Imatges de pàgina

tion for the tribunals of the holy inqui-gem to those employed by heretics, that sition, on the means which they ought to he may thus pay the offenders in their employ for the repression and extirpation own coin, and be enabled to adopt the of heretics; on which account I felt it my language of the apostle, 'Being crafty, I duty to offer it in homage to your holi- caught you with guile.' ness, as to the chief of the Christian republic."

Page 296. "The information and depositions (procés verbal) may be read over to the accused, completely suppress→ ing the names of the accusers; and then it is for him to conjecture who the persons are that have brought against him any particular charges, to challenge them as incompetent witnesses, or to weaken their testimony by contrary evidence. This is the method generally used. The accused must not be permitted to imagine that challenges of witnesses will be easily allowed in cases of heresy, for it is of no consequence whether witnesses are respectable or infamous, accomplices in the prisoner's offence, excommunicated, heretical, or in any manner whatever guilty, or perjured, &c. This has been so ruled in favour of the faith."

He declares, elsewhere, that he had it reprinted for the instruction of inquisitors; that the work is as much to be admired as respected, and teaches with equal piety and learning the proper means of repressing and exterminating heretics. He acknowledges, however, that he is in possession of other useful and judicious methods, for which he refers to practice, which will instruct much more effectually than any lessons, and that he more readily thus silently refers to practice, as there are certain matters relating to the subject which it is of importance not to divulge, and, which, at the same time, are generally well known to inquisitors. He cites a vast number of writers, all of whom have followed the doctrines of the Directory; and he even complains that many have availed themselves of it without ascribing any honour to Eymeric for the good things they have in fact stolen from him. Page 313. "Although the form of the We will secure ourselves from any re-order for applying the torture may supproach of this description, by pointing pose variation in the answers of the acout exactly what we mean to borrow both cused, and also in addition sufficient from the author and the editor. Eymeric presumptive evidence against him for putsays, in the fifty-eighth page, " Commi-ting him to the question; both these cirseration for the children of the criminal, cumstances are not necessary, and either who by the severity used towards him will be sufficient for the purpose without are reduced to beggary, should never be the other." permitted to mitigate that severity, since both by divine and human laws children are punished for the faults of their fathers."

Page 123. "If a charge entered for prosecution were destitute of every appearance of truth, the inquisitor should not on that account expunge it from his register, because what at one period has not been discovered, may be so at another."

Page 291. "It is necessary for the inquisitor to oppose cunning and strata

Page 202. "The appeal which a prisoner makes from the inquisition does not preclude that tribunal from trial and sentence of him upon other heads of accusation."

Pegna informs us, in the hundred and eighteenth scholium on the third book, that inquisitors generally employ only five kinds of torture when putting to the question, although Marsilius mentions fifteen kinds, and adds, that he has ima{gined others still—such, for example, as precluding the possibility of sleep, in {which he is approved by Grillandus and Locatus.

Eymeric continues, page 319:-"Care should be taken never to state in the form of absolution, that the prisoner is inno

cent, but merely that there was not sufficient evidence against him; a precaution necessary to prevent the prisoner, absolved in one case, from pleading that absolution in defence against any future charge that may be brought against him."

Page 324. "Sometimes abjuration and canonical purgation are prescribed together. This is done, when, to a bad reputation of an individual in point of doctrine are joined inconsiderable presumptions, which, were they a little stronger, would tend to convict him of having really said or done something injurious to the faith. The prisoner who stands in these circumstances is compelled to abjure all heresy in general; and after that, if he falls into any heresy of any description whatever, however different from those which may have constituted the matter of the present charge or suspicion against him, he is punished as a relapsed person, and delivered over to the secular arm."

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Page 331. "Relapsed persons, when the relapse is clearly proved, must be delivered up to secular justice, whatever protestation they may make as to their future conduct, and whatever contrition they may express. The inquisitor will, in such circumstances, inform the secular authorities, that on such a particular day and hour, and in such a particular place, a heretic will be delivered up to them, and should provide, that notice be given to the public that they will be expected to be present at the ceremony, as the inquisitor will deliver a sermon on the occasion in defence of the true faith, and those who attend will obtain the usual indulgences."

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Page 332. "When the culprit aas been delivered over to the secular autho{rity, it shall pronounce its sentence, and the criminal shall be conveyed to the place of punishment; some pious persons shall accompany him, and associate him in their prayers, and even pray with him; and not leave him till he has rendered up his soul to his creator. But it is their duty to take particular care neither to say or to do anything which may hasten the moment of his death, for fear of falling into some irregularity. Accordingly, they should not exhort the criminal to mount the scaffold, or present himself to the executioner, or advise the executioner to get ready and arrange his instruments of punishment, so that the death may take place more quickly, and the prisoner be prevented from lingering; all for the sake of avoiding irregularity."

