Imatges de pàgina

lawful impediment, do hear an entire Mass upon every Sunday and Holy-day that is commanded to be kept, if they have the opportunity of a Priest to say it to them. As also, that all Mafters of Families are obliged by the said Precept, to make their Children, and fuch of their Servants and Slaves as are Christians, and all other Persons living in their Families, to go every Sunday and Holy-day to hear Mafs, which every one shall endeavour to hear at his own Parish-Church, or at the place where he then happens to be; and as for those who with just reafon are afraid to leave their Houfes alone without any body in them, and especially fuch as live in Heaths, and are a great way from any Church, they fhall fo order the matter, that all in their Families shall take their turns of going to Mafs and staying at home on Sundays; and the Vicars of the Churches must be careful to mark all fuch as are negligent herein, and reprove, admonish, and punish them, fo as they fhall judge neceffary: and where there is any number of Clergy, they fball fing the Mafs on Sundays and Holy-days: and when there is not a competent number, there the Mafs fhall be faid at a convenient hour, the whole Parish being prefent, and he shall at the fame time Preach, publish their Admonitions, the Banes of Matrimony, and whatsoever else is neceffary in the Church.

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Decree XIII.

He Synod being informed that most of all the Chriftians that live out of Towns and Villages in the Heaths, being a great way from Church, do go to Church but once a Year, on the three days before Lent, which they call Monorbo, and then rather to fill their Bellies with what is given by Christians at that time, than to hear Mafs; and that there are others who content themselves with going to hear Mafs twice or thrice in the Year, and fo have no opportunity of being inftructed in matters of Faith and Religion as they ought to be, nor of complying with their Obligations, doth command all Chriftians living within two Leagues of the Church to go to Mafs at least once a Month, and on the principal Feftivities of our Lord and Lady, commanding the Vicars alfo to constrain them to do it; and all fuch as are but one League, to hear Mafs once a Fortnight, and fuch as are lefs than a League, to hear it every Sunday and Holy-day; commanding all that shall trangrefs herein, being obftinate, after the third Admonition, to be thrown out of the Church when they come thither; neither shall the Priest go to their Houses, or give them the Cafture, or Blefling, until they fhall come to hear Mass, more or lefs, in the Form aforefaid; and befides, they fhall be punished by the Prelate as he shall think good.


Decree XIV.

Whereas upon several Festivals of the Church

there are Musicians called to the celebration thereof, according to the custom of the Country, who are all Heathens, fmall care being taken in what part of the Church they are placed, or to hinder them from playing during the time of the Holy Sacrifice, at which no Excommunicate Perfon or Infidel ought to be present, therefore the Synod doth command, that great care be taken not to fuffer them to remain in the Church after the Creed is faid, or the Sermon, if there be one, is ended, that so they may not behold the Holy Sacrament; the Vicar shall also be careful to drive all Heathens who may come upon fuch occafion, from the Doors and Windows of the Church.

Decree XV.

Whereas there is nothing that is fo great a help


to the Souls of the Faithful that are in the Fire of Purgatory as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mafs, of which there is no memory remaining in

* Purgatory. I fhall give in the matter of Indulgences to the Reader one inftance out of a Souls in Purgatory.

hundred of the Popes liberality


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"Ndulgencias Concedidas pello Papa Adriano VI. de boa Me"moria ás contas, ou graos que "benzeo á Inftancía do Illuftrif"fimo Cardeal Laquinaues Tri 66 germano Barbarino no Anno de 1523. E. Confirmadas pelo "Santiffimo Padre Gregorio De"cimo tercio aos 26 de Mayo "de 1576. E bien affi confirma"das pelo Sanctiffimo Padre Pape "Paulo quinto no anno de 1607. "E. tambem agora confirmadas "por noffo fantiffimo Papa Ur"bano Octavo no quarto anno de "fue Pontificado.

"Primeiramente, quem tiuer "huma,deftas contas, rezando hum "Pater Noter, et huma Ave Maria "cada dia tira tres Almas das "penas do Purgatorio & de for "em Domingo, ou em Dia fe fe"fta rezando dobrado tira de is.

"Item, Cada fexta feira re "zando finco vezes O Pater No❝fter, & Ave Maria à honra das "finco chagas, de Chrifto, gan"ha fetenta mil annos de per"dam, et remiffam de todos fe❝us peccados.

"Item, em cada Sabbado re"zando fete Pater Noftres, et fete "Ave Marias, aos fete gozos de "noffa Senhora, ganha indulgen"cia fem numero.

"Item, Quem nano poder cor"rer as eftaçoens de Roma na "Quarefma rezando finco Pater "noftres, et finco Ave Marias "diante da imagem de hum Cru"cifixo ganha as ditas eftaçoens "dentro et fora, dos muros de "Roma & Jerufalem.

"Item, Trazendo configo huma "deftas contas confellado, et "comungado ganha indulgencia

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alfo confirmed by the moft Holy Father Pope Paul V. in the Tear 1607. and were now again confirmed by our Holy Father Pope Urban VIII. in the 4th Year of his Pontificate. Firft. Whofoever shall have one of thefe Beads, and shall recite a Pater Nofter and an Ave Mary every day, fhall take three Souls out of the Torments of Purgatory; and if he shall double them upon a Sunday or Holy-day,be shall take out fix. 2. If he shall fay five Pater Nofters and five Ave Maries to the honour of the five Wounds of Christ upon a Friday, he shall gain feventy thousand Years Pardon and Remifion of all his Sins.

3. If he shall every Saturday fay Seven Pater Nofters, and feven Ave Maries to the feven Joys of our Lady, he shall gain Indulgences without number.

4. He that cannot go the Stations at Rome in Lent, if he shall fay five Pater Nofters and five Ave Maries before a Crucifix,be shall gain the faid Stations within and without the Walls of Rome and Jerufalem.

5. He that fhall bring one of thefe Beads along with him, and shall Confefs and Communicate, shall gain a plenary Indulgence and remiffion of all his Sins.

6. The Priest that shall Confefs him, and give him the Sacrament, shall likewise gain a plenary Indulgence, and the remission of all bis Sins; and moreover, all the Indulgences which are within and without Rome and Jerufalem.

7. Having Communicated, as often as he shall fay a Pater Nofter and Ave Mary, fo many Souls he fhall take out of Purgatory.

His Holiness does likewife grant, That thefe Beads which have been blessed by his Holiness, may touch other Beads, which being touched by them, shall have the fame Graces, faving that those which are touched cannot touch others.

Dated at Rome the 15th. of
January, An. 1607.

We John Ambrofio, Referendary Apoftolick, having seen this Summary of Indulgence to be conformable to the Original, it may be Published.

Er. Joan. de Vasconcel. Franc.
Card. de Torn. Cæfar de

With Licence. In Lisbon in the Shop of Domingo Carneyro, 1660.

this Diocefs; that Holy Sacrifice having been instituted for the health and remedy of the Living and of the Dead: Wherefore the Synod doth exhort all the Faithful of this Bishoprick to accustom


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