Imatges de pàgina

made emphatic. But our readers fhall decide, on perufing the last of

thefe pages.

"And Jofeph dwelt in the land of Egypt, he, and his father's houfe: and Jofeph lived an hundred and ten years. And he faw Ephraim's children, of the third generation: the children, alfo, of Machir the fon of Manaffeh, were brought up upon Joseph's knees. And Jofeph faid unto his brethren, I die; and God will furely vifit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he fware to Abraham, to Ifaac, and to Jacob. And Jofeph took an oath of the children of Ifrael, faying, God will furely wifit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence. So Jofeph died; and they embalmed him and put him in a coffin in Egypt." P. 181.

ART. 44. A concife Introduction to the Latin Language, compiled from
ancient and modern Writers of approved Authority. For the Ufe of the
Middle Forms in Grammar Schools. By the Rev. George Whittaker,
A. M. 8vo. 156 pp. 2s. 6d.
Collins, Salisbury; Burdons,
Winchefter; Skelton, Southampton; Law, &c. London.

This work differs not materially from the Eton Latin Grammar; the principal deviations from it confifting in the abridgment of fome rules in the Accidence; the introduction of many short notes, and of a table of the declenfions of Greek nouns; an increase of the number of irregular and defective comparisons of adjectives; a new arrangement of the tenfes, namely, thofe formed from the prefent following the prefent, and the perfect the perfect, in the indicative and potential moods; and an addition of the future perfect tenfe in the indicative. We approve of the two alterations laft mentioned. Mr. W. is more copious than the Eton Grammar in the imperfonal verbs; and gives a table of the government of adverbs and conjunctions; but he has omitted a very effential part of the Accidence in the Eton," the three concords explained in English". The propria que maribus, and-as in prefenti, feem to be verbatim like the Eton. In the syntax, Mr. W.'s aim appears to be concifenefs in the examples; for the rules are very little varied. We think he has fometimes been too concife; not that we apply to him the adage, “brevis effe laboro, obfcurus fio"; but, where a neat verfe might be introduced, it would have been better. For instance, inftead of merely "crefcit amor nummi", the rest might have been added with good effect, "quantum ipfa pecunia crefcit"; as it would be pleafing to boys when they come to undertand verfe, and would fupply them with a good obfervation upon avarice. In the profody, we perceive no alteration. The title-page and the preface feem not perfectly confonant; for in the former we read, that this book is for the ufe of the middle forms in grammar fchools"; but the latter fpeaks of " rendering the rugged road [a little too much of alliteration] of fundamental inftruction easier". This account feems to be most appofite; for the Eton Grammar is generally fimplified. Whether the men of that school, and others who like its Grammar, will call this-the Eton Grammar improved, we fhall not take upon us to determine; but doubtlefs, in many inftances, it clucidates rules and paffages for the comprehenfion of young minds.


ART. 45. A concife Treatise on the French Tongue; or, a short Expofition of the general Principles of that Language; being an Explanation of the Genealogical Table of the different Parts of Speech, for the Ufe of Schools, as well as private Families. By R. Juigné, M. A. of the University of Paris. 12mo. 92 PP. 2s. 6d. bound. Dulau. 1804.

Concifenefs, accompanied with clearnefs, is a ftrong recommendation of an elementary treatife, and thofe qualities feem to be poffeffed by the prefent grammar of M. Juigné. It is undoubtedly very defirable to foreigners to have a convenient and adequate rule for finding the gender of fuch nouns in French as are neuter in English. This is promifed in the Preface, and is thus executed, for the benefit, however, of thofe only who underftand Latin." They", fays M. Juigne, "will take it as a general principle, that all nouns which are of the mafculine or neuter gender in Latin, are, generally speaking, of the mafculine gender in French; and likewife all nouns which are of the feminine gender in Latin are of the feminine gender in French. There are, however, fome exceptions even to this rule; but they are fo few, that this may be confidered as a general one".

"N. B. Names of trees, which are of the feminine gender in Latin, are of the mafculine in French," P. 3.

