Imatges de pàgina

implicit belief, that God has acted wisely in a case, where we are totally incapable of comprehending what he has done. This sentiment is also most comforting to us. It tends to dissipate all the gloom, with which the mind is overspread by viewing the disorders in the natural and moral worlds. What can be more animating and delightful, than the cordial belief, that perfect goodness and wisdom inhabit the eternal throne? Such a belief is a broad basis for the most profound and cheerful submission, for inward peace which nothing can interrupt, and for the purest, sublimest joy.

But I cannot yet leave this great subject, the foundation of all divine truth, and of all moral harmony and beauty. Although, in many respects, clouds and darkness are round about the character of God, the light of the knowledge of his glory shines in the gospel of Christ; yea, illuminated by that gospel, we see that it shines in the dispensations of Providence. Prov idence, as well as revelation, proclaims this precious truth, with which we began, that GOD IS


The Calvinistic scheme, which, in your view, clothes God with the most unamiable character, embraces this truth. It teaches, that all God's moral attributes are comprised in love, and that his administration is a diversified and endless display of it. His goodness is over all his works. He looks with a benevolent eye upon all sensitive beings, from the highest archangel to the smallest insect. He regards the falling of a sparrow, and the cry of young ravens, as well as the

prayers of his people, and the praises of angels. He wishes well to the universe. But holy beings are the objects not only of his benevolence, but of his complacency and delight. The Lord loveth the righteous, and taketh pleasure in them that fear him. He not only desires their welfare, but approves their character. His goodness necessarily inclines him to love goodness in his creatures.

The love of God operates in the way of grace to sinners. When he promised to display his glorious goodness to Moses, this was represented, as a capital part of that display; I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy to whom I will show mercy. Scripture considers the salvation of sinners, as the work of divine love. I might add, that the punishment of sinners arises from the same principle. But on this topic, I only request you, for the present, to peruse the 136th Psalm, which professedly, and in the most affecting manner, celebrates the goodness and mercy of God; and see, how large a portion of it is occupied in rehearsing his judgments upon the wicked.

All the operations of God are calculated to promote his glory, and the great interests of the universe. His glory, though for a time concealed from the eyes of mortals, will finally shine forth; and its lustre will be the brighter for its temporary obscurity. The highest felicity of the intelligent creation is likewise included in the divine scheme. It is an object so dear to the heart of God, that he has unalterably associated it with his own glory.

Such I take to be the leading sentiment of Calvinism respecting God. The objections against it, which have been urged with singular zeal, and which you own have made a deep impression on your mind, shall now be considered. They are subtle and specious, but not solid. I discuss them the more readily, because I apprehend, that the very things, which are objected against God, will, on candid inquiry, appear greatly to his honour.

Your first objection against the Calvinistic doctrine of God is, that it represents him as making his own glory and blessedness, rather than the happiness of his creatures, his chief, ultimate end. This representation, it is said, degrades the character of God, by ascribing to him those selfish feelings, which are always accounted a meanness in mankind, and robs him of the honour of that benevolence, which primarily seeks the good of others.

I need not inform you, my brother, that the sentiment, against which this objection is urged, is explicitly asserted in the scriptures. "The Lord made all things for himself. Of him, and through him, and to him are all things. For his pleasure they are, and were created." I acknowledge, that a man's having a supreme regard to his own interest or honour, is the greatest blemish. But must the Lord of all be placed upon a level with man in point of personal worthiness? Because it is criminal presumption in man to set himself on the throne, is it therefore presumption in God? Is it arrogance for JEHOVAH to say, I am God, and there is none else? Must the regard, which he entertains

