TO CORRESPONDENTS. Respecting Dr. Hey's Discourses on the Malevolent Sentiments, mentioned in the reviewing part of our work for Oct. 1802, and referred to in Mr. Pearson's Communication, inserted in this Number, we inform our readers, that they have not yet, we believe, been published, in the usual sense of that word; but we understand that packets of them, containing two copies, at 10s. 6d. each packet, may be procured by applying to Mr. James Panrucker, grocer and oilman, corner of Oxford Market. The continuation of Remarks on the Preface to St. Luke's Gospel came too late for insertion in the present Number. We shall be happy in receiving this Correspondent's other favours; and if accompanied by his real address, the same will be more acceptable. The continuation of Joma, or the Day of Atonement, has been received, and will appear in our next; also the valuable letter by Dr. GEORGE HICKES, for which we are greatly obliged to the worthy friend who communicated it. ERRATA. In the Number for April, p. 248, line 18, for " then" read " there." Extemporaneous preaching, on 430 1 Fall of Man, on the Fanaticism, anecdote of 437 Fellham, Owen, account of 437 183 . 267 485 132 229 432 291 93 293 Daubeny, Mr. vindicated 395 Derry, anecdote of the bishop of 370 Future life a state of improve- ment Gataker's works recommended 136 rusalem on Gospels, discovery of a MS. of Grateful memorials 241 166 72 444 367 132, 137 Gray and Burton, coincidence - 130, 203 Grotius recommended 333 Doddridge, Dr. on the evange- 135 34 East India college, account of the 72 |