Imatges de pàgina

thing or a method was old or new had nothing to do with her use of it. The only question with her was, "Will it work?" She never obtruded the fact of newness of method, but went steadily along. Thus she may be said to have created in North India the movement for the higher education of Hindu women. And hers was the first "Woman's Christian College" in all Asia. And again, later,

she was the mother of the deaconess order in that far land. A woman of widely hospitable nature, in her European, Eurasian, Moslem, and Hindu alike found friend and adviser. And in her the teacher met the earnest evangelist, and the saint with a touch of mystic enthusiasm was mingled with the hard-headed woman of affairs. And with it all she was so unpretending, so kindly and genial, so free from any affectation, so genuine and so simple in her ways, the poorest and the humblest were happy in her company and the most cultivated found her worth while. In her Lal Bogh Home which housed her college hung a motto, "This house for God"-that was the key to it all. The closing chapter of the book is by Miss Lilanati Singh, a pupil and afterward a fellowteacher. The chapter breathes the fragrance of a great love and a deep devotion. Happy the teacher and rare who can thus grip the heart of a scholar. And how saintly the influence of the teacher let Miss Singh testify: "How can I tell the story of her beautiful, perfect life as I have seen it these ten years. Again and again the thought would come to me that, just as Jesus came to show us the Father, she had come to show us Jesus." One closes this book with a strange stir of heart. You have journeyed in loving companionship with a strong, fragrant soul. That the life was lived in that weird, romantic East which ever sets one dreaming, and that its story is written by the firm, sure hand of a brother who shared her life and was beyond all others her fellow-missionary, gives this book intense interest. We commend it earnestly to all Christian men and women as a spiritual tonic, and as a window into the heart of great movements that affect mightily our day.


The Emphasized Bible. A new Translation designed to set forth the exact Meaning, the proper Terminology, and the graphic Style of the Sacred Originals; arranged to show at a glance Narrative, Speech, Parallelism, and Logical Analysis, also to enable the student readily to distinguish the several divine names; and emphasized throughout after the idioms of the Hebrew and Greek tongues, with expository introduction, select references, and Appendices of Notes. This Version has been adjusted, in the Old Testament, to the newly revised MassoreticoCritical text (or assured emendations) of Dr. Ginsburg; and, in the New Testament, to the critical text ("formed exclusively on documentary evidence") of Drs. Westcott and Hort. By JOSEPH BRYANT ROTHERHAM, Translator of the "New Testament Critically Emphasized." Volume I, Genesis-Ruth; Volume II, 1 Samuel-Psalms; Volume III, Proverbs-Malachi. Large 8vo, pp. 920. New York: Fleming H. Reɣell Company. Price, cloth, $2 per volume.

We have presented this title entire, just as the author has written it and the publisher printed it in the front of each volume. It is

surely comprehensive. It makes a preface unnecessary, a table of contents needless, and an index uncalled for. The book is as quaint, curious, and old-fashioned as its title. Its production cost immense labor-that is evident on the first glance, and is increasingly clear as one turns page after page. It is sad to have to say that it is wasted labor and misdirected industry. Here is a new translation of the Old Testament. There is always need for another translation of the Old Testament, for no man and no company of men have ever yet sounded all its depths, nor been able to set all its musical numbers into the measures of English speech. But when a new translation is made it must be made only by a man who knows the former translations and who knows the progress which has been made in biblical philology and lexicography since these translations were produced. Now, Mr. Rotherham knows the former translations, but his knowledge does not extend to and embrace modern progress in biblical science. His authorities are scanty and meager in the extreme. He follows Ginsburg's text of the Hebrew Bible and his introduction, and follows them with an amazing devotion. He has used only one modern Hebrew Grammar (Davidson's) and knows only the old Davies version of the Gesenius Grammar and nothing of the great grammars of Stade and König in German. For dictionaries he has used the Oxford Gesenius (edited by Brown, Driver, and Briggs) as far as published, and the antiquated edition of Tregelles. He knows nothing of the new German Gesenius or of the Siegfried and Stade. In respect of commentators he is still worse off, for we can find cited no other commentaries than the expository books of George Adam Smith. Delitzsch, Dillmann, and Driver are unknown or unused, and the long line of the great critical commentaries in German and even in French are unexplored. Ginsburg's Hebrew Text is good, but ought in no wise to be followed blindly, as Rotherham would have learned had he been able, or willing, to learn from Kautzsch, Kittel, Nowack, and others who have proved and tested his work. In short, the translation does not meet the requirements of modern scholarship. As to its emphasizing, we need only say that the whole process is misleading or worthless. The Hebrew language has indeed means to indicate emphasis, but the Hebrew Bible is not therefore a plain bespattered with rocks of emphasis. Rotherham has simply turned the plain letter of Scripture into a sea of diacritical marks. The people who need all this instruction in finding the emphatic words would never take the time or care to understand and utilize such volumes as these. The rest have no need for such crutches.


