Imatges de pàgina

bewildered navy, already so diminished in force, three more vessels of the line surrendered to the Russian flag. This engagement, so ill fought as to nautical manoeuvring, yet so well contested as to personal bravery, continued all night and a part of the next day, and it was not until the evening that the duke, with the shattered remains of his fleet, found safety in the port of Sweaborg, leaving three line-of-battle ships and one frigate in the hands of the Russians, the same number of line-of-battle ships and one frigate stranded on the Russian shores, and witnessing the destruction of another ship of the line and another frigate by fire, besides losing a schooner and a cutter, supposed to have been sunk.

The small craft taken or sunk were supposed to amount to sixty, and with the galleys eight hundred men of the Swedes were captured. The whole loss of the Swedes in this affair was above seven thousand men. To add to these disasters, all the baggage of the fleet, amounting in value to several millions of dollars, fell into the hands of the Russians.

In this protracted encounter, our young officer, whilst he shared in the danger, must have gained an admirable lesson in naval warfare. Every possible variety of circumstance must have been

presented to him, and from the alternate success and discomfiture of the belligerents he must have acquired a deep insight into all the strategy of maritime war. The lesson was deeply traced and largely written in blood, and after-exploits proved that it had not been studied in vain.

Captain Sidney Smith had at that period but little respite: he was soon to witness a repetition of the same scene, but with happier results to the cause in which he had engaged.

Though the events of the actions of the 3rd and 4th of June were thus unfortunate to the Swedes, his Majesty was in a short time able to reappear at sea in so effective a condition as not only again to contend for victory, but also to obtain ample compensation for his former losses.

Having supplied his armament with provisions and ammunition, and being joined by the division under Lieutenant-Colonel Cronstadt, which had not been able to reach the Bay of Viborg, so as to participate in the late engagement, the king sailed immediately, with a view to prevent the Prince of Russia, who was advancing with the Russian Cronstadt and Viborg squadrons, from getting into the port of Frederickham. This he was so fortunate as to accomplish.

In consequence of this proceeding, an action

took place on the 9th of July, in which the king commanded in person nominally-Sidney Smith actually, who was at the royal elbow during the whole of the engagement. It began at half-past nine in the morning, and lasted twenty-four hours.

On the preceding day, several vessels of the Russian in-shore squadron were discovered at Aspo; on which the king, attended by M. de Armstadt, went to reconnoitre. On the 9th, the Prince of Nassau advanced towards the Swedish shore, and the signal was made for the Swedish fleet to arrange itself in order of battle. By nine in the morning, the enemy had formed his line, and made sail towards Cape Musalo. The right wing of the Swedes advanced to meet them, and the firing commenced briskly on both sides.

Immediately after, the king, on board the Seraphim galley, made the signal for a general attack. The enemy still approached with a spirited fire, which was so warmly returned by both the Swedish wings, that at noon the left of the enemy began to give way. Both the right and left of the Swedes being reinforced by several divisions which had been previously placed in the Sound, they were enabled to continue the action with increased vigour. At the same time, the Russian line having received some reinforcements, the eastward wing again advanced and returned to the conflict.



But their renewed endeavours were in vain. About four o'clock in the afternoon some of their larger galleys were beaten from the land, and struck their colours. Of those, several afterwards foundered, and several were taken possession of by the Swedes.

Gustavus was not absolutely without loss himself. One of his best galleys, the Udema, caught fire about six o'clock and sank; but happily the whole of her crew was saved. The same fate befel one of the Russian xebecs, and after this the smaller vessels began to sheer off.

Many of the enemy's heavy galleys continued firing till the evening, and then made sail with a view of effecting their escape. Some ran on the shoals and struck their flags. At eleven, darkness compelled a cessation of hostilities. The conquered vessels were taken possession of, and the prisoners removed.

As early as three next morning the cannonade was renewed, and shortly after, one of the Russian frigates surrendered, and several of the smaller craft were taken. The enemy then commenced retreating in every direction, and to set fire to their stranded ships. They were pursued till ten at night, and forty-five captured. Out of the Russian vessels that were sunk, one officer and one surgeon only were saved. Six of the

stranded vessels were burned by the Swedes. The victors computed the number of their prisoners at four thousand five hundred, including two hundred and ten officers.

Thus, in this action, after having for so long a period trembled upon an equality, whilst thousands on both sides were passing to judgment, the scales of victory inclined towards Gustavus. The Russians, in their turn, suffered a defeat, with the loss of five frigates, fifteen galleys, two floating batteries, with twenty other vessels, and, a great quantity of naval and military stores; and, as before mentioned, four thousand five hundred prisoners were also captured.

On this memorable occasion, an English officer of the name of Dennison commanded the Russian frigate Venus, and, by his presence of mind and gallantry, very nearly effected the capture of the King of Sweden's sacred person, as he gained possession of the galley in which that monarch had embarked.

Captain Smith, who was with the sovereign, observing the gallant and seaman-like style in which the Venus was bearing down upon the galley, became assured that she must be under the command of an Englishman, and suggested to the king that it was high time for them to look out for their mutual safety; an advice not at

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