Imatges de pàgina

dans les combinaisons, et sur la détermination des masses des molécules des corps. 4°

From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Turino, tom. 26.

AVOGADRO (AMÉDÉE). Prémier mémoire sur l'affinité des corps pour le calorique, et sur les rapports d'affinité qui en resultent entre eux. 4° From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, tom. 28.


Deuxième mémoire sur l'affinité des corps pour le calorique, &c.

From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, tom. 29.

Nuove considerazioni sulle affinità de' corpi pel calorico calcolate per mezzo de' loro calori specifici e de' loro poteri refringenti allo stato gazoso, inserite nel tomo XIX degli Atti della Società Italiana delle scienze. 4o Modena, 1822.

Remarques sur la loi de la force élastique de l'air par rapport à sa densité dans le cas de compression sans perte de calorique, et sur celle de la chaleur spécifique de l'air par rapport à la température et à la pression. 4°

From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, tom. 33.

Sur la densité des corps solides et liquides comparée avec la grosseur de leurs molécules, et avec leurs nombres affinitaires; 1er mémoire. 4° From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, tom. 30.

Sur la densité des corps solides et liquides, &c.; 2me mémoire. 4° From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, tom. 31.


BACKMAN (JOHAN). Om Barometra och Thermometra. 12o Stock

holm, 1716.

BACON (ROGERUS). Speculum alchemiæ. See Collections. Hoc (in) volumine de alchemia continentur hæc, &c. 4° 1541.

BAILLY de MERLIEUX (C.). Résumé complet de météorologie, contenant, après des notions générales sur l'atmosphère, l'explication des météores aériens, aqueux, ignès, électricques, magnétiques, &c. suivie de notions sur les instrumens météorologiques; précédé d'une introduction historique, et accompagné d'une biographie, d'une bibliographie, et d'un vocabulaire. 32o Paris, 1830.

BAKER (HENRY). An examination of salts, their configurations and crystals. See Baker (H.). Employment for the microscope. 8° 1753. (Optics.) BANCROFT (EDWARD). Experimental researches concerning......colours and the best means of producing them. See Bancroft (E.). Experimental researches, &c. 8° 1794. (Miscellaneous.)

BANGE (GEORGIUS J.). Dissertatio physica de mensura graduum caloris; præside S. Klingenstierna. 4° Upsaliæ, [1741.] (Two copies.) BARBA (ANTONIO). Memoria sulla decomposizione dell' acqua. See Brugnatelli (L.). Elementi di chimica. 8° 1812.

BARTOLI (DANIELLO). Del ghiaccio e della coagulatione. 4° Bologna, 1682.


BECCARIA (GIAMBATTISTA). Della elettricità terrestre, &c. See Beccaria (G.). Della elettricità, &c. 4o [1775.] (Electricity.) BECCARIUS (JAC. BARTH.). De quamplurimis phosphoris nunc primum detectis, commentarius. 40 Bononiæ, 1744.

BECKE (DAVID von der). Experimenta et meditationes circa naturalium

rerum principia; quibus quæ circa fixi et alcalisati salis ante calcinationem in mixto præexistentiam, ac causas volatilisationis, obscura esse poterant, clarè solvuntur. 12° Hamburgi, 1674.

BEDDOES (THOMAS). See Scheele (C. G.). The chemical essays. 8° 1786.

BELLA (JOAō ANTONIO della). Memorias......sopra o modo de aperfeiçoar a manufactura do azeite. See Bella (J. A. della). Memorias, &c. 4° 1784. (Botany.)

BENOIT (P. M. N.). Théorie générale des pèse-liqueurs. See Bénoit (P. M. N.). Théorie, &c. 8° 1821. (Mechanics.)

BENT (W.). A meteorological journal of the year 1785 [1786-1792] ; 8 vols. 4o [London.]

A series of meteorological journals, and extracts from journals kept in London near St. Paul, from 1785 to 1808, with several tables and remarks; 16 vols. 8° London, 1809.

BENVENUTI (GIUSEPPE). Del sale delle acque termali di Lucca. See Benvenuti (G.). Del sale, &c. 8° 1758. (Geology)

De Lucensium thermarum sale, &c. See Benvenutus (J.). De Lucensium thermarum sale, &c. 8° 1758. (Geology)

BERAUT (LAURENT). Dissertation sur la cause de l'augmentation de poids que certaines matières acquièrent dans leur calcination. 40 Bordeaux, 1747.

BERGMANN (TORBERN). See Scheele (C. G.). Traité chimique de l'air et du feu. 12° 1781.

See Scheele (C. G.). Chemical observations translated by Forster. 8° 1780.

Commentationes chemica è secundo novorum Societatis Reg. Scient. Ups. actorum tomo excerptæ; [viz.] de acido aereo; de attractionibus electivis. 4o Upsalia, 1775.

BERGMAN (TORBERN) et G. SUEDELIUS. Disquisitio chemica de confectione aluminis. 40 Upsaliæ, [1767.] BERNARD (JOANNES BAPTISTA).

