Imatges de pàgina


The Roman letters refer to the Volume; the Arabic figures to the Page.

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Aberdeen, William Gordon, second
Earl of, iv. 136.
Aberdonians, iv. 96.

Abernethy, Rev. John, on the effect
of prayer, iv. 66. Account of, iv.
66 n.

Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, fourth
Earl of, bon-mot of, vii. 338 n.
Abington, Mrs., actress, v. 258. 262.
268. 293. 324.

Abjuration, oath of, v. 259.
Absenteeism, vi. 80. 321.
Absolute princes, v. 317.
Abstemiousnesss, v. 113. ; ii. 258. 310.;
iii. 30. 213.; iv. 226. 291.; v. 8.
297.; vi. 64. 142.; vii. 146.; ix.

Absurdities, use of delineating, vii.

Abuse, personal, iii. 54. ; vii. 246. 376.;
ix. 65, 66.

Abyssinia, Lobo's voyage to, i 90.;
vi. 122.

Abyssinia, Prince of. See Rasselas.
Academia della Crusca send Johnson
their Vocabulary, ii. 51.
Accent, Scotch, overcome by per-
severance, iii. 188.

Accounts, keeping, viii. 167.

Achilles, shield of, vii. 380.
Acis and Galatea, vii. 72.
Acquaintance, Johnson's numerous

and various, vi. 138.; viii. 220.
Acquaintances, ii. 52. ; viii. 166.
Acting, viii. 238.

Acting, tragic, Johnson's contempt
of, iv. 27..

Action in public speaking, iii. 249.
Active sports in young people, not to
be reckoned idleness, i. 44.
Activity of body, Johnson's, ix. 2.
Activity of mind, Johnson's, vii. 193.
193. n.

Actor, qualities of a great, ix. 272. n.
Actors, i. 192, 193. 231.; ii. 177.; iii.
93. 277.; iv. 27. 39. 132.; vi. 23.
329.; vii. 99.; viii. 239 n.; ix. 125.
Actors, Johnson's prejudice against,
and contemptuous severity towards,
i. 192. 231.; vii. 356.
Adams, Rev. Dr. William, master of
Pembroke College, Oxford, i. 58.
75. 80. 146. 205. 215. 227.; ii. 11, 12.
34. 278.; v. 104. 213.; vi. 72.; viii.
302. 382. Some account of, viii.
382 n. His account of the first re-
presentation of Irene,' i. 227. His
Answer to Hume's Essay on Mi-
racles, vi. 72.

Adams, Miss, afterwards Mrs. Hyett,
viii. 294.

Adams, George, dedication to the
king of his "Treatise on the Globes,'
ii. 74. ; iii. 31.
Addison, Joseph, i. 237, 238. 316. ; ii.
208. 296.; iii. 300.; iv. 37. 81.; v.

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42. 289.; vi. 166. 294.; vii. 60. 123.
373.; viii. 22. 50. 67. 399.; ix. 72.
His Notanda,' i. 238. His Re-
marks on Italy,' v. 289. 289 n. His
style compared with Johnson's, i.
264. His conduct towards Steele,
viii. 22. 67. Johnson's opinion of, i.
265 n.; ii. 208. 296. ; vii. 198. John-
son's Life of, viii. 22.

Address of the Painters to George

III. on his accession, written by
Johnson, ii. 118.

Adey, Mrs., iii. 52. 64.; vii. 241. 270.
Adey, Miss Mary, i. 33.; vi.101.; vii. 298.
Admiration, v. 306.

Air-bath, Lord Monboddo's, vi. 310.
Akenside, Dr. ii. 125., iii. 195.; vi.
117, 117 n. 150.

Akerman, Mr., keeper of Newgate,
anecdotes of, vii. 329, 330, 331.
Alberti, Leandro, his classical descrip-
tion of Italy, v. 42. 289, 289 n.
Alchymy, v. 326.

Alcibiades, vii. 103, 103 n.
Alcibiades, his dog, vii. 59, 59 n.

