From Noble and Noble, New York, N. Y. NEW PLAYS FOR EVERY DAY THE SCHOOLS CELEBRATE. By Minnie A. Niemeier, Assistant Principal, New York City Public Schools. $2.00. There, are many special features of this book which are noticeable at a glance, and that are praiseworthy. The book answers the oft-repeated question, "What shall we do to emphasize this (or that) holiday that occurs, or that should be celebrated, this month?" Such questions are coming up all the time, in the schools and in the community; and the teachers and parents and playground leaders must have the appropriate answer upon their "tongue's end." On ordinary school days, also, there are times when the book will be especially timely; the suggestions and directions given will help out the teacher and make the pupils happy and satisfied and eager to be regular and punctual at the school sessions. There are sixteen plays presented; they are suitable to such occasions as the New Year, Lincoln's and Washington's Birthdays, Arbor Day, Mothers' Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Days, Red Cross Week, etc. They are short and to the point. This is a book that should be in every school library. By the same Publishers as the above: ONE TERM COURSE IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. By Benjamin A. Heydrick, A.M., of the High School of Commerce, New York City. $1.30. An Introduction to the chief Authors in English and American Literature, with reading lists and references for further study. Special attention is called to the brevity of the chapters (without serious sacrifices); the simplicity of style; the timeliness of the selections (the selections bring the history down to events happening in 1927); and the interest of the subject-matter to the pupils,-all these are in evidence. From the Oxford University Press we have a little gem of a book on CHILD HEALTH AND CHARACTER. By Elizabeth M. Sloan Chesser, M.D., Author of "The Woman Who Knows Herself," and other books of Health and Child Psychology. Mothers and fathers, as well as teachers should own and read this book. Here are some of the Chapter headings: Infancy, Child Psychology, The Difficult Child, Boys' Games, Adolescence (two chapters), Prevention of Illness. And at only $1.25. From the Globe Book Company, New York, N. Y., FUNDAMENTALS OF FRENCH. By Raphael Windman (Stuyvesant High School, New York City). A brief and easy first book in French. And, again by the same publishers, NEW TYPE QUESTIONS IN CHEMISTRY. 80 cents. Clear typography, and brevity in getting at essential points, are prominent features of both these books. From Harcourt, Brace & Company: HIGH SCHOOL POEMS. Collected by The Script Club, West High School, Minneapolis. Foreword by Louis Untermeyer. 75 cents. Delicious poems,-yes, real poems, written by High School pupils. They will thrill you. They will assure you that poetry is not the studied product of age and literary genius. It surges in the heart and mind and experience of your boy and mine. Cultivate and encourage them! There are Shakespeares and Tennysons on every hand. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL AS IT WAS. By One Who Went to It. Edited by Clifton Johnson. T. Y. Crowell Company. It will revive old experiences in the minds of many of us. INTERNATIONAL CIVICS. The Community of Nations. By Pitman B. Potter and Roscoe L. West. The Macmillan Company. All about the League of Peace, and kindred topics. A useful subject and book for young Americans to study. Every one should catch its spirit. Then War will be,-no more. LONG AGO IN GAUL. By L. Lamprey. Illustrations by Margaret Freeman. Little, Brown and Company. An interesting story for any reader, young or old. Especially helpful in creating interest in the minds and hearts of students beginning the study of Latin. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP AND OTHER TALES. By Bret Harte. And LORNA DOONE. By R. D. Blackmore. These are excellent numbers in The Macmillan Company's "The Modern Readers' Series," edited by Ashley H. Thorndike. Half leather, $1.25; blue cloth, 80 cents. THE ESSAY. By R. D. O'Leary, Professor of English, University of Kansas. $1.75 net. Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, N. Y. A paper covered booklet on ESSAY WRITING, by the same Author, price 25 cents, by same publishers. EXERCISE BOOK IN FRENCH. By Harvey J. Swann, Ph.D., and Andre C. Fontaine, B. es L. P., M.A. The Globe Book Company, New York, N. Y. $1.00. HOW TO MAKE LINOLEUM BLOCKS. By Curtis Sprague. Price $1.00. Published by Bridgman Publishers, Pelham, N. Y. INTELLIGENCE EXERCISES IN ENGLISH. Oxford University Press. 