in the Prayer, which begins, Offeratur & gloria immoletur, faith, & Chriftus qui oblatus eft pro Jalute noftra, he fhall fay, Jefus Chriftus Dominus nofter Dei filius qui oblatus eft, &c. And where the Priest railing his Voice faith, Gloria Patri, &c. Fiat Commemoratio Virginis Marie Matris Chrifti, he fhall fay, Fiat commemoratio Virginis Marie Matris ipfius Dei & Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti; And a little lower, where the Deacon faith, In fæcula ufque in fæcula, Amen, Amen, Apoftoli ipfius filii & amici unigenti; he fhall fay, Apoftoli ipfius filii Dei & amici. And where the Priest begins, Pufilli cum majoribus, and faith, Refurrectione tua fupergloriofà refufcitabis eos ad gloriam tuam, he shall fay, Per Refurrectionem tuam fupergloriofam fufcitabis eos.

Furthermore, where the Deacon faith, Ef fundite coram illo corda veftra, jejunio, oratione, & pænitentia, placaverunt Chriftum, Patrem quoque

Spiritum ejus fanctum, where in saying, Spiritum fanctum ejus, they seem to allude to the Error of the Greeks, that the Holy Spirit proceedeth only from the Father, and not from the Father and the Son, as from one principal, as the Catholick Faith confeffeth, and because the Neftorians by reafon of the great Communication they have had with the Greeks, have imbibed some of their Er


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