From Heaven With A Shout!Xulon Press, 2004 - 224 pàgines "From Heaven with a Shout!" first makes a compelling case for the Rapture as a Bible-based end-time event, and it then focuses attention on how everyone must prepare for the Rapture. (Christian Religion) |
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PRELUDE | ix |
SECTION | 13 |
What is the Rapture? | 15 |
When is the Rapture? | 21 |
How Will the Rapture Take Place? | 33 |
SECTION | 47 |
Is the Rapture a New Doctrine? | 49 |
Like a Thief in the Night? | 52 |
Are We Really Living in the End Times? | 66 |
Looking for His Appearing | 97 |
A Solid Foundation | 103 |
Growing Up into Him in All Things | 113 |
Staying In Touch with God | 145 |
Be Not Afraid | 157 |
A Place of Flowing Rivers | 161 |
Hasten unto His Coming | 173 |
How Can a Loving God Leave Some Behind? | 53 |
Will the Jews Build a Temple? | 56 |
Is the Rapture Escapism? | 57 |
Is the Rapture the Second Coming? | 61 |
Any Concrete Signs of Approaching Rapture? | 62 |
Where will the antiChrist Come From? | 64 |
Who are the Ten Virgins? | 65 |
A Faith that would Not Let Go | 179 |
By the Word of their Testimony | 185 |
Be A Doer of the Word | 195 |
Determine in Your Heart | 201 |
The Rest is Up To God | 205 |
LAST LINE | 217 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
Acts alive already angels anti-Christ appear behold believe Bible blessed body book of Isaiah book of Revelation brethren children of Israel Christians Church cometh coming concerning Corinthians Daniel death devil disciples earth Elijah Ephesians expect faith Fellowship flesh flood gave gifts given glory God's word godly Gospel grace hath heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit hope important Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews John keep knowledge live Luke manifestations Matthew mind Ministers ministry Moses passage Paul Peter praise pray prayer preached prepared promise prophecies prophets Psalms Rapture received resurrection Revelation saints salvation say unto Scriptures Second Coming signs spake stand taught teaching Temple ten virgins Testament testimony thee Thessalonians things Thou shalt tion translated Tribulation truth understand verse walk warned watch wisdom worship written Zerubbabel