See Desmarescaux (L. F. J.). In

stitutiones chimicæ, &c. 4° [1761.] BERNOULLI (JOANNES) Senior. De effervescentia et fermentatione. See Bernoulli (J.). De motu musculorum, &c. 4o 1721. (Anatomy.) See Nebel (W. B.). De mercurio lucente in vacuo. 4o [1719.] BERTHOLET or BERTHOLLET (C. L.). See Brugnatelli (L.). Elementi di chimica. 8° 1812.

See Guyton-Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet et Foureroy. A translation of the table, &c. 4° 1794.

See Guyton de Morveau (L. B.). A translation of chemical nomenclature, &c. 4o 1799.

See Kirwan (R.). Essai sur le phlogistique. 8° 1788.

Essai de statique chimique; 2 vols. 8° Paris, an x1-1803.
Recherches sur les lois de l'affinité. 4o Paris.

BERZELIUS (J. JACOB). Chimie du fer; traduit par Hervé. 8° Paris, 1826.

[ocr errors]

De l'analyse des corps organisés. 8° Paris, 1827.

De l'emploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les déterminations minéralogiques. 8° Paris, 1821.

On the use of the blowpipe in chemical analysis and in the examination of minerals; translated from the French of M. Fresnel, by J. G. Children; with notes and additions by the translator. 8° London, 1822.


Lehrbuch der Chemie, übersetzt von F.

Wöhler; 4 vols. in 8 pts. 8° Dresden, 1825-1831.

Traité de chimie traduit par A. J. L. Jourdan [as to the 1st vol. the others by M. Esslinger]; 8 vols. 8° Paris, 1829–1833.

BIGOT de MOROGUES (P. M. S.). Mémoire historique et physique sur la chûte des pierres tombées sur la surface de la Terre à diverses époques. So 8° Orléans, 1812.

BIOT (J. B.). Sur la polarisation circulaire et sur ses applications à la chimie organique. See Biot (J. B.). Mémoire sur la polarisation, &c. 4o (Optics.)


BIOT (J. B.) et ARAGO (D. F.). Sur les affinités des corps pour la See Biot (J. B.) et Árago (D. F.). Mémoire sur les affinités, &c. 4° 1806. (Optics.) BIOT (J. B.) et PERSOZ (-). Mémoire sur les modifications que la fécule et la gomme subissent sous l'influence des acides; [with a note supplémentaire by Biot, to which is added a MS. note by the same.] 40 [Paris.]

BLACK (JOSEPH). Lectures on the elements of chemistry; published by J. Robson; 2 vols. 4o Edinburgh, 1803.

BLAGDEN (CHARLES). Report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors. See Blagden (C.). Report, &c. 4° (Mechanics.)


Versuche über die Erwärmung

verschiedener Körper durch die Sonnenstrahlen. 1811.

12o Carlsruhe,

Versuche über die Wärmeleitung verschiedener Körper. 8° Carlsruhe, 1812. BOERHAAVE (HERMANNUS). Elementa chemiæ quæ anniversario labore docuit, in publicis privatisque scholis; 2 vols. 4o Lugduni Batavorum, 1732.

BOHN (JOANNES). Dissertationes chymico-physicæ, chymiæ finem, instrumenta et operationes frequentiores explicantes; quibus accessit ejusdem tractatus, de aeris in sublunaria influxu. 4o Lipsia,


Dissertationum chymico-physicarum prima (et secunda), respondens J. W. Pauli (& E. G. Heyseus) de corporum dissolutione (et concretione); 2 pts. in 1 vol. 40 Lipsia, [1679 & 1680.]

BOHUN (R.). A discourse concerning the origin and properties of wind; with an historical account of hurricanes, and other tempestuous winds. 8° Oxford, 1674.

BOMPASS (CHARLES CARPENTER). On the nature of heat, light and electricity. 8° London, 1817.

BOMPOIS (J. B.). See Mojon (J.). Cours de chimie traduit, avec notes. 8o 1807.

BOOTH (WILLIAM BEATTIE). Journal of meteorological observations made at Chiswick during 1826; (from the Horticultural Transactions.) 4o London, 1827.

-, &c. for 1827; (from the Horticultural Transactions.) 4° London, 1829. BOTTONI (DOMINICUS). est de igne, &c. See Bottoni (D.). Pyrologia topographica, &c. 4° 1721. (Miscellaneous.) BOUILLON LAGRANGE (E. J. B.). See Klaproth (M. H.) et Wolff (F.). Dictionnaire de chimie. 8° 1810, &c.

BOUVARD (A.). Extrait (du tome IV. no. VI. de la Correspondance Ma

thématique publiée à Bruxelles par A. Quetelet) d'un mémoire sur les variations diurnes du baromètre. 8° [Bruxelles.]

BOUVARD (A.). An estimate of the height, direction, velocity and magnitude of the meteor that exploded over Weston in Connecticut, Dec. 14th, 1807. 4° Philadelphia.

