Imatges de pàgina

Drown your morals, madam cries,
I'll have none but forward eyes;
Prudes decay'd about may tack,
Strain their necks with looking back;
Give me time when coming on:
Who regards him when he's gone?
By the dean though gravely told,
New years help to make me old;
Yet I find a new year's lace
Burnishes an old year's face :
Give me velvet and quadrille,
I'll have youth and beauty ftill.



Written in the Year 1730.

E give the world to understand,
Our thriving dean has purchas'd

A purchase, which will bring him clear
Above his rent four pounds a year;
Provided, to improve the ground
He will but add two hundred pound,

*The dean gave this name, to a farm called Drumlack, which he took of Sir Arthur Achefon, whofe feat lay be

tween that and Market-bill and intended to build an houfe upon it, but afterwards changed his mind.


And from his endless hoarded ftore
To build a houfe five hundred more,
Sir Arthur too fhall have his will,
And call the manfion Drapier's hill :
That when a nation, long enflav'd,
Forgets by whom it once was fav'd;
When none the DRAPIER's praise fhall fing;
His figns aloft no longer fwing;
His medals and his prints forgotten,
And all his handkerchiefs are rotten;
His famous LETTERS made wafte paper;
This hill may keep the name of DRAPIER;
In spight of envy, flourish still,

And DRAPIER'S vie with COOPER'S hill.

Medals were caft, many honour of the author, under figns hung up, and handker- the name of M. B. Drapier. chiefs made with devices, in



The Grand Queftion debated.


Hamilton's *Bawn fhould be turned into a Barrack or a Malt-Houfe..

Written in the Year 1729.


HUS spoke to my lady the knight ‡ full of care,

Let me have your advice in a weighty affair.

This + HAMILTON's bawn, whilft it sticks. on my hand,

I lose by the house what I get by the land;

But how to dispose of it to the best bidder,

For a § barrack or malt-houfe, we now muft confider.

*A Bawn was a place near the house, inclofed with mud or ftone walls to keep the cattle from being stolen in the night. They are now little used.

Sir Arthur Achefon, at whofe feat it was written.

A large old house, two miles from Sir Arthur Achefon's feat.

The army in Ireland is lodged in ftrong buildings over the whole kingdom, called Barracks.

First, let me fuppofe I make it a maltboufe,

Here I have computed the profit will fall


There's nine hundred pounds for labour and grain,

I increase it to twelve, fo three hundred remain ;

A handfome addition for wine and good. chear,

Three dishes a day, and three hogfheads a

year :

With a dozen large veffels my vault shall be ftor'd;

No little fcrub joint fhall come on my board: And you and the dean no more fhall combine

To ftint me at night to one bottle of wine: Nor fhall I, for his humour, permit you to purloin

A ftone and a quarter of beef from my firloin.

If I make it a barrack, the crown is my


My dear, I have ponder'd again and again


In poundage and drawbacks I lose half my


Whatever they give me, I must be content, Or join with the court in ev'ry debate ; And rather than that I would lofe my estate.

Thus ended the knight: thus began his meek wife;

It muft, and it shall be a barrack, my life. I'm grown a meer mopus; no company


But a rabble of tenants, and rufty dull *Rums.

With parfons what lady can keep herself


I'm all over daub'd when I fit by the dean. But if you will give us a barrack, my dear, The captain, I'm fure, will always come


I then shall not value his deanfhip a ftraw, For the captain, I warrant, will keep him

in awe;

Or should he pretend to be brisk and alert, Will tell him that chaplains fhould not be

fo pert;

*A cant word in Ireland for a poor country clergyman.


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