The utility of the rule will depend very much upon the number of exceptions, which, if as few as is here intimated, may eafily be learned. The author promifes alfo, in his Preface, an accurate Genealogical Table of the parts of speech; but by this nothing more feems to be intended, than the regular enumeration of them in the ufual order. He further promifes rules for diftinguishing clearly the imperfect, and the two preterits, definite and indefinite. Thefe certainly are useful things; and as the method of the author is in general clear, we doubt not that it will be practically useful,

ART. 46. Obfervations on the Exercife of Riflemen, and on the Movemeats of Light Troups in General. By Serjeant Wedderburne, of the 95th Rifle) Regiment. 12mo, 57 PP. IS. Scatcherd and Let


In the variety of military treatifes which the state of public affairs, and the laudable zeal of individuals, have produced, the fervice of Riflemen has been comparatively little attended to or explained. Yet it is that fervice to which a considerable number of Volunteers have generously devoted themfelves; and it is deemed, by many good judges, a part of military duty in which (fhould an invafion take place) the Volunteers may be made particularly useful. The treatise before us deferves praife therefore for its intention; and, fo far as we are enabled to judge, the execution is not inadequate. But this must be left to Reviewers of a different kind. Our object is chiefly to announce works on this fubject, leaving to military men the judgment on their comparative merits and utility.


ART. 47. Arimadverfions upon a Pamphlet lately published, entitled Plain Thoughts fubmitted to Plain Understandings, c. By a Retailer of the Gospel. 8vo. 27 PP. 1s. Boultwood, Harlow; Wil

liams, &c. London.

A very infipid defence of itinerant preachers; but fufficiently feafoned (as are most of the evangelical pamphlets which now iffue from the prefs) with malignant and falle inculpations of the clergy,



ART. 48. Statiflique générale et particulière de la France et de fes coloniesz avec une nouvelle dejcription topographique, phyfique, agricole, politique, indaftrielle et commerciale de cet état; ouvrage qui donne une connaissance exulte: 1o, des anciennes et nouvelles divifions civiles, militaires, foreftieres et eccléfiaftiques; 2°. de la fuperficie et étendue du territoire, et des forêts nationales, communales et particulières, par département, etc.; 3°. du climat, de la nature du fol, de l'état de l'agriculture et des productions végétales, animales et minérales; 4°. de la population ancienne et nouvelle; comparée aux territoires, fexes, naissances et décès; 5°. de l'induftrie, des manufactures et fabriques, de l'état du commerce d'importation et d'exportation, et de la diplomatic commerciale et politique ; 6o. du nouveau fyflême des monnaies, poids et m-fures, comparé à l'ancien; 7°. de la navigation intérieure et maritime; 8°. de l'inftruction publique, des fciences, belles lettres et arts, des monumens anciens el mo- • dernes, et des eaux minérales ; ̧9°• de la forme du gouvernement actuil, et des fyfé es administratif, financi r, judiciaire, militaire, maritime, et for flier; 10°. des revenus; de toutes les contributions et dépenfes adminiftratues, judiciaires et d'inftruction publique: le tour préfenté par département; 11o. du caractère, des mœurs, du culte; 12°. de l'état polique, agricole et commercial de chacune des colonies et puff-fions francaifes dans les deux Indes et en Afrique, etc. Où l'on trouve auffi un trèsgrand nombre de tableaux, préfentant le commerce intérieur et extérieur, Les localités, le nombre et le produit des mines, forges, fond-ries, ufines, falines, etc. etc.; par MM. Peuchet, Sonnini, Delalauze, Parmentier, el Dyeux, Gorffe, Amaury-Duval, Dumuys, P. E. Herbin. Seven large volumes in 8vo. of more than 3,770 pp.; with an Atlas in 1. 4to. containing 19 plates, and 9 large and beautiful illuminated chans, of France, of its internal navigation, and of the French Colonies and Etablishments in the four quarters of the World. Pr. 104 fr.

In this comprehenfive and useful work, the editor, M. d'Herbin, a member of the Society of Statiitics, has furnished the greatest part of

the effential matter, that is to fay, whatever concerns the general and particular topography, the ancient and new divifions, the eftablifhments of industry, the civil, judiciary, financial, military, and maritime administration, the tables relative to commerce, the interior navigation, and population.

M. Peuchet, Member of the Council of Commerce, has enriched the labours of M. d'Herbin with details on the arts and manufactures, on the internal and external commerce, on what he calls commercial diplomacy, and on the colonies, which he has, in a great meafure, tranfcribed from his own Dictionnaire de la Géographie commerciale, published in 5 voll. in 4to.

