Imatges de pàgina

review of Heyne's Homer; it also and his acquaintance with the contains a good deal of original works of the critics who have elumatter, especially with regard to cidated the writings of the ancients. the Casura and the Eolic Digam. Not to specify other articles, his ma. Northmore's Tryphiodorus review of Kidd's Opuscula Rhunand Taylor's translation of Plato, keniana, affords abundant illusgive occasion to two good articles: tration of this remark. in the latter, he shows, incontestibly, that the translator has, on several occasions, neglected the original Greek for the Latin ver. sion.

"The review of Preston's translation of the Argonautics of Apol lonius Rhodius is introduced by a very satisfactory account of the original author, and a critique on the merits of the poem. Steuart's translation of the works of Sallust, forms also a very interesting ar. ticle."

It may be here added, on other good authority, that the review of Cowper's Homer was characterized by the late Professor Porson, as one of the neatest pieces of cri. ticism he had ever read.

The Rev. Thomas Rees, who edited the seventh and last volume of the Annual Review, and had some concern in the sixth, has obliged us with the following communication, respecting some articles by Mr. Dewhurst in those volumes.

"Besides these, there are a few biographical articles by him; viz.' the Lives of Blair, Hume and Lord Kaimes, and Dr. Cogan's work on the Passions, (p. 615.) is also from his pen ;-an article which exhibits his mind in a different character, but with undiminished advantage. In the seventh volume, his first criticism is Mitford's Greece (p. 85.); there is much in this article that is very interesting. It discusses briefly, but very ably. the controversy respecting the study of ancient and particularly of Greek history. His next criticism, in point of importance is (p. 286) on Griesbach's Greek Testament, which exhibits a sketch of the nature and extent, and an illustration of the importance, of his labours.

"Most of the tenth chapter was drawn up by him; but you will observe the works are, for the greater part, of the elementary kind. In some of these, however, he evinces, by a touch or two, as in the review of Grant's Grammar, Cary's Prosody, and Pickburne's Metrical Pauses, his mastery in the subjects they discuss."

"In the sixth volume (p. 208.) his first article is a review of Dr. Gillies's continuation of his Greek History, a subject for the discus. sion of which our friend, by his intimate acquaintance with the Another work which was aided original historians, was eminently by Mr. Dewhurst's pen was the qualified. Athenæum, which commenced in "The fourth chapter (pages 1807. Our respected friend, Dr. 366-374) is entirely by him. It Aikin, who edited that work, has contains no article of importance, kindly informed us that "Mr. but it was impossible for him to Dewhurst's contributions to the touch on this theme without dis. Athenæum, consist of one paper playing his thorough knowledge of in each number relative to Greek the languages of Greece and Rome, authors, a letter respecting Mr.

Wakefield's intended Greek Lexi- in the Athenæum, hut the want

con, No. xii. p. 563, and a letter, stating a singular literary blunder, " No. xvii. p. 412."

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of an immediate motive to composition, since the cessation of that work, has hitherto prevented me These papers in the Athenæum, from proceeding in the execution were given under the head of Clas. of my plan. The request of the sical Disquisitions, commencing proprietors of the Classical Jour. with a "Sketch of the Literary nal, which you have bad the goodHistory of Greece," as an intro- ness to communicate, will induce duction to an account of its prin- me to resume it, and to bestow cipal writers." The design, as such labour on it as my leisure further described, (Ath. i. 148,) may permit. You may depend was, "to treat, in succession, of ou an article either for the next the great writers of Greece, and or the succeeding number, and to give a summary account of their afterwards I hope in pretty regular lives and writings, and the princi succession. With respect to the pal editions and manuscripts of next Number I speak doubtfully, their works." This design had as it is possible that in the interval been carried on from Homer to I may be absent from home. Thucydides, when interrupted by the cessation of the Athenæum, in June, 1809.

Only a few weeks before his death, Mr. Dewhurst had formed the intention of completing his original plan, respecting the Clas sical Disquisitions. This ap pears from the following letter, with which we have been favoured by the gentleman to whom it was addressed.

I beg at the same time to return you my thanks for your kind offer of service in town, of which should an opportunity occur I will thankfully avail myself.

I remain, very respectfully, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN DEWHURST. Hackney, July 17, 1812.

P. S. I am not aware that I am in possession of any tracts which, from their scarcity and value, are deserving of republica

To the Editor of the Classical tion in the Classical Journal."



