The conclusion of the whole. 464 THE LIFE OF DR. GEORGE BULL. conduce to eternal life and with these three uses our author concludeth this excellent treatise. I have nothing more to add but my earnest prayers to God, that, since he hath by his grace enabled me to bring this work to a conclusion, he would farther vouchsafe, by his blessing, to make it instrumental towards the promoting his honour and glory in the world. That it may in some measure tend to revive that truly commendable zeal, for which the first ages of Christianity were so deservedly famous; "when they that were baptized continued stead"fastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread, and in prayer; praising God, " and doing good to all men." 66 TO THE MOST HOLY AND UNDIVIDED TRINITY, December 31, 1712. END OF THE LIFE. Published the Judicium Ecclesia Catholicæ 1694 314 Latin works edited by Grabe Made bishop of St. David's 1703 342 1705 347 1685 298 1686 302 1686 307 Died 1710404 Antinomians, 31, 82, 130, 221, Clarke, Dr. 275. Clerke, G. 334, 426, 428, 435. Clifford, Lord Treasurer, 12. Comenius, 335. Conant, Dr. 10. Confirmation, 360. Crandon, Mr. J. 220. Barlow, Dr. 90, 181, 188, 216. Councils, 251. Avening, 39, 298, 373. Baptism, 34, 53, 366. Creed, Apostles', 321. Hierosolymitan, 324. Crisp, Dr. 210, 222. Curcellæus, 246, 250, 252, 317, 334. Defensio Fidei Nicenæ, 239. De Marets, 218, 246. Brecknock, 356, 373, 375, 390, Divinity, study of, 2c. Doddington, Mrs. E. 6. Frampton, Bishop, 78. Morley, Bishop, 89, 188. Gataker, Charles, 91, 121, 135,|| Mortuaries, 373. 142. Moulin, L. du, 216. Thomas, 91, 121, 139. || Naked Gospel, 318. Glanvil, Mr. 79. Good Friday, 55. Grabe, Dr. 333, 343, 426. Griffith, Mr. 225. Grindal, Archbishop, 305. Hammond, Dr. 19, 146, 152, Holydays, 54. Nelson, R. 1, 49, 67, 326, 406. Ordination, 23, 308, 361. Parker, Mr. J. 407. Parsons, Archdeacon, 423, 425. Pearson, Bishop, 78, 204, 275. 461. Pemble, Rev. W. 213. Petavius, 243, 250, 258, 272. Popery, 67, 310. Popham, Lord Chief Justice, 8. Powel, Rev. W. 357, 358. Prichard, Mr. R. 404. Roberts, al. Hayward, 69. Sandius, 241, 244, 253, 258, 334, 429. Shapwick, 5, 6. Tillotson, Archbishop, 239. Sharp, Archbishop, 23, 238, Tiverton School, 8. Tombes, Mr. J. 91, 210, 212. Stephens, Archdeacon, 40, 79, Wallis, Dr. 221. 406, 438. E. Esq. 407. Stillingfleet, Bishop, 216, 226, Wells, 5, 7. Whitby, Dr. 291. Whitgift, Archbishop, 306. Williams, Mr. D. 221, 223, 225, 233. Works, 116. Wrey, Sir B. 352. Zuicker, 249, 252, 258, 333, Zwinglius, 132. ERRATA. P. 219. line 18. read as to. P. 416. note, for II. read XI. P. 438. note, line 3. for p. 130. read P. 141. P. 444. line 7. for ds read ñòn. P. 451. line 3. for rikuv read viλs01. P. 458. in marg. for Va read Væ. |