Imatges de pàgina

"Nolo Episcopari." SIR,

Your correspondent, A. B. (p. 26,) is correct in his quotation from the second edition of the Protestant Dissenter's Catechism, concerning the use of the words nolo episcopari, by the Bishop elect. But if he will turn to the subsequent editions of that work, (of which the fourteenth is just now published) he will find an alteration in

fessors, and especially in the lives haviour, when I was informed, of the clergy. I dislike priests of that he expressed his satisfaction all professions and what must with the conversation he had with Christians in general be, who can us the preceding day; that he on so throw off the bowels of hu- the morning of execution for the manity, as to rob a man of his first time desired to join the aplife for one solitary offence, which pointed religious service, and he sincerely wishes to atone for. that he went through the whole To-morrow, I am to be hanged for of the awful scenery to the last, forging a draught for fifty pounds; with tranquillity, resignation and strong temptation and necessity fortitude. B. F. urged me to the deed: my life, in all other respects, will bear examination; had I lived, I hope and believe I should by restitution have atoned for this offence, but I am cut off from all hope, and am to suffer as if I was a criminal of the most profligate and hardened description-Is this your Christianity?" My friend and my self, allowing the justice of several of his remarks, endeavoured to rectify his general ideas of the Christian system, and suggested the note referred to, which was those reflections which we thought suitable to his own case, impress ing upon him the solemn reflection, that he had now nothing to do with the inconsistencies or even the crimes of Christians, but to consider his own state towards God, and the absolute necessity of his employing the few hours he had to live, in the exercise of sincere repentance towards God, and in cordially embracing that mercy freely offered, through Jesus Christ, to every one who did not obstinately reject it.-I saw the man executed the following morning; but could not gain admittance to converse with him, as on such a morning, when seven persons were executed, no one was admitted to speak to the con. victs, but the proper officers and the ordinary of Newgate. I made some inquiry respecting his be

made by the author, (who by the way, never prefixed his name to it) in consequence of having learned, that the custom of thus refusing the episcopal office is abolished, if it had ever been in use, which it should seem to have been from the currency of the above Latin phrase; as also from the well-known fact, recorded in ec. clesiastical history, that in the early ages of the church they who were elected to the episcopate were used to flee and hide themselves under an awful sense of its responsibility, and that some of them were invested with it by main force. The note, as it has long stood in the catechism, is as follows: "the ancient custom for the bishop elect to say nolo episcopari, it seems is now disused. Various ceremonies, however, are still retained [in making a bishop] which

it might seem invidious here to found in an Inquiry into the particularize. The reader who moral tendency of Methodism, wishes for further information &c." by William Burns (Part. i. respecting them, is referred to 139, 140). As they appear an Nelson's Rights of the Clergy, exception to the discriminating p. 108, &c. or to Burn's Eccles. spirit by which the pamphlet is Law." characterised, I request your in. dulgence for a few observations on this part of the writer's argument.

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Nelson, whom none will suspect of an intention to disparage the clergy, gives such an account of "Some individuals, and of late the ceremonies used on the occa- some societies, have attacked the sion, as, if coming from a Dis- popular opinions concerning the senter, might have been suspected trinity and the atonement with to have been the effect of what sufficient boldness and zeal, but Mr. Christian, as quoted by A, B., then it is only to set up other tenets pronounces a vulgar error." respecting those subjects in their I will only observe, that he speaks stead. Yet, if it be true, as I of the person elected, as accepting think it is, that the fundamental the office after a little modest re. principles of Christian piety and fusal which is something like virtue are quite independent of nolo episcopari. But it is most probable that since Nelson's time, even this little modest refusal is grown out of use.

I am, Yours, &c.

S. P.

any system of opinions on these points, and may be maintained in consistency with either of them ; if true devotion consists in a just esteem for the moral character of God and of Jesus Christ, and in P.S. Observing in your 21st gratitude for those benefits which page, a reference to that scandal- we enjoy under that peculiar ous "fraud," of interpolating the scheme of providence and media20th article of the Church, to the torial government which Christitruth or falsehood of which (as Dr. anity displays; if certain moral Furneaux* observes) the whole qualifications are necessary on our Controversy with the Dissenters part, whatever may be the influ. may be reduced, I have thought ence of our Saviour's death, and it might not be amiss to inform if these qualifications can be desuch of your readers as may not be acquainted with this curious fact, that some account is given of it in the late editions of the above Catechism, page 65, 66.

