Imatges de pàgina

cessation of miraculous gifts in answer to prayer interferes with the duty of prayer.

13. How does the Apostle St. Paul speak of "the laying on of hands"?

A.-As one of the first principles, or rudiments, of the Christian life. (Heb. vi. 1, 2.)

14.-Was the rite observed in the primitive Church?

A.-Yes; "It has been a solemn, ancient, and laudable custom in the Church of God, continued from the Apostles' times, that the Bishops should lay their hands upon children, baptized and instructed in the Catechism of the Christian religion, praying over them, and blessing them, which is called Confirmation."-60th Canon.

15.-Prove that the Church of England requires every baptized person to be confirmed?

A.-"Ye are to take care that this child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him so soon as he can say the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in the Church Catechism set forth for that purpose."

16.-Is Confirmation a Sacrament?

A.-No; because it was not ordained by Christ Himself."

17.-If our Lord did not ordain it, is not that an argument against the use of it?

A.-No; seeing that it is recognized in Holy Scripture as one of the first "principles of the doctrine of Christ ;" and further, because "the Church hath power to decree Rites, or Ceremonies," which be not "repugnant to the Word of God;" "so that all things be done to edifying."-Articles of Religion, XX., XXII., and XXXIV.

18. Mention some practical uses of Confirmation.

A.-(1.) It gives a most valuable opportunity for religious instruction. (2.) It is an occasion for setting out afresh in the Christian life, with special prayer and self-dedication.

(3.) It is an ordinance eminently blessed of God, for the communication of His Holy Spirit.

(4.) It is a preparatory step to the Holy Communion.

19.-Beware of regarding Confirmation—

(1.) As a form-a service of mere propriety and custom.

(2.) As a charm-sure to act beneficially, without regard to your state of mind, desire, and effort.

(3.) As a necessity-a thing to be got over, and done with: but rather accept it as God's gift out of love to you, for your welfare and happiness; and as such welcome and embrace it, and seek from God the mind meet for it.


No. 2.


1.-What is implied in a "Christian Name "?
A.-Our entrance into Covenant with God in Christ.
2. What is the meaning of the word "Covenant "?
A.-An agreement between two or more parties.

3. When did we enter into Covenant with God?

A.-At our Baptism, when God promised us certain blessings, and our Godfathers and Godmothers undertook on our behalf certain duties.

4. Why are our Godfathers and Godmothers so called?

A. Because they stand to us, in spiritual matters, in the same relationship as our earthly parents do in temporal matters.

5. Are they known by any other names?

A.-Sponsors and Sureties.

6.-Why are they called Sponsors?

A. Because they answer, or make the response, for the child to be baptized.

7. And why are they called Sureties?

A.-Because they give security to the Church that the child shall be virtuously brought up.

8. When do we undertake, in our own person, the duties of the Christian Covenant?

A. In the Rite of Confirmation, when we renew the solemn promise and vow made in our name at our Baptism.

9. What are the BLESSINGS of the Baptismal Covenant?

A.--Membership, Sonship, and Heirship.

10. What is a "member "?

A.-A part of anything-for example, the arms are members or parts of the body, the branch is a part of the tree, individuals are members of a family or society.

11. What does St. Paul call the Church?

A.-The Body of Christ; and Christians members of that Body. (1 Cor. -xii. 12, 27.)

12. What is it, therefore, to be a member of Christ?

A.-To be a member of His Church, and to be as closely united to Him, the Head, as the branches are to the vine, and the limbs to the body. 13. What is the second blessing of the Baptismal Covenant ? A.-Sonship, or being made the child of God.

14.-Show that this springs naturally from the first.

A.-Being made "members of Christ," we become by adoption the Sons of God.

15. What is the third blessing?

A.-Inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

16. Prove that this follows from Sonship. A.-Romans viii. 17.

17. What do you mean by the "Kingdom of Heaven "?

A.-The Church of Christ, whether militant here, or triumphant hereafter.

18.-Explain the terms "heir" and "inheritor."

A.-"Heir" means one expecting a possession; "inheritor" one now in possession. The word heir may be used instead of inheritor; but the word inheritor is never used for one who is expecting to inherit.

19. What are the DUTIES which our Godfathers and Godmothers undertook for us in our Baptism?

A. "They did promise and vow," etc.

20.-What is the difference between to "promise" and to "vow"? A.-To promise is to engage ourselves to or before our fellow-men; to vow is to engage ourselves to and before God.

21.-Is it Scriptural to make a vow in the name of another?

A.-Samson's mother made a vow in his name; Hannah made a vow on behalf of Samuel.

22.-What is the meaning of "to renounce"?

A. To refuse to follow, or be led by.

23. What did we promise to renounce? A.-The Devil, the World, and the Flesh.

24. Mention some of the works of the Devil.

A.-(1.) Pride. (1 Tim. iii. 6.)

(2.) Hatred. (1 John iii. 11-15.)

(3.) Falsehood. (John viii. 44.)

(4.) Irreverence, or hard thoughts of God. (Gen. iii. 1.)
(5.) Temptation of others.

25.-What do you mean by the "world"?

A. What is worldly-all that is unchristian in the world around us. 26.-Mention some things which lovers of this world overvalue.

A.-Wealth, honour, pleasure.

27.-What are these things called in the Catechism?

A." Pomps and vanities." Pomps because they are so showy while

they last, and vanities because they last so short a time.