toward his own infinite perfection, be measured by the regard, which a worm ought to have toward himself? Candidly examine this subject. Why do we blame a man for thinking highly of himself? Because he has not personal merit to render such thoughts suitable. We cannot blame a person for esteeming himself according to his real worth. It is when his estimation of himself rises above the measure of his own excellence, that we stigmatize it. But when God loves himself supremely, does he love himself above the measure of his own worthiness? Is not his excellence infinitely superior to all created excellence? And must he cease to regard it accordingly, because it is his? Say, my brother; does not the infinite excellence of the CREATOR render it suitable, that he should love himself above the creation, and supremely regard his own glory and blessedness? If he should not, he would be partial and unjust. He would deny himself. To say, it is a fault in God to make himself the object of supreme regard, and his own glory, the end of all his works, is implicitly to say, that divine perfection does not deserve supreme regard, and that divine glory is less worthy to be sought than some other end. Were this true, God could not with propriety command us to love him with all the heart, and make his glory our chief end. But even among the framers of the objection, who ever dared to make this command a topic of complaint? Yet this command, as they must see, is sure evidence, that God is the object of his own supreme love, and his

own glory the end of all his works.

There is one more consideration, which deserves particular notice. God's making his own glory and happiness his chief end is so far from being to the disadvantage of his creatures, that the good of the universe is comprised in it. The glory of God, my brother, is the display of his benevolence. His happiness consists in the efficacious operation of his love. It is the happiness of an infinite Benefactor, By promoting his own glory and blessedness, he secures the highest felicity of the intelligent system. He created angels, and men, and all other objects, for the purpose of promoting the general good. As far as they eventually do this, they display the glory of God's love, and afford pleasure to his heart. Thus his glory and blessedness include the general welfare. On the contrary, if God should make his own glory a secondary object, and for any consideration should violate his own purity, wisdom, veracity, or righteousness; in short, if he should dishonour his own character, as Supreme Governor of the universe, he would manifestly do the greatest injury to his creatures. Now why should that, which at once displays the amiableness of God and secures the highest interests of the universe, be to mortals an occasion of murmuring? Why should we object against our Maker for entertaining and expressing that supreme regard for himself, to surrender which would be most flagrantly to violate the first principle of impartial justice, to descend from his throne, to cease Vol. I. No. 9.


to be God; and would thus destroy the only basis of unfon and felicity among rational creatures. And let me ask, dear brother, why should Calvinism be thought to cool the ardor, or banish the delights of piety, by assigning to God the highest place in the universe; by declaring that all creatures, in comparison with him, are as a drop of the bucket, and the small dust of the balance; and by insisting that he regards himself, and that we ought to regard him, according to the place he holds in the great system of being?

These thoughts I submit to your serious consideration; intending soon to examine your other objections, and craving for you, dear brother, and for myself, the teaching of the Holy Spirit.



No. 1.

CERTAIN religious truths seem engraven as with a diamond, on In their rethe human mind. motest emigrations, in the lowest and most refined state of society, mankind have generally believed certain doctrines of religion. The being of a God, a Providence, the immortality of the soul, future rewards and punishments, the necessity of sacrifice for sin, have been almost universally acknowledged.

The doctrine of the Trinity may also be found in most of the religions known in the world. The Unitarians of late, represent the doctrine of the Trinity as an invention of modern igno

Our object is to show, that the belief of a divine Trinity has been general among the nations. We do not contend that pagan Gentiles had uniform or scriptur al ideas of the Trinity; but we expect to show, they in general had some obscure information, some faint impressions of a Trinity in the divine Being.

rance. We now cheerfully con- prove them revelations from front them with witnesses of its heaven ? high antiquity, and general pre-. valence among the nations, not only from the snowy mountains of Tibet, the dreary forests of Siberia, the Yncas of America, and the amiable islanders of the Pacific. Ocean; but from the ancient seats of science on the banks of the Nile, from the temples of India, the literati of Greece and China, and the holy books of the Hebrews. Though Unitarians "are the men, and wisdom may die with them," we also presume "to show our opinion."

