Imatges de pàgina

Chap. 3. whether this Divine of the Church of England Queft17 taught the Doctrine of Devils, or not? But did the Apostle, whom he comments, do it, because he would not fuffer thofe Widows to marry? If not, this Impeachment of the Catholick Church is wholly groundless, and void.

II. But before we come to more particulars, let us fee, what the learned Grotius thought of it. He tells us, that S. Paul 1. Tim. iv, inftructs his Disciple, (4) efpecially against the PYTHAGOREAN PHILOSOPHERS, the chief of whom were addicted to Magick. A famous Man of this Sect, and one whom S. Paul defcribes, was Apollonius Tyanæus. For he came to Ephefus, whilft S. Timothy was living. S. Clement of Alexandria fays, 'Tis a Doctrine of the MAGICIANS [as well as of Tatian, and the Encratites]" to

abftain from the Ufe of Wine, of Creatures " which had Life, and from the Use of Mar"riage". Nor did they diffwade from Marriage, by giving the Preference to a fingle Life; for in this Senfe Chriftians may do it: but they held Wedlock UTTERLY UNLAWFUL, and that marry'd Perfons COULD NOT BE SAV'D. Thus the learned Grotius,


(4) Pythagoricos maxime indicat, quorum præcipui erant Magi, & cum Dæmonibus habebant commercium. Inter bos infignis fuit Appollonius Tyanæus, qui eximie denotatur. Venit enim Ephefum vivente adhuc Timotheo. S. Clemens Alex. Strom. iii, duinas di petido isì,

τοῖς Μάγοις ὄινε τε όμε, καὶ εμψύχων, καὶ ἀφροδιοίων axes. Non dehortabantur a Nuptiis, ideo quod coelibatum præferrent; id enim Chriftianis convenit: Sed plane dicebant illicitas effe nuptias, alienos effe a falute qui in Conjugio funt. Grotius, in 1 Tim. iv. v. 1. 3.

Dr. Hammond understands the Text 1 Tim. Chap. 3. iv. v. 1, 3, in the fame manner. Many Here- Quelt17 ticks, fays (5) he, there were in the ancient Church, who prohibited Marriage, and taught Abftinence from Meats as necessary, having much of their Doctrine from the Pythagorean Philofophers. Such were the Encratita, Montanifts, and Marcionites And indeed, that this was generally the Doctrine of the Gnofticks, appears from Clemens Alex. Stromatum Lib. 3, where Speaking of them he fays, (6) "Under a pre"tence of Continency, they commit a Vil"lany against the Creation and the Creator, "teaching that Men ought not to receive "Marriage, nor to get Children." And again, (7) "There are fome, fays S. Clement, who af"firm Marriage to be FORNICATION," that is (fays Dr. Hammond) UTTERLY UNLAWFUL, " and that it is BROUGHt in and deliver'd "BY THE DEVIL.

For this both Grotius and Dr. Hammond quote the Constitutions, concerning ancient Hereticks. (8) They defpife Marriage, and say it is not the Work of God. (9) They fay, that Men ought not to marry, and that they must abstain from

(5) Paraph. pag. 735. (6) Ευφήμως δ' ἐγκρατείας ἀσε βεῖν εἰς τε τὴν κτισιν καὶ τὸν δημοσ γον, διδάσκοντες μὴ δεῖν παραδέχεσθαι γάμον καὶ παιδοποιίαν. (7) εἰσὶν δι πορνείαν ἀυικ ὺς τὸν γάμον λέγεσι καὶ ὑπὸ διαβόλε ταυτην παρ ραδίδοσθαι δε κατίζεσιν. Ρ. 446. (8) τὸν γάμον ἀπετέσιν, 84 Aval 78 Der to yov dosa Corles, Lib. vi. Conftit. Cap viii. (9) αγαμία διδάσκεσι, καὶ κρεῶν ἀποχὴ καὶ οι κ βδελυκτα λίγο της είναι και τα μον, καὶ τὰ δῶν γέννησιν, καὶ βρωμάτων μετάληψιν · ἕτεροι δὲ ἐξ αὐτῶν ἔλεγον μόνον δεν φάσκοντες χοιρείς απέχεσθαι, τα δὲ κατα νόμον καθαρά šodien, Ibid. Cap. x.

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Chap. 3. from Flefb-meat and Wine; that it is a deteftaQueft 17 ble thing, to marry, to beget Children, and to eat Flefb-meat- -fome of them fay, they must only abstain from Swine-flesh, and may eat what the Mofaical Law permits.

III. The latter Times, mention'd by S. Paul 1 Tim. iv. 1, are what S. John call'd the last Time, or rather the (10) last Hour. And confequently they include the Apoftolical Age, and the first Centuries. In which this Prediction was literally verify'd as to both its Parts. So that nothing but Ignorance, or fomething worfe, could apply them to the Practice of the Catholick Church: which never thought Marriage of it felf-unlawful (for how can a Sacrament be fo?) tho' fhe has always held, that Vows, made to God, ought to be kept. And this the Scripture it felf has taught her, Deut. xxiii. v. 21, 22.