28. What do you mean by the "sinful lusts of the flesh"?

A. All the corrupt tendencies of our nature.

29.-Give from Holy Scripture rules and examples of resisting-(1) the Devil, (2) the World, (3) the Flesh.

A.-(1.) The Devil, Matt. iv. 4, 7, 10; xvi. 23; James iv. 7.
(2.) The World, Heb. xi. 24-26; Dan. iii. 16-18; vi. 10-28.
(3.) The Flesh, Gen. xxxix. 7-12; Gal. v. 16; 2 Tim. ii. 22.


No. 3.



1. What is the second promise made in your Baptism?
A." That I should believe all the Articles of the Christian Faith."
2. What is the meaning of the word "Articles"?

A.-Points of doctrine.

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3.- What does "the Christian Faith mean?

A.-The religion taught by Christ and His Apostles.

4. Where are the Articles of the Christian Faith briefly summed up? A. In the Creed, or Belief.

5. What is the third promise made in your Baptism?

A.-"That I should keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of my life."

6. What is meant by "walking in the same all the days of my life"? A.-It means steady perseverance in well-doing. (Rom. ii. 7.)

7.-Mention instances from Holy Scripture of persons who walked with


(1.) Enoch. (Gen. v. 22.)

(2.) Zacharias and Elisabeth. (Luke i. 6.)

8.-Sum up all the three promises in three words.

A.-Repentance, Faith, Obedience.

9. What is true repentance?

A.-A change of mind, leading to a change of heart and life.

10. What does this imply?

A.-Sorrow for sin, hatred to sin, and a forsaking of sin.

11. Give Scripture examples of it.

(1.) David. (2 Sam. xii. 13; Ps. li.)

(2.) Manasseh. (2 Chron. xxxiii. 11-16.)

(3.) Peter. (Lake xxii. 62.)

(4.) The Prodigal Son. (Luke xv. 17-21.)

(5.) The Dying Thief. (Luke xxiii. 40-43.)

12. What is false repentance?

A.-Sorrow for sin only because of its consequences, without a determination to forsake it, or hatred to it because it is displeasing to God.

13. Give Scripture examples of false repentance.

(1.) Cain. (Gen. iv. 13-15.)

(2.) Pharaoh. (Exod. xii. 31-33.)
(3.) Saul. (1 Sam. xxiv. 16-21.)
(4.) Ahab. (1 Kings xxi. 27.)

(5.) Judas. (Matt. xxvii. 3-5.)

14.-Why is repentance necessary to salvation?

A.-Acts xvii. 30; Matt. iv. 17; Mark i. 15; Acts xi. 18; Acts ii. 19; v. 31.

15. Dost thou think that thou art bound," etc.?

A.-"Yes, verily, and by God's help," etc.

16.-Is the Baptismal Covenant binding upon us, although undertaken for us by our Sponsors without our knowledge.

A. Yes; because

(1.) Our Sponsors only promised for us what it was our bounden duty to promise for ourselves, had we been old enough to do so.

(2.) God has already fulfilled and is fulfilling His part of the Covenant, by giving us His holy Word and His " means of grace"

here, and the promise of Heaven hereafter.

17.-Why do we say, "Yes, verily "?

A. To signify that earnestness which we ought to feel.
18. Why do we say "By God's help, so I will"?


"We have no power of ourselves to help ourselves." (John xv. 5.)

(2.) God is the "strength of all them that put their trust in Him." (Phil. ii. 13; iv. 13.)

19. What do you mean by the phrase " called us to this state of salvation"?

A.-Placed us in a position where we may be saved eternally, and shall be if we are faithful. (Rev. ii. 10.)

20.-How do we hope to continue in this state of salvation?

A.-By God's grace. (Ephes. ii. 18.)

21.-What do you mean by "God's grace"?

A.-The aid of His Holy Spirit.

22.-How is this grace to be obtained?

A. By the due use of all Church ordinances.

23.-Name some of these.

A.-(1.) Prayer, public and private. (Luke xi. 13; Heb. iv. 16.) (2.) The word of God heard and read.

(3.) Confirmation.

(4.) Holy Communion.


Consider seriously what a solemn step you are about to take, when you declare before God and the Church that you renounce sin, and choose Christ for your Lord and Master. It would indeed be an awful thing to say this, if you had not earnestly resolved to do so with God's help. But you must not be content with words; you must at once begin to do something, or your good resolutions will soon be forgotten.

First, then, see what requires change in your past life; whether you have fallen into any evil habits or sinful ways. Consider what are the temptations to which you most easily yield. Then think what precautions you can take against them for the future. Protect yourself with rules to avoid falling into temptation. As for downright sin, break with it at once. Throw it off in the strength that God will give you if you ask Him sincerely.


Be very careful about your prayers. Your Confirmation is a time of the utmost importance to you, and requires much quiet thought. It is not simply the renewal of your Baptismal vows. It is not only the declaration that every grown-up Christian must make of faith and obediIt is never a bare form. To many it is the turning-point of their lives. God offers you in it His Holy Spirit, to strengthen you amidst all the unknown trials of life upon which you are now entering; but His blessing depends upon your own exertions. ASK, and ye shall receive." Happy indeed will you be if you now learn what it is to come to Christ with all your hearts, to pray to Him, to trust in Him, to live in Him, to resolve to take the great step in life of deciding between Christ and Satan. But you cannot do this without prayer. Add to your usual prayers a special petition for this Grace; and do not be ashamed of asking those who love you to pray for you.

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