A Bibliography of Commentaries, Con-
cordances, Bible Dictionaries, and
Encyclopædias (Itin. Club), 133.
A Correction (Arena), 974.
A Critic Criticised (Arena), 635.
Further Word as to the
rection (Arena), 295.
Naturalist on Eloquence (Notes
and Dis.), 447.





Veteran Statesman's Hopes for
England (Notes and Dis.), 283.
Adams: Board of Church Extension of
the Methodist Episcopal Church,

Adirondacks, Emerson in the (Notes
and Dis.), 622.

Advice, Paul's, to Titus, Titus il, 1-6
(Itin. Club), 975.
Advices, Paul's, to Titus: Prologue,
Titus i, 1-4 (Itin. Club), 135.
Age, the Apostolic, The Baptismal
Formula of: Cooke, 38.
Aggressive Ethical Culture in Berne
(For. Out.), 315.

Aggressive Evangelism, The Call for
(Notes and Dis.), 953.
Agnosticism at the Grave (Arena),

America, Theological Education in, in

the Light of Recent Discussion:
Faulkner, 58.

American, William McKinley, the
Ideal (with portrait): Bristol,
Anglo-Saxons, Are We? Starbuck, 940.
Anti-Jesuit Legislation, Stöcker on
(For. Out.), 987.

Anti-Saloon League's Successful Meth-
ods, The (Notes and Dis.), 450.
Automatic Evangelism (Notes and
Dis.), 958.
Apostolic Age, the, The Baptismal

Formula of: Cooke, 38.
Appeal to the Emotions, The Preach-
er's: Van Cleve, 410.
Appreciation, An, Bishop Ninde: Stu-
art, 9.

Archæology, Berlin and (Arch. and
Bib. Res.), 979.

Are We Anglo-Saxons? Starbuck, 940.
Argument from Experience, The :
Edwards, 71.

Argument from Mathematical Order,
The Young, 729.

Arnold, Matthew, Grierson on (Are-
na), 294.

Aspect, The Ethical, of Paul's Con-
version: Bumstead, 438.
'Atchison: Christian Idea of Worship,

Atoning Christ, The: An Interpreta-
tion: Palmer, 909.
Author, Wesley as a Student and:
Faulkner, 579.

Babel and Bible (Arch. and Bib. Res.),

Babylon Literature, The Bible and
(For. Out.), 987.

Baptismal Formula of the Apostolic
Age, The Cooke, 38.
Baptists in Berlin, The (For. Out.),

Barclay: The Master Preacher, 613.
Bashford: John Wesley's Conversion,

Berlin and Archeology (Arch. and
Bib. Res.), 979.

Berne, Aggressive Ethical Culture in
(For. Out.), 315.
Bible and Archæology (Arch. and Bib.
Res.), 979.

Bible and Babylon Literature, The
(For. Out.), 987.

Bible, Babel and (Arch. and Bib.
Res.), 470.
Bible Dictionaries, Commentaries,
Concordances, and Encyclopædias,
A Bibliography of (Itin. Club),


Bible Story of the Fall, The: Cobern,

Biblical Criticism, Modern, Some Dis-
eases of: König, 701.
Bibliography, A, of Commentaries,

Concordances, Bible Dictionaries,
and Encyclopædias (Itin. Club),
Bindemann, Gerhard (For. Out.), 476.
Bishop Ninde: An Appreciation (with
portrait): Stuart, 9.
Board of Church Extension of the
Methodist Episcopal Church: Ad-
ams, 245.

