Imatges de pàgina

with the true spirit of Christianity, Extract from a Theological Cor



The following extract from a correspondence between a lady and a doctor in divinity of the church of England, seems to me to deserve a place in your excellent Repository, and may serve as an answer to all persons who wish to recommend defences of the un and anti-scriptural word used by the sectarians of Rome, England, and Scotland, in their addresses to the Divinity.

the great author of which was, in the most respectable sense of the appellation, a reformer, to be ever ready to encourage and promote improvements in religious opinions and practices, than to be rigidly tenacious of ancient tenets and forms, merely because they are such and that (in the words of a good writer*) It is an honest, impartial, and unprejudiced freedom of thinking and discoursing upon all subjects whatever, conducted with humility, decency and information, which ought to "I feel myself much honoured distinguish the religion of a Chris- by your refering me to so valua tian from that of all the world be. ble a work, as there is no quessides.' In this manner it may be tion in my mind of your's being; hoped that the friends of truth, but I must be allowed to decline virtue and religion will unite to the reference. Till I find the carry forwards the good work of word Trinity in the Bible, it is a reformation. Nor shall it be matter of inditierence to me what doubted, that their united efforts any person explains the word to will produce the most glorious and mean. Its theory formed no part happy effects. Yes, I will foretel of the system of religion which my (and may it please the great Lord lord and master Christ taught me, of Nature to fulfil the prediction), and what any person in after ages that the cloud which was once ingeniously but fancifully may no bigger than a man's hand,' choose to suppose that he compre shall at length spread over the hends its explanation to be, can whole heavens, and water every be of no authority or importance region of the earth with the dews to me." of heavenly wisdom; that truth An ingenious writer has lately, shall at last triumph over error, I perceive, observed the improcharity over persecution, and re- propriety of using the word Trinity ligion and virtue over prophane. when an English word may be so ness and immorality; that all the much better substituted for it, and nations of the world, subjected to is a true translation of the word the laws of truth and righteous Trinitas, namely Threeness; and ness, shall become the spiritual hence he recommends the followkingdom of God; and that the ing reading. "O holy, blessed, whole earth shall be one holy tem- and glorious Threeness, three perple consecrated unto the Lord. sons and one God." Threeness Amen." in Oneness is certainly more intelligible to an Englishman than Trinity in Unity. I remain, Sir,

See Squire's Indifference for Religion your constant reader, Inexcusable, § 2.


"Nolo Episcopari."


As a farther illustration of Nolo

Episcopari, I would refer your correspondent who made inquiry respecting it, to a passage in Chandler's Life of Bishop Waynflete, as quoted in a late number of the Monthly Review.-" The sub-prior and another monk were deputed to wait on Waynflete at Eton college, with the news of his election. From sincere reluc. tance, or a decent compliance with the fashion of the times, he protested often and with tears, and could not be prevailed on to undertake the office to which he was called, until they found him, about sun-set, in the church of St. Mary, when he consented, saying, He would no longer resist the divine will." S. P.

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The following epitaph appears worthy to be known beyond the

have suffered our good to be evil spoken of.


Epitaph on Mrs. H. Williams. Stranger, or friend! with silent steps

and slow,

Who wanderest pensive thro' this hal-
low'd gloom,

Muse on the fleeting date of bliss below,
And mark, with reverence due, Eliza's


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circulation of the curious book to Calvinistic Doctrine of Atone

which it is annexed. It was pub



May 5, 1812. Your Old Correspondent,"

lished in 1807, by Mr. Johnes, in a dedication of "The Travels of Bertrandon de la Brocquire," in p. 230, of the present vol. ap. to the memory of his sister, Mrs. Hanbury Williams, who died in 1806. Mr. J. attributes this epitaph on his sister to his friend, the Rev. Mr. Shepherd, of Gateacre. May I be allowed, with out offence, to regret that the very ingenious author, a Christiau teacher, not unworthy of the name, should have been here contented without advancing a step beyond the pulvis et umbra sumus of a Pagan poet. Such omissions have been too common among us rational Christians, and thus we