Alfred, Johnson's wish to write the
Life of, i. 205.

Alfred, his Will, viii. 116, 116 n.
Algebra, the study of, recommended,
ix. 83.

Adventurer,' Dr. John Hawkes-
worth's, i. 241. 277. 300, 301. 303.
305.; ii. 70. The papers marked T.
written by Johnson, i. 300.
'Adventures of a Guinea,' by whom
written, iv. 307. 307 n.
Adversaria,' specimen of Johnson's, Allen, Ralph, iv. 79.
i. 238.

'Alias,' Johnson's exemplication of
the word, viii. 212.

Adversaries, not to be treated with
respect, iv. 20.

Advertisement, Johnson's, in the

Gentleman's Magazine, i. 103. In
the Universal Chronicle, ii. 108. In
the Edinburgh newspapers, v. 166.
Adultery, iii. 46.

'Egri Ephemeris,' Johnson's, viii. 388.
Eneid,' story of the, viii. 213.
'Eschylus,' Potter's translation of,

vii. 91.

Affectation, vii. 374.; ix. 185.
Affectation in writing, iv. 260.
Affectation of familiarity with the
great, viii, 33.

Affection, natural, iii. 106.; vii. 265.;
viii. 204.

Agar, Welbore Ellis, vi. 252. n.
Age, old, vii. 10. 88. 88 n., 193. 203.
369.; viii. 171. 275.; ix. 91. 212.

'Agis,' Home's tragedy of, iv. 214.
Aglaura,' Suckling's play of, vii. 170.
Agutter, Rev. William, viii. 287 n.
His Sermon on Johnson's death,
viii. 421.

Aikin, Letitia, afterwards Mrs. Bar-
bauld, vi. 28.; vii. 316. ; ix. 4.

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Allen, Edmund, printer, ii. 98 n., 260.;
v. 22.; vi. 277.; vii. 106. 162.; viii.
68. 222. 374. Johnson's letter to,
viii. 222.

Alley Croker,' vii. 84, 84 n.

'All for Love,' Dryden's preface to,
quoted, viii. 91 n.


Alnwick Castle, vii. 109.

Althorp, Lord, afterwards Earl Spen-
cer, vii. 321. See Spencer.

Amelia,' Fielding's, vi. 163, 163 n. ;
ix. 80.

Ambition, vi, 158.

America and the Americans, v. 224.
226. 248.; vii. 21. 25. 133. 338 n.;
viii. 55. 176. 284. ; ix. 11. 30.
Amusements, country, ix. 196.
Amusements, a man known by his,
viii. 319.

Amyat, Dr., ii. 246.

'Ana,' the French, v. 42.

Anacreon, Baxter's, v. 124.; viii. 151.

Anacreon, Dove of, translated by
Johnson, ix. 13.

'Anacreon,' Fawkes's translation of,
ix. 14.

Anaitis, temple of, iv. 232. 235.

Analogy between body and mind, i. 56.
'Anatomy of Melancholy,' Burton's,
iii. 135, 135 n.; vi. 70.
Ancestry, iii. 179.

Ancient Ballads,' Dr. Percy's, ix.
193. 241.

Ancient times, folly of praising, at the
expense of modern, viii. 212.
Anderson, Professor, at Glasgow, v.
114. 117.; vi. 253.

Anderson, Dr. Robert, his Life of
Johnson,' i. 43. 111.

Anderson, Mr., his Sketches of the
Native Irish,' vi. 243.
Andrew's, St., iv. 57. 60.

Anecdotes, Johnson's love of, iv. 31.
Anfractuosities of the human mind,
vii, 352.

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Arches, comparative strength of se-
micircular and elliptical, ii. 116.
Architecture, ornamental, vi. 68.
Areskine, Sir John, v. 21.

