SERMON XVIII. THE SPEECH OF THE DEAD. Heb. xi. 4. And by it he, being dead, yet speaketh. 242 SERMON XIX. THE NATURE AND REASONABLENESS OF DEVOTION. Psalms c. 3, 4, 5.-Know ye that the Lord he is - SERMON XX. DUTIES OF A PREACHER. 2 Tim. ii. 15. Study to show thyself approved unto SERMON ΧΧΙ. POLICY OF PRIESTCRAFT. Jer. v. 30, 31. A wonderful and horrible thing is SERMON XXII. SALVATION OF ALL A DOCTRINE OF REPROACH. 253 Tim iv. 10. For therefore we both labour and that believe. - SERMON XXIII. GOD THE AUTHOR OF ALL THINGS. 267 1 Sam. xxii. part 22. -I have occasioned the death - - 281 292 - 306. SERMON I. "IT IS APPOINTED UNTO MAN ONCE TO DIE, BUT AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT." DELIVERED IN BOSTON ON THE SECOND SABBATH IN FEB. 1818. 1. НЕВ, ІХ. 27, 28, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judg ment; so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin unto salvation." BEING Sensible that the common opinion entertained of this portion of divine truth, is in a very important sense different from what I am fully persuaded the Apostle designed to communicate, it seems reasonable that the hearer should be advertised of this circumstance in the introduction of the subject. If the audience should pass the time of the introduction with minds directed to, and possessed of the general opinion of a day of judgment in a future state, which is the subject to which our text is applied, by almost universal consent, it might be difficult for the hearer to undergo so great a transition at once, as would be required, in order to gain a clear view of the true sense of the passage under consideration. In order, therefore, that the candid inquirer after truth, should not be too much embarrassed with traditional notions on this subject, it is thought expedient to bring the general opinion of the text first into view, and expose its improprieties, so that the mind, being satisfied, in some degree at least, of the error of the commonly |