Imatges de pàgina

thereof at Night to caufe the faid Doctrine to be taught in their Houses to their whole Families, that fo their Servants and Slaves may be inftructed therein, and the Confeffors in their Confeffions must not fail to examine their Penitents in the Doctrine, and to exhort them to learn it.


Decree XIX.

Hat the Faithful Chriftians in this Dioces may in their Common Prayer be conformable to the whole Catholick Church, they must not from henceforward fay the Ave Mary, as they have been taught by the Perfidious Neftorians, but muft fay it thus, Ave Mary full of Grace, the Lord be with thee, blessed art thon among Women, bleffed is Jefus the fruit of thy Womb Holy Mother of God pray for us Sinners, now, and at the hour of our Death, Amen, Jefus. And in this form it fhall be inferted into all the Prayer Books of this Diocess.

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Decree XX.

Hereas the Christians of this Diocess do not fhew the leaft Reverence to the most Holy Name of Jefus when it is mentioned, which arifeth from the falfe Doctrine of the Neftorian Hereticks, who do impiously affert, That it is not worthy of Reverence,being the Name of a Humane Perfon, teaching falfly that there are two Per


fons in Christ, therefore fince that Divine Name contains in it fo many Divine Mysteries, being the Name of our Redemption, and the Name above all Names, At which St. Paul faith, every knee in Heaven and in Earth, and below the Earth ought to bow, the Synod doth command, that as often either in the Gospel or Prayers of the Mafs, or Offices, or any where else that that Name is mentioned, all People do reverently bow their Body,whether they be fitting or standing, and the Clergy and other Christians, having their Caps on fhall take them toff, and the Vicars and Preachers must not neg lect to put their People frequently in mind thereof; and whereas the Name Lyo is the fame with the most sweet Name of Jefus in the Malabar Language, and is commonly given to Children in Baptifm; the Synod doth strictly prohibit the giving of that Name to any body for the future, commanding all that are called by it, to take another Name in Confirmation, or at any other time, it being a great irreverence for any one to be called by fo high and Divine a Name.


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Decree XXI.

Hereas it is neceffary that the Feast of Chrift's Nativity fhould be celebrated with great folemnity and uniformity through the whole Catholick Church; the Synod doth command that on the Eve of that Festivity, all the Clergy and People do affemble together in the Church, there to say the Matins, with the great


eft Solemnity poffible; and that after they have done these Prayers, which fhall end about Midnight, they shall make the customary Proceffion, which being over, a Solemn Mass shall be faid, with all poffible Feftivity, after which the Priest may fay a Mass at break of day, and a third at the ufual time of Mafs; for the Prieft must know, that for the greater Solemnity of this Festival, they are permitted to fay three Maffes upon it, that is, one at Midnight, one at break of day, and a third at the ordinary time; or being private Maffes, all three together after break of day, but being publick, fhall be all faid in the fore-mentioned Order; neither fhall they after the first two take the Lavatory, but after having received the Blood, fhall go on with the Mafs without taking the Lavatory, that fo they may be Fafting to celebrate the third; and they fhall be very careful to have the Cups well scoured, and their Fingers washed clean with Water, which fhall be preserved in a particular Veffel in order to its being afterwards either thrown into a Pond, or poured under the Altar, or into the Baptifmal Water that is in the Font; and if any Prieft through carelessness should in either of the two first Masses take the Lavatory, after that it shall not be lawful for him to fay any more, because the Mafs is not to be celebrated but Fasting, which the taking of the Lavatory breaks.


Decree XXII.

He Synod doth command, That the Priests

in the folemn adminiftration of the Sacraments of Baptifm, Matrimony, and Extream Untion, or when they adminifter the Holy Eucharift .without the Mafs, for the greater decency and reverence for what they are about, do wear a Surplice with a Stole about their Necks: And whereas hitherto there has been no fuch thing as a Surplice in this Bishoprick, the most Reverend Metropolitan having been pleafed to provide. fuch Veftments as are neceflary in this Bifhoprick, no Vicar fhall go from hence without taking a Surplice along with him, which he is to wear in the administration of the Holy Sacraments, wherein the Synod commands them likewife to use the Rites and Ceremonies prefcribed in the Roman Ceremonial, which the faid Lord Metropolitan has commanded to be tranflated into Syrian and to be kept in all Churches, which contains the Forms of Baptizing, of Anointing the Sick, of Marrying, of Sacramental. Absolution, with the customary Prayers therein; of adminiftring the Holy Sacrament of the Altar, of the Exorcifms of the Church, for People poffeffed with the Devil, the Bleffings of Holy Water, of Alhes, of Chains and Branches, as alfo the Form of Burying the Dead, Cld and Young, and of reconciling Churches and Church-Yards. Which Books being Bound, fhall be kept in all Churches;

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neither shall any Priest presume to apply them to his own private ufe, or to take them out of the Church: And the Synod doth earnestly recommend it to the Rector of the College of the Jefuits of Vaipicotta, to have always fome of these Books Tranflated by fome of the faid College by him, in order to the fupplying of the Neceffities of thefe Churches.

Decree XXIII.

THe Synod defiring that this Church may in all things e conformable to the Holy Roman and whole Italian Church, doth command, That on the second of February, being the day of our Lady's Purification, before Mass, the Wax Candles which are in the Church, be Bleft, as alfo all the Candles that shall be brought by the People out of Devotion, according to the Roman Ceremonial, tranflated into Syrian; and after the publick and folemn Benediction is over, there fhall be a Proceffion in or round the Church, in which all the Clergy fhall carry Bleffed Can'dles lighted in their hands, as the People shall alfo do that have any,in Memory of the Mystery of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Divine Light and Splen dor of the Father, firft entrance into the Temple, there to offer himself to his Eternal Father, cloathed with our Humanity: So likewife upon the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before the Feaft of our Lord's Holy Afcenfion, in the Morning, either before or after Mafs, there shall be



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