To the Monthly Repository, Mr. Dewhurst contributed (Vol. "I beg leave to return you my iii. p. 533) a Literary Memoir of sincere thanks for the last Num. Professor Porson, and (iii. 336) ber of the Classical Journal, which a Review of Clarke's Succession of I have had the honour of receiv- Sacred Literature. He had deing from you. I have seen most signed to begin, with the next or all of the preceding Numbers, year, in the same work, a series and have derived great entertain of papers, Biographical, Critical, ment and instruction from them, and Theological, in chronological and it will give me much satisfac- order, on the Greek and Latin tion to contribute any thing in Fathers. His assistance towards my power to so respectable a the republication and enlargement work. It was always my inten. of Mr. Wakefield's Memoirs in tion to continue at some period 1804, cannot be omitted in this the series of papers commenced enumeration of his literary avoca

tions. Of his friendly attentions, few; kings would class both as those concerned in that work have warriors and statesmen; ecclesia lively recollection. Mr. Wake. astics both as statesmen and men field lived long enough in the same of learning, and learning was society with Mr. Dewhurst to nearly, if not quite, confined to know and esteem him, but they ecclesiastics. In each of these were too soon separated, or from classes there were several articles similarity of tastes and occupa- from our friend's hand, some of tions, they could scarcely have them copious; and I shall be failed to become very intimate. much disappointed if they do not In 1807, there had been pub. appear before the public in the lished among the literary notices form in which I received them. in the Athenæum (ii. 512), a pro- Our friend's uncommon modesty posal for "a British Biography, made him pertinacious in requestarranged in chronological order, ing that I would add, alter, or and so classed as to bring into one expunge; and my responsibility point of view the several descrip. fully entitled me to add, or tions of eminent persons who have expunge; perhaps rejection would lived at the same period." This have been preferable to alteration, work was committed to the able at least in any case where either direction of our friend Dr. Malkin, principle or matter of fact was who has obligingly informed us involved. But I had no intention, that he engaged the assistance of with respect to the articles in quesMr. Dewhurst till by his important tion, to have exercised the right occupations on his election to the of a conductor; and I think that mastership of Bury School, he was if ever they appear in print, they himself obliged to decline the un- will place Mr. D.'s character high dertaking. The following extract with the public in a line in which from Dr. Malkin's letter, written he was utterly unknown, as an in immediate reply to our inqui. historian. With respect to the ries, will, we are persuaded, be department he was to have filled, interesting, not only to the friends had we continued to act together, of Mr. Dewhurst but to all who he desired, in a tone and temper are concerned for the promotion of English literature.


which you would at once recognize, that he might have such "When I relinquished the articles as I could not satisfacwork, a large proportion of the torily procure from other quarters; lives, to be contained in the first but he did not wish so to engross volume, which was to come down any department, as to shut out to the Conquest, were written and any contribution from ready for the press. Of these more imposing with the public. lives about one-third were written This was friendly, as well as moby Mr. D. At that early period dest, and I latterly depended on you are sensible that the provinces him as a main prop of the work, of history and biography are in a much greater degree than scarcely, if at all, distinguishable; when I first proposed the engageindeed, that biography is his ment. I was first induced to setory. Professions and occupations lect him in consequence of his in life not being then subdivided acknowledged learning and sound as they are now, the classes were judgment;, which had been prin


5 c

cipally led in a different channel, to classical literature Mr. Dew

hurst had several projects." Of these few, if any, traces are found among his papers. He proba. bly depended, like Mr. Wakefield, on his tenacious memory, to bring together his materials whenever he should require them.

