Imatges de pàgina


Choice of Books


Charles F. Richardson

Professor of English in Dartmouth College
Author of "A History of American Literature," etc.

Authorized Edition, Revised

Together with

Suggestions for Libraries

Selected Lists of Books of Reference, History, Biography, and
Literature, with the Best Current Editions
Notes and Prices

G. P. Putnam's Sons
New York and London
The Knickerbocker Press

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HE chapters composing this handbook were originally printed as weekly contributions

to a literary newspaper in 1880 and 1881, and were gathered into book form in the latter year. An English reissue and a Russian translation soon followed. Owing to an accidental loss of copyright the many subsequent American editions, bearing various imprints, have been beyond the author's control; but he has taken pleasure in the fact that the treatise has apparently continued to be helpful, notwithstanding the later appearance of many excellent works of similar purpose.

In the present issue many new pages have been added, while the less essential portions of the earlier editions have been dropped. The author has preferred, however, to retain the general plan and method unchanged, as having proved to be of practical service. Direct usefulness has been kept in mind, rather than the endeavour to present a sheaf of essays concerning literary themes.

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