Imatges de pàgina

Dewhurst, was born October 1, lated to fix attention "by their in1776, at Cottingham, in the trinsic excellence." The regard county of York. His birth was which he had conciliated in bis unattended by the advantages of neighbourhood, appears "from the fortune. He was destined to following fact," communicated possess more durable riches, for, by a correct and intelligent friend, as Bishop Wilkins concludes one that it may "be known in honour of his curious philosophical specu- of the memory of both the parties lations, "whatever the world may concerned." It happily justifies think, yet it is not a vast estate, a that maxim so encouraging to noble birth, an eminent place, that laudable exertion, can add any thing to our true real The father's virtues shall befriend his worth; butit must be the degrees of that which makes us men, that must make us better men, the endowments of our soul, the enlarge. ment of our reason."


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Although Mr. Milner, mas. ter of the Grammar-school at Hull, was a zealous Calvinist, he had so much regard to Mr. Dew. The father of J. B. Dewhurst hurst, a reputed, and, if human was a Protestant Dissenting mi- formularies are consulted, a real nister, of the persuasion com- heretic, as spontaneously to unmonly, though no longer correct. dertake the instruction of his son.” ly, denominated Presbyterian. The Rev. Joseph Milner was a He was a native of Lancashire, clergyman of the Church of Engand, when rather of advanced age land, and brother of the present for a student, was recommended learned Dean of Carlisle. He to Coward's academy at Da. has been justly celebrated by the ventry, then under the superinten. Calvinists, as, from talents and dance of the Rev. Dr. Ashworth. piety, a distinguished ornament of It may be He settled as a minister, first at their communion. on the authority of Oswestry, then at Cottingham, added, near Hull, where he died about the pupil, and, in his opinion, 1784. His widow, whose family to the credit of the tutor's con-name was Bickerton, survived her sistency, that he took every fair husband many years, and passed occasion, in going through the the closing scenes of life in the Greek Testament, to point out, house of her second son at En- what appeared to him, proofs or field, where she died in 1811, illustrations of his peculiar sentiaged 62.

A few of the elder Mr. Dew. hurst's fellow.students yet survive. Two of them were his intimate friends. On their respectable authority, he is said "to have been as much distinguished by modesty and a reluctance to meet the pub lic eye, as his son," though as a preacher he possessed no mean qualifications. "His prayers and sermons" were peculiarly calcu


His pupil declined to adopt this respectable tutor's theology, yet largely imbibed his literature. From himself, the late Mr. Dewhurst's proficiency at school had never been discovered, except by its effects. It is related by a beloved companion of his youth, and, through life, however their paths diverged, an esteemed and esteeming friend. The Rev. W.

Dealtry, Professor and Dean of the classical writers that he had Hertford College, has very oblig- read (and these comprized at least ingly communicated some highly all the ordinary classics) without interesting recollections of his his recollecting the place and its school-fellow's uncommon attain- connection. ments and peculiar habits. account, happy to avail ourselves of such authority, we take the liberty of transcribing entire.


fellows, where they read sub dio. The favourite subjects of their field-reading were Æschines contra Ctesiphonten and Demosthenes dø Corona: these they read through under the hedges again and again. Few persons could employ their time to better advantage than he did, and few can have a higher relish for intellectual gratification.

"In addition to the usual en. gagements of the school, it was his custom to read at home eight sections of Livy, with a certain "The love of literature must portion of Cicero, and of some have been planted in Mr. Dew- Greek writer, every day; and on hurst's mind at a very early the afternoons of Thursday and period; and the progress which Saturday, he generally went into he had made at the age of thir- the fields with one of his classteen, both in classical and in general knowledge, proved him to possess no ordinary talents. About that time it was the custom of his class-the highest class in the school-to separate into two divisions, while preparing the lessons of the day, and to ask one person to construe for each, the rest undertaking to examine the dictionary when farther explana"His excellent master, the tion was required. Mr. Dew. Rev. Joseph Milner, well knew hurst was invariably requested to how to appreciate the talents of construe for one division of the his pupil, and the very extensive class. He was not tall of his researches of that eminent scholar years; and a stranger would have in the historical department, often been surprised to see him sitting led to inquiries which shewed like an oracle among his class. that even at the age of thirteen or fellows, themselves not defective fourteen, Mr. Dewhurst was an in talent, but in general much historian of no mean attainments. older and taller than he was. He His class-fellows were frequently combined, in an eminent degree, surprized both at the diversity quickness of comprehension with and the accuracy of his knowa matured understanding; and his ledge; his accuracy indeed was intimate companions had frequent almost proverbial, and they reoccasion to remark with what fa. lied upon his historical facts with cility he entered into the spirit of the same perfect confidence which the authors whom he perused, they reposed in his judgment and and with what happiness he could his taste.

