Imatges de pàgina

HANDY BOOK OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION. By Ruth M. Whitfield, Proviso Township High School, Maywood, Illinois. Henry Holt and Company, New York and Boston. This is at once simple and easy to understand; and, at the same time, accurate and scholarly; and the subject is one that every boy and girl, man and woman, should master. For we all have to frame sentences and to express opinions; and our speech determines, largely, our success, our station in life, and our reputation in social life. While the volume is comprehensive (there are 335 pages) it is easily carried in an ordinary pocket; and it is so well printed that it is a pleasure to have it in hand,--or to open it to read. You will soon learn much from it that will count in placing you as an intelligent person. And when you wish to express yourself, either by word of mouth or in letters to your friends and others, your words will carry, and have beauty and force.

REPRESENTATIVE SHORT-STORIES. Edited by Amanda M. Ellis. Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York City. A well made book, giving stories by such writers as Washington Irving, Edgar Allen Poe, Hawthorne, Bret Harte, Kipling, Tolstoi, etc. The size of this book allures it into the pocket of the traveler for perusal during a journey. It is well adapted to the classroom also. The Notes and suggestions for further study will come in handy for the student.

EXTRA CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES. By Riverda H. Jordan (Cornell University). Price $2.50 net. T. Y. Crowell Company, New York. Instruction and suggestions for Entertainments, Dramatics, School Publications, Social Organizations, Athletics, Military Drill, etc., etc. Excellent type, diagrams, etc. A book that should be in every school and college library.

From The Gregg Publishing Company, New York, N. Y.: RATIONAL OBJECTIVE TESTS IN BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING. There is also a series of Teachers' Manuals and Keys. They will be found admirable and up to date in their methods and arrangement.

From the Child Study Association of America, 54 West 74th Street, New York: A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS. Each book has been read by experts, and their work will be of real interest and use to parents, everywhere.

THE STUDY OF POETRY, A Literary Supplement. By A. R. Entwistle, B.A. Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd. Opens the door and cultivates appreciation! If the reader of this reference to this book will get it, he (or she) will be indebted to the author, the publishers, and the reviewer. Every young person in our schools and colleges should learn to understand and love poetry.

CORRECTIVE EXERCISES IN ENGLISH. K. M. Monro and S. A. Taintor. New York, the Globe Book Company. It will aid and train young students in their work on English composition, both in writing and speaking.

From The Bruce Publishing Company: GORDON PROGRESSIVE PLAN BOOK. Arranged by A. W. Gordon, State Department of Education, Augusta, Maine. 75 cents. It has sufficient space for a year's work of 42 weeks.

From The American Library Association: GEOGRAPHY AND OUR NEED OF IT. By J. Russell Smith. One of the helpful booklets in the "Reading with a Purpose" series. (Chicago.) The cloth edition is 50 cents; paper, 35 cents.

From The Gregg Publishing Company, New York, N. Y. FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS PRACTICE. This is a Pad of Assignments, many of the pages containing forms and blanks for the student to fill out, thus giving knowledge and suggestions in business bookkeeping.

From The English Journal Company (Chicago): CHICAGO PRACTICE TESTS FOR THE MASTERY OF THE MECHANICS OF WRITTEN ENGLISH. They are designed for individual work,-beginning with diagnostic tests. There are practice tests marked by an index number, and reference sheets presenting a clear statement, with illustration of the more important principles of mechanics. Price is 50 cents for the set. The test books (blue) can be re-ordered at 30 cents. Address 6705 Yale Avenue, Chicago, Ills.

From Robert M. McBride & Company (New York, N. Y.) we have a paper-covered small book exploiting an evidently gifted writer of poetry and prose and plays. Its title is PAUL GREEN. The writer or editor is Barrett H. Clark. The editor exalts Paul Green; and the description of his literary ability seems to prove his genius. He took prizes during his educational course in school and college, went to the World War, returned and became a professor, was founder of The Carolina Playmakers, etc. Seemingly, this little book suggests that its "hero" will some time become universally known and produce many literary writings in the future.

