Imatges de pàgina


ABEL, asking counsel at, 227.

ABIATHAR, how far concerned in the plot
against Solomon, 249.

ABIDING under a tree, what, 167.
ABNER'S mode of promoting the interests of
David, 185, 186.
ABRAHAM and other patriarchs, pastoral life
led by, 19, his entertainment of the angels,
26; compared with a modern Arab emir, 23;
Lazarus' being carried to his bosom, what
meant by, 607.

ABSALOM'S character and conduct, 217; pil-
lar, 223.

ABSTINENCE from food through vexation,
176, 271.

ADAR, festival of, 323.

ADDER, description of the, 399.
ADULATION paid to eastern monarchs, 389.
AFFECTIONATE mode of address by fa-
thers, 156.

AGE, reverence for in the East, 168, 347;
ages, the four among the Hindoos, 457.
AHITHOPHEL'S counsel illustrated, 220.
ALABASTER-BOX, breaking of, 598.
ALIGHTING as a token of respect, 32, 282.
ALLIANCES formed by Arab families, 33.
ALMOND-TREE, natural history of, 486.
ALOE-TREE, described, 98.
AMALEK,perpetual war threatened against,61.
AMMONITES, David's treatment of, 214; pro-
phecies concerning, 531.

ANGARII, or Persian messengers, 580.
ANGELS, term how applied in the East, 216.
ANGER, spoken of as burning, 320.
ANIMAL FOOD, seldom eaten by the Hindoos,
625; animals how designated in the East, 161.
ANKLETS, eastern described, singular cus
toin in respect to, 451, 633.
ANOINTING of the body, supposed effects
of, 641.

ANT, natural history of, 420; the white spe-
cies, 580.

ANTELOPE, account of the, 181, 251, 443, 444;
inode of hunting the, 456.
ANTIOCH in Pisidia, account of, 619.
ANTONIA, town of, described, 217.
APOLOGUES, the Orientals much addicted to
the use of, 130, 254, 290.

APPLE-TREE, of little value in the East, 443;
apples of gold in pictures of silver, 430.
ARABS, their mode of life, 19; their mode of
warfare, 23; addicted to plunder, 326; lie in
wait for caravans, 488; dress of, in the Holy
Land, 616.

ARARAT, mount, description of, 13; ascent
of. 14.

ARBOUR, eastern, account of, 444, 562.
ARCHIVES, kept of important events, 311;
sometimes read to princes, 321.
ARIEL, why Jerusalem so called, 466.
ARM-HOLES, pillars sewed to, 528.
ARMOUR, of eastern warriors described, 161.
ARMY, silent approach of compared to dew,
221, armies of Israel originally footmen,
293; numerousness of ancient, 301.
ARROWS, poisoned, the practise of using, 331,
381; shot into an enemy's country, 290;
used for pestilence, 399; term applied to the
tongue, 491; children sometimes so called,
413; burning, what, 367.
ASCENTS by steps, made in honour of an em-
peror, 255.

ASHES thrown in the air, 55.
ASHKELON, prophecies concerning, 504, 566.
ASS, account of, 304; peculiar value of in the
East, 341; saddle, mode of travelling with,
279, 280; female, why more valuable than
the male, 324; wild, description of, 353;
white, riding upon by persons of distinction,
136, 140, 431.

ASSEMBLY, poor man coming into, 641.
ASSOCIATES desired by eastern travellers,

ATHLETE, or combatants, how trained, 637.
ATTIRE OF HARLOTS, described, 420.
AUGURS, covered with a mantle when con-
sulted. 176.

AVENGING the blood of relations, 99, 100.
AWAKING one from sleep, 443.

AZOTUS, present state of described, 617.

BAAL'S PROPHETS, did not ordinarily eat
at Jezebel's table, 264; their conduct illus-
trated, 264.


BAAL ZEBUB, god of flies, 274, 583.
BABEL, tower of, with what design erected, 18.
BABYLON, prophecies concerning, 457, 513-
BACA, valley of, what place meant by, 397.
BADGER'S SKINS, what meant by, 66.
BAGGAGE, how inanaged in travelling, 527.
BAKING, mode of in the East, 26, 214; how
done for families, 501, 528.

BALBEC, enormous stones among its ruins,

BALDNESS, made for the dead, 109; use of
term explained, 454.

BALD-HEAD, phrase how used, 276.
BANNERS, carried in processions, 370; dis-
playing of, phrase how to be understood, 386.
BANQUET, where often spread in the East,
240, 567

BAREFOOT, when Orientals walk, 218.
BARLEY BREAD, a common eastern dish, 139.
BASHAN, hill of, what meant by, 388; bulls
of, expression how used, 371.
BATHING, accounted a great luxury in the
East, 206; inode of, 473.

BATS AND MOLES, allusion to, 450.
BATTERING-RAM, description of, 309.
BATTLEMENTS, on the roofs of houses, 117.
BAY-TREE, green, allusion to, 375.
BEAR, furious passions of the female, 221,
425; makes a loud noise in parturition, 481;
symbol of the empire of the Medes and Per-
sians, 545.

BEASTS, fallen, kindly cared for in the Mosaic
law, 116.

BEARD, held in great reverence in the East,
205; shaving the, a mark of subjection,
206; sometimes died black, 225.
BEATING the breast through grief, COS.
BEAUTY, female, eastern notions of, 447; of
form, highly prized, 542.
BEDS, eastern, construction and arrangement
of, 274, 421.
BED-CHAMBER, what meant by in the East,
289, 300.

BEDSTEAD of Og, king of Bashan, 103.
BEDOUIN ARABS, habits of, 372, 506.
BEES, expressions relative to, 103; how kept
in the East, 160; how their honey deposited,
125; opinions of the ancients respecting, 142.
BEGGARS, very common in the East, 607.
BEHEMOTH, what kind of animal, 358-360.
BELLS, used upon garments, 68; hung on the
necks of horses, 569.
BENJAMIN, compared to a wolf, 52.
BESIEGED IN WAR, how used to defend
themselves, 489.

BESOM OF DESTRUCTION, phrase explain-

ed, 459.

BETHANY, description of its present state,

BETHESDA, pool of, 611.
BETHLEHEM, description of, 575.
BIER, use of in funerals, 187, 617.
BILES, much dreaded in the East, 327.
BIRDS, employed in ceremonial cleansing, 75;
nestling near the altar, 396.
BIRTH, coming to the, phrase how used, 294;
of a son, season of great festivity, 576.
BLACKNESS OF FACE, 521, 572; gathering,
phrase explained, 553.
BLANKETS, a single one worn, 599.

used, 305.

BLASPHEMY, deemed as a heinous crime, 81.
BLEMISHES, personal, not allowed in priests,
BLESSING, importance attached to, 32.
BLOOD, practice of eating in Abyssinia, 17;
forbidden to be eaten by the Israelites, 21;
mixed with idolatrous sacrifices, 369.
BLUE, colour of, greatly in esteem among the
Jews, 531.

BODIES of executed criminals exposed, 179.
BOLSTER, eastern, described, 170.

BONES of men burnt upon the altar, 258;
scattered at the grave's mouth, 416; of the
dead burnt, 555, 557.