Arguing, Johnson's mode of, and
fondness for, vi. 120. 141.; viii. 88.
281. 317.
Argument, Johnson's, on Schoolmas-
ters and their duty, iii. 222. 311.
On Vicious Intromission, iii. 233.
314. In defence of lay patronage
iii. 286. 319. Against Dr. Memis's
complaint, that he was styled 'doc-
tor of medicine,' instead of 'physi-
cian,' v. 320. 334. In favour of the
corporation of Stirling, v. 322. On
entails, vi. 38. On the liberty of
the pulpit, vi. 181. 334. On the
registration of deeds, viii. 47. In
favour of a negro claiming his li-
berty, vii. 20, 21. Against a prose-
cution by the procurators of Edin-
burgh against the publisher of a
libel, viii. 110.

Argument and testimony, viii. 281.
Argyle, Archibald, third Duke of, v.

41. 86.

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[blocks in formation]

Assize, maiden one, vii. 96.
Association of ideas, vii. 136.
Astle, Thomas, keeper of the records
in the Tower, i. 177. Johnson's
letter to, viii. 116. His notes on
Alfred's will, viii. 116 n.
Astle, Rev. Mr., Johnson's advice to,
as to his studies, viii. 315.
Aston, Sir Thomas, i. 85, 85 n.
Aston, Mary, afterwards Mrs. Brodie,

i. 85.; vii. 200, 200 n., 208.; viii. 27,
27 n.; ix. 55. Johnson's epigram
addressed to her, i. 154.; vii. 200,
200 n.; ix. 55.

Aston, Elizabeth, i. 85.; iii. 32. 126.;
v. 330.; vi. 100. 105.; vi. 267.;
vii. 31. Johnson's letters to, iii. 32.
67.; vi. 233. 235. 271.; vii. 31. 237.
241. 269. 300. 302.

Astley, Philip, vii. 293, 293 n.

'As You Like It,' the clown's answer
in, ix. 53.

Atheism, ix. 40.

'Athol porridge,' viii. 53.

Atlas,' the race-horse, v. 195.
Atonement, the great article of Chris-
tianity, iv. 89, 89 n.; vii. 6, 6 n.;
viii. 103. ; ix. 317. 498, 498 n.
Attack, advantages which authors
derive from, iv. 305, 306.; v. 276.
Atterbury, Dr. Francis, Bishop of
Rochester, vii. 56. 78.

[blocks in formation]

Bâch y Graig, v. 200, 200 n.
Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, iv.
253.; vii. 12. Mallet's Life' of,
vii. 12. His "History of Henry
VII.' iv. 234. His precept for con-
versation, viii. 231. His Essays,'
ix. 259.

Badcock, Rev. Samuel, viii. 411, 411 n.
Badenoch, Lord of, iv. 117, 117 n.
Bad habits, viii. 173.

Bad management, vii. 168.
Bagshaw, Rev. Thomas, 302, 302 n.
Johnson's letter to, viii. 355.
Bagpipes, v. 47.

Baillie, Dr. Matthew, his recommend-
ation of card-playing, v. 157 n.
Baker, Sir Richard, his Chronicles,'
quoted, iv. v.

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Attorney General, ludicrous title Baker, Sir George, viii. 359.

given to, vi. 198.

Attorneys, iii. 141.; v. 84.

Avarice, v. 48.; vi. 159. 193.; vii.
174.; ix. 54. 90.

Baker, Mrs., iii. 16.

Balance of Misery, viii. 305.; x. 291.

Balcarras, Earl of, vi. 208 n.

Ball without powder, vii. 355.

Ballantine, George, ii. 126.
Balloons, viii, 359. 362.

Ballow, Thomas, vi. 139, 139 n.
Baltic, Johnson's proposed voyage to,
vi. 269, 269 n.

Bankes, Mr., of Dorsetshire, i. 161.
Banks, Sir Joseph, iii. 168. 172, 172 n.
173.; v. 74.; vii. 230. 235. John-
son's motto for his goat, iii. 168.
Baptism, vi. 90.