apply the information derived "His compositions at that pefrom them. His memory was riod, so far as the imperfect re even then very retentive; and collection of a friend may be when he had reached the age of trusted, were distinguished rather sixteen, it would have been diffi- by their neatness and simplicity, cult to cite a passage from any of than by the usual ebullitions of

school-boy genius. They partook The Rev. J. Milner was too exactly of the character of his much attached to the interests of mind, and exhibited plain, manly learning and religion in his own sense in a simple and modest dress. church, not to desire the acces. Never was there a youth of the sion of such a scholar. He ad. same age possessed of manners vised his pupil to study at the more mild, and inoffensive, and University and become a clergyengaging. man in the Establishment. Find ing his persuasions ineffectual he took him by the hand, and said, My young friend, above all things, avoid the errors of the Socinians. Yet to the Socinians, as Unitarians are still sometimes inaccurately denominated, he was designed to do no inconsiderable honour.

"From a certain constitutional indolence with respect to corpo. ral exertion, he rarely joined in the plays and amusements of his school-fellows. The chief exer. cise which he took, was a quiet walk with his favourite companion after-school in the morning; but, even on these occasions, they fre. J. B. Dewhurst now determined quently employed themselves, as to pursue his studies with a view they paced the Humber-bank, in to the Christian ministry among demonstrating the Elements of the Nonconformists. He became Euclid, by recollection of the a student at the Dissenters' Acafigures, in recitation from the demy founded by Mr. Coward, English, and Greek, and Latin and then settled at Northampton, poets, or in repeating, so far as over which the Rev. John Horsey their memories would allow, what presided. The tutor "formed they had read that day in the no common regard for his pupil, Greek Testament or Hebrew Bible; and was always spoken of by him for with a portion of one of these with a marked affection and es. their morning invariably com- teem." Mr. Dewhurst was one menced. On one occasion, and of several students, who published on one only, was he prevailed in 1799 (M. Mag. vii. 17), their upon to attempt a ditch: he stì- grateful testimony to the faith. pulated that his companion should fulness and impartiality of Mr. take him by the hand, and that Horsey's conduct, in his theolo they should run and leap together: gical department, in reply to the experiment failed: they found some insinuations most ungenethemselves plunged deep in one of rously reported against that gen the worst receptacles of mud, tleman. which the vicinity of Hall supplies, and in the bitterness of a cold December day."

It was not surprizing that young Dewhurst should carry with him, from Hull to Northampton, "a It is scarcely possible to read testimonial of his master's warm this account of the mental occu- approbation of his diligence and pations and composed habits of attainments." How he continued young Dewhurst, without recol to justify Mr. Milner's opinion, lecting those lines of Milton: till he became a scholar, and a When I was yet a child, no childish


To me was pleasing, all my mind was set tudious to learn and know.-P. R. i. 201.

ripe and good one, cannot be told so well as by his respectable tutor, Mr. Horsey, who, in answer to our enquiries, has very kindly and

promptly favoured us with the following communication.

linguists in the house, they all admitted and readily acknowledged, the superiority of his critical acumen and taste.

"The same talents which quali fied him for a classical scholar, shone conspicuously, in every de partment of science; though he appeared to be particularly inclined to indulge himself in classi cal pursuits.

the exercises of Christian worship, whatever might be the temptation. And his own religious services, in the family and in public, while they were eminent for correctness and propriety of expression, bes came strongly impressive and interesting to others, from a spirit of rational and animated devotion.