Page 335. "Should it happen that the heretic, when just about to be fixed to the stake to be burnt, were to give signs of conversion, he might perhaps, out of singular lenity and favour, be allowed to be received and shut up, like penitent heretics, within four walls, although it would be weak to place much reliance on a confession of this nature, and the indulgence is not authorised by any express law; such lenity, however, is very dangerous. I was witness of an example in point at Barcelona :-A priest who was condemned, with two other impenitent heretics, to be burnt, and who was actually in the midst of the flames, called on the bye-standers to pull him out instantly, for he was willing to be converted; he was accordingly extricated, dreadfully scorched on one side. I do not mean to decide whether this was well or ill done; but I know that, fourteen years afterwards, he was still dogmatising, and had corrupted a considerable number of persons; he was therefore once more given up to justice, and was burnt to death."

"No person doubts," says Pegna, scholium 47, "that heretics ought to be put to death; but the particular method of execution may well be a topic of du

and monks, and rendering the population of a whole kingdom hypocrites.

St. Dominic is usually considered as the person to whom the world is principally indebted for this institution. In

by that great saint, expressed precisely in the following words :-" I, brother Dominic, reconcile to the church Roger, the bearer of these presents, on condition of his being scourged by a priest on three successive Sundays from the entrance of the city to the church doors; of his abstaining from meat all his life; of his fasting for the space of three Lents in a year; of his never drinking wine; of his

cussion." Alphonso de Castro, in the second book of his work, "On the just Punishment of Heretics," considers it a matter of great indifference whether they are destroyed by the sword, by fire, or any other method; but Hostiensis Go-fact, we have still extant a patent granted dofredus, Covarruvias, Simancas, Roxas, &c. maintain that they ought decidedly to be burnt. In fact, as Hostiensis very well expressed it, execution by fire is the punishment appropriate to heresy. We read in St. John,- if any one remain not in me, he shall be cast forth, as a branch, and wither, and men shall gather it and cast it into the fire and burn it.'-"It may be added," continued Pegna, "that the universal custom of the Chris-carrying about him the 'san-benito' with tian republic is in support of this opinion. Simancas and Roxas decide that heretics ought to be burnt alive; but one precaution should always be taken in burning them, which is tearing out their tongue and keeping the mouth perfectly closed, in order to prevent their scandalising the spectators by their impieties."

crosses; of his reciting the breviary every day, and ten paternosters in the course of the day, and twenty at midnight; of his preserving perfect chastity, and of his presenting himself every month before the parish priest, &c.; the whole under pain of being treated as heretical, perjured, and impenitent."

Finally, page 369, Eymeric enjoins Although Dominic was the real founder those whom he addresses to proceed in of the inquisition, yet Louis de Paramo, matters of heresy straight forward, with- one of the most respectable writers and out any wranglings of advocates, and most brilliant luminaries of the holy without so many forms and solemnities office, relates, in the second chapter of as are generally employed in criminal his second book, that God was the first cases; that is, to make the process as instituter of the holy office, and that he short as possible, by cutting off useless exercised the power of the preaching delays, by going on with the hearing and brethren, that is of the Dominican order, trial of such causes, even on days when against Adam. In the first place Adam the labours of the other judges are sus-is cited before the tribunal: "Adam ubi pended; by disallowing every appeales?"-Adam, where art thou? And in which has for its apparent object merely fact, adds Paramo, the want of this citaa postponement of final judgment; and tion would have rendered the whole proby not admitting an unnecessary multi-cedure of God null. tude of witnesses, &c.

The dresses formed of skins, which This revolting system of jurisprudence God made for Adam and Eve, were the has simply been put under some restric-model of the 'san-benito,' which the tion in Spain and Portugal; while at holy office requires to be worn by hereMilan the inquisition itself has at length tics. It is true that, according to this been entirely suppressed. argument, God was the first tailor; it is not however the less evident, on account of that ludicrous and profane inference, that he was the first inquisitor.


The inquisition is well known to be an admirable and truly Christian invention for increasing the power of the pope

Adam was deprived of the immoveable property he possessed in the terrestrial

paradise, and hence the holy office con { they had in Arragon and Castile. Diffifiscates the property of all whom it con-culties however arose between the court demns.

Louis de Paramo remarks, that the inhabitants of Sodom were burnt as heretics because their crime is a formal heresy. He thence passes to the history of the Jews and in every part of it discovers the holy office. !

Jesus Christ is the first inquisitor of the new law; the popes were inquisitors by divine right; and they afterwards communicated their power to St. Dominic.

He afterwards estimates the number of all those whom the inquisition has put to death; he states it to be considerably above a hundred thousand.

His book was printed in 1589, at Madrid, with the approbation of doctors, the eulogiums of bishops, and the privi- § lege of the king. We can, at the present day, scarcely form any idea of horrors at once so extravagant and abominable; but at that period nothing appeared more natural and edifying. All men resemble Louis de Paramo when they are fanatics. Paramo was a plain direct man, very exact in dates, omitting no interesting fact, and calculating with precision the number of human victims immolated by the holy office throughout the world.

of Rome and that of Lisbon; tempers became irritated, the inquisition suffered by it, and was far from being perfectly established.