The extent and uniformity of the doctrines mentioned, furnish conclusive evidence, that they must have been revealed. They must have been revealed to Adam or his immediate posterity. How else should doctrines become so extensively known, which are not discoverable by any process of human reasoning By what mode of afgumentation could Cain and Abel have been persuaded to kindle the fire of their altars? How

should savage tribes be satisfied respecting the immortality of the soul, while the greatest philosophers of Athens and Rome* were skeptics respecting this infinitely important doctrine ? What is there in nature, that suggests an idea of the Trinity? Why should a Triad be common all over the world, rather than a Decade, or any other number, had not the doctrine of the Trinity been revealed? Does not the existence, especially the extensive prevalence of these opinions

Socrates and Tully.

Plato, and more explicitly his followers,* exhibit a supposition of a Trinity. Cyril says, that Porphyry, expounding the sentiments of Plato, saith, "that the essence of God proceeds to three Hypostases, or persons; that the supreme God is the supreme Good; that the second is the Creator; that the third is the mundane soul, or universal Spirit.” In Plato, Epist. 6, page 323, is the following sentence: "Let this law be constituted by you, and confirmed by an oath, not without obtesting both God, the Imperator of all things, both which are and shall be; and the Father of that Imperator and cause." Clemens Alexandrinus, and others interpret this of God, the Father, and God the Son. Plotinus wrote a book of the three Persons, or Subsistences. The first he makes the supreme, eternal being, who generated the second. Cyril says, "he contemplated not the whole right, but in the same manner as they, who follow Arius; he divides and supposes subjects, inducing Hypostases [or persons] subordinate among themselves, and conceits the holy and con


Plotinus, Porphyry, Jamblicus, and Proclus.

substantial Trinity to be three distinct Gods." We find frequent mention of a Trinity among the later Platonists of the Alexandrian school.* The learned Cudworth says, we may reasonably conclude, that what Proclus asserts of the Trinity was true, as it was contained in the Chaldaic oracles. It was at first a theology of divine tradition or revelation, or a divine Cabala; among the Hebrews first, and from them communicated to the Egyptians and other nations.

Diodorus Siculus bestows the Kighest encomiums on Hermes Trismegistus, as the founder of the Egyptian learning, and it is said he received his name "from his teaching the doctrine of the Trinity." The Chronicum Alexandrinum relates, that there lived among the Egyptians the first of the family of Chaan Sesostris, who held that there were three principal powers, virtues, or forms in God, for which reason he was called Hermes Trismegistus. Suidas says that Hermes Trismegistus was SO named, because he asserted that there was a Trinity, and that in the Trinity was but one Deity. The learned Morneus observes, that Hermes Trismegistus used the same words respecting the Trinity, which were afterwards used by the apostle John. The Greeks called Christ Logos. Zeno and John called the Creator of the world Logos. Lactantius and Tertullian say, that Trismegistus, and the Sybils obtained a tradition, that God created all things by his coomnipotent Son. Many authors suppose Trismegistus was Mo



ses; but Mr. Bryant contends that he was Joseph. All the very ancient accounts of the Egyptians confirm the fact, that they were acquainted with the doctrine of a Trinity in the divine' Being:

Hermes Paemander calls the Word, the Son of God, co-essential and co-eternal with the Father, the Creator of the world. He speaks of the divine Spirit, as the nourisher and imparter of life, the supporter and ruler of all other spirits, and concludes an address to the three persons thus, " O Lord, thou art one God."

Sanchoniathon, who flourished about thirteen centuries before Christ, confirms the truth, that the neighbouring nations believed the doctrine of a Trinity. In explaining the hieroglyphics of the Phoenician worship, he says, "Jove is a winged sphere out of which proceeds a serpent." The sphere or circle represents the divine nature without beginning or end. The serpent is his Word, which animates and enriches the world; the wings are emblems of the Spirit of God. Dr. Stuckely, who wrote in the early part of the last century, confirms and illustrates this opinion.

He says, "this symbol," the snake and circle, "is graven on the ancient temple at Aubury [in England;] on innumerable Egyptian monuments; it always holds the uppermost, the first, and chief place, which shows its high dignity." denies that this was an Egyptian invention. "The Egyptians took this, and hieroglyphic writing in general, from the common ancestors of mankind. This is proved from the universality


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