Board of Church Extension, The Real
Founder of (Arena), 631.
Body, the Spiritual, St. Paul on
(Arena), 465.

Book of the Dead, The (Arch. and Bib.
Res.), 139.

Bristol: William McKinley, the Ideal
American (with portrait), 849.
Brummitt: Shakespeare's Doctrine of
Sin, 51.
Bruno-Monk, Philosopher, Seer, Mar-
tyr: Wright, 46.
Bubonic Plague in China, The,
Menace to the World (Arena),


Bumstead: The Ethical Aspect of
Paul's Conversion, 438.
Byzantine, A Bit of: Clark, 589.

Call for Aggressive Evangelism, The
(Notes and Dis.), 953.
Calling, The Teacher's: Hyde, 932.
Canterbury, F. W. Farrar, D.D., Late
Dean of (Itin. Club), 469.

Causes of the Religious Awakening, Die
in Japan (Arena), 805.
Children, European Conversations Die
About the Education of (Itin.
Club), 299.

Kellinschriften und das Alte
Testament (For. Out.), 648.

Mission und Ausbreitung des
Christenthums in den ersten drei
Jahrhunderten (For. Out.), 477.

Children, Our Church and the (Are- Die Religion des Judenthums im Neu-
na), 634, 972.

China, The Bubonic Plague in, a
Menace to the World (Arena),


China, The Outlook in (Arena), 127.
Christ, The Atoning: An Interpreta-
tion: Palmer, 909.

Christ, The, of Mark's Gospel: Hump-
stone, 561.

Christ, The Place of, in the Gospel:
Rishell, 876.

Christ, The Temptation of (Arena),

Christian Idea of Worship: Atchison,

Church Administration, Paul's De-
scription of (Itin. Club), 460.
Church Extension, Board of, of the
Methodist Episcopal Church:
Adams, 245.

Church Extension of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, Real Founder
of the Board of (Arena), 631.
Church, Our, and the Children (Are-
na), 634, 972.

Circuit System in Lorraine (For.
Out.), 315.

Clark: A Bit of Byzantine, 589.
Clarke, William Newton, The The
ology of: Dalton, 388.

Cobern: The Bible Story of the



Code of Hammurabi, The (Arch. and
Bib. Res.), 641.


Commentaries, A Bibliography
(Itin. Club), 133.

Concordances, A Bibliography


(Itin. Club), 133.
Conference System of Theological
Education in the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, The (Itin. Club),

Conversion, John Wesley's: Bashford,

Conversion of the World, The (Notes
and Dis.), 116.
Conversion, Paul's, The Ethical As-
pect of: Bumstead, 438.
Cooke: The Baptismal Formula of
Apostolic Age, 38.

Cooper: Scientific Proofs for Immor-
tality, 618.

Correction, A (Arena), 974.

Critic Criticised, A (Arena), 635.
Criticism, Modern Biblical, Some Dis-
eases of: König, 701.

Dalton: The Theology

of William

Newton Clarke, 388.
Dead, The Book of the (Arch. and
Bib. Res.), 139.
Der Logos. Ein Versuch


Würdigung einer alten Wahrheit
(For. Out.), 985.
Dictionary, Bible; A Bibliography of
(Itin. Club), 133.

Die Frage der Wiederkunft Jesu (For.
Out.), 312.

Die Grenzen der naturwissenschaft-

lichen Begriffsbildung. Eine lo-
gische Einleitung in die histor-
ischen Wissenschaften (For.
Out.), 146.

testamentlichen Zeitalter (For.
Out.), 985.

Die Versagung der kirchlichen Bestat-
tungsfeier, ihre geschichtliche
Entwickelung und gegenwartige
Bedeutung (For. Out.), 145.
Die urchristlichen Gemeinden. Sitten-
geschichtliche Bilder (For. Out.),


Divorce Law for Italy, A New (For.
Out.), 148.