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pears to have been satisfied with his stage coach repartee, more than, in justice, he ought to have been. I have heard many Calvinistic sermons, and have read not a few of the writings, both abstruse and popular, of that description of Christians; but I have never met with any expres sion of sentiment, even among the wildest and least judicious of them which would justify the interpretation put by your correspondent on their doctrine of par don of sin through a meritorious

atonement. There may be some adduce, as no slight evidence of daring Antinomians, who are ig- what I have advanced, a passage norant and vicious enough to rea- from a very respectable and able son in the manner which he justly work recently published, Dr. Wilreprobates; but it is sufficiently liams's Defence of Modern Calvinknown that all the proper Calvin- ism. ists disavow the sentiments, the spirit, and the practice, of such persons.

"We also maintain, that a true and lively faith is productive of good works, as a good tree bringI am not explaining, or ad- eth forth good fruit; and that its ducing evidence for, the doctrine character may be best known to in question my only object is to us by its effects; but surely, as plead for a fair and equitable con- a cause is distinct from its effects, struction of it. Whether it be as a good tree differs from its fruits, held as stated by such authors as and a principle in the mind from Tomkins, Ritchie, Price, Fuller its operations, so a good faith is a and Magee, or in the high and different thing from good works, (in my humble apprehension) un- and therefore should neither be tenable sense of Gill and Brine, identified nor confounded. But or in any intermediate method of though Calvinists avoid this, they explication, all dispassionate are in the constant habit of inmen must admit, that the believers sisting, that a fruitless faith is not of the doctrine of Atonement uni- saving. They urge the importance formly maintain it as a scheme of of good works ou several accounts; rectitude and mercy, to secure in- for they know that God requires violate the honour of the Divine Per universal obedience that they fections, and to restore sinful men are well pleasing to God-that to HOLINESS and felicity. Does Christians are justified and renew. not the "Old Correspondent" ed, in order that they may walk know that, according to Calvinists in them unto all pleasing-that and those who, in this point, near. they are profitable unto menly coincide with them, faith in Christ is the condition sine qua non of pardon; and that no faith is held to be efficacious but that which operates in the production and preservation of righteousness and holiness, sincere, universal, and constant ? Is it not a common topic in their sermons and practical writings, that, should a man reason as your correspondent represents them to reason, it would indicate a state of mind destructive of any rational hope that he was a pardoned and happy cha

racter ?

If it is not trespassing too much on your pages, I beg permission to

that Christ is the author of eternal salvation to them that obey himand that they are bound, in duty and in gratitude, to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded. They reprobate with warmth a dead faith, and inculcate with earnestness charity and all other virtues and good deeds,' as indispensable towards forming the Christian character.


"They are taught by experience, as well as by scripture, that except they abide in Christ by faith, they cannot glorify God by bring ing forth much fruit; yea, that they can do nothing,'--nothing that deserves the name of Chris


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tian obedience, or acceptable ser- plauded, any effort to strengthen vice. They know that without it by abuse is to be condemned: faith, it is impossible to please and I cannot avoid suspecting, God, as well as that the faith that your "Old Correspondent" which is dead and not productive has chosen this subject, not for the of holy obedience is unavailable purpose of vindicating the rights both for salvation hereafter and for of the Catholics, but to cast an justification in this life. Calvinists odium upon another sect of christ. are persuaded that we should be ians-the Calvinists, by misrepre careful and strenuous to maintain senting their doctrinal sentiments. good works, and to discharge all personal and relative duties; that no sin should have dominion over us, and that we should have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. They seek for glory, and honour, and immortality, by pa tient continuance in well-doing." pp. 109-111.

I am, Sir,

Yours respectfully,


Calvinistic Doctrine of Atonement.
London, May 9, 1812.