Barbauld, Mr., vi. 28.; viii. 291, 291 n.
Barbauld, Letitia. See Aikin.
Barber, Francis, Johnson's negro ser-
vant, i. 278. 281. 285. 287.; ii. 111.;
iii. 15 n. 54. 128. 170.; v. 193 n.;
vii. 234.; viii. 376. 405, 405 n.; ix.
163, 164.

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Barclay, his 'Ship of Fooles,' ii. 25.
Barclay, Mr., the young author, his
defence of Johnson's Shakspeare
against Kenrick, ii. 500.; iv. 305.
Barclay, Robert, of Ury, his Apo-
logy for the Quakers,' vi. 89.
Barclay, Robert, one of Mr. Thrale's
successors, viii. 96, 96 n.; x. 122.
Baretti, Joseph, ii. 6. 28. 55, 55 n. 95.
128. 138. 150.; iii. 48. 59. 95. 98, 98 n.,
99 n. 127. 241.; v. 222. 331.; vi. 24,
24 n. 79. 121. 135. 169, 169 n. 222;
vi. 303. 316. 379.; ix. 158. Johnson's
letters to, ii. 128. 138. 150. His trial
for murder, iii. 98, 98 n. 99 n. His
'Travels,' iii. 48. 127. The first
who received copy-money in Italy,
vi. 303. His strictures on Mrs.
Piozzi's marriage, vi. 169.
Anecdotes of Johnson, x. 35.
Bark, Peruvian, viii. 296.
Barker, Dr. Edmund, i. 219 n.; ii.
Barnard, Rev. Dr., Bishop of Killaloe,


i. 110 n.; vi. 208, 208 n.; vii. 68,
68 n.; viii. 93, 93 n.; ix. 215. Al.
tercation between Johnson and, on
the question, whether a man can
improve after the age of forty-five,
viii. 93, 93 n.; ix. 215. His plea-
sant verses thereon, ix. 216.
Barnard, Dr., provost of Eaton, ix. 9.
Barnard, Frederick, afterwards Sir
Frederick, king's librarian, iii. 19.

19 n, 20. 60. Johnson's letter of in-
structions to, on the formation of
the king's library, iii. 60.

Barnes, Rev. Joshua, v. 124. ; vii. 366.
Barnwall, Nicholas, Lord Trimles-

town, vii. 55, 55 n.

Baron Hill, the seat of Lord Bulkeley,
v. 108 n.

Barretier, John Philip, Johnson's Life
of, i. 164. 167.

Barrington, Hon. Daines, iii. 989;
vii. 164; viii. 90. 250. His Essay
on the Emigration of Birds,' iii. 289.
His 'Observations on the Statutes,'
vii. 164.

Barrow, Dr Isaac, his sermon against

foolish talking and jesting, viii. 83 n.
Barrowby, Dr., anecdote of, viii. 294.
Barry, Sir Edward, his notion that

pulsation occasions death by at-
trition, vi. 152.

Barry, Spranger, the actor, i. 227 n.
Barry, James, the painter, viii. 192.
218, 218 n.; x. 249. Johnson's let-
ter to, viii. 192.

Barter, Mr., iii. 196.

'Bas Bleu,' Hannah More's poem of,
viii. 86.; ix. 123. x. 118.

Bashfulness, viii. 316.

Bastard,' Savage's poem of the, i.

Bat, formation of the, vii. 202.
Bateman, Edmund, of Pembroke Col-
lege, his Lectures, i. 78.
Bath, Johnson's visit to, v. 164.
Baths, Johnson's opinion of medi-
cated, iii. 104.

Batheaston vase, Horace Walpole's
pleasant account of, v. 277.
Bathurst, Allen, first Earl, vii. 208.
277, 278.; 285 n.; viii. 20.; ix. 11.
Bathurst, Captain, i. 285.
Bathurst, Dr. Richard, i. 212. 219.
278. 288. 300. 305.; ii. 152. 276.; iii.
228. 255.; vii. 375. 380.
Batrachomyomachia,' first edition
of, v. 215, 215 n.

'Battle of the Pigmies and Cranes,'
ix. 143.

'Baudi Epistolæ,' v. 203.

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