Imatges de pàgina

did, from the Day of his being first known amongst Them, to That day, on which Some of them were Witnesses to the approaches of his last Illness.

THE regards paid to him by the Best of the Powerfull and Noble part of Our World, were as constant and as Remarkable. Above all, it ought ever to be remember'd, where-ever the Name of Dr Clarke is remember'd, That her Present MAJESTY, from Her first Acquaintance with his Character to the Day of his Death, express'd the high Esteem She had of His Comprehenfive Capacity, and Usefull Learning, by very frequent Conversations with Him, upon Many of the most Important and Etertaining Points of True Philofophy, and Real Knowledge. And feldom a Week pass'd in which SHE did not with pleasure receive some proof of the Greatness of his Genius, and of the Force of his Superior Understanding.

IF any One should ask, as it is natural to do, How it came to pass that this Great Man was never raised higher in the Church? I must answer, That it was neither for want of Merit, nor Interest, nor


the Favor of Some in whose Power it was to have raised Him. But he had Reasons within his own Breast, which hinder'd Him either from seeking after, or accepting any fuch Promotion. Of These He was the proper, and indeed the only Judge: and therefore I say no more of Them. He was happy in that Station, in which it had pleased GOD to fix Him before Those Reasons took place: and He had not in Him, either the Desfire of Dignity or Love of Riches, strong enough to make him uneasy for any thing more than what afforded Him and his Family a Decent appearance and place in Life. And, agreeably to this Character, As He fought after No promotion in the Church; fo He refused the offer of a very beneficial Civil Office.

THUS adorned with the most Valuable of All Moral and Intellectual Accomplishments, He lived in the Esteem of the Wife and Good and Great; and died fincerely lamented by Every Friend to Learning, Truth and Virtue.

I HAVE thus paid that last Duty to the Memory of this Excellent Man, which I could not but esteem a Debt to fuch a Benefactor to the Cause of Religion and Learning united. And as These WORKS of His must last as long as Any Language remains to convey them to future times; perhaps I may flatter Myself That this Faint and Imperfect Account of Him may be transmitted down with Them. And I hope, It will be thought a pardonable piece of Ambition, and Self-Interestedness; if, being fearfull lest Every Thing else should prove too weak to keep the Remembrance of Myself in being, I lay hold on His Fame, to prop and support My own. I am fure, As I have little Reason to expect that Any thing of mine, without such an Assistance, can live : I shall think Myself greatly recompensed for the want of Any other Memorial, if My Name may go down to Pofterity thus closely joined to His; and I myself be thought of, and spoke of, in Ages to come, under the Character of The FRIEND of Dr CLARKE.


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