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fined; then the other differences are merely secondary matters.”

"Let the enlightened Christian oppose his zeal for these fundamental principles against the zeal which the Calvinist and the So.

cinian manifest for their peculiar tenets."

Mr. Burns remarks that "some individuals and of late some societies, have attacked the popular opinions concerning the trinity and the atonement with sufficient boldness and zeal." Not, I per

suade myself, with more than suf- Nay, I even grant that they are ficient; not with zeal and bold. much more dependent on our ness beyond what the case requires common faith than many may be and Christianity approves. If these able to discover or willing to con tenets be corruptions of the gospel, cede. However, what Mr. Burns and whether they are, we must himself has said, and truly said, severally judge for ourselves, it concerning the moral feelings and becomes our duty to expose them views and attainments of some on with as much firmness of purpose whom he animadverts, might have as calmness and candour of dis- satisfied him that the nature of reposition. ligious practice is not unrelated to But the author of the Inquiry, systems of opinions. Surely, for &c. complains that when the indivi- example, our esteem for the duals and societies alluded to attack moral character of God" must be these doctrines, it is "only to set affected by the light in which we up other tenets respecting them in behold his government and attri their stead." That is, in different butés. And it should be considerand perhaps correcter language, ed that those Christians whose error is combated, in order that sentiments are most remote from truth may be established: it is established and prevailing creeds, attempted to remove the additions are not the least disposed, on to the building, for the sake of ex- principle, to recognize all as their hibiting the fabric itself in its na- fellow believers who acknowledge tive strength and beauty. What the Messiahship of Jesus. is there unnatural in this process, While, therefore, the first obor censurable in these efforts? In ject of zeal should be the diffuthe mouths of many persons, it is sion of those "fundamental" a complaint against those who are truths, whence "a godly, righteous said to subvert the belief of others, and sober life" immediately arises, that they have none of their own I see not, Sir, why the enlightened to offer in its room. Mr. Burns is, Christian should be called to opjustly enough, of the contrary sen- pose the zeal of different classes timent: and you will wonder, Sir, of believers for what some may that admitting the fact, he makes take to be merely matters of specu it the ground of an accusation; the lation. For the fact that those 1ather as the simplicity of the principles influence the minds and creed of those to whom he refers, the conduct of men, I appeal once is discerned the moment that cer- more to this very pamphlet of Mr. tain tenets by which it has been Burns'. Without dispute, howobscured, are seen to be unauthor- ever, it was particularly needless ized appendages to the Christian for the author to enter his caveat doctrine. against what he regards as the illdirected zeal of the Socinian; as I question whether there be a single Socinian within his majesty's dominions.

I agree with him, that the temper, the conduct, the character of the gospel are every thing: and I own with gratitude and pleasure that these do not belong exclusively to any one denomination of the professors of Christianity.

I am, Sir,
Your constant reader, &c.


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But the most curious application of the Popery-charge is to be found in Richard Baxter's Life of himself, who represents himself as discovering that strange compound, (lusus theologiæ,) a Socinian. Papist: I extract his words as follows:

"While I lodged at the Lord Broghill's, a certain person was

For two centuries after the Reformation in England, the charge of Popery was bandied from one to another, amongst our sects. The puritans accused the highchurch party of it, and they retorted it: it was a watch-word with the Nonconformists in the importunate to speak with me, civil wars, and Dr. South wittily, Dr. Nic. Gibbon who shutting but somewhat malignantly, re. the doors on us that there might presents them in alliance with Pa. be no witnesses, drew forth a pists against the monarchy and scheme of theology, and told me church of England". how long a journey he had once taken towards me, and engaged me to hear him patiently open to me his scheme, which he said was the very thing that I had been long groping after; and con