As it has been objected to that Dictionary, that it was compiled by one man, often from materials fomewhat antiquated, due care has been taken to remedy this in the Statistique générale, by distributing the dif ferent portions of it among different writers, diftinguished in their refpective departments. Thus M. Amaury Duval, who has for a long time prefided over the Office of Public Inftruction, as alfo over that of the Fine Arts, has contributed whatever regards the fyftem and establishments of public inftruction, of the fciences, and of the fine arts. His accuracy may be depended upon. He is known likewife by many prizes which have been awarded to him by the National Inftitute. MM. Deyeux, Parmentier, Sonnini, Delalauze (the coadjutors of the Abbé Rozier) have communicated the parts which relate to the fcience of phyfics and to agriculture; Dumuys thofe which treat of the public monuments and edifices.

The Preliminary Difcourfe, by M. Peuchet, is likewife very valuable. It contains a fuccinct hiftorical and chronological account of the works which have been written, in different countries and languages. on the fubject of statistics and political arithmetic, from the end of the feventeenth century to the prefent time. Nouv. Efpr. d. Journ.

ART. 49. Second voyage à la Louifiane, faifant fuite au premier de l'auteur de 1794 à 1798; par Baudry des Lozières; 2 voll. in 8vo. Paris.

The first of thefe new volumes begins with the military life of Gen. Trondel, which fills 194 pages. M. B. then gives an account of the manners, ufages, and habits of the favages; he compares them with thofe of the negroes, and this comparison is entirely to the advantage of the former. He recommends it to the apologifts of the man of nature to confider more nearly thefe men whom they fo much extol: ils leur paraîtront, malgré leur reffemblance avec nos fages de l'an 2, les êtres les plus mauffades qu'on puiffe rencontrer."

The whole of the author's following obfervations on the island of St. Domingo are very inftructive. M. B. refided for a long time at Port-au-Prince, where he diftinguifhed himfelf on feveral occafions; he makes us acquainted with the inhabitants, their manners and cuf toms, as alfo with the atmospheric influences, and the means of guard. ing against them.

M. des

M. des L. who had employed eighteen years in the colonies, in endeavouring to obtain information concerning the objects which might be useful to the colonift, had, by his refearches and obfervations, formed a Colonial Encyclopedia, in 25 volumes, in 4to, which were unfortunately feized; what he therefore publifhes here is from memory only.

To the prefent work are annexed a Botanical Manual for the Colonies, in alphabetical order, and a Congo Vocabulary. Ibid.

ART. 50. Refultats des guerres, des négociations et des traités qui ont précédé et furvi la coalition entre la France, pour fervir de fupplément au Droit public de l'Europe, de Mably, par Arnould, membre du tribunat; 1 vol. in 8vo. Paris.

This work has a fimilar character with thofe already published by M. A. namely, La balance du commerce, and Le Système du maritime et politique des Européens pendant le XVIIIe siècle.

The author having propofed to himfelf to give a continuation of the Droit politique de l'Europe, by Mably, takes into his plan the whole of Europe, beginning where M. had left off, that is, with the peace of Paris and Huberfbourg, in 1763. In the space between this epoch and the peace of Amiens, Europe has entirely changed its appearance. The French Revolution has produced combinations effentially different. The author first makes us acquainted with the former state of things, and then endeavours to fhow how the prefent one has arifen out of it. In his first Book, he prefents the refults of the interefts of Europe, in confequence of the wars and treaties, from 1763 to the treaties of Pavia and of Pilnitz, in 1791; the declarations of war, and the hoftilities of the first coalition against France.

In the fecond, to the account of the external wars is added that of the inteftine, maritime, and colonial wars, the negociations and treaties with Pruffia, Holland, Spain, Tuscany, and the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, in the year 3.


ART. 51. Tables chronologiques de l'hiftoire ancienne et moderne, jufqu'à ia puix d'Amiens, à l'ufage au Prytanée français: ouvrage adopté par le gouvernement pour l'enjoigment des Lycées. Par A. Serieys, bibliothécaire, profeffeur un Pryianée de Paris; 1 vol. in


M. S. does not, like moft of thofe who have published Chronological Tables before him, rellrict himfelt to the fimple indication of names and dates; he has given fome developments to the hiftorical facts of which he fixes the epoch; the unavoidable confequence of which has been, that he has omitted many things which ought to have been mentioned; fo that his work, more efpecially in the modern part, is very incomplete.

An eflential fault in a work of this nature is likewife that of its having no Preface. A book of Chronological Tables, intended for


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