Again, from The Gregg Publishing Company we have Fundamentals of Business. A COURSE OF JUNIOR BUSINESS TRAINING. By C. E. Birch, B.S. in Ed., LL.B., M.Accts. The author's claim seems to be sustained as one examines this volume; his aim is "to assist in vocational guidance"; "to teach business facts of general value"; and "to afford elementary vocational training." The book is a model of clarity and directness. No space is wasted. Everything "tells."

We have space only for the titles and authors and publishers of the following, viz.: FAIRY FOLK STORY AND PICTURES, a "silent Reader with pictures to color," by Miriam Mason Swain (16 cents a copy), Hall & McCreary Company, Chicago; and GENERAL LANGUAGE COURSE, a number in the International Auxiliary Language Association in the United States, Inc., the course being specially prepared by Helen S. Eaton. This book makes clear the grammar of Esperanto. MANUAL FOR FRESHMAN ENGLISH, Courses 103 and 104, published by the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. And .WORKING MANUAL OF ORIGINAL SOURCES IN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, by Milton Conover, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press.

ADDITIONAL POEMS TO PALGRAVE'S GOLDEN TREASURY. This is another number in the Macmillan Company's "Pocket Classics." An excellent addition! 48 cents.

Another handy volume in the same series as the above, is called SELECTIONS FROM THE TATLER, THE SPECTATOR, AND THEIR SUCCESSORS. Edited, with an Introduction, by Walter Graham, Professor of English, University of Illinois.

PREMIERES AVENTURES DE ROBINSON CRUSOE. Daniel Defoe. A French edition of the famous Robinson Crusoe. With exercises and a vocabulary by Arthur Wilson-Greene, M.A. The Macmillan Company. Price $1.25.

ALGEBRA FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS. By Stephen Emery and Eva E. Jeffs. New York, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. Price $1.85. N. B. This book will be reviewed shortly by R. R. Goff, Director of Mathematics, New Britain, Conn., who is our Mathematical Book Reviewer.

THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (for 19241925), Washington, D. C. By J. Walter Fewkes, Chief. Continues the operation of the Bureau in accordance with the Act of Congress approved in June, 1924. It is a large volume, of 900 pages, with many illustrations. No doubt there is value in the annual volumes that preserve the facts that can be gathered today, that might be lost tomorrow if they were not thus studied and interpreted. What would we not give to be able to recite the details of the life of our fellow men in various parts of the world from the beginnings of human history!

AMERICAN NEUTRALITY AND INTERNATIONAL POLICE. By Philip C. Jessup. This is Volume XI in the series of World Peace Foundation Pamphlets. Published by the Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon Street, Boston, Mass.

1.25 net.

A TESTIMONIAL TO "EDUCATION" From a "Principal emeritus" of an Eastern City High School

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(For personal reasons the writer of the above asks that his name shall not be printed. His testimonial, however, was entirely spontaneous and unsolicited.)


The Publishers of "EDUCATION."


Established in 1880 by the late Hon. Thomas W. Bicknell, Notable American Educator.

Its first article (en Text-Books and Their Uses) was by Hon. William T. Harris.

The present Editor joined the Editorial Staff in May, 1892.

All articles in Education are original contributions, not to be had elsewhere.

Its contributors are, practically all, able and active Educators.

Aims to aid all School and College Officials and Teachers in solving their daily problems.

Its issues are monthly, from September to June inclusive.

Most Librarians bind the numbers annually, in July or August.

A Title Page and a Table of Contents for a given Volume appear in the June issue.

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Librarians may safely suggest Education as a source-book of information on teaching and administration.

49th YEAR AND VOLUME BEGINNING SEPTEMBER, 1928 $4.00 A YEAR FOREIGN POST, 30c a yr. Per Number 400

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