IV. Some Heathen Philofophers, in S. Pauls Time, condemn'd Marriage: and in this were follow'd by feveral Hereticks. We have hear'd what Grotius fays of the Pythagorifts.

That Marriage is from the Devil, was, in the second Century, the Opinion of Satornilus, or Saturninus; and, after him, of Marcion, of the Adamites, of Julius Caffian, of Tatian with his Followers the Encratites; and in the third Century, of the Hieracites, and of the Manichæans. The Prifcillianifts alfo condemn'd it in the fourth Century.

(10) 'LOXATH weg isi. 1 Fo. ii. v. 18.

1. Of

1. Of Saturninus and his fect, S. (11) Fre- Chap. 3. næus tells us, They fay, that to marry, and to Quest17 beget Children, is FROM THE DEVIL.

So Theodoret: (12) Saturninus was the first, who call'd Marriage THE DOCTRINE OF THE DEVIL.

And, S. Epiphanius: (13) Saturninus says, that to marry, and to get Children, is FROM THE DEVIL: whence the greatest Part of that Set abStain from eating Flesh and Fish.

2. Of Marcion, Tertullian fays, that (14) he rejects Marriage AS WICKED and the Work of Immodesty.

S. Clement of Alexandria fays (15) the Marcionites are not chaft by their own free Choice, but out of Hatred to the Creator, baving an impious Perfwafien, that it is a wicked thing to have Children. Theodoret (16) attefts the Same.

3. Of the Adamites (call'd alfo Prodicians from Prodicus a lewd Difciple of Carpocrates) S. (17) Auguftin fays, They imitate the nakedness of

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(11) Nubere autem, & generare, a Satana dicunt Te. S. Jren. Lib. 1. Cap. xxii. (12) Tòv de záμon 10 πρώτα το διαβόλο διδασκαλίαν ὠνόμασε, Theodor. i, I. Hư t. Fab. Cap. iii. (13) Tô và Mỹ để kỳ Tô γενιαν, ὁ αὐτὸς ἀγύρης ἐκ τῶ Σαγανά ὑπάρχειν λέγειο ὅθεν καὶ οι πλείες αὐτῶν ἐμψύχων ἀπέχονται, S. Epiphan. Hær. xxiii. §. 2. (14) Matrimonium, ut malum & impu dicitie negotium reprobat, Tert, Lib. 1. con. Marc, Cap.xxiv. (15) ἐ τῇ προαιρέσει γίνονται ἐγκρατες, τῇ δὲ πρὸς τὸν πεποιηκότα χθε . . . τὴν γέννησιν κακὴν εἶναι ἀσεβῶς inua doves, S. Clem. Alex. Lib. 3. Strom. p. 431. C. an. 1629, 164. (16) Κέρδων μὲν ἦν καὶ Μαρκίων τὴν παρθενίαν ἐνομοθέτησαν, τῷ Δημοκρῷ πολεμέντες, ἵνα μὴ δια το γάμε TVENA & Sumi nav avenoon. Theodor. Lib. Har. Fab. Cap. xxiv. p. 304. (17) Adamiani, ex Adam diči, cujus



Chap. 3. of Adam in Paradife, before his Sin. Hence they Queft 17 DETEST MARRIAGE.

4. Of Julius Caffian, a Difciple of Valenti nus, Monf. (18) Tillemont informs us, from S. Clement of Alexandria, that his averfion to Marriage and to the procreation of Children carry'd him fo far, as to fay that Christ did not affume a real Body of the B. Virgin Mary.

5. Of Tatian, Author of the Encratites, Theodoret fays, that (19) be and Saturninus styl'd Marriage openly THE WORK OF THE DEVIL.

So S. Ferom. (20) Tatian thinks, that every Foyning of the Male and Female is unclean.

And S. Frenæus, who writ in the second Century, Tatian, (21) apoftatizing from the Church, declared, that Marriage is lewdness and Fornication, as Marcion, and Saturninus had done.

6. The Hieracites, fays S. (22) Augustin, deny the Refurrection; and receive none but Monks, Nuns, and unmarried Perfons into their Communion.

7. The Manichæan Sect confifted of two Parts: one call'd the Elect, or perfect Mani


imitantur in Paradifo nuditatem, que fuit ante peccatum. Unde & nuptias averfantur, S. Aug. L. de Har, Cap. xxxi (18) Memoires Ecclef. Tom. ii. pag. 55. (19) ΣατορνίλΘ και ταλιανὸς προφανῶς τὸν γάμον το διαβόλο ενό Macar. Theod. Lib. v. Her, Fab. Cap. xxiv. (20) Tatianus omnem conjun&tionem mafculi ad fæminam immundam arbitratur, St. Hier. in Gal. vi. v. 8. (21) ἀποτὰς τῆς ἐκκλησίας, γάμον τε φθορον καὶ πορνείαν, παρπλησίως Μαρκίωνι καὶ Σατορνίλῳ ἀναγορεύσας, S. Fren. Lib. 1. Cap. xxxi. (22) Hieracite refurre&ionem negant. Monachos tantum, & Monachas, & conjugia non habentes in Communionem recipiunt, S. Aug. Lib. de Hæres. Cap. xvii.

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