Imatges de pàgina


ACCOUNT (an) of the irides or coronæ which appear around and contiguous to the bodies of the Sun, Moon, and other luminous objects. 8° London, 1799. [by C. W. Jordan.] ANALYSE de la lumière, déduite des lois de la mécanique; explication de ses inflexions, réfractions et réflections, ou de sa propagation, de ses couleurs et de sa chaleur; décomposition du mouvement lumineux, de sa nature, de sa conservation et de sa perte; de l'élément de la lumière et de ses phénomènes comme matière du feu, de l'électricité et du magnétisme [by Vial]. 8° Paris, 1826.

ELEMENTA opticæ nova, facili et compendiosa methodo explicata. 12° Londini, 1651.

EXTRAIT d'un mémoire sur la double réfraction particulière que présente le cristal de roche dans la direction de son axe [by A. J. Fresnel]; (extrait du Bulletin de la Société Philomatique, Décem. 1822.) 40 Paris, 1822.

MICROGRAPHIA restaurata, or the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's Wonderful discoveries by the microscope reprinted and fully explained [by H. Baker]. fol. London, 1745.

NATUR (von der) und den Eigenschaften des Lichtes [by P. Heinrich]. 4° St. Petersburg, [1808.]

NEW observations concerning the colours of thin transparent bodies, showing those phænomena to be inflections of light, and that the Newtonian fits of easy transmission and reflection have no existence. 8° London, 1800. [by C. W. Jordan.]

OBSERVATIONS (the) of Newton concerning the inflections of light; accompanied by other observations differing from his, and appearing to lead to a change in his theory of light and colours. 8° London, 1799. [by C. W. Jordan.]

OBSERVATIONS sur l'arc-en-ciel, suivies de l'application d'une nouvelle théorie aux couleurs de ce phénomène ; par M. l'Abbé P*** [Pouget]. 8° Paris, 1788.

OPTICS; comprising a treatise on optics [by Sir D. BREWSTER]; an account of Newton's Optics [by D. Lardner]; double refraction and polarization of light [by Sir D. Brewster]; an account of optical instruments [by Pritchard] (Library of Useful Knowledge); 4 pts. 8° London, 1830.

OPTICKS; or a treatise of the reflexions, refractions, inflexions, and colours of light; also two treatises [in Latin] of the species and magnitude of curvilinear figures [by Sir I. Newton]; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4° London, 1704.

PRACTICE (the) of perspective; or an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of art, written in French by a jesuit of Paris [J. Dubreuil], translated by E. Chambers. 4° London, 1781.

SCIOGRAPHIA, or the art of shadowes. See Anonymous. Sciographia, &c. 8° 1635. (Mathematics.) [by J. Wells.]

SOME account of the late Mr. Guinand, &c. See Anonymous. Some account, &c. 8° 1825. (Miscellaneous.)

SOME uncommon observations about vitiated sight. See Anonymous. Disquisition (a) about the final causes, &c. 8° 1688. (Natural philosophy, General works on.)

TRAITÉ de la lumière, où sont expliquées les causes de ce qui luy arrive dans la reflexion et dans la refraction; avec un discours de la

ANONYMOUS, continued.

cause de la pesanteur; par C. H. D. Z. [Huygens de Zuylichem]. 4° Leide, 1690.

TRAITÉ d'optique où l'on donne la théorie de la lumière dans le système Newtonien [by G. Courtivron]. 4° Paris, M.DDC.LII. [1752.] ARAGO (D. F.). See Biot (J. B.) et Arago (D. F.). Mémoire sur les affinités des corps pour la lumière. 4o 1806.



ACCO or BACON (ROGERIUS). Perspectiva; nunc primum edita opera J. Conbachii. 4° Francofurti, 1614.

BAKER (HENRY). See Anonymous. Micrographia restaurata, or the copper-plates of Dr. Hooke's Wonderful discoveries, &c. explained. fol. 1745.

Employment for the microscope, in 2 pts.; 1st, an examination of salts, their configurations and crystals; 2nd, an account of various animalcules never before described; together with instructions for printing off any medal or coin. 8° London, 1753.

The microscope made easy. 8° London, 1742.

BANCROFT (EDWARD). Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours, &c. See Bancroft (E.). Experimental researches, &c. 8° 1794. (Miscellaneous.)

BAROZZI (JACOMO) da Vignola. Le due regole della prospettiva pratica con comentari del R. P. M. E. Danti. fol. Roma, 1611. BARROW (ISAACUS). Lectiones XVIII in quibus opticorum phænomenon genuinæ rationes explicantur; annexæ sunt lectiones aliquot geometrica (in quibus, præsertim, generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur); 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4° Londini, 1669 & 1670. (Ťwo copies.)