In 1539, there appeared at Lisbon a legate of the pope, who came, he said, to establish the holy inquisition on immoveable foundations. He delivered his letters to King John III. from Pope Paul III. He had other letters from Rome for the chief officers of the court; his patents as legate were duly sealed and signed; and he exhibited the most ample powers for creating a grand inquisitor and all the judges of the holy office. He was however in fact an impostor, of the name of Saavedra, who had the talent of counterfeiting hand-writings, seals, and coats of arms. He had acquired the art at Rome, and was perfected in it at Seville, at which place he arrived in company with two other sharpers. His train was magnificent, consisting of more than a hundred and twenty domestics. To defray, at least in part, the enormous expense with which all this splendour was attended, he and his associates borrowed at Seville large sums in the name of the apostolic chamber of Rome; everything was concerted with the most con

summate art.

He relates, with great naïveté, the establishment of the inquisition in Portugal, The King of Portugal was at first and coincides perfectly with four other perfectly astonished at the pope's dishistorians who have treated of that sub-patching a legate to him without any ject. The following account they unani-previous announcement to him of his inmously agree in :—

Singular Establishment of the Inquisition

in Portugal.

tention. The legate hastily observed, that in a concern so urgent as that of establishing the inquisition on a firm foundation, his holiness could admit of Pope Boniface had long before, at the no delays, and that the king might conbeginning of the fifteenth century, dele-sider himself honoured by the holy fagated some Dominican friars to go to ther's having appointed a legate to be the Portugal, from one city to another, to first person to announce his intention. burn heretics, mussulmen, and Jews; The king did not venture to reply. The but these were itinerant and not station- legate on that very day constituted a ary; and even the kings sometimes com- grand inquisitor, and sent about collectors plained of the vexations caused by them. to receive the tenths; and before the Pope Clement VII. was desirous of giving court could obtain answers from Rome them a fixed residence in Portugal, as to its representations on the subject, the

legate had brought two hundred victims { such at least was the manner of its proto the stake, and collected more than two {ceeding down to our own times. Surely hundred thousand crowns. in this we must perceive something decidedly divine; for it is absolutely incomprehensible that men should have

At length Count Aranda has obtained the blessings of all Europe by paring the nails and filing the teeth of the monster in Spain; it breathes, however, still. INSTINCT.

However, the Marquis of Villanova, a Spanish nobleman, of whom the legate had borrowed at Seville a very consider-patiently submitted to this yoke...... able sum upon forged bills, determined, if possible, to repay himself the money with his own hands, instead of going to Lisbon and exposing himself to the intrigues and influence of the swindler there. The legate was at this time making his circuit through the country, and happened very conveniently to be on the borders of Spain. The marquis unexpectedly advanced upon him with fifty men well-armed, carried him off prisouer, and conducted him to Madrid.

The whole imposture was speedily dis- { covered at Lisbon; the council of Madrid condemned the legate Saavedra to be flogged, and sent to the galleys for ten years; but the most admirable circumstance was, that Pope Paul IV. confirmed subsequently all that the impostor had established; out of the plenitude of his divine power he rectified all the little irregularities of the various procedures, and rendered sacred what before was merely human. Of what importance the arm which God employs in his sacred service?

INSTINCTUS, impulsus,' impulse ;but what power impels us? All feeling is instinct.

A secret conformity of our organs to their respective objects forms our instinct. It is solely by instinct that we perform numberless involuntary movements, just as it is by instinct that we possess curiosity, that we run after novelty, that menaces terrify us, that contempt irritates us, that an air of submission appeases us, and that tears soften us.

We are governed by instinct, as well as cats and goats; this is one further circumstance in which we resemble the mere animal tribes-a resemblance as incontestable as that of our blood, our necessities, and the various functions of our bodies.

Our instinct is never so shrewd and skilful as theirs, and does not even apQu'importe de quel bras Dieu daigne se servir? proach it; a calf and a lamb, as soon as Such was the manner in which the they are born, rush to the fountain of inquisition became established at Lisbon; their mother's milk; but unless the moand the whole kingdom extolled the wis-ther of the infant clasped it in her arms, dom and providence of God on the oc- and folded it to her bosom, it would inevitably perish.


To conclude, the methods of procedure No woman in a state of pregnancy adopted by this tribunal are generally was ever invincibly impelled to prepare known; it is well known how strongly { for her infant a convenient wicker cradle, they are opposed to the false equity and as the wren with its bill and claws preblind reason of all other tribunals in the pares a nest for her offspring. But the world. Men are imprisoned on the mere power of reflection which we possess, in accusation of persons the most infamous; conjunction with two industrious hands a son may denounce his father, and the presented to us by nature, raises us to wife her husband; the accused is never an equality with the instinct of animals, confronted with the accusers; and the and in the course of time places us infiproperty of the person convicted is con-nitely above them, both in respect to fiscated for the benefit of the judges:good and evil:—a proposition condemned

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