THE PARLIAMENTARY OR CONSTITUTIONAL Hiftory of England; BEINGA FAITHFUL ACCOUNT Of all the Most remarkable TRANSACTIONS In PARLIAMENT, From the earliest TIMES, TO THE Restoration of King CHARLES II. COLLECTED From the RECORDS, the JOURNALS of both HOUSES, original By SEVERAL HANDS. Juvat integross accedere Fontes. VOL. XII. From the Call of the House of Commons, November 1, 1642, till the Convention at Oxford, in January 1643. The SECOND EDITIΟΝ. LONDON, Printed, and fold by WILLIAM SANDBY, against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street. MDCCLXII. THE Parliamentary History OF ENGLAND. 1642. N the first of November the Commons An. 18. Car. I. November. should attend within three Days; all at The Commons a farther Distance, within eight Days; and that such require the Atas did not appear within the Times limited, should tendance of their Members. be fent for by Messengers, who were to bring them up. This Order was occafioned by the Thinness of the House, for some Months past, which appears by the following Divisions extracted from their Journals. The most material Points, which gave Occafion to these, have been taken Notice of in their proper Order of Time: The Numbers, only, will be therefore fufficient for this Review. |