* South pursues this subject in the 1st sermon of his 6th vol. on The fatal Influence of Words and Names falsely applied. In a short passage, which it may be worth while to quote, he repre. tained the only terms and method sents the Popish and Protestant Dissent- to resolve all doubts, whatever ers of the 17th century, more sociable in divinity, and unite all Chris. than history, I fear, will warrant:"If these two parties are so extremely tians through the world: and there contrary, as they pretend to be, what is was none of them printed but what the cause now-a-days that none associate, he kept himself, and be commuaccompany and visit one another with that nicated them only to such as were peculiar frendliness, intimacy and famili arity with which the Romanists visit the prepared, which he thought I was, Nonconformists, and the Nonconformists because I was 1. Searching, 2. them? So that it is generally observed in Impartial, and 3. A lover of methe country, that none are so gracinis and thod. I thankt him and heard him so sweet upon one another as the rankest Papists and the most noted fanatics."

above an hour in silence, and after two or three days talk with

go no further, but cried, The Lord be merciful to our infirmities, and so came down. But about a month after, they were resolved yet, that Mr. S. should preach the same sermon before the king and not lose his expected applause: and preach it he did, little more than half an

Sermons vi. 22. It appears from Baxter, that South himself narrowly escaped being puritanized. This curious circumstance is recorded in connection with another not less curious, which the historian of himself has an evident pleasure in relating. "About that time, Bishop Morley having preferred a young man, named Mr. S (orator of the University of hour, with no admiration at all of the Oxford, a fluent, witty satyrist, and one that was sometime motioned to me to be my curate at Kidderminster ;) this man being household chaplain to the Lord Chancellor, was appointed to preach before the king; where the crowd had high expectations of some vehement satyr: but when he had preached a quarter of an hour, he was utterly at a loss, and so unable to recollect himself, that he could

hearers: and for his encouragement the sermon was printed. And when it was printed, many desired to see what words they were that he was stopped at the first time: and they found in the printed copy all that he had said first, and one of the next passages which he was to have delivered, was against me for my Holy Commonwealth."-Baxter's Life. B. I. pt. 2. § 267.

him, I found all his frame (the learning, and an actor on the contrivance of a very strong head- stage for twenty years, in such piece) was secretly and cunningly religious times, cannot have passed fitted to usher in a Socinian Po. away, one would think, without pery, or a mixture of Popery and leaving behind him some memohaif Socinianism. Bishop Usher rials of his character and opinions. had before occasionally spoken of I am, Sir, him in my hearing as a Socinian, which caused me to hear him with



We sometimes indulge ourselves

suspicion, but I heard none sus. Eclectic Review on the "Socinipect him of popery, though I found that it was that which was the end of his design. This juggler with copying curious passages hath this twenty years and more from the publications of our cogone up and down thus secretly, temporaries. The following exand also thrust himself into places tract from the Eclectic Review of public debate; as when the will, we venture to say, be the bishops and divines disputed be greatest curiosity in our present fore the king at the Isle of Wight, volume. Nothing is farther from &c. And when we were lately our intention than to comment offering our proposals for concord upon it: an argument, we could to the king, he thrust in among have reasoned ou; a criticism we us; till I was fain plainly to could have investigated; remondetect him before some of the strance or persuasion we could Lords, which enraged him, and have weighed and estimated; even he denied the words which in se- a specific accusation we could cret he had spoken to me. And have met and discussed;-but many men of parts and learning to unprovoked personal invective, are perverted by him."-Baxter's scurrility and ribaldry, we can Life, folio. B. i. p. 2. § 60. Were we

oppose only silence. Baxter was exemplarily pious to suffer ourselves to animadand strictly honest, but extremely vert upon the passage, we should liable to be imposed upon by his not, we fear, be able to suppress passions and prejudices: some contempt for its baseness and abnotable instances of his credulity horrence of its bigotry and ranand intolerance might be selected cour; but these are sentiments from his Life and Works: but I which we wish not to entertain suppose the above account may ourselves, or to provoke in others: be upon the whole relied on; we feel pity only for the writer, and the purport of my writing is and introduce him into our Reto enquire whether any further pository for no other purpose than particulars be known of this strange to exhibit a melancholy, but not Socinian, Dr. Nic. Gibbon! I uninstructive, example of the force have met with no mention of him of prejudice, kindling into pasin my reading, which however sion, upon one who, in all cases has not been great in this way not relating to "Socinians," may yet so strong-headed, so active, probably be found wanting, neither and so obnoxious a man, the in the politeness of a gentleman, proselytist of men of parts and nor in the dignity of a scholar,

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