BOOK, the writing of by an adversary, 351;
oriental, account of, 376.

BOSOM, term how used in the East, 109, 384;
BOOTY, how divided, 178, 303.
putting fire in the, 420.
BOTTLES, eastern, described, 129, 411; ex-
pressions concerning, 411, 582.
BÓW, account of the early use of, 181, 235;
treading upon, what meant by, 367; ancient-
ly used by the Persians, 456; oriental, how
carried, 565.

BOW-SHOT, distance of, 28.
BOWELS, said to be hot, 250.
BOWING to the earth as a token of respect,
40, 168.

BOWLS and dishes of the Arabs, 137.
BOXING, exercise of, 640.
BRACELETS of eastern ladies described, 451;
worn by princes, 180.
BREAD, how eaten in the East, 331; eating of
the same, a pledge of friendship, 376; casting
of upon the waters, 440.
BREAKFASTS of the orientals described, 445.
BREAKING BREAD, what meant by, 621.
BRICK, the soil about Babylon peculiarly
adapted to making, 18; employed for build
ing in Egypt, 455; dried, not burnt, 502, 528.
through the streets, 490.
BRIERS AND THORNS, tearing with as a
punishment, 139.

BRIGANDINE, what kind of armour, 503.
BRIMSTONE, burning of, 336; how spoken of
in reference to a country, 123.
BROTHER, term how applied in the East, 613.
BUILDING, remarks on the state of in the

East, 425, 480; on the sand, phrase explain-
ed, 581.

BULLOCKS unaccustomed to the yoke, 499.
BULLS OF BASHAN, expression how used,

BUNDLE, term how used, 169.
BURDEN, term how used in prophecy, 570.
BURIAL, desired near the tombs of saints,
258; generally without the walls of cities,
461; sometimes within, 308.
BURNING TO DEATH, an eastern punish-
ment, 543; of dead bodies, 181; over the
dead, 179.

BUTTER, how made in the East, 135, 346, 434.
CAIN'S sentence explained, 12.
CAMEL, much used in travelling in the East,
38; remembers an injury long, 138; his
habits, 139; remarks upon the loading of,
285; how said to pass through the eye of a
needle, 587; Camel's hair, materials of rai-
ment, 576; Camel's milk, value of to the
Arabs, 39; sometimes compared to a ship,

CAMPHIRE, how used in the East, 442.
CANA OF GALILEE, by what relics distin-
guished, 609.

CANAAN, conquest of by the Israelites jus-
tified, 136; surrounded by dreary deserts,
103; original fertility of, 105, 106, 131.
of, 635.

CANDLES, in night encampments, 346.
CAPTIVITY, scriptural idea of, 365; captives,
how procured in the East, 531.
CARAVAN, description of an eastern, 485;
sometimes divided, 39.
CARAVANSERY OR INN, eastern, 127, 600.
CARMEL, Mount, description of, 448, 558.
CARPETS, spread in honour of idols, 555.
CARVED WORK, Orientals very fond of, 253.
CATERPILLARS, rough, remarks upon, 305,


CATTLE, apt to wander in travelling, 537.
CAVALCADE, eastern, description of, 321.
CAVES, sometimes residence of eastern shep-
herds, 348; places of concealment, 375;
scenes of idolatry, 526; and dens places of
habitation, 640.

[blocks in formation]


CHERUB, term how applied to Tyre, 535.
CHILD, people compare themselves to, 250.
CHILDREN, punished for the sins of fathers,
63; passing through the fire, 103, 290; ear-
nestly desired in the East, 112; disgraceful
not to have, 343; destroyed by bears, 276;
offered in sacrifice, 278; sold by their pa
rents, 278; brought up by nurses, 287; com-
pared to plants, 416; how carried in the
East, 176; piping in the market places, 581;
terin of endearment, 616.

CHOLERA, its ravages in the East, 394.
CHURCH of Holy Sepulchre described, 594.
CISTERNS and water works of Solomon de-
scribed, 435.

CITRON-TREE of the East described, 443.
CLAY, turned to the seal, phrase explained,

CLEAN and unclean beasts, distinction of,
72, 80.

CLEFT in the rock of Calvary, 594.
CLIENTSHIP, an ancient custom in Arabia,

CLODS of the valley, allusion to, 341.

CLOTHES, given in pledge, 64; numerous

suits of, 341; clothed with a person, phrase
explained, 625.

CLOUDS, precursors of rain, 266.

COACHES filled with female slaves, 320.
COAL, quenching of one's, 216.

COCK ATRICE, remarks upon the, 481.
COCK CROWING, time of 598.
COFFIN carried round at feasts, 440; not ge-
nerally used in the East, 290.
COINED MONEY, great antiquity of, 40.
COLDNESS of the nights in Palestine, 500.
COMBAT, single, common in ancient times,

COMFORTERS visit mourners, 328.
COMPASSING one's steps, 369.
COMPLAINTS against oppressors, how con-
ducted, 622.

COMPLIMENTARY forms of speech, 216.
CONCEIVING INIQUITY, phrase how used,

CONCUBINE, the Levite's cut to pieces, 146.
CONEY, what kind of animal, 409.
by the term, 89.

CONSECRATE, term how used, 68.
CONSOLATION, THE, a title of the Messiah,


[blocks in formation]

CORN, parched and roasted, 118; ground at
break of day, 187, 441, 498; how preserved,
263; parched, still used for food, 222; trod-
den out by oxen, 289; taking off the ears of,
343; withholding of, in times of scarcity, 423.
CORNELIUS, whether he intended to pay Pe-
ter divine honours, 618.
CORNERS of a field, left to be gleaned, 81; to
sit in corner, mark of honour, 556.
CORN STACKS, destroyed by fire, 64.
COTTAGE in a vineyard described, 449.
COURTESANS, heathen, dedicated to the
temple, 561.

COURTS of eastern houses, 602.
COVERED, to be, sign of mourning, 462; cov
ering the lips, sign of mourning, 531.
CRACKLING of thorns under a pot, 437.
CREATION, account of, considered, 10.
CRIMINALS, where executed, 394; cast into
the sea, 587.

CRIMSON or scarlet, the favourite colour of
ancient heathen prostitutes, 449.
CROCODILES, Egyptian princes compared to,
536; ways of taking, 537; object of terror to
the Egyptians, 332.
CROWNS, ancient, remarks upon, 414; em-
ployed at marriages, 445; civic, given as a
reward to Roman soldiers, 638; of thorns,
remarks upon, 593.
CRUCIFIXION, remarks upon, 593; created

dreadful thirst, 593, 599.
CRUISE, what kind of vessel, 275.
CRYING to the gods in trouble, 372.
CUP-BEARER, office of, 213.

CUPS, beautiful, formed of the Nautilus, 629.
CURES, supposed to be effected by touching
the part diseased, 281.

CURSE God and die, phrase illustrated, 328;
cursing in war, 98; term how to be under-
stood, 586,

CURTAIN, hung before a tent-door, 68.
CUSTOMS, ancient, held in great reverence
in the East, 622.

CUTTING the flesh of the dead, 79; on what
other occasions practised, 265, 507.
CYMBALS, what kind of instruinents, 417.