BARTHOLINUS (ERASMUS). See Heliodorus Larissæus. De opticis

libri II. 4° 1657.

BERRUTI (SECUNDUS JOANNES MARIA). De luce, &c. See Berruti (S. J. M.) Ut in amplissimum medicorum collegium cooptaretur, disputabat, &c. 8° 1823. (Anatomy.)

BILBERG (JOHN). A which are discovered the refractions of the Sun. See Bilberg (J.). A voyage of the late king of Sweden, &c. 8° 1698. (Voyages.)

Refractio Solis inoccidui, in septemtrionalibus oris ;......circa solstitium æstivum 1695 aliquot observationibus astronomicis detecta; Lat. & Sued. 4° Holmiæ, [1695.]

BIOT (J. B.). See Fisher (E. G.). Physique mécanique. 8° 1830. (Miscellaneous.)

Mémoire sur de nouveaux rapports qui existent entre la réflexion et la polarisation de la lumière par les corps cristallisés. 4° Paris, 1812. Mémoire sur la polarisation circulaire et sur ses applications à la chimie organique. 4o Paris.

Recherches expérimentales et mathématiques sur les mouvemens des molécules de la lumière autour de leur centre de gravité. 4° Paris,


BIOT (J. B.) et ARAGO (D. F.). Mémoire sur les affinités des corps pour la lumière, et particulièrement sur les forces réfringentes des différens gaz. 4o Paris, 1806.

BOMPASS (CHARLES CARPENTIER). On the nature of...light. See Bompass (C. C.). On the nature of heat, &c. 8° 1817. (Chemistry.)

BORELLUS (PETRUS). De vero telescopi inventore, cum brevi omnium conspiciliorum historia; accessit centuria observationum microscopicarum; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4o Hage, 1655 & 1656. (Two copies.) BOSCOVICH (ROGERIUS JOS.). De Solis ac Lunæ defectibus. See Boscovich (R. J.). De Solis, &c. 4° 1760. (Astronomy.)

Les éclipses, poëme. See Boscovich (R. J.). Les éclipses, &c. 4o 1779. (Astronomy.)

Opera pertinentia ad opticam et astronomiam; Lat. & Fr. 5 vols. 4o Bassani, 1785.


Dissertationes quinque ad dioptricam pertinentes. 4° Vindobone, BOTTINEAU (ÉTIENNE). Extrait du mémoire sur la nauscopie. 8° [Paris,] 1786.

BOUGUER (P.). Traité d'optique sur la gradation de la lumière, publié par de la Caille. 4o Paris, 1760.

BOULLIAU (ISMAEL). See Bullialdus (J.).

BOVILLIUS (CAROLUS). Introductio in scientiam perspectivam. See Faber (J.) Stapulensis. Introductio in libros arithmeticos J. Boetii. fol. 1503. (Mathematics.)

BOYLE (ROBERT). Some uncommon observations about vitiated sight. See Anonymous. Disquisition (a) about the final causes of natural things. 8° 1688. (Natural philosophy, General works on.)

-Experiments and considerations touching colours. 8° London,


BRETEZ (LOUIS). La perspective pratique de l'architecture, contenant par leçons une manière pour représenter en perspective les ordonnances d'architecture et les places fortifiées. fol. Paris, 1751. BREWSTER (Sir DAVID). Optics, double refraction and polarisation of light. See Anonymous. Natural philosophy; vol.1. 8° 1829. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) (Two copies.)

Account of a new system of illumination for lighthouses; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh,


Account of a remarkable peculiarity in the structure of glauberite, which has one axis of double refraction for violet, and two axes for red light; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1829.

Account of a remarkable structure in apophyllite; with observations on the optical peculiarities of that mineral; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1822.

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A treatise on new philosophical instruments for various purposes in the arts and sciences; with experiments on light and colours. 8° Edinburgh, 1813.

A treatise on optics. 8° London, 1831.

Description of a monochromatic lamp for microscopical purposes; with remarks on the absorption of the prismatic rays by coloured media; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1822.

Description of a new darkening glass for solar observations, which has also the property of polarizing the whole of the transmitted light; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1815.

Observations on the lines of the solar spectrum, and on those produced by the Earth's atmosphere, and by the action of nitrous acid gas;

(from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XII.) 4o Edinburgh, 1833.

BREWSTER (Sir DAVID). On a new analysis of solar light, indicating three primary colours, forming coincident spectra of equal length; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh,


On a new species of coloured fringes, produced by reflexion between the lenses of achromatic object-glasses; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XII.) 40 Edinburgh, 1832.

On certain new phenomena of colour in Labrador felspar; with observations on the nature and cause of its changeable tints; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1829.

