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The ar mies of the ransomed saints Throng up the steeps of light:
What ring ing of a thou-sand harps Be speaks the tri-umph nigh!
What knitting severed friend-ships up, Where part-ings are no more!
up the roll of Thine elect, Then take Thy pow'r and reign:

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gold- en gates, And let the vic-tors in.
for-mer woes A

thou-sand-fold re- paid!

Fling open wide the
joy, for all its
Orphans no longer father-less, Nor wid-ows des - o - late.
Show in the heav'n Thy promised sign! Thou Prince and Saviour, come.


[blocks in formation]


The Orders of Worship and Their Use

HE ELMHURST HYMNAL would be incomplete without this final section of Orders of Worship. In our Sunday-schools to-day an increasing emphasis is being laid on training in worship. Dignified and impressive services of worship are taking the place of the outworn "opening exercises," which were marked by the hurried and hap-hazard selection of hymns, the sounding of signal bells, the arrival of late comers, etc. What is needed are services of worship marked by the very same spirit of reverence found in our beautiful church services for adults, but adapted to the needs, interests, and capacities of our Sunday-school pupils. Hymns, Scripture readings, prayers, stories or talks should be carefully selected and unified in each service with a definite aim toward obtaining the proper response from the worshipers. True worship is fellowship with God, and if properly planned a period of worship will aid greatly in Christian character building. In the presence of God the worshiper forms new purposes, motives, and seeks to bring his life into harmony with the will of the Father. He finds forgiveness and inward peace; he consecrates himself anew to tasks in the service of the Master.

The reader will notice at a glance that the titles and sub-titles of the Orders of Worship refer to the topical arrangement of the hymns, and that a special order is planned for each group of hymns. Order number two, "Our Father's Love and CareThe Good Shepherd, " for example, is designed to be used with hymns numbers 44 to 49 and 121 to 131. The Responsive Readings at the end of the book also are arranged in the sequence of the hymn topics and the Orders of Worship. This allows for a change in hymns and alternate or additional Scripture readings, while the main structure of the service may remain. The orders, therefore, are designed as models and as outlines for worship programs based on some central and unifying theme suggested by the topical headings of the hymns, such as, for example, "Trust in the Love and Care of the Father." The orders then are not to be used once only on some special occasion; but whenever and wherever the hymn book is used for training in worship. These orders are the Manual of Method for the use of the worship material in the Elmhurst Hymnal. It is planned that the form of the worship under each topic shall be more or less fixed, but that the elements may be changed or elaborated to suit local conditions. It is believed such an aid will be welcomed by pastors, superintendents, teachers, and older pupils.

Leaders will find it of great value to plan for a series of services covering a given topic. The use of one order of worship with change of hymns, Scripture readings, etc., makes it possible to plan for this very easily.. It is well for an assembly to become acquainted with the order of exercises in a given service to fully appreciate the worship material. Orders for special days, such as Rally Day, National Holidays, as well as for the great festivals of the Christian church, such as Christmas, Easter, Reformation Day, etc., have been included. Many of these special orders may easily be adapted for use in a combined service of school and congregation.

The orders will be found to include material for worship which is of abiding value. Some of the choicest Psalms are found in the body of the orders. Many of them may be used as unison selections, others may be read responsively. An unusually large number of selections have been included from the new Testament in the text of the American Revised Version. Most of the prose selections may be read by the leader, others in unison, but never should the prose be read responsively. Many of the choicest prayers, ancient and modern, are included. Special acknowledgment is due the Pilgrim Press for permission to reprint prayers of Walter Rauschenbusch.

A place has been provided in each order for a "Talk, or Other Special Contribution." Such Talk should always be very brief, straight forward, and to the point, and should lend unity to the entire service. A great deal can be done in five minutes. Topics will often suggest themselves through the lesson material or the hymns or Scripture selections. The leader will usually take this task upon himself. But this hymn book is primarily designed for the large group of young people in our Sundayschools and churches, and since training in worship is best accomplished through actual participation therein, the young people should be encouraged to lead their own department or class worship assemblies. In such cases a class or one of its members may be made responsible for this number. Often the reading of a brief essay, or a short debate may take the place of a talk. The book will be found of great help in meetings of young people's societies. In services of worship for the younger children a story will usually have a place in the order.

Closing exercises have not been included. Schools which meet in assembly again following the lesson period, may easily dismiss with an appropriate hymn and benediction. It is best to arrange for one period distinctly reserved for a service of worship, and perhaps omit the usual closing exercises, and thus lengthen the teaching period.



The Bible Text generally used in the Orders of Worship and Responsive Readings in this Hymnal, is taken from the American Standard Version of the Revised Bible, copyright, 1901, by Thomas Nelson & Sons, and is used by permission.

The Prayers by Walter Rauschenbusch are taken from "Prayers of the Social Awakening," by the same author, and are copyright property of the Pilgrim Press. They are used by permission.

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