Every friend to civil and religious liberty, must acquiesce in the general sentiment in favour of that important measure,—the emancipation of the Catholics; and it will consequently give them pleasure to perceive the numerous advocates that have come forward in behalf of that injured class of the community, by means of the press. The thanks of all liberal-minded persons are due to you, sir, for the many excellent pieces with which you have favoured the public, from time to time; and it is to be hoped, that at no distant period, your endeavours, in common with the other supporters of religious liberty, will be crowned with suc


But, however every attempt of individuals, by fair argument, to promote such a cause is to be ap

In reply to an objection, made by a gentleman in the "stage coach," to the Catholics being fully tolerated, on the ground that their priests had the power to absolve them from their oaths, your " Old Correspondent" remarked, "There are other professors of christianity more dangerous to society than the Catholics, taking the matter up on your own ground; I mean those who maintain that whatever crimes they commit, they have only to confess them, and to believe that another person was punished in their stead, and by his righteousness they are made per. fectly righteous, and are perfectly safe: God will behold no unrigh teousness in them," &c.

On perusing this passage, I con. fess, sir, my curiosity was raised to know what class of "professors of christianity" your correspondent alluded to; I had not the most distant idea that the Calvinists were the "mark aimed at." My indignation was roused against 66 pro. these, as I imagined, new "Old Corfessors," which your respondent" had exposed. But this was soon changed to another sentiment, when I arrived at the conclusion of the article, where your correspondent avows that the theological creed of the gentleman beforementioned, was the "mark,' at which he had "aimed" this mighty "stroke." This gentleman, he had previously informed

us was a Calvinist; and conse- foundation, even on the rock Christ, quently the whole body of that I entirely concur with your corsect was included in it. respondent, as to the futility of the objection against the Catholics before-mentioned; but surely the Catholic cause can be defended without having recourse to misrepresentation and falsehood. I remain, Sir,



Your constant Reader,

Bark Money.

To endeavour, therefore, to resist a wrong impression which may possibly be made on some of your readers, respecting the religious creed of so large a portion of professing christians, I beg leave to observe, that the account, as given of it by your Old Correspon. dent," in his "stage-coach conversation," is false. The Calvinists do not "maintain that whatever crimes they commit, they have Though your pages are dedica only to confess them, and believe ted to much more important conthat another person was punished cerns, than the financial arrange. in their stead, and that by his ments of a kingdom, yet as the righteousness they are made per- nature of paper-money is, by the fectly righteous, and are perfectly circumstances of the times, forced safe." They do, indeed, consider upon every man's consideration, their own righteousness of so little the following document relative to account, that they cannot depend it may deserve attention. The upon it for everlasting felicity; and middle bark of the mulberry tree therefore apply to the "fountain served the purpose of paper in Engopen for sin and uncleanness," and land, but the difference between depend upon the righteousness of the two systems consisted in this, "Him who was made sin for" that the government of the country them, "who knew no sin, that" in the East, derived all the advanthey might be the righteousness tage of its bark-money, whereas of God in him;" but at the same in our country the profits, and time, they are of opinion that re. immense they are, are enjoyed by pentance and an abhorrence of sin, the proprietors of the Bank, and are as absolutely necessary to sal- the bankers of country towns, by vation as faith; and those who whom the paper money is issued. abhor sin, I should apprehend, are Should any of your readers happen not dangerous to society." to be in possession of any farther information respecting this barkmoney, namely, as to the mode of its fabrication, the preventives from forgery, its gradual effects on the kingdom, and its present state; I shall be obliged to them to communicate it, through your Repository, or inform me from what quarter I may derive it. I remain

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Your Old Correspondent," may, perhaps, consider himself as possessed of every virtue in its highest degree; though some, from the specimen here given, may not have a very exalted idea of his candour or veracity. He may feel conscious of superior worth and excellence, and may place his trust in his own righteousness. I envy him not his security: I would rather mine should be placed on a firmer

Your constant reader,

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