Dr. Johnson and John Wesley: Mims,


Doctrine, Shakespeare's, of Sin:
Brummitt, 51.

Dreams that Come True (Notes and
Dis.), 790.

Drew: The Faith of Socrates, 443.

Early Christian Fragments, Some:
Patten, 238.
Eduard von Hartmanns philosoph-
isches System im Grundriss (For.
Out.), 479.

Education, The Conference System
of, in the Methodist Episcopal
Church (Itin. Club), 810.
Education, Theological, in America, in
the Light of Recent Discussion:
Faulkner, 58.

Edwards: The Argument from Expe-
rience, 71.

Einleitung in die Philosophie (For.
Out.), 647.

Eloquence, A

Naturalist on (Notes

and Dis.), 447.
Emerson as a Poet: Mudge, 102.
Emerson in the Adirondacks (Notes
and Dis.), 622.
Emile Zola as a Writer: Wilker, 65.
Emotions, The Preacher's Appeal to
the Van Cleve, 410.
Empire, Mennonites in the German
(For. Out.), 148.
Encyclopædias, A



(Itin. Club), 133.
English Wesleyanism of To-day, The:
Welch, 744.

Ethical Aspect of Paul's Conversion,
The Bumstead, 438.

European Conversations About the
Education of Children (Itin.
Club), 299.

Excavations at Gezer (Arch. and Bib.
Res.), 306.

Excesses of Psuedo-Criticism (Notes
and Dis.), 111.

Experience, The Argument from: Ed-
wards, 71.

Extension, Board of Church, of the
Methodist Episcopal Church: Ad-
ams, 245.

Evangelical Sunday School Conven-
tion, The (For. Out.), 314.
"Evangeline," The Genesis of: Lock-
hart, 530.

Evangelism, Aggressive, The Call for
(Notes and Dis.), 953.
Evangelism, Automatic (Notes and
Dis.), 958.

Evolution and the Miraculous: Stuart,

[blocks in formation]

Genesis of "Evangeline," The: Lock-
hart, 530.

German Empire, The Mennonites in
the (For. Out.), 148.
German Professors on the Necessity

of Conversion (For. Out.), 480.
German Theological Curricula, A Pro-

posed Change in (For. Out.), 823.
German Theological Students, Family
Origin of (For. Out.), 987.
Gezer, Excavations at (Arch. and Bib.
Res.), 306.

Giesebrecht, Fr. (For. Out.), 475.
God, Family Relationships

in the

Kingdom of (Arena), 297.
God, The Friends of: Tompkins, 571.
Good or a Bad Inheritance? Is It a:
Goodsell, 177.

Goodell: The Victory Supreme, 606.
Goodsell: Is It a Good or a Bad In-
heritance? 177.

Gospel, The Christ of Mark's: Hump-
stone, 561.

Gospel, The Place of Christ in the:
Rishell, 876.
Governmental Recognition of Reli-
gion: Milburn, 270.
Grave. Agnosticism at the (Arena),

Greatness of Preaching, The (Notes
and Dis.), 453.

Grierson on Matthew Arnold (Arena),

Job and Faust: Rhoades, 373.
John Wesley, Dr. Johnson and: Mims,
Educator: Meredith,



[blocks in formation]

Macholz, Waldemar (For. Out.), 820.
McKinley, William, the Ideal Amer-

ican (with portrait): Bristol,

Mankind, The Primitive Religion of:
Trever, 81.

Mark's Gospel, The Christ of: Hump-
stone, 561.

Martyr, Bruno-Monk, Philosopher,
Seer: Wright, 46.

Hammurabi, The Code of (Arch. and Mason: The Pipe Organ In Church

Bib. Res.), 641.

Hass: The Satisfying Life, 277.
Having Faith in One's Own Time

(Notes and Dis.), 626.

Heinrich Lhotzky (For. Out.), 645.
Herman Schell (For. Out.), 646.

Hermann von Soden (For. Out.), 983.

Worship, from

Standpoint, 888.

an Organist's

Master Preacher, The: Barclay, 613.
Mathematical Order. The Argument

from: Young, 729.

Matthew Arnold, Grierson

na), 294.

on (Are-

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