DAGON, temple of, how built, 145.
DAN, his blessing explained, 50.
DANCES, eastern, described, 58, 178, 198; and
music, when practised, 164; dancing girl,
Hindoo, ornaments worn by, 450; dancers,
eastern, solicit money from the company,

DARKNESS, plague of, 56.
DAUGHTERS, how given in marriage, 35;
sometimes deceit practised, 36; dedicated
to prostitution in the East, 79; of Israelites
allowed to marry out of their tribes, 102.
DAVID, a man after God's own heart, phrase
explained, 188, 189; removes the ark, 193,
191, 195; kills a lion and a bear, 162; his an-
swer to Achish, 171, 172; released from his
connexion with Achish, 176; his attack upon
the Amalekites, 178; his conduct towards
Ishbosheth, 182; his dancing considered,
198; his treatinent of the Moabites, 201; his
victory in the valley of salt, 203; his conduct
towards Uriah, 207, 208; his treatment of the
inhabitants of Rabbah, 212; his alleged in-
dulgence to his children, 215; his conduct
towards Joab, 221, 227, 241; towards Mephib
osheth, 225; towards Saul's house at the in-
stigation of the Gibeonites, 228; towards
Shimei, 224.

DAYS, time computed by, 17; day, great, com-
mon phrase in the East, 35.
DAY-SPRING, rising of, 600.

DEAD, how laid out, and mourned in the East,

DEAD DOG, term of contempt, 168, 635.
DEAD BODIES, how deposited in tombs, 615;|
dead carcass, tied to living bodies, 624.
DEAD SEA, account of, 20-22.
DEATH, personified as having snares, 369.
DECAPITATION, an eastern punishment, 180.
DECREES, castern, modes of making, 455.
DELIVERANCES from danger, how spoken
of, 413.

DEMONIACAL possession believed in in the
East, 584.

DESERTS, African, described, 107; of Meso-
potamia. great scarcity of water in, 29.
DESOLATE PLACES, what meant by, 328;
desolate houses, common in the East, 458.
DEVOTED things not redeemable, 89.
DEVOTION, apparent, of the Hindoos, 312.
DEWS, very copious in the East, 181, 548.
DIAL OF AHAŻ, shadow upon, 296.
DINNER, a Persian described, 583.
DISMOUNTING, a token of respect, 169, 635.
DISSOLVER OF DOUBTS, phrase how used,


[blocks in formation]

DOGS, licking the blood of the slain, 272, 286;
character of, in Arabia and Africa, 371; re
turning to their vomit, phrase explained,
431; term, used by way of reproach, 163.
DOORS, custom of loose women sitting at,
422 of the ancients, how constructed, 431;
door keepers in the East, allusion to, 397.
DOVE, the, remarks upon the natural his-
tory of, 387; conjugal chastity of, 447; dove's
dung, what rendered it valuable, 283; flying
to their windows, 482; Spirit of God likened
to, 577.

DRAGONS, or large serpents, 350.
DRAUGHTS, intoxicating, given to malefac-
tors, 498.

[blocks in formation]

DUST, strewed on the head, 180; licking the,
phrase explained, 389.

DWELLING DEEP, phrase explained, 510.

EAGLE, peculiarities of the, 124; the golden,
529; the bald, 567.
EARLY RISING, common in the East, 39.
EARS, the digging or opening of, 376; of corn,
plucking of, 119.

EATING under the shade of trees, 350; mode
of in the East, 427; early in the morning
disgraceful, 440; eaten up, when one said to
be, 399.


[ocr errors]

EDOM, prophecies concerning, 507, 511, 540.
EGYPT, land of compared with Judea, 109;
prophecies concerning, 535.

ELDERS, or Senators, term explained, 334.
ELEPHANTIASIS, perhaps Job's disease, 327.
EMERODS, severe disease in the East, 123;
images of, 157.

ENCAMPMENTS, eastern, how regulated,
170, 311.

ENGEDI, village of, why so called, 168.
ENTRANCE to eastern houses made low, 426.
ENTREATING a wife by a husband, 337.
EPHAH borne by two women, Zechariah's
vision of explained, 567.

EPHESUS, city of described, 620; temple of
Diana at, 621.

ESHCOL, grapes of, 94.
ESPOUSALS, precede marriage by ten or
twelve months, 142; how performed, 30,
575, 610.

EUNUCHS, black, in the Levant, 502.
EUPHRATES, water of muddy, 487.
EVIL, in the eyes of, phrase explained, 158;
evil eye, allusions to the, 429.
EXECUTIONERS, public, the, 167; execu-
tions in the East very prompt, 421.
EYES, thrust out as a punishment, 160, 38,
474, 502; the custom of staining, 287; the
seven of the Lord, phrase explained, 567;
of carcasses picked out by ravens, 434; ef
the dove, remarks upon, 447.

FACE, to see one's, phrase how used, 1
216; to put away one's, 218, 334; to entreat
one's, 258; to turn to a holy place in prayer,
251. 367; to put between the knees, 265,
FAIRNESS of complexion, how esteemed in
the East, 365.

FALSE BALANCES, punishment for employ-
ing, 422.

FAN, eastern, form of, 467.

FARE, scanty, of the Arabs, 423.
FATHER, term how used in the East, 455.
FEAR, a prominent effect of heathenism, 291 ;
of wild beasts, its effects, 428.
FEASTING, from house to house, in turn,
324; eastern, how conducted, 429.
FEASTS, given in the East to the poor as wel
as the rich, 589, 606; how tables arranged at,
589, 603.

FEET, to be at one's, phrase explained, 135;
of travellers, washed in the East, 26; of
criminals secured, 187; and fingers, speak
ing with, 420; placed upon the neck of a
conquered enemy, 49, 131.
FEMALES in the East not generally able to
write, 271.

FESTIVALS, religious, expediency of, 110
FIELDS said to complain of their owners, 31.
FIG-TREE, particularly valuable in Canaan,
551; grow in oriental gardens, 609.
FIGURES, representing captivity of Israel, 292
FINGERS, dipping in a dish, 592.
FIR TREE, felling of with an axe, 458.
FIRE treading or walking on, 291.
FIREBRAND, term how applied in the East,


FIRST BORN, privileges of, 116.
FISH, in the Red Sea, 92.
FISHERMEN prefer the night for fishing, 602.
FLAGONS, supporting one with, 443.
FLESH-MEAT little eaten in the Fast, 63, 429.
FLEA, David's comparison of himself to, 172
FLOATS, eastern inanner of construction,

252, 460.

FLOCKS in the East kept by women, 129; of
goats, 269; driven to the shade at noon,
443; numbered daily, 500.
FLOORS and ceilings in the East, 253.
FLY OF EGYPT, remarks on the, 454.
FOOD presented to idols, 627.
FOOLISH WOMEN, alluded to by Job, who
meant by thein, 328.
FOOT set in a wide place, phrase explained,

FOREHEADS marked by idolaters, 527.
FORERUNNER, teriu how used, 639.
FOUNTAINS of water, frequently places of
danger, 136; armies assembled at, 176; stop-
ped in time of war, 310; sealed, phrase ex-
plained, 445.
FOWLING, mode of in the East, 373.
FOXES, particularly fond of grapes, 445, 518;
Samson's catching, 143.
FRECKLED spots in leprosy, 74.
FROGS, plague of, 54, 410.
FRONTLETS, Moses' words concerning ex-
plained, 105.
FRUIT-TREES, not willingly cut down in the
East, 115.