From vol. 3. pt. 2. of the Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. BOYLE (ROBERT). See Anonymous. Sceptical (the) chymist; or chymico-physical doubts and paradoxes, &c. 8° 1680.

An experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the salubrity and insalubrity of the air and its effects. See Boyle (R.). An essay of the effects of......motion. 8° 1685. (Mechanics.)

8° 1690. (Mechanics.)

Experiments and observations made upon the Icy Noctiluca; to which is annexed a chymical paradox. 12° London, 1681 & 1682. - Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities [viz.; of heat and cold; about the mechanical production of tastes; of odours]; of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities; reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidum; [about the mechanical origine and production of volatility; of fixtness; of the mechanical causes of chymical precipitation; about the mechanical production of magnetism; of electricity]; 10 pts. in 1 vol. 8° London, 1675.

- New experiments and observations touching cold; to which are added an examen of antiperistatis, and an examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold; whereunto is annexed an account of freezing by Dr. C. Merret; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8° London, 1665.

New experiments, physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects made for the most part in a new pneumatical engine. London, 1660.

A defence of the doctrine touching the spring of the air, against the objections of F. Linus. 4° London, 1662.

Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aeris elastica et ejusdem effectibus facta maximam partem in nova machina pneumatica; ex Anglico in Latinum conversa. 8° Oxoniæ, 1661.

A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical touching the spring and weight of the air and their effects; the 1st pt.; wherein is annexed a short discourse of the atmospheres of consistent bodies. 4° Oxford, 1669.

Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda, in qua experimenta varia tum in aere compresso, tum in factitio instituta, unà cum descriptione machinarum continentur. 8° London, 1680.

Physiological considerations touching the experiments wont to be employed to evince either the IV peripatetick elements, or the III chymical principles of mixt bodies. 8°

The sceptical chymist; or doubts touching experiments whereby vulgar spagyrists are wont to endeavour to evince their salt, sulphur and mercury to be the true principles of things. 8° London, 1661.

Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters. 8° London, 1684. (Two copies.)

The aerial noctiluca; or some new phænomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance. 8° London, 1680. London, 1692.

The general history of the air. 4°

BOYLE (ROBERT). Tracts, containing new experiments, touching the relation between flame and air, and about explosions; an hydrostatical discourse occasion'd by some objections of Dr. H. Moore, to which is annex't an hydrostatical letter about the way of weighing water in water; new experiments of the position and relative levity of bodies under water; of the air's spring of bodies under water; about the differing pressure of heavy solids and fluids; 6 pts. in 1 vol. 8° London, 1672.

Tracts containing suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air, with an appendix touching celestial magnets (observations about the growth of metals in their ore exposed to the air; some additional experiments relating to the suspicions about the hidden qualities of the air); animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo; a discourse of the cause of suction by attraction* (new experiments about the preservation of bodies in vacuo Boyliano); 6 pts. in 1 vol. 8° 1675 [1674].


*So printed; but in manuscript is substituted attraction by suction. Tracts of a discovery of the admirable rarefaction of the air; new observations about the duration of the spring of the air; new experiments, the condensation of the air, and its compression without mechanical engins; the admirable differing extension of the same quantity of air rarefied and compressed. 4° London, 1671.

BRAHM (WILLIAM GERARD de). The method of observing by the weight and height of mercury the exact weight and altitude of the atmosphere. See Brahm (W. G. de). The levelling balance, &c. fol. 1774. (Mechanics.)

BRANDE (WILLIAM THOMAS). A letter on calculi. See Home (Sir E.). Practical observations on the......diseases of the prostate gland. So 1818. (Anatomy.)

A manual of chemistry. 8° London, 1819.

[blocks in formation]

A table of chemical equivalents and notations. 8° London, 1833. An introductory discourse delivered in the amphitheatre of the London Institution, May 5th, 1819. 8° London, 1819.

Tables in illustration of the theory of definite proportionals; shewing the prime equivalent numbers of the elementary substances and the volume and weights in which they combine. 8° London, 1828. BRANDES (ENRICO GUGLIELMO). Considerazioni sull' abbassamento del barometro nel 25 Dec. 1821. See Brandes (E. G.). Considerazioni, &c. 4° 1823. (Mechanics.)

De repentinis variationibus in pressione atmospheræ. See Brandes (E. G.). Dissertatio physica de repentinis variationibus, &c. [1826.] (Mechanics.)

BRANTZ (LEWIS). Meteorological observations made in the vicinity of Baltimore during the year 1817. 4° Baltimore, 1818.

made...during the year 1818. 4o Baltimore, 1819. BRAUNIUS (Jos. ADAMUS). De admirando frigore artificiali quo mercurius est congelatus dissertatio. 4° Petropoli, [1760.] (Two copies.) BRAYLEY (E. W.). See Parkes (S.). The chemical catechism. 8°


BREWSTER (Sir DAVID). Results of the thermometrical observations made at Leith Fort, every hour of the day and night, during the whole

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