but which, I was certain, would accompany him whithersoever he might deviate. I did, however, before I had any personal experience of his qualifications, fear that there might be a coldness and a dryness not unusual in the compositions of those who are scho- The year of which he was fars rather than men of the world. destined not to witness the close, In this respect, I had very agree was begun by him with a truly ably deceived myself; for the grand design of moral and inarticles of which I speak had a tellectual improvement. When sufficiently agreeable variety of the competitors for wealth or light and shade; and he seemed power expire, big with life's futualways, for which at first I should rities, we feel only the vanity of not have given him credit, to pre human expectations. A sudden fer an anecdote to an argument. interruption of wisdom and virtue, In a word, there was much more in their progress towards perfecof the man of the world in his tion, excites other emotions. writings as a biographer, than Such were those with which we could be expected from his man- examined a manuscript found ners and way of life; and far more among Mr. Dewhurst's papers, of the British and Saxon scholar, and certainly intended for no inand of the antiquary, than could spection besides his own. It is be looked for in one of the first dated, "Hackney, January 9, scholars of the day, in the dead 1812," and entitled Ratio studilanguages. As a classical scho- orum. lar, he was among the first, and This manuscript, an outline exclusively as such is he generally never filled up, and therefore unknown; but those who confine fit for publication, contains, with him within those limits, knew him a large enumeration of authors very imperfectly; he had a me- in various languages, a plan of mory exceeded, perhaps, only by study comprehending the circle of that of Porson, and was the most the sciences, and what can now universal man whom I ever had be attained of learning, sacred and the pleasure of knowing inti- profane. The languages named, mately." as, no doubt, to be acquired, or Such were Mr. Dewhurst's oc- the knowledge of them improved, cupations as a writer, in which, are "Hebrew, Greek, Moderu as his contributions were always Greek, Latin, English, Italian, anonymous, he was scarcely French, Spanish, German." Dis. known, except to literary associ- tinct days of the week appear to ates and very intimate friends. have been designed for peculiar Yet, had his life been preserved, studies. Only Friday, Saturday, it is probable he might have over- and Sunday are appropriated to come his diffidence, and appeared the following pursuits. "F. Bibefore the public professedly as bliography; S. Math. and Mod. an author. Dr. Malkin has re- Languages; Sun. Theology." marked to us that "with respect Towards the close of this manu.

script, Mr. Dewhurst thus ex- ten during the present year by Mr. pressed his purpose, accompanied Dewhurst, immediately on receiv by that submission to the divine ing an inquiry from a friend on a will, which was, with him, not a very interesting subject. This letter mere customary phraseology, but displays the writer's unostentatious a language exactly suited to the manner of telling what he knew, devout habit of his mind. "To and at the same time discovers his be completed (Deo volente) in information on important questions, about eight years, 1812-1819, yet not immediately connected when I shall be 43 years of age: with his critical and classical strict self-government meanwhile pursuits. to be observed." By another entry he appears to have indulged the hope of one day atttaining "a complete knowledge of about 1000 volumes, a general knowledge of 20,000,"


"I send you Tacitus, whom I have only in this small Paris edition. The general fact, I suppose, of the great inferiority of the condition of women in the most poThe concluding division is en- lished nations of antiquity, to their titled, "Subjects of Essays." present state, cannot be disputed, On the last page of the manu- and it seems equally certain, that script is the following entry, which their improved situation in modern. probably describes the subjects European society, is partly owing on which he designed to write. to the influence of Christianity, "Es. I. On the periods into partly to the customs and feelings which the literary history of this transmitted from our German ancountry may be divided, and cestors, refined through the medi characteristics of each. Ancient; um of chivalry. An engagement Henry VIII. Elizabeth, &c. Pe- which I am under the necessity of riod of Dryden; of Pope; of fulfilling, in the course of next Johnson; after Johnson; 1200-week, has for soine days occupied, 1500; 1500-1560; 1560 and continues to occupy, all my 1660; 1660-1700; leisure hours. I should have been 1745; 1745-1780; 1780-1812. happy had time allowed, to have "Es. ii. On the literary attain- searched further into the subject, ments of persons destitute of the though I do not know that I should advantages of education: in ma- have met with any thing worthy of thematics, Ferguson, Hutton, notice. As it is, I shall put down Simpson, Vince, &c.: in poetry, a few references to common books, Bloomfield, Burns, Blackett. which occur to me at the moment, Trace the causes of such attain. with most of which you have in ments; and estimate the degree of all probability already met. Gib. merit and talent which it implies. bon i. 241, 360. In the note on "Es. iii. On the affinity of the former of these passages, he Hebrew and Egyptian customs. refers to the story of Metellus NuMarsham. midicus, told by Aulus Gellius, and mentioned also in the Epitome of Livy, L. 59. It will, in alt probability, be given at length in Hooke. Gibbon viii. 57, on the condition of women according to


"Es. iv. On the literary cha. racter, its advantages and disad. vantages, good and bad qualities." It will scarcely be a digression if we here transcribe a letter writ

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