LUME. Τ. VER, ONDON: Y C. WHITTINGHAM, Street, Fetter Lane; BOOKSELLER TO HER MAJESTY, 190, PICCADILLY, MARIA LANE; AND SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER ROW: AT OXF THE CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, CONDUCTED BY MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. FOR THE YEAR 1804, BEING THE THIRD VOLUME. LONDON: PRINTED BY C. WHITTINGHAM, PUBLISHED BY JOHN HATCHARD, BOOKSELLER TO HER MAJESTY, 190, PICCADILLY, TO WHOM COMMUNICATIONS, POST PAID, MAY BE ADDRESSED. SOLD ALSO IN LONDON, BY SEELEY, AVE MARIA LANE; AND SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER ROW: AT OXFORD, PREFACE. AT the close of the third year of our labours, it will be expected that we should address a few words to those persons who have either favoured us with their patronage, or perused our publication. Whether we have discharged the office of CHRISTIAN OBSERVERS in a manner calculated to promote the interests of true religion, must be submitted to their judgment. We hope, however, that in passing sentence they will, not fail to bear in mind the magnitude and variety of those difficulties, under which the conductors of such a work as ours are laid. We would begin with returning thanks to the public for the liberal encouragement which they have continued to afford us during the last year, and more particularly to our correspondents for the valuable aid which we have received from them. Their contributions have been very numerous, and the only merit in this respect to which we are entitled, is that of selection. Whether that task has been judiciously performed, we will not take upon us to decide. Anxious for our own part to recommend plain, serious, and practical religion; and to affirm the great evangelical doctrines of our Church, without too much encouraging nice theological distinctions; we, nevertheless, tolerate some latitude of opinion on subordinate questions, particularly those which are at issue between the Calvinists and the Arminians; and we have occasionally permitted temperate controversialists to speak for themselves. In endeavouring, however, to maintain that even balance which we |