tion of the Karroo Plains-Geognosy of the Peninsula of the Cape of Good Hope-The Lion's Rump-Lion's Head-Table Mountain Devil's Peak-To what Class of Rocks do those of the Cape Peninsula belong?-At what Period did the Cape Rocks rise above the Level of the Sea? Vegetables incrusted with Calcareous Sand confounded with Coral, and adduced as a Proof of the very recent Emergence from the Ocean of the Lands supporting them-Geology of the Table-Land properly so called Account of the Sibilo of the Africans Geo- logical Survey of the Karroo Ground recommended- Rivers South African Lakes-South African Springs- Remarks on the Importance of a Knowledge of the Na- tural History and Chemical Composition of Springs- Geology of Caffraria, Natal, &c._Conclusion,... Page 330 Introductory Observations--Orang-outang--Monkeys- Baboons--Lemurs-Galagos--Bats--Shrew Mice- Cape Mole Tenrec-Ratel-Otter Jackals and Wild Dogs-Civets-Lion-Panther and Leopard-Lynxes --Squirrels-Marmots-Sand Mole-Gerboa--Rats and Mice-Dormice-Porcupines-Hares and Rabbits- Cape Anteater-Manis-Elephant-Rhinoceros-Ethi- opian Hog-Hippopotamus-Zebra-Quagga-Camel -Dromedary-Red Deer-Giraffe-Antelopes of vari- Introductory Observations--Vultures--Serpent-eater- Eagles--Hawks--Owls--Butcher-birds-Thrushes- Buntings-Colius-Beef-eaters-Rollers-Goat-suckers -Swallows-Hoopoes--Promerops--Creepers- Bee- eater-Kingfishers-Hornbills--Woodpeckers Cuckoos -Honey-guide--Parrots--Pogonias-Trogon-Muso- phaga-Touraco-Pigeons--Guinea Fowls-Quails- Partridges, &c.-Ostrich-Bustards-Balearic Cranes- Flamingo-Gigantic Stork-Umber-Snipe and Wood- cock-Sandpiper-Courier-Plover-Penguin-Pelican Introductory Observations-Crocodiles-Lizards-Cha- meleon--Serpents--Frogs--General Observations on Fishes-Muræna-Gobius-Cottus- Scorpæna--Zeus -Remora-Labrus--Mackarel--Surmullet--Flying Gurnard-Electric Silure--Salmon--Polypterus-Ar- gentine--Flying-fish-Polyneme-African Herring- Carp--Mormyrus-Ray--Ostracion--Tetrodon-Pipe- fish-Fossil Fish-General Observations on Shells-Va- rious African Species-Remarks on the Distribution of Insects-Goliathus, &c.-Paussus-Mantis-Locusts- ERRATUM. ENGRAVINGS. MAP of Africa,..... VIGNETTE-Caravan in the Desert. To face the Title-page. Group of Figures-Chief, Jillemen or Native Musi cians, and Gree-gree Man or Magician,............Page 71 Female Negro Dancer,....... 92 Park's Routes, 100 Tuarick on his Camel, with Male and Female Tibboo, 174 Queen of Lattakoo, Lattakoo Warrior, and two Bosjes Group of African Animals-In front, in the centre, the Rhinoceros;-to the right, the Hippopotamus and Orang-outang. In the centre back-ground, the Giraffe;-to the left, Antelopes and Zebra,............395 DISCOVERY AND ADVENTURE IN AFRICA. CHAPTER I. General View of the Natural Features of Africa. BEFORE following the career of adventure and discovery in Africa, and viewing its kingdoms and regions under their varied aspects, it may be interesting to take a rapid survey of this continent in its original state, as it came from the hands of Nature. Though immense, and abounding even with the most striking and surprising contrasts, yet, on a general view, a certain uniformity, approaching almost to monotony, appears to pervade it. From one end to the other, dreary wastes, of almost boundless extent, are spread over its surface, alternating with bright intervals of the most luxuriant vegetation. These arid tracts also have their borders embellished by shrubs and flowers, tinted with the most brilliant hues; while a profusion of animal life, in all its forms, distinguishes the more temperate latitudes. |