"In 1792, Mr. Dewhurst entered the academy, at Northampton, endowed with qualifications far superior to what many possess when they leave such institutions, His distinguished abilities were soon perceived and admired; and his talents vigorously applied, for five years, to a regular course of study, preparatory to the ChrisNo subjects of study, I am haptian ministry. His accurate and py to add, diverted him from culincreasing knowledge of the differ- tivating a religious temper. A ent subjects which came under ex- valuable quality, which many have amination, gave the highest delight found it difficult to preserve, amidst and satisfaction to those who were the miscellaneous engagements of most interested in his improvement; an academical life. Our respected and, by the whole academical friend, however, happily succeeded family, he was deservedly esteemed in this.-Never any thing frivo and loved. The only difficulty I lous or unsuitable appeared, in find, Sir, in complying with your request, is, in selecting any pecu. liar and discriminating qualities, where all were in so much order and proportion. Truth and justice demand my testimony to uniform and general excellence of cha racter. Under this impression, I have frequently said, in the hour of free converse, concerning "The leading defect, I had al our friend, that I was not able to most said the only one, in the recollect any thing he ever said or character of this excellent man, did, during the time of his residence was a want of proper confidence in at Northampton, that I could wish his own powers and attainments. had not been said or done. To be, What all others saw and admired, however, a little more particular, he could scarcely be induced to -considered as a scholar, Mr. believe existed. But, notwith Dewhurst's attainments were cer- standing the veil of modesty and tainly of a superior order. His diffidence, in which his talents and progress was so rapid, and his at- virtues were shrouded, his superior tainments so elevated, under the excellence could not be entirely able and well-directed superinten- concealed: and his inflexible indance of Mr. Forsaith, the classi- tegrity, his simplicity and purity. cal tutor, as to obtain, I well of manners, his benign and placid know, his frequent and unqualified spirit, towards his associates and approbation. And though, dur. fellow students, together with his ing the period of Mr. Dewhurst's gratitude to his instructors, and studies, we had several eminent reverence for his Maker, will leave

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an indelible impression on the his fatal illness with anxious solihearts of all who enjoyed and citude, and lamented him, in his valued his acquaintance and friend- death, as a friend uniformly deship." voted to the highest interests of On quitting the academy in those intrusted to his care. In 1797, Mr. Dewhurst preached at this neighbourhood, Mr. Dew. Halifax, during a few months. He hurst passed the remainder of his also occasionally supplied some life, occupying the leisure which congregations in the Midland Coun- the duties of a tutor allowed, in ties. It is probable, however, that augmenting his own stores of clas the defect regretted by his tutor, sical and general knowledge, and "a want of proper confidence in contributing, by his writings, to his own powers and attainments," the public taste and information. would render the duties of the The earliest work, in which he pulpit too often oppressive to his is known to have become a writer, feelings. No one can have joined was the Annual Review, which public associations, formed for commenced in 1808. By our whatever purpose, without fre- friends, Mr. Arthur Aikin and the quently lamenting the scarcely Rev. Thomas Rees, the succespardonable silence of individuals, sive editors of that work, we are eminently furnished with know- favoured with some account of ledge and counsel above many who his contributions. Through the have cultivated the arts of popular first six volumes, comprehending address. Those arts, we know from Mr. Aikin's editorship, accord himself, Mr. Dewhurst considered ing to that gentleman's information, as, by him, unattainable; nor, we "Mr. Dewhurst undertook the believe, did he ever attempt upon entire department of classical lite. any occasion an extemporaneous rature and bibliography." Mr. address. Even preaching from Aikin having very obligingly cha. written papers, as too generally racterized to us a few articles in practised in his communion, dur- that department, we shall take the ing his latter years, he appears to liberty of copying his communicahave declined. Yet though thus tion. shrinking from publicity, he could not neglect the talents intrusted to his occupation. He was, indeed, well prepared to fill the offices of private tuition, and to instruct and entertain through the medium of

the press.

In 1797, Mr. Dewhurst accepted an invitation from Mr. Macmurdo, then resident at Old Ford, near Hackney, to become a tutor in that gentleman's family, by every part of which he was regarded, through life, with justly merited esteem. They attended

"The introduction to in the first vol. is a very equitable though brief summary of the advantages derived by the moderns from the study of the ancient clas sical writers, of the services rendered by the early editors. and critics, from the revival of letters to the end of the seventeenth century, and of the distinguishing characters of that modern school of criticism of which Bentley may be considered as the founder. "The longest and most elaborate article which he furnished, is the

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