Imatges de pàgina

the antler of a stag as it grows beneath the soft, warm velvet. And thus are built up in the course of a few weeks those splendid "beams," with their "tynes" and "snags," which, in the case of the wapiti, even in the confinement of our Zoological

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Gardens, may reach a weight of thirty-two pounds, and which, in the freedom of the Rocky Mountains, may reach such a size that a man may walk, without stooping, beneath the archway made by setting up upon their points the shed antlers. When the antler has reached its full size, a circular ridge makes its

appearance at a short distance from the base. This is the "burr," which divides the antler into a short "pedicel" next the skull, and the "beam" with its branches above. The circulation in the blood-vessels of the beam now begins to languish, and the velvet dies and peels off, leaving the hard,


FIG. 5.-Wapiti with velvet shredding off.

bony substance exposed. Then is the time for fighting, when the stags challenge each other to single combat, while the hinds stand timidly by. But when the period of battle is over, and the wars and loves of the year are past, the bone beneath the burr begins to be eaten away, through the activity of certain large bone-absorbing cells, and, the base of attachment


being thus weakened, the antlers are shed; the scarred surface skins over and heals, and only the hair-covered pedicel of the antler is left.

We have no reason to suppose that this corporate cellular behaviour, involving the nicely adjusted co-operation of so vast an army of organic units, is under the conscious guidance of the stag. And yet how orderly the procedure! how admirable the result! Nor is there an organ or structural part of the stag or any other animal that does not tell the same tale. This is but one paragraph of the volume in which is inscribed the varied and wonderful history of organic behaviour in its corporate aspect. Is it a matter for wonder that the cause of such phenomena has been regarded as "a mystery transcending naturalistic conception; as an alien influx into nature, baffling scientific interpretation"? And yet, though not surprising, this attitude of mind, in face of organic phenomena, is illogical, and is due partly to a misconception of the function of scientific interpretation, partly to influences arising from the course pursued by the historical development of scientific knowledge. The function of biological science is to formulate and to express in generalized terms the related antecedences and sequences which are observed to occur in animals and plants. This can already be done with some approach to precision. But the underlying cause of the observed phenomena does not fall within the purview of natural science; it involves metaphysical conceptions. It is no more (and no less) a "mystery than all causation in its last resort-as the raison d'être of observed phenomena is a mystery. Gravitation, chemical affinity, crystalline force, these are all "mysteries."

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If the mystery of life, lying beneath and behind organic behaviour, be said to baffle scientific interpretation, this is because it suggests ultimate problems with which science as such should not attempt to deal. The final causes of vital phenomena (as of other phenomena) lie deeper than the probe of science can reach. But why is this sense of mystery especially evoked in some minds by the contemplation of organic behaviour, by the study of life? Partly, no doubt,

because the scientific interpretation of organic processes is but recent, and in many respects incomplete. People have grown so accustomed to the metaphysical assumptions employed by physicists and chemists when they speak of the play of crystalline forces. and the selective affinities of atoms, they have been wont for so long to accept the "mysteries" of crystallization and of chemical union, that these assumptions have coalesced with the descriptions and explanations of science; and the joint products are now, through custom, cheerfully accepted as natural. Where the phenomena of organic behaviour are in question, this coalescence has not yet taken place; the metaphysical element is on the one hand proclaimed as inexplicable by natural science, and on the other hand denied even by those who talk glibly of physical forces as the final cause of the phenomena of the inorganic world.

So much reference to the problems which underlie the problems of science seems necessary. It is here assumed that the phenomena of organic behaviour are susceptible of scientific discussion and elucidation. But even assuming that an adequate explanation in terms of antecedence and sequence shall be thus attained by the science of the future, this will not then satisfy, any more than our inadequate explanations now satisfy, those who seek to know the ultimate meaning and reason of it all: What makes organic matter behave as we see it behave? what drives the wheels of life, as it drives the planets in their courses? what impels the egg to go through its series of developmental changes? what guides the cells along the divergent course of their life-history? These are questions the ultimate answers to which lie beyond the sphere of science -questions which man (who is a metaphysical being) always does and always will ask, even if he rests content with the answer of agnosticism; but questions to which natural science never will be able, and should never so much as attempt, to give an answer.

Enough has now been said to show that organic behaviour is a thing sui generis, carrying its own peculiar marks of distinction; and further, that, for science, this is just part of the

constitution of nature, neither more nor less mysterious than, let us say, crystallization or chemical combination. But associated and closely interwoven with all that is distinctively organic there is much which can to some extent be interpreted in terms of physics and chemistry.

The animal * has sometimes been likened to a steam-engine, in which the food is the fuel which enters into combustion with the oxygen taken in through the lungs. It may be worth while to modify and modernize this analogy-always remembering, however, that such an analogy must not be pushed too far.

In the ordinary steam-engine the fuel is placed in the firebox, to which the oxygen of the air gains access; the heat produced by the combustion converts the water in the boiler into steam, which is made to act upon the piston, and thus set the machinery in motion. But there is another kind of engine, now extensively used, which works on a different principle. In the gas-engine the fuel is gaseous, and it can thus be introduced in a state of intimate mixture with the oxygen with which it is to unite in combustion. This is a great advantage. The two can unite rapidly and explosively. In gunpowder the same end is effected by mixing the carbon and sulphur with nitre, which contains the oxygen necessary for their explosive combustion. And this is carried still further in dynamite and gun-cotton, where the elements necessary for explosive combustion are not merely mechanically mixed, but are chemically combined in a highly unstable compound.

But in the gas-engine, not only are the fuel and the oxygen thus intimately mixed, but the controlled explosions are caused to act directly on the piston, and not through the intervention of water in a boiler. Whereas, therefore, in the steam-engine the combustion is to some extent external to the working of the machine, in the gas-engine it is to a large extent internal and direct.

Now, instead of likening the animal as a whole to a steamengine, it is more satisfactory to liken each cell to an automatic

* The following paragraphs are taken with some slight changes from "Animal Life and Intelligence," pp. 30-35.

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