FUEL, what kind of used in the East, 156;
scarcity of how compensated, 486, 581.
FUNERAL, attending upon made one unclean,
89; chariots, described, 286; feasts, in hon-
our of the dead 496.

FURNACE, fiery, mentioned by Daniel, 543.
FURNITURE of eastern houses, 462.

GAME, how taken in hunting, 420.
GAMES and combats among the Greeks, 626.
GARDENS, how watered in the East, 107, 366,
450, 481; oriental, described, 423.
GARDENERS, eastern, custoin of alluded to,


GARLANDS employed on festive occasions,


GARMENTS taken in pledge, 120; laid down
as carpets, 286; frequently changed in the
East, 407; the keeping of white, 438.
GATES of cities, common places of judica-
tion, 116, 149 of the daughter of Zion, what
meant by phrase, 368; of fortified places,
how secured, 618.

GIBEON, Solomon's sacrifices at considered,

GIBEONITES, sentence pronounced against
them considered, 129.

HE-GOATS travel before the flock, 513.
HEALING in his wings, phrase explained, 572.
HEAT of the day, Orientals repose during,
284; in eastern countries often fatal, 279.
HEAP of stones, as sepulchral monuments,

HEART, to be placed in one's, 634.
HEATHEN, term how applied in the Scrip-
tures, 366.

HEAVENS spread out as a curtain, phrase
explained, 407.

HEBREW, the original language, 11; Hebrews
not a warlike people, 162.

HEDGE placed around one, 324; of thorns,
breaking through, 424.
HELMET, piece of ancient armour, 162; and
shield, account of, 624.

HELP-MEET, a wife so termed in the East, 11.
HERBS and flowers planted upon graves, 464.
HEROD, Josephus' account of his exhibition
of himself, 619.

HERMON, mount, the dew upon, 415.
HEZEKIAH'S display of his treasures, 297.

GIDEON'S hastily prepared meal, 137.
GIFTS, often pompously presented in the HIDDEN treasures, discovery of, 329.
East, 133.

GILEAD, mountains of described, 125.
GIRDLES, how used in travelling, 57; bestow-
ed as a mark of esteem, 222; use of in east-
ern dress, 494, 583, 605.

GIVING a cup of cold water, 584.
GLEANING after reapers, 79, 147.
GLORYING over one, phrase explained, 55.
GNASHING of teeth in rage, 411.
GOAT, wild, described, 403; symbol of Mace-
don, 546.

GOEL, or avenger of blood, 99.

GOING out to meet a person, 178.
GOLD, quality of how tried, 569.
GOURD, wild, what, 281; mentioned by Jonah,
what, 560.

GRAIN, product of Syria, 395; where lodged
after winnowing, 551, 577; various kinds of
sown in Palestine, 468.

GRANARIES, made under ground, 303.
GRAPES, large and abundant in Holy Land,
91; juice of trodden out, 125, 140.
GRASS, generally found in the vicinity of wa-
ter, 263; grows with great rapidity in the
East, 387.

GRAVE, spoken of as a habitation, 349.
GRAVING on the palms of the hands, 475.
GRAY HAIRS, objects of special reverence
in the East, 427.

GREAVES, military, described, 161, 633.
GREECE and Persia, prophecies concerning,

GREEDY of gain, phrase explained, 418.
GREEN, how terin applied to persons, 405.
GRIEF, eastern mode of expressing, 156.
GRINDING the face, phrase explained, 450.
GROVES anciently made use of for temples,


GUESTS, dismissed from feasts with presents,
200; how honoured at entertainments, 244.
GUIDES in the wildernesses of the East, 90.
GUITAR, people of the East very fond of, 350.

HAGAR, circumstances of her sending away
considered, 28.

HAIL, plague of, 55; hailstones of enormous
size, 130.

HIGHEST seat at entertainments, 606.
HIGH-WAYS, frequently deserted by travel-
lers, 136.

HILLS and high places, anciently the seat of
worship, 273, 291.

HIND, bringing forth her fawn, 353, 373, 495;
allusion to feet of, 370; celebrated for affec.
tion to its mate, 419.

HINDOOS believe in numerous gods and de-
mons, 585.

HIRING out for bread, 156.

HOGS, wild, numerous and destructive in the
East, 394.

HONEY, found in the rocks in Palestine, 396;
not always wholesome, 430; comb, delicious.
ness of, 370.

HOOK in the nose, phrase explained, 469;
hooks and fish-hooks, 557.
HORN, worn by females in the East, 155, 369;
also by soldiers, 272, 390.
HORNETS, sent as a judgment, 66; very an-
noying in the East, 101.

HORSES, not allowed to the kings of Israel to
multiply, 112, 307; of conquered enemies,
how dealt with, 130; brought by Solomon
from Egypt, 257; the bride in Solomon's
Song compared to, 442; of the sun, 279; an-
cient mode of shoeing, 453; sometimes
painted red, 567; led in the wilderness, 484;
bells hung upon their necks, 569.
HORSE-LEECH, remarks upon the, 433.
HORSEMEN spreading themselves, 564.
HOSPITALITY, distinguishing trait of the
Orientals, 351, 588, 608.

HOUSE of burial described, 168; of sheep-
shearing, what, 288; dedication of, 374.
HOUSE-TOPS, how constructed, 159, 414, 461;
dwelling upon, 427; walking upon, 591.
HUNTING, mode of, practised in the East, 235.
HUSBANDMEN, in the East, labour almost
naked, 591.

HUSHAI'S treachery considered, 218.
HUSKS, import of original term for, 606.
HUTS or booths for oriental shepherds, 538.
HYMN, sung on the night of the Passover, 592.
HYSSOP, what kind of plant, 383,

HAIR, how worn by eastern women, 216, 642;
of evil-doers cut off as a punishment, 317;
standing up through terror, 329; how dress-IDOLS,
ed by eastern ladies, 451; cutting off in
mourning, 496; worn by females very long,
HAKIMS or doctors, much in esteem in the
East, 578.

HAND, when said to be sealed, 352; hands
stretching out towards an object of devotion,
377, 391; right, accounted more honourable
than the left, 391, 410; use of as a signal to
servants, 412; hand joined in hand, phrase
explained, 407; hands on the head, what in-
dicated thereby, 488.

HAND'S BREADTH, life compared to, 376.
HANGING upon a pillar, 311; by the hands,

HANGINGS, used in temples, 297; in courts
and gardens, 318.
HANUN'S treatment of David's servants, 204.
HAREMS of the East, considered as sanctu-
aries, 273.

HARES, eastern modes of cooking, 423.
HARNESSED, term explained, 58.
HART and fallow-deer, what kind of animal,
250; panting for water brooks. 376.
HAWKS, how distinguished, 357.
HAZAEL'S murder of Benhadad considered,

HEAD of a conquered enemy, how disposed
of, 164; taking away from, phrase explained,
275; decapitated, how disposed of, 288; of
the way, phrase explained, 530.