On circular polarization, as exhibited in the optical structure of the amethyst; with remarks on the distribution of the colouring matter in that mineral; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1820.

On the action of transparent bodies upon the differently coloured rays of light; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1815.

On the colours of natural bodies; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. XII.) 40 Edinburgh, 1833.

On the effects of compression and dilatation in altering the polarizing structure of the doubly refracting crystals; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1818.

On the laws which regulate the distribution of the polarizing force in plates, tubes and cylinders of glass that have received the polarizing structure; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1818.

On the refractive power of the two new fluids in minerals, with additional observations on the nature and properties of these substances; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4o Edinburgh, 1826. (Two copies.)

On the optical properties of muriate of soda, fluate of lime, and the diamond; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1816.

On the optical properties of sulphuret of carbon, carbonate of barytes, and nitrate of potash; with inferences respecting the structure of doubly refracting crystals; (from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) 4° Edinburgh, 1814.

BRIGGS (GULIELMUS). Nova visionis theoria. See Briggs (G.). Ophtalmo-graphia, &c. 12° 1685 & 1686. (Anatomy.)

BRUYN (JOH. de). Epistola ad Is. Vossium ubi judicium fertur super ipsius libro de natura et proprietate lucis, et simul Cartesii doctrina defenditur. 4° Amstelodami, 1663.

BULLIALDUS (ISMAEL). De natura lucis. 8° Parisiis, 1638. (Two copies.)

BÜSCH (JOHANNES GEORGIUS). Tractatus duo optici argumenti. 12° Hamburgi, 1783.


NAILLE (N. G. la). See Lacaille (N. G.).


CARTES (RÉNÉ des) or CARTESIÚS (RENATUS). See Descartes (R.).

CASTEL (L. BERTR.). L'optique des couleurs, tournée à la pratique de la peinture, de la teinture, &c. 12° Paris, 1740.

CAUCHY (AUGUSTIN-LOUIS). Mémoire sur la dispersion de la lumière. 40 Paris, 1830.

Mémoire sur la théorie de la lumière. 8° Paris, 1830. CELLIO (ANTONIO). Descrizione d'un nuovo modo di trasportare qualsisia figura disegnata in carta mediante i raggi riflessi solari, in un altro foglio di carta da chi che sia, benchè non sappia di disegno. 4o Roma, 1686.

CELSIUS (ANDREAS). See Duræus (E.). refractione astronomica. 4° 1742. (Astronomy.)

CHALES or CHALLES (CL. FR. MILLIET de). See Milliet Dechales (C. F.).

CHAULNES (MICHEL-FERDINAND d'ALBERT d'AILLY de). Description d'un microscope et de différents micromètres destinés à mesurer des parties circulaires ou droites, avec la plus grande précision. See Academies, &c. Académies des Sciences de Paris. Descriptions des arts. fol. 1761, &c. (Miscellaneous.)

CHERUBIN d'Orléans. La dioptrique oculaire, ou la théorique, la positive et la mechanique de l'oculaire dioptrique en toutes ses espèces. fol. Paris, 1671.

La vision parfaite, ou le concours des deux axes de la vision en un seul point de l'objet. fol. Paris, 1677.

CHESNECOPHERUS (NICOLAUS). Isagoge optica, cum disceptatione geometrica de universo geometriæ magisterio; sub præsidio R. Coglenii. 40 Francofurti, 1593.

CHEVREUL (—). Mémoire sur l'influence que deux couleurs peuvent avoir l'une sur l'autre quand on les voit simultanément. 4° [Paris, 1828.]

CIOLEK. See Vitellio.

CLARKE (GEORGE). The properties of light. See Clarke (G.). A treatise on the magnetism of the needle, &c. 8° 1818. (Electricity.) CLARKE (H.). Practical perspective, exhibiting easy and concise rules for drawing all sorts of objects; for the use of schools; 2 vols. 8° London, 1776.

CLOQUET (J.-B.). Nouveau traité élémentaire de perspective, précédé des premières notions de la géométrie élémentaire, de la géométrie descriptive, de l'optique, et de la projection des ombres. 4° Paris, 1823. Atlas. 4° Paris, 1823.

COCHIN (CHARLES-NICOLAS). See Deidier (—). Traité de perspective. 4o 1770.

CODDINGTON (HENRY). A treatise on the reflexion and refraction of light; (a treatise on the eye and on optical instruments;) being part 1 (and II) of a system of optics. 8° Cambridge, 1829 & 1830. COGLENIUS (RODOLPHUS). See Chesnecopherus (N.). Isagoge optica.

4o 1593.

COMPARETTI (ANDREAS). Observationes dioptricæ et anatomicæ comparata de coloribus apparentibus, visu, et oculo. 4° Patavii, 1798. (Two copies.)

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