Imatges de pàgina
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or oigh, a cycle or period. We received the word from the French, with the sound of the g softened; but we have hug, to embrace, to encircle, from this root; as we have hedge, to inclose or encircle, from the Saxon hege or haeg. Age and aíwy therefore are originally synonymous; but their signification is so indefinite and various, in customary use, that little stress can be safely laid on the mere sense of the words, abstracted from their connexion with the whole passage in which they are found.

The truth is, the human mind cannot comprehend eternal duration; nor can man in strictness use words, which convey such an idea. The words ever and eternal, when traced to their origin, will be found to have a like ori gin with age; expressing only duration, measured by limited


But in the progress

of time, use has assigned to them the sense of indefinite duration or continuance of time--Ever is from the same root as the Latin aevum, age, and eternal, is composed of aetas, age, and ern, or urn, which seems to have been the root of turn, denoting revolution; and we have the same word in diuturnus, from diu long, and turn; and diurnus, from di, day, and the same root.

From the limited capacities of the human mind, it cannot com. prehend infinite duration, nor can man well express what he cannot comprehend. Indeed how could man invent words to ex press an adequate idea of unlimited duration?

The doctrine of everlasting punishment cannot therefore be disproved by the mere sense of the terms used to express its du. ration.



Messrs. Editors.

I have been reading an ancient work entitled, "True Christianity, or the whole economy of God toward man, and the whole duty of man toward God;" by Rev. John Arndt, a German divine of the sixteenth century. A revised edition of this work has been lately printed by Messrs. Lincoln and Edmands of Boston. I have been much pleased and edified by the correct opinions, sound sense, and christian piety of this ancient divine. As a specimen of the merits of this book I send you for publication an extract from the 17th chapter of Book II. on a subject as seasonable, as the sentiments are excellent, Yours. &c.




Ps. cii. 8.-Mine enemies reproach me all the day: And they that are mad against me, are sworn against me.

1., AMONG the many crosses and troubles of a Christian, a false and slanderous tongue is none of the least, as from the ex

ample of Christ himself we may evidently see; whom pharisaical serpents and vipers, with their envenomed tongues, both in his

life, and at his death, did most maliciously sting. Herein left the Lord a pattern of heroic patience to every Christian who must not think to escape, when their great Master himself was wounded with the blows of ma

licious tongues. For the more conformable any one is to Christ, and the more zealous a follower he is of his steps, the more is he insulted by false and deceitful tongues, This appears plainly from the example of holy David, who was most, miserably plagued by slanderers, as he himself bit terly complains in these follow ing Psalms iii, iv, x, xii, xv, xxxi, 1, lii, lv, lviii, lxiv, lxix, cii, cxx, and cxl.

2. Nay, there is hardly one of all the prophets of old, who did not feel these deadly arrows shot against them, by murdering tongues; of which Jeremiah makes mention, saying: "Their false tongues are murderous ar. rows shot out with their mouth they speak peaceably to their neighbor, but in their heart they lie in wait to destroy." Wherefore all honest hearts ought to take heed not to be defiled by backbiters, but to be warded against them. For as he that handles a man seized with a leprosy, or a high infectious distemper, must expect to be also infected so he that gives ear to lying tongues, too often catches the same distemper; the poison of slandering insensibly working itself into all those that do not betimes fly from it.


since a Christian is forbidden to retort evil for evil, as that which agrees not with christian faith; there is no other counsel hence, but that by a conscience void of offence, he must fetch his comVOL. II.New Serise.

fort from those divine oracles, the Lord has furnished him with for that purpose.

3. Let your first comfort be the example of Christ and of all saints. For it fares no worse with us herein, than with Christ our head, and with all that have ever been most dear to him. No. thing of this kind has befallen us, which has been not before in all ages undergone by them. And since the examples of others have generally a powerful influence on our lives, and readily offer themselves to our remembrance in time of trouble and tribulation; we may therefore improve all those examples for an encouragement to bear our treatment also with patience and cheerful. ness, for the sake of the joy that usually springs up out of the reproach of the cross. Look then upon the Prince of your salvation, look upon the lives of all the saints of old, such as have been the greatest lights in their generation.

4. Consider, particularly, the example of Moses, who esteemed the reproach of Christ better than the crown of Egypt; and who, by reason of the continual contradictions he under. went, is said to have been a


man the most afflicted* above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.” And what shall we say of David? He was truly in his time, the very mark, as it were, at which all the false tongues in the land shot their murderous arrows. Wherefore

* Our version renders it, "Now the man Moses was very meek;" but in many other places, the same word which here occurs, is rendered by afflicted; the original bearing both significations. The practice of meekness is furthered by affliction. Conf. Ainsworth, in h. l. 21

"mine enemies, (said he) revile me all the day long: and they that are mad upon me, are sworn together against me." That is, they affronted him daily with the reproach of his misery, turning him, as it were, into a proverb, and offering him the most heinous indignity that can be offered to a man. And what shall we say of Job? How was he upbraided by his friends, and grieved with their tongues! And how fell Daniel, that holy prophet, into the mouths of the ungodly, as into an open sepulchre, yea, as into a den of lions! but how powerfully did the Lord deliver Moses, and Job, and Daniel ! All these are gone before you, and their examples being duly con. sidered, will stir up in you a spirit of holy emulation, and draw you into the same way of the cross by which they entered into the kingdom of God. See and behold, there goes your Lord Jesus before you, pursued with the curses and revilings of the pharisee! See, there goes Moses before, and the faction of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram following behind with execrations in their months, and stones in their hands, to rid themselves of him! See, there goes David before in sore trials, and Shimei behind, cursing his king! See, there goes the society of the apostles of our Lord before, and a faithless multitude behind stopping their ears, and running madly upon them!