IBEX, or wild goat, described, 408.
IBIS, the, particularly venerated in Egypt, 396.
great number of in India, 450.
IDUMEA, vide Edom.
IMAGES, graven and molten, what, 122, 549.
IMAGERY, oriental, remarks upon, 416.
IMPRECATION, form of, 268.
INHERITANCE might be exchanged in Israel,
271; inheriting the wind, phrase explained,
INSOLENCE of Rabshakeh's speech, 293.
INSTRUMENTAL music, employed in reli-
gious services, 417.
INTERMENTS of the dead, frequently hurri
ed in the East, 116.
INQUIRY, oriental modes of making, 603.
IRON, found in Mount Lebanon, 106; and
clay, mixture of in Nebuchadnezzar's vis-
ionary image, 543.

IRONY and satire, coinmon in the East, 353.
ISHMAEL, the prophecies concerning him
considered, 24.

ISRAELITES, their land protected while ab-
sent at Jerusalem, 69.
ISSACHAR, his blessing explained, 50.
IVORY, employed as a material for beds in
the East, 557.

JAW-BONE, from which Samson drank, con.
sidered, 144.

JEALOUSY, very common in the East, 420;
effects of, 638.

JEBUS, speech of the inhabitants of, to David,
explained, 189.

JEPHTHAH'S vow considered, 140.
JERICHO, the curse denounced upon him who
should rebuild it, 129; state of the country
around, 604.
JERUSALEM, vast numbers gathered there at
the festivals, 65; enthusiasm of pilgrims
upon coming in sight of, 396; how it could
contain so great multitudes, 298; Volney's
account of approach to, 413.

JEWELS, the Hebrews' borrowing of the
Egyptians considered, 56; worn in the nos-
trils, 422; on the cheeks, 423; worn profuse.
ly by Jewish brides, 482.

JEWS, forbidden by Adrian to enter Jerusa
lem, 453.

JOAB slain by Benaiah, 249.

JOB, structure and scope of the book of, 325.
JONATHAN'S mecting David in the wood il-
lustrated, 167.

JORDAN, the river, described, 20, 127.
JOSEPH compared to a fruitful vine, 51;
where interred and why, 132.
JOT or tittle, term explained, 579.
JOURNEY, when the Arabs begin, 280; those
of princes, how distinguished, 470.
JOY, how expressed by females in the East,


JUDAH, why compared to a lion, 49; cover-
ing of, phrase explained, 461.

JUDEA, remarks on the soil of, 453, 473; land
of desolated according to prophecy, 88, 463,
464, 525.

JUNIPER-TREE, account of, 266; coals of,
phrase explained, 411.

KEEPER of the head, phrase how used, 171.
KEY, sometimes worn upon the shoulder,
462; given in token of conferring authority,

KID, seething in its mother's milk, 65.
KINDRED, laws respecting marriage be-
tween, 78.

KINGDOM, delivering up the, to the Father,

KINGS and princes dishonoured after death,
309; memory of the good honoured, 309;
how nursing fathers to the church, 476.
KISHON, the river, described, 136.
KISSING the beard, 181, 227; the feet, 601;

sacred oblations, 267; the hand a token of
respect, 350; the written decrees of princes,

KNEADING-TROUGIIS, eastern, described,

57, 123.

KNÓWING a person, phrase how used, 332;
one afar off, 415.

[blocks in formation]

LADIES, eastern, veiled when they appear in
public, 350.

LAMB, emblem of meekness, 480.
LAMENESS and dumbness, effect of walking
in deserts, 469.

LAMPS, much used in the East, 257; lamp
despised, phrase explained, 333; of Cairo
described, 615.

LAND of Israelites, not to be permanently
sold, 87; division of among heirs, 303; bear-
ing thorns and briers, 639.
LANDMARKS, not to be removed, 115, 122.
LANGUAGE, the original, what, 11.
LAODICEA, account of, 645.
LAP, shaking the, 313.
LAPPING water like a dog, 138.
LATTICE through which Ahaziah fell, 274.
LAUGHING, expression when used by Orien-
tals, 27.

LAYING aside every weight, 640.
LEANING upon one's words, 310; upon the
bosom at meals, 395.

LEAVEN, corrupting influence of, 625.
LEBANON, mount, description of, 103; how
an object of comparison, 447; fragrant
odour of its wines, 448, 550; storms and
tempests upon very severe, 466; violence of,
565 glory of, 471; cedars of, 550.
LENDING upon usury, 109; upon pledge, 119,
LEPERS obliged to cover their lips, 74; expel
led from camps and cities, 281.
LEPROSY described, 73, 74; leprosy in gar
ments, 74; in houses, 75.

taken by travellers, 313.
LEVIATHAN, Job's account of considered,

JACKALS, devouring human bodies, 387; LETTERS, eastern, form of, 315; usually
further account of 605.
JACOB'S wages changed by Laban, 37.
JAEL, her conduct towards Sisera considered,
135; her offering him milk and butter ex-
plained, 135.

LEVIRATE law explained, 150.
LICE, plague of 55.

[blocks in formation]

LIGHT-HOUSES, allusion to, 634.
LIGHTNINGS, frequent in Syria, 415.
LILY, eastern, often very magnificent, 581.
LIP, protrusion of, a mark of contempt, 371.
LIVING WATER, what meant by, 487.
LOCKS, eastern, described, 133, 446.
LOCUSTS, account of, 305; operation in lay-
ing their eggs, 564; their destructive ravages,
551; symbol of the Saracens, 649.
LOINS, custom of girding up, 266, 352.
LONG LIFE, especially desired by the Orien.
tals, 484.

LOOKING BACK, how understood in the
East, 27.

LOTS, casting of among the Orientals, 320, 617;
employed to settle contentions, 426.
LUNATICS, highly reverenced in the East, 630.
LYING upon the left or right side, 525.

MACHINE, for throwing stones, 524.
MAJESTY, how reverenced in the East, 542.
MAKING bare the arm, phrase explained,
478, 479.

MALE CHILD, birth of, 328; male children
principally desired in the East, 497.
MALEFACTORS, not allowed to look at kings,


MANDRAKES, what they were, 36.
MANNA described, 60.

MANOAH, his history illustrated, 142.

MURDERER, no satisfaction to be taken for
the life of, 102.

MUSIC and dancing, usual at entertainments,
607; in the night, 467; as an expression of
respect, 279.

MUSTARD TREE, natural history of, 585.
MUZZLING of oxen, 120.

MY LORD, phrase how used, 30.
MYRRH, allusion to explained, 446.

NAILS of female captives to be pared, 115;
nails fastened by masters of assemblies,
441; fixed in a sure place, 463.
NAMES given to women and slaves, 155; how
varied in the East, 315; sometimes bestowed
from occupation, 596; other grounds of be
stowment, 609, 618.

NAMING of the living creatures by Adam, 11.
NAVEL of infants, allusions to explained,


NAZARETH, description of, 576.
NAZARITISM, vow of, 155.
NEAPOLIS, present state of, 620.
NECK, when one said to have hold of, 236.
NEHEMIAH, expenses of his table, 315.
NEIGHING, term how used in the East, 489.
NET, being compassed in, explained, 337.
NICOPOLIS, present state of, 638.
NIGHT, often time for travelling in the East,
316, 605; principal time for heathen rites,
369; for the roaming forth of wild beasts,
409; night dew very heavy in the East, 138;
sometimes the season for agricultural labour,
149; often severely cold in the East, 38.