35 cents. By J. Stephenson. The THE GATEWAY TO ENGLISH. Part IV. By H. A. Treble and G. H. Vallins. $1.25. The Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York, N. Y. HISTORY OF GIRARD COLLEGE. By President Cheesman A. Herrick. Can be had for $2.00, plus carriage charges, by addressing the Steward's Office at the College, Philadelphia, Pa. Has many illustrations and portraits. ELEMENTS OF RURAL SOCIOLOGY. By Newell LeRoy Sims. Edited by Seba Eldridge (University of Kansas). The Author is Professor of Sociology in Oberlin College. The book is one of the volumes in Crowell's Social Science Series. T. Y. Crowell Company (New York City). Price $3.75. Fully illustrated, having 712 pages, 8vo., this volume is comprehensive, up-to-date, and exceptionally interesting. So many of the people of the United States are living in rural districts, and are representatives of so many nationalities, and engaged in so many industries, that a book of this kind is of vast importance and should be and is studied not only in the schools, but also by the adult citizens. It has a value in many ways, far above most literature. The Author labored hard, for many years, in producing his book. It should be used, and is used, in the leading universities and colleges of the United States. It will always and everywhere make for understanding, peace, and prosperity. NUMBERLAND. By Ina M. Hayes, Charles S. Gibson, George R. Bodley. With illustrations by Dorothy Rittenhouse Morgan. D. C. Heath nd Company. $1.28. The book allures the child of the first and second grades to learn arithmetic "through the pleasant paths of rhyme, picture, and story." He finds out how to number his cookies, his rabbits, his boats, etc. He learns without effort and without knowing that he is learning. His book is as pleasant an experience as being read to by his mother or sister, out of "Mother Goose," or any other children's "classic." HENIN'S FRENCH VERB DRILL PAD. By B. L. Henin, Globe Book Company, New York, N. Y. Also, French Pronunciation Charts, by F. L. Coussirat. A series of pads on stiff pasteboard; they will aid the pupils to acquire and to remember, in learning to speak and read French. Publishers' address is 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. THE NEW SECOND READER. By Eva A. Smedley and Martha C. Olsen. Illustrations by Matilda Breuer. Published by Hall & McCreary Company, Chicago. Belongs in a series of Readers,-all of them beautifully illustrated and coördinated in a progressive series. If you are contemplating new books in the grades it would be well to get in touch with the above-named publishers. INFORMATION ABOUT THE MAGAZINE " 'EDUCATION" Established in 1880 by the late Hon. Thomas W. Bicknell, Notable American Educator. Its first article (on Text-Books and Their Uses) was by Hon. William T. Harris. The present Editor joined the Editorial Staff in May, 1892. All articles in Education are original contributions, not to be had elsewhere. Its contributors are, practically all, able and active Educators. Aims to aid all School and College Officials and Teachers in solving their daily problems. Its issues are monthly, from September to June inclusive. Most Librarians bind the numbers annually, in July or August. A Title Page and a Table of Contents for a given Volume appear in the June issue. We can usually supply missing back numbers when you bind the year's numbers. Do not throw away your back numbers; they have a cash value. Librarians may safely suggest Education as a source-book of information on teaching and administration. 49th YEAR AND VOLUME BEGINNING SEPTEMBER, 192 $4.00 A YEAR Per Number 40c FOREIGN POST, 300 a yr. CANADIAN POST 20c a yr. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS TO THE MAGAZINE "EDUCATION" I insist that all majors in education report certain articles from some number of your organ."-Professor Curtis T. Williams, School of Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. "Our Public School uses the Magazine files very extensively and would like to have these years complete, whatever they cost."-E. L. Kruse, for Media, Pa., Free Library. "In reviewing some of our best professional journals, I spoke with emphasis of the manysidedness and broad-mindedness of your 'Education.'"-Carroll D. Champlin, California, Pa. "I cannot afford to miss a single number. I have been a subscriber for more than twenty years."-Superintendent C. E. Spaulding, Plymouth, Indiana, Public Schools. "Rest assured that your Magazine stands at the top, and has backbone. So many of the educational papers lack 'pep' and contact with growing, fighting reality of life."-Henry Flury, Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. "Your journal continues rich in material of the type most needed in this age. There is nothing more timely in the field than Education.'"-From Professor Harold Saxe Tuttle, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. "It is one of the best-read magazines of its kind that we have on our shelves and is excellent for reference purposes."—A. F. Mailman, Free Public Library, Berlin, N. H. "Opens a fund of information and interest to the readers in our Free Library."-Supt. V. G. Ketkar, Poona City, India. "Has rendered a great service to the cause of education through a long period of years.”— Joy E. Morgan, Washington, D. C. 120 BOYLSTON STREET FRANK HERBERT PALMER, A. M., EDITOR PUBLISHERS |