5 What unbelieving heart shall dare While still he owns his ancient name? 6 To thee our souls in faith arise, And boldly through the desert tread, L. M. 140. The Bounties of Providence. DODDRIDGE. 1 FATHER of lights, we sing thy name, 2 Fountain of good, from thee proceed Which through the hills and through the meads Revive the grass, and swell the grain. 3 Through the wide world thy bounties spread; Yet millions of our guilty race, Though by thy daily bounty fed, 4 Not so may our forgetful hearts O'erlook the tokens of thy care; 5 So shall our suns more grateful shine, 1 LET the whole race of creatures lie Whate'er his sovereign voice has formed 2 Ten thousand ages ere the skies All the long years and worlds to come 3 There's not a sparrow or a worm, 4 If light attend the course I run, 5 Yet I would not be much concerned, The volumes of his deep decrees, 6 When he reveals the book of life, O, may I read my name Amongst the chosen of his love, The followers of the Lamb! C. M. 142. J. SCOTT. Divine Providence and the Folly of Self-dependence, 1 GOD reigns! events in order flow, 2 The swift not always in the race 3 Fond mortals do themselves beguile, 4 'T is ours the furrows to prepare, 5 Evil and good before thee stand, The sun shines bright at thy command, 6 In all our ways, we humbly own Intrusting to thy care alone The Mystery and Benignity of Providence. 1 GOD moves in a mysterious way, 2 Deep in unfathomable mines. He treasures up his vast designs, 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, 5 His purposes will ripen fast, The bud may have a bitter taste, 6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, L. M. 144. LIV. OLD COL. Our Portion in Life appointed by God. 1 THROUGH all the various shifting scene 2 Thou givest with paternal care, Of joy and sorrow, health and pain. 3 All things on earth, and all in heaven, On thy eternal will depend; And all for greater good were given, Would man pursue the appointed end. to all beside 4 Be this my care, Indifferent let my wishes be; Passion be calm, subdued be pride, And fixed my soul, great God! on thee. L. M. 145. Giving Thanks in all Things. BROWNE. 1 GOD of our lives! our thanks to thee 2 From thee our comforts all arise, Our numerous wants thy hand supplies ; Nor can we ever, Lord, be poor, Who live on thine exhaustless store. |