MANTLE, the transfer of, 268; Jewish, an NILE, waters of pleasant to the taste, 53;
upper garment, 582.

MANY DAYS, phrase how used, 249.
MARINERS, eastern, their conduct in a storm,

MARKS imprinted on the person in honour
of idols, 124; for other purposes on the
hands and arins, 474.
MARRIAGE FEASTS, sometimes continued
for seven days, 143; marriage ceremony
performed in the open air, 151; delay of, con-
sidered by the Hindoos as a disgrace and
calamity, 394; processions, customs con.
nected with, 592.

MARRING a land with stones, 278.
MASTER and scholar, phrase explained, 571.
MATS or carpets employed by the Orientals
in prayer, 480.

MATTRESSES used for sleeping, 617.
MEAT OFFERING, what, 70.
MEDICINES, externally applied, 596.

changed into blood, 54.

NINEVEH, description of, 559; prophecies
concerning, 563.

NO-AMMON in Egypt described, 503.
NORTH WIND, Solomon's allusion to, 430.
NOSTRILS distended in anger, 329.
NUMBERING the people, David's sin in, 236.
NURSES in the East, 31.

OATH, ceremonies in taking, 254, 288; very
common among the heathen, 264; doctrines
of the Jews concerning, 590.
OBEISANCE made by women to men, 241.
OBLIGATIONS, written, how cancelled, 569.
OIL, treasures of, how kept, 303; burnt in
honour of the dead, 549; how used in sacri-
fices, 70; poured upon the head, 415; oil-
olive, what, 68.

OINTMENTS in great esteem in the East, 215.
OLD AGE, the winter of life, 330.

MEETING friends or guests, the custom of, OLIVE-TREE, utility of, 16; how injured,

[blocks in formation]

MESHA, his tribute of lambs, 279.
MESSENGERS in the East travel rapidly, 332.
MICE, the Philistines scourged by, 157.
MIDDLE wall of partition, 632.

MILCH camels, very valuable in the East, 39.
MILETUS, present state of, 621.
MILITARY operations commenced in the
spring, 206.

MILK, how kept by the Arabs, 129; poured
out at funeral ceremonies, 333; sometimes
afforded by fathers to their offspring, 341;
great part of the diet of the Orientals, 432.
MILLET, account of the plant so called, 525.
MILLO, a place in Jerusalem, 191.
MILLS, eastern, described, 91.
MIRAGE of the desert, allusions to, 469, 495.
MIRRORS, what kind in use in the East, 69,

MOAB, prophecies concerning, 505, 507.
MODEST way of speaking of one's self, 630.
MOHAMMEDANISM announced by fifth trum-
pet, 646; votaries strict in their religion, 562.
MOLOCH, children sacrificed to by passing
through the fire, 113.

MOMENT, a, Tamul mode of expressing, 374.
MONEY put up in bags, 289, 334; changers
among the Jews, 588.
MONSOONS, severe in the East, 352.
MORDECAP'S demeanour towards Haman
illustrated, 321, 323.
MORTARS, how made in the East, 56, 572;
pounding in as a punishment, 432.
MOTHWORM, description of, 329, 344.
MOUNT HOR described, 96.
MOURNING, eastern, described, 211, 583; ex-
pressions usual in, 492; mourners, female,
hired in the East, 491.
MOUTH, opening the, wide, 395; of a strange
woman, phrase explained, 425.
MOWINGS, the king's, phrase explained, 557.
MUD walled buildings, short duration of, 342.
MUJELIBE among the ruins of Babylon, 458.
MULBERRY, the, whether mentioned in
scripture, 240.

335; grafting of, 624; olives and grapes, how
gathered and gleaned, 459.
OPENING the mouth in speaking, 579, 328;
open hands, 109.
ORACLE, Hebrew, compared with heathen, 192.
ORDAINED to condemnation, phrase ex-
plained, 643.

ORNAMENTS, Rebecca's considered, 31;
worn by females in the nose, 31; laid off in
time of mourning, 312.

OSTRICH, natural history of the, 355; dole-
ful noise of, 561.
OVENS, eastern described, 70.
OWL, a bird of evil omen in the East, 457;
emblem of desolation, 457.
OXEN, view of their services, 300; custom
of trying or proving, 600, 606.

PAINTING the eyes and face, 287.
PALANQUIN, effects of bearing, 535.
PALM TREE, account of the, 404, 493.
PANTING for the dust, phrase explained, 555.
PARENTS, one's, reproached by enemies as
an expression of anger, 166.
PARTING, ceremony used at, 580.
PARTRIDGE, account of the, 171.
PARTURITION of eastern women easy, 53.
PASSOVER, circumstances of eating the first,


PASTORAL or wandering tribes in Syria, 494.
PASTURES carefully guarded, 399.
PATMOS, present state of, 643.
PAVILION, eastern, description of, 268.
PEACOCK, account of the, 256; exceedingly
numerous in the East, 355.
PEARLS, casting before swine, 581.
PELICAN, account of the, 405.
PERFUMES poured upon the heads of guests,
372, 431, 479; boxes of suspended from the
neck, 442; burning of at feasts, 529; per-
fumed garments, common in the East, 34.
PERGAMOS, account of, 644.
PETRA, ancient city of, described, 554.
PHILADELPHIA described, 645,
PIGEONS, building nests in rocks and hollow
places, 507; carrier, still employed in the
East, 384, 440.

PILLAR, or column, a scat by, 269; pillars,
term how applied, 632.

PILLOW of goats' hair, phrase how to be un
derstood, 166.

PIT, criminals cast into, 352; used for catch-
ing wild beasts, 368, 529.
PITCHERS or jars, used for carrying water
instead of leathern bottles, 139.

PLOUGH, the Syrian, described, 554, 604.
PLOUGHING, how managed in the East, 117,
118; upon the back, 414; often done in wis-
ter, 427.

PLUCKING out the right eye, 579.
POINTS of the compass, how expressed, 103
POLITENESS of the Orientals, how evinced


POLYGAMY productive of many evils, ;
among the Jews considered, 152.
POMEGRANATE JUICE, employed as a
drink, 95.

PORTIONS, custom of sending to friends and
to the poor, 316, 322.

POTTAGE, people of the East very fond of
32; how made, 281.

POTSHERD, what meant by the term, 327.
POTTED flesh in use in the East, 222
POTTER'S wheel, what, 497; potter's-field,
a burial place for strangers, 592.
POURING water on one's hands, 277.
PRAY without ceasing, phrase explained, 66,
PRAYERS, frequency of among the Braunina,
384; ascending up before God, 646.
PRECIOUS stones, forming foundation of
New Jerusalem, 650.
PRECIPITATION, mount of at Nazareth de
scribed, 602.

PRESENTS given in the East at the close of
a meal, 40; sent to procure help, 200; of
garments, 306; valuable made to governors,


PRISONERS, oriental, miserable_condition
of, 391; how treated, 501; generally easy to
be visited, 592.