5. But then it is not enough, slightly only, and superficially, to reflect on the example of the saints but we must learn also to be followers of them, when we are tried as they were, copying in every tribulation after

their meekness and patience. For, tell me, how shall meekness appear, or how shall patience be exercised, if you be not contradicted; or there be none to deride, slander, and vilify you? Wherefore you must now pa. tiently take up your cross with them, and meekly follow the Lord Christ in the steps he has left you.

This argues a Chris.

tian generosity, and a temper that becomes a disciple of the blessed Jesus. This is also agreeable to your calling; being indeed called to suffer with your Savior, not to avenge your. self, not to return evil for evil; not to revile again being reviled, not to threaten being slandered, but quietly to commit your cause to him that judgeth righteously. In this manner you must, out of the good treasure of your heart, bring forth good words for the bad which you have received; have received; because evil tongues must give account in the day of judgment, of every idle word they have spoken. And this, certainly, will at the last day prove a burden heavy enough. Leave all therefore to the Lord, to do as he pleases, who will not fail to do right. Recompense and vengeance belongs to him. The ungodly may boast never so much, and be nev. er so confident in their own inventions, yet shall their foot slide in time. But as for you, 0 Christian, fix your eye on the Lord Jesus, and the lamb-like frame of his mind. "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so opened

he not his mouth."

6. From the examples of the saints, we are in the next place to learn a sovereign remedy, which they did make use of against the venom of evil tongues; which is prayer. They prayed; and so they were healed, and were com. forted. When they were bitterly cursed by their adversaries, they sent up only their cry to God, saying: "Let them curse, but bless thou." See, and ponder the whole book of Psalms throughout. How did David defend himself with prayer as with a wall of iron, against the blows of false tongues! They are all foolish marksmen, who bend their bow agaiust the innocent; and draw the sword to slay such as are of a right conversation. For their lies and slanders shall return at last upon their own heads, and shall enter into their own bowels, as it is written : "Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken." All this shall be set to rights by prayer: And the steps of a good man shall be established. For whenever any one prays earnestly against an evil-speaker, or a liar, it is as much as if he wrestled and fought with him, just as David wrestled with Goliah, or as the rod of Moses with the Egyptian sorce

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7. Another remedy against the poison of a wicked tongue, used also by the saints, is the fre quent reading and meditating upon the word of God. This is an excellent mean of consolation and refreshment, whenever a soul is pursued and set upon by enemies. For an upright heart hunted by men of falsehood and mal. ice, is like a hart whose thirst increases by being hunted; and as this brays and pants after the water-brooks; so must needs a soul in affliction, long after the cooling streams of the divine word, and be athirst for the liv ing waters of grace, thereby to be quickened and refreshed in her spiritual drought. It is by this word of grace the Lord revives a drooping soul, speaking to her in a kind and condescending man. ner: "Blessed are ye, (says our great Master,) when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely. Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." which most comfortable saying of our Lord, is laid down a threefold ground of comfort, worthy to be remarked: 1st, blessed are ye. 2dly, rejoice And 3dly, great is your reward. Who therefore would not be willing, for the sake of so great and endless a good, to endure here a little while reproach and persecution? Yea, who would not even rejoice, since he is made by this mean a partaker of Christ's sufferings, in order, that when Christ's glory shall be revealed from heaven, he may also partake with his Lord in the exceeding joy there. of? Blessed are ye, if ye be



reproached for the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory resteth upon you." Remember also, that it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth; that he sit alone and keep silence, when he hath any laid upon him to bear; yea, that he put his mouth in the dust, and wait in hope; and that he give his cheek to him that smiteth him, when he is filled full with reproach. For the Lord will not cast off for ever.

8. You are further to learn, that the persecution of the tongue is a hellish storm, which will soon blow over. Now as a traveller is not disheartened at any stormy and tempestuous weather he is like to meet with upon the road, but provides himself the more for it so let our spiritual pilgrim, in his weary steps towards the holy land, or the new Jerusalem, be never cast down by storms and dangers, by sweat and toil incident to travellers; but let him go on in hope, and continue faithful to his journey's end; when the contentment and delight after all his tiresome pa. ces, shall be infinitely sweet and transcendent, and the fearful wilderness, wherein he has been tempted for a while, lead him at last to the glorious sight and enjoyment of his Savior. 0 thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted" at pres, ent! Is it a strange thing that has happened unto you? What is more common to a traveller, than to be overtaken by foul and showery weather? A plodding diligence will for all that bring him home safe and sound.


9. The world spend their time in mirth and laughter, and make every one a gazing-stock,

that looks but with an earnest aspect npon the dalliances and frolics of profane men, and drops a serious word in favor of virtue. What is this day the fate of one good Christian, may be to-mor. row the fate of another, according as the humour of the world works, who lets none pass uncensured that is not for their turn. After a true Christian is once exposed to public contempt, every one flings dirt at him, till the spirit of lying and slandering has wearied them out at last; and then they turn the edge of their tongues upon the next that comes in their way.


say they, let our hearts cheer us in the day of our youth, and let all care be drowned in laughter, and any serious speech be ban. ished from our company. And because the righteous upbraids us with offending the law by our doings, we will examine him with despitefulness and torture, that we may know his meekness, and prove his patience."

10. The best method a Christian can take in all these storms, is to be quiet under them, and to keep the mind free from anger and bitterness. He that thinks every offensive word to be a stain to his character, which ought to be wiped off carefully, will often render things the worse by it. Hence it remains, that the most effectual way to stop the fury of slanderous tongues is to yield to it for the present, and patiently wait till time itself sets things to rights again. He that will dispute every thing at the sword's point, as it were, is like him that has been stung by a bee, and being thereby put in a pas. sion, runs himself headlong upon the whole bee-hive to be reveng

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