PRISONS, eastern, described, 502.
PROPERTY of executed criminals confisca
ted, 271.

PROPHETS, performed on musical instru-
ments, 160; mode of consulting, 259; se
pulchres of, 605.
PROSEUCHE, or Jewish places of prayer,


PROSTRATION practised in prayer, 590.
PROVENDER, carried for beasts of burden
on a journey, 251.
PROVERBS, or aphorisms, ancient mode of
conveying instruction, 418.

PROVISIONS, how demanded by public of
ficers, 314.

PSALM 149th, on what occasion composed,


PUBLICANS, where their houses built, 582;
office of described, 596.
PUFFING at one's enemies, 368.
PURCHASES, how made in the East, 499.
PUTTING the life in the hand, 141; putting
on Egypt as a garment, phrase explained, 503.
QUAILS miraculously brought, 92; Moses'
account of considered, 58, 93, 391; abound
in Asia, 93.

RABBI, when title began to be used, 589.
RAINS in Judea described, 123; when fall in
the East, 261, 374; the sound of, 265; some-
times falls in neighbourhood of Red Sea,
387; former and latter, 424, 641; very vio
lent in the East, 433, 603; makers of pre
tended, 495.

RAISING up evil, phrase how to be under
stood, 211.

RAMAH, city of described, 132.
RANK and opulence, how distinguished, 438
RAVENS, made to provide food for Elijah, 261.
REACHING beyond one's measure, 629.
REAPING, customs connected with in the
East. 147.

RECORDER, what kind of office, 204.
RECORDS, how preserved in the East, 499.
REDEMPTION of land, 87; of the first-born,


REED grows abundantly in Egypt, 332; lurk-
ing places in for wild beasts, 388; sweet
smelling, 489.

REGISTERING the names of citizens, 635.
RENDING of garments, phrase explained, 435.
REPHAIM, term for deceased giants, 343.
REPHIDIM, rock of, described, 61.
REPUBLIC, Hebrew, form of, 89.
RESPECT, attitudes and expressions of, 168.
RESURRECTION, Job's anticipation of, 338;
curious notion of the Jews concerning, 375,
RETALIATION, Mosaic law of considered, 83
RICE, eating one's, how considered, 314.
RIDING into houses, 565.
RINGS, usually worn in the East, 99; given
as a token of affection, 320.

RIPPING up women with child, 285, 555.
RIVERS in Arabia, often dry up, 331: cut
among the rocks, 345; fertilizing effects of,
468; drying up of, 477.
RIZPAH, her conduct illustrated, 234.
ROAD in a wilderness, 473.
ROBBERS, cunning of eastern, 438.
ROBES stripped off to confirm engagements,
164; washed in the blood of the Lamb, 646."
ROCK, the shadow of a, 467.
RODS of the Egyptian magicians, 53; or staff,
how mentioned in the scriptures, 280, 366.
ROOF, breaking up the, account of consider.
ed, 595.

ROSE, very fragrant in the East, 442.
RUDDER-BANDS, term explained, 623.
RUNNING FAST, sign of news, 224.

SABBATICAL YEAR, law of considered, 88.
SABEANS, who they were, 324.
SADDLES, eastern, described, 29.
SALAAM, or salutation of peace, 311.
SALT, covenant of, 95; the effect of on vege-
tation, 124; salting, term used for mainte-
nance, 310; salt plains of the East dreary
and desolate, 497; salting the bodies of new-
born infants, 529.

SALUTATIONS in travelling, 280; of guests
at entertaininents, 604; our Lord's direction
in regard to, 604; mode of, 606.
SALUTING or blessing a house, 583; on the
face, 625.

SAMARIA, description of, 253.

SAMIEL, the destructive wind so called, 268.
SANDALS, disgraceful to be beaten with,
555: custom of loosing from the feet, 577.
SANHEDRIM, Jewish, 91.
SARDIS, account of, 644.
SAVOURY meats described, 33.
SCAPE-GOAT, eastern custom respecting, 77.
SCEPTRE and staff, terms how used, 372, 520.
SCORPION, effects of its sting, 257, 524.
SCOURGE of the tongue, 330.
SCOURGING, a common punishment in the
East, 622.

SCRIBES, the nature of their office, 110; mode
of teaching, 578.

SCRIP, a garment used for carrying money,


SCRIPTURES, custom of reading in public,
601, 609.

SEAL set upon the heart, 448.
SEATS in the streets, 347.
SEBASTE, the ancient Samaria, described, 465.
SECRETS not usually confided to women in
the East, 143.

SEE eye to eye, phrase explained, 479.
SEED TIME, attended with danger to eastern
husbandmen, 413, 532.
SENNACHERIB, his vam boastings, 456; de.
struction of his army considered, 295.
SEIR, mount, prophecies concerning, 538.
SEPULCHRES, how constructed, 30, 458.
SERPENTS, fiery, or seraphs, described, 97;
their bite alluded to, 340; some supposed to
be deaf, 385; serpent charmers, 385, 438, 490.
SERVANTS, in what manner orders given to,
40; Jewish, regained their freedom on the
seventh year, 110; how treated in the East,
215; scriptural use of the term, 410.
SETTING the eyes upon one, 405.
SEVEN, the number, used for many, 431;
frequent use of that number, 587.
SHADE, essential to oriental luxury, 443.
SHADOW, emblem of protection, 95, 399.
SHAKING out the lap, 603.

SHAVING, and rending the mantle, 326.
SHEATH, term how applied to the body, 545.
SHEBA'S rebellion, 226.
SHEEP, employed in making a covenant, 29;
large tails of, 68; shearing of, 169; great fe-
cundity of, 416; hearing the voice of the
shepherd, 614; folds of, how constructed,
613; skins of and of goats, made into cloth-
ing, 639.
SHEMINITH, title of some of the Psalms,


SHEPHERDS in the East accountable for the
flocks under their charge, 38; why the oc-
cupation of offensive to the Egyptians, 48;
allusions to, 470; duty of to provide water,
472; figures drawn from the occupation of,
372; Syrian exposed to the seasons, 533.
SHIELD, highly valued by the ancients, 181;
uses of, 367; furbishing and anointing, 460.
SHILOAH, gentle waters of, 454.
SHIMEI'S conduct illustrated, 220.
SHIRTS worn by the Arabs, 143.
SHITTIM-WOOD, what, 67.

SHOES, origin of the use of, 23; taken off in
temples, 53; in the presence of kings, 129;
also in confirming a bargain, 150.
SHOULDER of a lamb, a luxury, 159.
SHOW, characteristic of false religions, 580.
SICKNESS often feigned by Asiatics, 214.


SIGNET worn on the little finger, 478.
SILENT praise practised by the Hindoos, 387.
SILOAM, fountain of, 241, 613.
SIMOOM, account of, 294.

SINAI, wilderness and mount of described,
62; flaming of trees upon, 63.
SINGING on a journey, 477.
SINS, the supposed source of all losses and
afflictions, 316; term how applied by the
Hindoos, 338.

SITTING at meals, 33; in prayer, 201; on a
cushion, 157; at the feet of a teacher, 622.
SKIN for skin, phrase explained, 326; of one's
teeth, phrase explained, 337.
SKIRT, spread over as a sign of protection,


SLAVES, how used in the East, 64, 104, 399;
branded in the forehead, 650; female, gen-
erally given to a daughter upon her marriage,
SLEEPING, arrangements in the East, 437,

SLIME-PITS near Sodom, account of, 22.
SMELL of valuable gifts, 171.
SMITING with a shoe on the mouth, 623; the
hands together, 530.

SMOKE, term how applied to an angry inan,


SMYRNA, account of, 643.
SNAIL, remarks upon the, 385.
SNOW in Salmon, phrase explained, 388.
SODOM AND GOMORRAH, destruction of
considered, 27.

SOLDIERS, their valour how excited, 313.
SOLOMON'S treatment of Adonijah, 249; his
decision in regard to the two children, 255;
splendour of his drinking vessels, 256.
SON, term how used, 164, 169; numerons in
families where polygamy is practised, 287.
SORCERY, common in the East, 114.
SOULS, superstition concerning, 344.
SOUNDS, distinction of in a procession, 628;
sound of one's feet at the door, 284.
SOUTH WIND, effects of in Egypt, 418; else-
where, 605.

SPARRÓW, habits of the, 407.
SPICES, large quantities of employed in
swathing dead bodies, 616; burnt in honour
of the dead, 307.

SPITTING in the face, 94, 121.

SYMPATHY of the Orientals with the afflicted,

SYRIANS, precipitate flight of illustrated by
parallel case, 284, 285.

TABERNACLE, the, resembled an eastern
tent, 67.

TABLES, for writing, of great antiquity, 564.
TABOR, mount, described, 134, 398, 578, 586.
TAIL, how used figuratively, 123.
TAKING hold of instruction, phrase explain-
ed, 419.

TANNOOR, or oven, eastern, described, 70.
TARES, still sown by enemies in the East, 584.
TARGETS and shields, how to be understood.


TARSUS, Paul's birthplace, account of, 617.
TASTING of a person, phrase how employed,

TAXES, how levied in Persia, and elsewhere
in the East, 250, 391.

TEARS, drinking of, expression common in
the East, 394.

TEMPLE, Solomon's, mode of building illus-
trated, 253.

TEMPTATION of Christ, place of, described,
TENTS, Turcomans sit at the door of 25;
577, 601.

custom of living in part of the year, 37, 299;
of the Arabs covered with black, 441.
TENT-PINS, how used in the East, 136.
THIGH, putting the hand under in swearing,


THINGS which are not, phrase explained, 625.
THIRST terrible in eastern deserts, 410.
THORNS in the sides, phrase explained, 99;
and thistles, enemies compared to, 535; of
Christ, name of a plant, 615; in the flesh,
Paul's, what, 630.

THRASHING-FLOORS, how constructed in
the East, 138, 239, 366; thrashing out grain,
mode of, 465, 472.

THRONE of Solomon, its magnificence, 255;
similar ones in Persia, 255.
THUMBS and toes cut off, 133.
THUNDER-STORMS and showers in Syria,


TIBERIAS, its present state, 612.

TIDINGS of victory announced to idols, 300.
TIMBRELS described, 395.

SPOILS of a conquered enemy dedicated to TIMBER, different modes of felling, 531.
the gods, 166.

SPORT made by prisoners, 145.

TIME measured by the length of the shadow,
332; shall be no longer, phrase explained,650.
TIN mixed with silver, 419.

TITLES, flattering, to give to one, 351.
TOMBS, of lower orders, how constructed,
590; visited by eastern women, 499, 614; an-
ciently inhabited, 582; how closed, 615.

SPRING discovered in the wilderness, 98.
STADIUM, description of the ancient, 635.
STAIRS, secret places of, phrase explained,
444; staircases, how arranged, 598.
STAFF, shepherd's, allusion to, 372.
STANDARDS of the tribes described, 89; TONGUE, the, compared to fire, 641.
standard-bearer, allusion to, 446.
STEPS, taking hold of, 341.
STICKS provided for fuel, 263; ancient mode
of writing upon, 541.
STOCKS, punishment of described, 334, 620.
STONES, anointed by the ancients, 34; of
great size in building, 300; stone pitchers
made use of for baking, 386; white, custom
of giving, 614.

TOOTH, temple of, 235.
TORCHES and flambeaux, when used in the
East, 591.

STONING to death, 63, 80.
STORK, account of the, 408, 490.
STREETS, making in Damascus, phrase ex-
plained, 270; having a name in the, 337; one
in Jerusalem, 592.
STRIPPING the dead bodies of enemies, 179.
STREWING flowers and branches of trees
before great men, 588.
STRIKING HANDS, what meant by phrase,

STRETCHING forth the hands, 616.
STRIFE between herdsmen, common in the
East, 20.

STRINGS of African bows, of what made, 548.
STUBBLE and grass, burning of, 475.
STUMBLING-BLOCK, on what allusion found-
ed, 455.

SUBJECTS seldom admitted to the tables of
princes, 321.
SUBMISSION, outward tokens of, 269; by
what phrase expressed, 304.
SUBORNED swearing in the East, 271.
SUMMER parlour described, 133; summer
fruits, Orientals fond of, 562.
SUEZ, present state of, 273.
SUN, intense heat of in the East, 412.
SURÉTISHIP, ceremonies relating to, 419;
very often hazardous, 425.
SWALLOW, remarks on the habits of, 470;
swallow up, phrase how used, 473; swallow.
ing one's spittle, 332.
SWARTHINESS of eastern women, 489.
SWEARING by the head or life of a king,


TORRENTS, figures taken from, 413.
TOWERS of protection for animals, 309; fig.
urative use of the term, 426; in gardens and
vineyards, 453,488, 597.
TRADE, every Jew expected to follow one,

TREASURES, how disposed of in the East,
437, 474; practice of hiding in the earth, 585.
TREES, often planted about houses, 254; te-

nacious of life in the East, 334; planted in
courtyards, 405; cut down by enemies, 495.
TREADING of grapes and olives, 483,
TRIUMPH, military, described, 632, 635.
TROOPS said to be chosen, not levied, 588.
TROUGHS, stone, used in childbirth, 53.
TRUMPETS employed in war, 162.
TURBAN, eastern, described, 347.
TURTLE-DOVE, account of, 390; plaintive
note of, 526.


TUTELARY deities presiding over places,
TYMPANUM or drum, mode of punishment,
TYRE, prophecies concerning, 533.
UMBRELLA, its use very ancient, 412.
UNCLEANNESS, contracted by attending a
funeral, 89.
UNICORN, what kind of animal intended by
the term, 399-404.
UPPER CHAMBERS, eastern, described, 498.
UPPER GARMENTS taken in pledge, 579.
USURY and extortion common in the East,

UZZAH, the fate of considered, 198.

VALLEYS filled up to prepare a highway, 183.
VEGETATION short-lived in the East, 398.
VEHICLES, eastern, of conveyance, 197.
VEILS worn by brides in the East, 32; a token
of subjection, 629.

SWORD, bearing the, 624.
SYCAMORE-TREE, account of the, 304, 558, VESSELS, earthen, how made unclean, 73.
VILLAS in eastern gardens, 448.


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